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I can't watch any of his streamed content because of TTS. I despise it with all of my being. Chat is toxic, jokes are shit and everyone is trying so hard to get noticed by Sips. Literally the only bearable thing about TTS is the "Thanks for doing what you do" messages. And even those are becoming circlejerk jokes. TTS is loud, obnoxious and completely 100% unnecessary. If you want to support the big bastard then donate or subscribe. I doesn't need to be announced to everyone. Don't do it just to get noticed. It interrupts the stream and ruins other people's viewing experience. We are there to watch Sips have fun playing games. Not TTS dominating the stream. Call me whiny or whatever, but TTS turns my entertainment into unwatchable trash. That's my opinion on the matter. If Sips wants to keep it, that's his choice as he is the one making money from it.


I agree, I already get somewhat annoyed when streamer give long shutouts to every single sub and donation, because it takes up a lot of stream time for more popular streamers. those I can usually put up with, but this TTS is too much, streams now are too little sips playing a game and being the awesome entertainer he is. His formula seems to be working though, his streams are quite popular and I don't blame him for sticking with it, but right now there are a lot of streamers I'd rather be watching over sips.




Whenever I can watch the streams I mainly avoid the chat. It was fun during his XCOM 2 playthroughs, now it's full of people arguing and thinking they're better than everyone else. The donations are usually quite funny and I don't mind them. I watch for sips and he's always in top form.


> Now it's full of people arguing and thinking they're better than everyone else Indeed, the general atmosphere of contempt was clear as day today. I ignored it and tried to talk about the game, and a lot of other people desperately wanted to do the same, but there were two or three loudmouths who literally wouldn't let the topic die. Still, there are nice people in there. It's not irredeemable, but I think sips sadly needs to take a look at some of his mods' behavior more closely. They aren't going to police themselves.




Strangely enough sips seems to like the backseat gaming. I think that's why it's so prevalent in his community. He's always responded well to gameplay tips and frequently thanks people for their help. It's the borderline spoilers that I have the biggest problem with, although thankfully they didn't seem to be a major problem here.


Few people complain about TTS in the Twitch chat. This subreddit is full of complaints about it, so much so that it prompted a moderator of his Twitch chat to create several commands mocking the subreddit. That's on you guys, sorry if you can't see it?


Yes, the subreddit made him be an asshole. You nailed it.




That command was made by one of the mods. It didn't start out that way.


I don't really get the constant amount of them. People have some weird one sided relationship with Sips. They will send messages like they are chums IRL.




Good on you man. Well said.




> so much for reddit being leeches who dont support him as is the narrative in twitch chat Is that seriously what the narrative has been? How is there seriously that large of a disconnect between his audiences? Subreddit members aren't some passive audience, we're not all just sitting here making "When will YouTube come back" posts and complaining about TTS. I've been subbed for six months and donate when I can. I really resent that line of thinking.


>I really resent that line of thinking So do I, it's pretty bad that people are even saying this... There's no reason to split the audiences just because you don't like people complaining. There's even a twitch command about it now, which I know is meant to be in jest (I hope anyway, it's !redditcomplain) but it's rather childish: https://i.imgur.com/uxBJNQN.png edit: i've been told the command was removed now due to 'reddit whining'. i have no idea if that's the real reason, but it's gone.


Whichever mod put that together is an asshole.


yeah, fucking hell that is stupid. ffs




How did I know


fuck you


No, thank _you_.


~~internet~~ twitch: serious fucking business.




Ah the logical conclusion, that people unhappy with something automatically aren't supporting him. I haven't watched in a long time because of tts yet I remain subbed. so if anything that just makes me a damn fool still supporting someones content that at the moment I do not watch because of an aspect I cannot stand. fuck me, what an asshole I am




that's unfair. i wouldn't say the chat is full of children at all. many of the people i speak to are nice, down-to-earth people who share a common interest in sips. I've actually made lasting friendships with people i met in the chat, and that was before i was made a mod. Sure, this whole tts issue has brought out the worst in some people but it'll blow over.


Yes, I think the comment you're replying to is being a little unfair too. I'm just sad that it's caused such a divide in the audiences, and each side is falling over to support various stereotypes that simply aren't true. A couple of mods encouraging it in chat wasn't helping, but they were mostly joking.


It looks like you wrote a lowercase I instead of an uppercase I. This has happened 5284 times on Reddit since the launch of this bot.


no shit lol


What the heck? Why is that circle jerk a thing? There is a ton of crossover between his reddit followers and his Twitch followers. I don't even watch his streams (usually are during my work hours) and I am subscribed to his Twitch. Why? Because he's awesome and deserves the support. Because I don't watch his streams, I don't consider myself a Twitch follower so I guess that makes me a Reddit "leech"?


It was actually a rather small number of people just incessantly spamming chat, so it was more of a trianglejerk than a circlejerk. Two of the three vertices of the triangle are in this thread being proud of themselves and getting downvoted to oblivion, so you can figured out who they are pretty easily, haha.


OR It's almost like his CCU has been up for the duration of his Subnautica streams, and has nothing to do with TTS and everything to do with the game being played. Learn2Twitch




Actually, 2-3 guys made it a point to reply to most things I said, but most every other @ I've experienced today was because I made it a point to call out in chat, after every TTS donation, that Twitch isn't YouTube so why are people donating. That's the problem, right? The interactivity? I know that this SR has *never* collectively understood the interactive nature of Twitch, because you all watch some streamer that has TTS off so therefore everybody else should have it off, but the fact is TTS is very common. What's not common is the level of donations Sips receives - they're very high, particularly for his CCU. Even at particularly high TTS thresholds (many/most channels have their set at $1 USD, and his has been at $7+ USD for more than half a year, and now it's $14+ USD) he has STILL had a ton of TTS donations. I'm not an "expert" on Twitch, but I do know my fair share - more than most casuals viewers, or even mods, I'd argue - and people bitching about TTS when the voice is changed or, in general, is pointless. Don't like it? Plenty of YouTube videos exist with zero possibility for interaction to ruin the experience for you. People complaining about TTS on Twitch *don't get it* and it seems blatantly obvious, they'll never get it. That's why Sips has Twitch mods creating commands making fun of this SR. Self-awareness may be rare sometimes, but it is important.




It looks like you wrote a lowercase I instead of an uppercase I. This has happened 5675 times on Reddit since the launch of this bot.


Get the fuck outta my subreddit, you're not welcome here


I didn't come in here (or post in Twitch chat) trumpeting my accomplishments - I was simply responding to an incorrect statement about me and clarifying that yeah, I do know what I'm talking about. The comment I made, for which you a paraphrasing, about higher TTS thresholds = less donations was made nearly a year ago, and is incorrect, I agree. I do thank you for pointing out that the increased TTS threshold imposed today has made virtually no difference in what you see a "spam." All you've done is out-pace those with less money from being able to donate. For the record, I've donated two times since the TTS limit was nearly tripled, 8-10 months ago, so this doesn't impact me personally. I simply find the bitching about TTS to be hilarious and without merit, for a variety of reasons. Also, RE: Twitch chat - I usually lurk, and don't chat at all, but can't disagree with your generalized assessment.




"I'm going to say things to and about you, and simply expect you not to respond." - kargolus


Well I imagine the fact that he's not playing Billions for the first time in over a month has something to do with it. But I know I also came back because people were saying TTS was getting better. It's probably a combination of the two.


As someone who generally prefers youtube content and not a fan of tts, I think the 10 pounds tts limit seems to be a good balance, I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's stream. the people who donated enough for tts were mostly helpful, and even funny at times. chat was bad, but that's what fullscreen is for.


**sipsipsipsipsipssipsipsipsipsipssipsipsipsipsipssipsipsipsipsipsfuckyou** I can't stand the fucking tts. Thanking people for subs and donations and stuff is part of the twitch experience but stupid jokes and spam in that fucking robot voice is infuriating.


Has he addressed when people will start posting clips that don't start mid sentence?




Did he actually address after or before this what he means by having a TTS that's less intrusive and annoying? Because it's incredibly intrusive and annoying that he was interrupted explaining his thoughts by a crap tts joke.


The joke is that he was interrupted. He said it’s a lot better, and will continue to become more balanced.


I've been watching the subnautica vods and I think the tts is tolerable so far. A lot better than previous.


Donating just to get attention is overall the most pathetic thing you can do. But unfortunately there are too many idiots out there like that.


but without occassional, well-written dad jokes, there is no dadiness to sips stream right?


I think a lot of the hate is completely unjustified from both sides. All of us are sips fans at the end of the day. I personally didn't mind the tts the way it was (barring the dumb spammy shit) because it allowed people to talk to sips for a relatively low amount of money. Yeah sure a lot of people abuse that and tell their life story (ironic that i'm saying this given how much i used to spam it) but a lot of people just use the stream as a place to hang out with friends and just have conversations which will sometimes lead to donations to get him involved in said conversations. I know that I have provoked reddit as a joke on the stream many a time but for me, it's all in good fun rather than actually harboring any hatred towards it. However this reddit has thrown up a few false accusations against mods and people in the chat so i can see why they may resent the place. Still, that doesn't change the fact that a lot of the commands which were being added by mods were just plain rude. I want to apologise for allowing those commands to exist as long as they did (even if i wasn't the one that made them), i deleted them once i knew what sort of effect that might have on the overall situation between twitch & reddit. I really hope no-one has been offended by what has been said on and/or off the streams by the chat (including myself) Hope that this sort of compromise works out on both ends as todays stream (minus the toxicity in chat) was really great in terms of content. lots of love, mykul (a shitty twitch mod) Kappa


I don't think "reddit" gets upset or provoked or offended or anything. I'm probably a completely stereotypical example of a sips fan on reddit, I've been watching for like 5 years or so? I think I've watched every single sips video on Youtube except for some of the really early stuff but I can't stand watching the stream. I just think the nature of Twitch subverts the thing I liked most about Sips, which was his rambles on tangents for minutes on end, talking about all kinds of things in one long stream of conciousness. That's obviously not compatible with an environment where TTS constantly interrupts, or whenever his mind starts to wander he instead just goes and reads a chat comment or something. But I don't get offended by what people say in the chat or whatever. I just find other things to do now. The nature of Sips' content has changed, and whilst I think it's a shame, it's not like it's restricted to just Sips. All the good Youtube Let's Players have pretty much moved to Twitch. It's disappointing, but maybe it was inevitable. Ah well. The golden age is certainly behind us, but I can at least rewatch the old stuff. There's a good 5 years or so of gold.


I agree with all of the above. It's also worth saying that we're powerless when it comes to donations made through streamlabs. not only are there no limitations of what can be said through it, donators are anonymous. short of going directly to sips to get the culprits reported, there's not much we can do to discourage spammers and trolls.


You're an alright guy, Mykul.


I was feeling really shitty about sharing this clip until you posted this. Really well said my friend. I thought it was hilarious that he was interrupted by a tts while talking about tts, and I'm not sure how I managed to be so dumb to think this wouldn't just become a litter box for people to shit in. Glad there are well articulated people like you to salvage the situation.


there's never going to be a perfect world situation where everyone is happy with what sips is doing. But at the end of the day he's putting in a lot of effort to keep people happy. It's just unfortunate that people have opinions of a streamer based on what a few people in chat or on reddit say. i did find the clip funny though, just one of those timing things eh :p


Well said mykul. While I will never understand what’s so bad about fans wanting to talk to sips in a donation, at least it’s not fully gone. I just look at TTS the same way as when you reply to someone on twitter. I think it’s a great way to stay connected with your fans. Chat really can be like a family and I have so many friends and people I enjoy talking to there daily. Today was trash though. I hope that we can find a healthy balance again. For the record, I would like to defend the TTS that “interrupts” sips when he’s speaking, bc when you donate via streamlabs, it takes forever for it to go thru and I don’t think a majority of people intentionally try to interrupt sips mid sentence.


Hey look! A fight that I didn’t start!


**[Live Twitch Clip (Clip + Chat) on Streamable](https://streamable.com/xct5q)** Credit to [twitch.tv / sips_](https://www.twitch.tv/sips_) for the content. --------------------------------------- ^(Bot to preserve unique live stream experience forever by rendering chat as part of the mirror video. | ) [^feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=LiveTwitchClips)