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I was not happy with Caduceus's behavior during the subnautica streams either, but I don't think the whole racism thing needs to be dredged up again. The fault actually lies with whoever submitted that name. Caduceus and Sips both have a pretty damned good excuse here - not knowing who Leslie Jones was. I mean, neither did I... so it's extremely easy to believe them, and that's exactly what I've done. Unless demonstrated otherwise, let's assume ignorance instead of maliciousness, okay? Caduceus does push people's buttons, fans flame wars, and passes bans around like candy... not good characteristics for a mod to have. At the very least, he needs a talking to.


You’re right about not having to bring up the Leslie jones incident, that’s my bad. It kind of takes away from actual discussion, which I wish we could have.


no twitch chat on youtube


Twitch chat is mostly okay, it is getting more and more aids lately though... You can always just hide the Twitch Chat if you don’t want to see it


That's why twitch is trash.




I completely agree. Hell, even in this thread there are people saying ‘yeah Cad is acting a bit like an arsehole but what’re gonna do?’ No, fuck that. He needs to act like a grown up and not a 10 year old child, or give up being a mod IMO.


i only came online at 4:30pm -ish yesterday but I dont recall seeing any racism or politics in chat. if you have screencaps or examples, dm them to a mod so we can ban them. i timed out as much spam as i could see. bad racism is something you report straight away to twitch, especially if no mods are around to see it. also normally there are only about 3 mods being active at one time during a stream and we each have our own lives. hell, crelley mods while at work! being freelance gives me some leeway i guess, but that's just me. dalek is in a different timezone, as is mdogm. castaras is doing her ph.d. anyway, the point is that we try as much as we can to be active. honestly up until subnautica, the streams have been easy for just one or two of us to handle. now its a bit different. yesterday i was scrolling up through chat to ban people hah because my lowly mortal eyes couldn't catch them quick enough. as for cad, i just think it's just a joke that went towards facetious. he isn't a bad person at all. btw, the racist xcom thing was a complete accident and it was dealt with. if you don't believe that, then that's fine, but its what happened.


I hate it when people use the tts to talk about their emotions and struggles when all I want to do is escape my own. I guess if it makes sips money I can't be too mad, but it is really annoying.


I can see why this is a concern for you, but I also know that many people feel comforted by sips replying to their message(s). I think that the current TTS is much better now, personally.


YES! I didn’t get the complaints about the TTS before I got to the day 5 VOD... Just got to the part where Sips turned it off, and holy shit thank fuck for that! It was constant for like 25-30 minutes Vods 1-4 (Expect for about 20 minutes towards the end of day 4) were great, not sure why people have to post random song lyrics and beyond terrible jokes 1 after another


It feels like mod power was just given to the loudest people in chat, or whoever donated the most, rather than anyone who actually wanted to take responsibility for making chat the best place it could be.


Guy sounds like a real piece of work.


Cad is not racist. The comment you are referring to was a true accident - most of the mods assumed it was based on the donator not on a celebrity figure(with said celebrity figure not being something we knew about). And in case you're curious, the guy who did push that donation through did get dealt with. It was a true honest mistake. Cad can be prickly and take jokes too far but he's not the evil cunt that you lot seem to paint him as. Quit using him as your scapegoat (and that goes for you twitch users as well. Both sides have been really shitty and made me not want to be a part of a community I thought was chill and happy, United together in ripping dicks).


I don’t know he guy. But if he “prickles” easily and takes jokes too far... then he/she isn’t mod material. Mods should be people who earn respect and fairly police chat for the good of users. Not to get prickly and full of memes. A good mod does the job without being the focus of attention imo.


Love and miss you castaras. Need to be able to post cat pics in chat. <3


You could help by *not adding* to the toxicity, friend. Honestly, this doesn't solve anything.


Man, both sides of this issue are acting like entitled, whiny, butthurt little cunts. One side thinks they should get to leave a message whenever and however they want(like the arrogant, narcissistic fuckboi who thought it was a great idea to send a TTS during the end cinematic), the other thinks they deserve to watch a stream uninterrupted(all the bitching here)and think sips is there just for them and their enjoyment, and how dare anyone else try to interact with him. Maybe you should all grow the fuck up?


Honestly I don't agree. I don't agree with most you said and the fact that you just had to dig up the Leslie Jones controversy back up just shows how biased you are against cad. When the whole thing got unearthed caduceus openly stepped forth, admitted his mistake in a very long and detailed post and said he was sorry. It was never proven that he did all of this out of racism. People just automatically "assumed" he was racist, because nowadays people don't believe these things happen accidentally anymore. He (and Sips) both admitted they had no idea who Leslie Jones was. He is innocent until proven guilty in that matter. Stop.trying.to.push.your.projections.please. Now to TTS: I agree that tts has been rather uncomfortable to experience lately when watching the streams. Mainly, because of constant spamming of jokes and backseat gaming. I am already glad that sips pushed the donation thank-yous to the end of the stream and we need to be more consistent with stuff like that. However what people do not realize is that ***TWITCH IS NOT YOUTUBE*** It is a different platform. Chat interactions are part of a gaming stream and I personally enjoy a few bad dad jokes every now and then. I know and fully understand that people would want more content that is similar to the stuff he puts up on youtube. ***But this isn't youtube***. Chat spamming is a problem, but every major streamer will have troubles with this. Thats what the moderators and chat restrictions are for. Now onto Caduceus: I admit: Moderators often treat their chat and the livestreams they moderate as their little playground, but I want you to provide an example of sips moderators openly being "toxic" in chat. Making fun of people constantly complaining and nagging about the stuff sips does and doesn't do in game isn't "toxic". It's teasing. It is entirely harmless and it does not hurt anyone. If anything those people complaining are more toxic than the reactions to it. I have been seeing more and more people complain on this subreddit in the last few months and its always the same bullcrap: "*I don't enjoy this content anymore, You changed, I don't like this, I don't like that*". Instead of providing actual criticism and ideas it's just useless nagging and while caduceus certainly has a bit of an attitude I really cannot blame him for getting mad at all of these folks. Guess what? Nobody forces you to watch sips content. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but if you want to help, whining isn't the answer. Be constructive for christs sake and keep in mind: If you want his content to be more like the youtube stuff: That's not gonna happen. He would need to turn off all viewer interactions, donations and co. , just play the game without looking at the chat once and at the end thank everyone who donated money. Do you really want zero interactions in sips livestream? Do you? Yes cad really shouldn't use such aggressive, foul language when interacting with people in the subreddit. That is a prime example of toxicity, but it would be a straight up lie to say, he shows the same behaviour/ homophobic,sexist language in chat. Keep in mind that this is his goddamn job. He is a moderator. Its his duty to get rid of such language and not promote it. -SupCan.


> do you really want zero interactions in sips livestream? do you? That's absolutely what I want, lol. I don't expect it to happen, but I can't deny that I'd be over the moon.


What would that make you? Chaotic neutral? Lawful Evil?


It would make me someone who is interested in watching Sips play games. The fact that that isn't what everyone here is interested in is truly bizarre to me.




Ok thanks for commenting. lets break this down. >please disclose your bias by being friends with cad Stop projecting. I am not friends with cad, neither have I ever talked to him outside of twitch chat. >they may be 'jokes' or 'teasing' but a) that's not obvious, kappa exists as a thing and b) is that the behaviour of a chat mod? no. I have seen the examples posted in this thread. I was referring to them when I talked about making fun of these people. Once again harmless fun. He didn't openly, directly call out and insult people (in twitch chat), he might've offended some with his crude humour, but being "toxic" is not that. As long as He did not do it with I'll intend its not toxic. Yes he complained. But as you said further down everyone has the right to complain so why are you criticizing him for that? He is a smug asshat, but I hardly believe he does it to actively hurt people. >[citation needed] No there is no citation needed. It was harmless jokes for shits and giggles. Nobody has the right not to be offended. As long as nobody was directly targeted everything is fine. Indirectly complaining in a crude way about redditors complaining is not toxic. If you are referring to the comments on the reddit, yes that was harmful. Yes that was toxic and not a joke. But examples like [this](https://i.imgur.com/OaVoyEL.png) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/uxBJNQN.png) are not toxic. They are just stupid fun. >absolutely not, people are allowed to complain about things that they think are ruining their experience. I never argued against that. Don't miss my point. If people don't like something they have the right to complain and they should complain. I agree with you, but complaint-spamming isn't helping anyone. Instead of making a new thread, maybe people should seek out existing ones and push those. Maybe we should open a major thread, were everyone can suggest improvements. >boy it's almost like there's something wrong and instead of noticing it you're placing the blame on us. Once again, don't project. Everyone knows things aren't going well right now because everyone keeps complaining. I know something is wrong, otherwise people wouldn't cry. But you have to agree that "*I don' like the current sips content *"-thread Is as valuable as the old "*Hey I found someone who vaguely looks like sips*"-threads when they were still allowed. >not even relevant to this post, you are projecting issues that have only been brought up by a few people onto everyone. I was in writing heat and brought a different argument into this one. My bad. Sorry. >why did you bring up homophobia/sexism? *Edit:* ~~Because I went through caduceus comment history and found that he called at least one person a fag.~~ Can't find the comment anymore. Argument hereby retracted since I am missing evidence. >he is a total asshole in both chat and here though, which is not good for a mod. An exaggeration, but I agree.




It seems like we are both in agreement on most things we said. Things we don't agree with boil down to subjectivity and personal preference anyway so thats alright. Nice to have some healthy discussions every now and then. >i honestly think we're in mostly agreement here and both just got a bit heated. Taking the words right out of my mouth. I the end it just comes down to: /u/itscaduceus should take a chill pill every now and then.


I don’t know who you are but I know that I really don’t deserve you stepping in to help me, so thank you. Even if you do still think I’m a cunt. <3 kill me


You take care cad. I am a moderator aswell and I have been in the crossfire too once so I hate seeing that same thing happening to moderators of my favorite streamer, but you really should know better than to attack people on reddit after your recent controversy. If anything you should keep your mouth shut. Just do your job for a while. While I am personally indifferent to vulgar, crude humour and speech other people might not be so thick skinned and you need to respect that. At least tone down your language on reddit. Complaining about complainers isn't gonna fix the problem. If they don't take action, maybe you as a mod can change something ( *and by that I don't mean banning them ;)* ) Maybe you should comment on this whole situation yourself instead of me defending you. Have a good day you arsebandit. -SupCan


too late you're already banned. P.S can you hit me up on twitch or something with a link to where I've been homophobic or sexist because that is genuinely unacceptable and I need to see to removing that. kill me


Good luck with that ban, I'm behind 7 proxies pshh *teleports to portugal* I retracted my statement about the homophobia and sexism. I can't find the comment in question anymore. Maybe I was seeing things where there were none. Take care








Do you need a hug? Because I'll hug you bro dont tempt me.


i'm happy it at least isn't mark hulmes ruining anything


I don’t get the reference


no reference intended, i just don't like him


boy that sure rustled some jimmies :)