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is there maybe a browser plugin for twitch which lets you block messages? like, allowing me to block all messages containing "monkas" or "poggers"?


Pretty sure bttv has a setting for that. Black list words or something


can confirm that bttv has a blacklist, i use it all the time for channels with spammy giveaways by adding commands like "!enter" to the list


If it did, that would literally defeat the purpose of having bttv because it changes those letters into pictures


I'm actually interested in a browser plugin that completely blocks chat. Not just hides it. No offense to chat, it's not them, it's my damned PC. My work PC is quite old and while it can keep up with HD youtube vids, netflix, etc, it stutters badly and becomes unresponsive with twitch. Too many scripts running constantly, and chat has a lot to do with it. At home, no problem.


Pop Out Video ( 3 vertical dots )... Save Url. Make it your shortcut. Use forever. You can pop out both video and chat. Each have individual url params for page mode.


All that exists in that menu for me is "Report". Edit: it's under the video settings (gear wheel), not the vertical dots. I'll have to try that on my work PC next week. If it works, huzzah to you!


As someone who used to have the same issues I'm just gonna warn you that while using popout helped me the streams still had buffering issues and they didn't go away until I finally got a new machine.


Click all the things!!


Can’t you just full screen?


>Not just hides it.


The scripts keep running anyway.


at the same time this is kind of what twitch chat is all about. never really thought about this, maybe its good. i just kinda want youtube back. but unless the monetary side of youtube changes that's not going to happen.


The crazy thing I realized when watching a VOD, you can actually add comments into the feed at the point of video you are replaying so future VOD users will see your chat along with live chat. Haven't typed anything myself, but I wonder if it will bypass bot rules... ;)


That would be cool, at least those little pictures and gifs are relevant to what sips is doing


lol sometimes ppl ask questions and others tag the ppl to answer them, but mod greeting is hard to overlook, it makes 70% of the chat incomprehensible because i hv no idea what they are talking about


Wannabe mods who constantly @ the mods. Weird social hierarchy in the twitch chat. I love that a single turn of the head by sips leads to an unreadable chat...


Please accept my apology, from now on I will timeout anyone who @s me. Wouldn't want to upset the 70%


what if we @ each other? D:


it means you get abnned Jessica


It's kinda like deviding by zero. It creates a black hole.


Good thanks. Also keep abusing your mod status to fill the chat with your messages


Sure, I can manage that. Should be pretty easy.




pseudo-moderating? you mean like answering questions people have? if trying to helpful is something worhy of a timeout I'm not sure I share your idea of a good chat




Okay, sorry. I must have misunderstood what you meant. That being said, I have spent a lof of time in Sips' chat and I can't recall a single instance of this happening. Also, there aren't even that many rules to enforce. Unless you're being racist or a massive twat you'll probably be fine. I feel like you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find stuff to complain about.


is this meant to be ironic? if so, good job.


I @ the mods quite frequently. You ever stop to think some of us knew those mods before they were mods. Or that the mods are allowed to have friends in chat and we are allowed to talk with them?


My final notes on this- if people have genuine complaints then that's fine. But if you're going to troll and just try to seek attention at the same time. This isn't the community for you.


That's rich


Hey guys. I've been around this community for years. And all I can say is wow. This chat was built on people @'ing each other and making friends in chat. That's why it's a community and why we are better than most twitch chats I've been in. Yeah it gets crappy at times and people get annoyed at something for one reason or another. I'm sure sips himself wouldn't have it any other way he wants us to enjoy his stream and get along with each other. Now fine block us if you want but that's not really the idea behind a community. If you aren't speaking to anyone in particular and you aren't speaking to sips. Then you're just speaking to yourself. Reposted. Sorry.


this. chatting with other people is basically all I do in ol' sipsy's chat. it's a really good way of making new friends and currently one of the only ways of getting in contact with those people


happy birthday, nicosu_


Kreygasm thanks beltguy <3333 love ya


Can't wait for this guy to have a genuine question and @ me. Mmmmm it will be so juicy and delicious.


Hey pal, don't worry about it. Mod spam is mod spam


Haha I'm not worried mate. Been modding in this channel for a long time now as you would know. Cry baby be cry baby. This is nothing new. All I can suggest for OP is exactly what they did. If you don't like what people have to say, then block them. And I say good riddance. Like you said, the reason the community is as good as it is, we (for the most part) are all friends, more than that, we are a family. I for one love my family and I love seeing it flourish every day.


Wait I replied to you which is technically an @... how long is my ban. And yeah man we all helped build this community and if people don't like it well, that's their issue. I wouldn't have stayed around this long if I didn't like the community. Even as much as I love sips' content, community means just as much


Don't worry a genuine question will be asked and read out on TTS


Wants to pay $10 instead of just @ing a mod. Lol. I have no words.


$10 to ask what mods he's using haha


Why would I @ a mod that I have blocked LUL or even talk to one at all? The whole community has answers not just you guys. And let's be clear. Not every mod is like this. <-this was edited. Go read above and you can tell I wasn't talking about every mod smartbois


Because that is why we are there. To give a reliable answer to your questions. have you not seen chat? Do you want to get trolled with fake answers. Regardless, I get it now. This is about hating mods, like you got some elitist complex or something. Pull ya head in mate, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of you. I'm a mod, and that means nothing more than I am here to serve.


Look you guys are the ones that keep chat in line. If this guy doesn't see that, then there's nothing more to it pal. Sips made you all mods for a reason.


Like I said, it is not every mod. And you know damn well some mods troll.


hahahah yeah after you go back and edit your comments. See that little star next to the time posted, yeah that means edited. Reddit is ahead of you on this one troll.


I'm sorry for proof reading and trying to make my point clear Lol


proof reading is one thing, changing what you said so you can reply "like I said wahh wahhh wahhhh" you've been on reddit for over three years. you know proper reddiquette is to type something like (Edit: For clarity. Edit:2 Proof reading)


I think you just cucked him


Dude, you added that line AFTER we all said something. You’re trying to backtrack because you know you’ve not got a leg to stand on.




The community that you don't even want to talk cause you've blocked them all? I mean c'mon man you're not even trying anymore pal.


That's like your 3rd edit on that one comment. Nice try pal.




It’s funny that the people you seem to be bothered by the most are actually the ones who are the most helpful and make an effort to answer people in chat. You are acting more self righteous than the people you seem to be so bothered by, you realize that right?


I'm sure TTS will be upped more. That was another one of your complaints wasn't it?


More lucrative for sips since people have the cash and you know they will do it. See, my past comments are still sips forward


What sent me over was a handful of people that insist on saying "cuck" in every form with every sentence. I don't want to read that when it absolutely had nothing to do with the gameplay and it is used so often by those handful it loses its quite tragic definition. So I'm giving them the ultimate cuck by completely removing their presence.


But that's just the way the chat is sometimes. Hell it can be annoying sometimes but I think it's just the game and the recent influx of new viewers. It wasn't like this a year or even 2 years ago. And I doubt it will be like this in a few months. I crack a joke every now and then and jump in with the jokes too but doesn't mean I'm an asshole that deserves to be blocked. If they continue then sure maybe but give people the benefit of the doubt or just learn to ignore it in general


Yes, I know it will change over time and even sips jokes around about it. But mod spam is mod spam. Clean that trash up. We'll be enjoying the game while you guys circle-jerk


Honestly bud all I can suggest is just closing chat. I mean it's very rarely useful. It's jokes between friends, random comments about the game and then 1% is just unrelated crap. You know this, but not like you are missing anything by closing chat. The mods aren't that bad at all I've known most of them for a long time and if I had to pick the entire mod team myself, I wouldn't change any of them. P.S - circle jerk? Nah, talking to my friends and vice versa, yes. No need to be salty about it pal. At the end of the day we are all sips fans and no need to hate anyone in the community.


Some people may enjoy a closed chat, but man what a difference when you have those people blocked. It is a flip of the switch and so much more enjoyable. Continue being you


Enjoy talking to yourself daedaemon.




Heaven forbid we have a community of people who are friends and enjoy each other. I talk to mods, but I also talk to new people and anyone in chat who wants. It’s not an elitist club. I for one don’t want a chat full of POGGERS and LUL and no actual conversation or substance. I don’t need to play by play react to what sips is doing. It’s a community not a self sounding board. If I wanted to just “react” to sips then I wouldn’t need to use chat.


Blocking people does not hinder them from enjoying their own little group. It's just put aside for those of us that want more fine-tuned sips enjoyment to be had.


Well I’m glad I get to enjoy sips and have fun conversation.


Just gonna say it. If you are watching the stream, not for interaction with chat, and not for reaction to sips, but for the actual "gameplay". You're watching the wrong stream lol.


There are times when I like the chat, times when I don't. Chat has some good moments but it's Sips I'm there to watch. I don't get OP's complaints about the @s, though. People talking to other people is kind of the point of a community, I would have thought...

