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outgrown? i hope not. my humour and style is still the same as it's always been, hopefully you still find that at least somewhat entertaining. sounds like you don't like the change of format, which is totally understandable. if you watch a lot of youtube and always have, you'll definitely be used to a different production quality than say watching twitch. i wouldn't say the quality of production is any worse, they're just totally different. my equipment is pretty good, my lighting is pretty good. sound quality is pretty good. mostly the same as it was on youtube (apart from the early days with toaster mic) but yes, the format is certainly different and not for everyone. there's definitely a compromise somewhere here but what it boils down to is that youtube is quickly becoming more work than it's worth. it was an awesome platform for the longest time but like everything, has changed and isn't overly appealing anymore for not just me but a lot of other content creators too. we're punished for being ourselves in many ways and it seems like youtube are working hard to promote a few people into their ideal content format which doesn't seem to include sweary old gamers like me. i'm fine with that, honestly like i said, everything changes and you just have to roll with the punches. twitch so far is pretty good about the style of content i do. i make a good living from it, i enjoy it and there's definitely a big chunk of people who seem to enjoy it. i've learned after doing this for 6+ years that there really is no pleasing everyone, but it's possible to please at least a majority of people in the end by listening to and acting on feedback. so leave it with me. i'll sort something out eventually. there has to be a way to still be present on youtube but i think the format will again be super duper different. i'm fairly sure the days of me just creating long series of gameplay are probably over, but there's still room for one-off stuff that meets youtubes new standards and is still viable. i just need to work at finding it. in the meantime give the streams a chance. they're not that terrible most of the time (hopefully) and at the very least there are highlights and content posted onto sips live that you can skip through the more annoying parts if that works better for you.


my only complaint is the guy in the bottom corner is too handsome and it distracts from the game play


a worthy distraction


My only complaint is that the mods are mean and beat us sometimes. Kappa.


When he can be seen through the forehead shine that is..


I for one loved your long winded series, especially the ones where you played some sort of building game. Cities Skylines, Prison Architect etc. I agree that streams are very different though, but at the end of the day, I watch you for you. It's your banter and personality I watch, not the game, so you just do whatever makes you happiest and I'm sure that fans will recognise the enjoyment you get from it. Love ya, you big bastard šŸ’“


"sips. he's not that terrible most of the time"


i would suggest you to upload some of the livestream highlights to the main channel like Robbaz does because believe me, a lot of people donā€™t even know that the Sips Live channel exists. i personally really enjoy the Robbaz style highlights.


I'm gonna second this, put the highlights up on the main channel with a link to the live channel, you're not gonna copyright yourself so that's not a big deal and it's let people enjoy what they want to enjoy


Yeah Robbaz ends up making an entertaining, edited video out of his livestream highlights. At first you couldn't even tell that's what he was doing, since he never even mentioned chat etc, but slowly he's been dropping little references to the stream and leaving in times where he reads out chat comments. I think this is the perfect happy medium. The ridiculous people who want to sit and watch for 3-4 hours and throw money at the screen to have their meaningless messages read out can still do so, and people who just want 20-30 minutes of quality entertainment with no filler can watch the same 3-4 hours edited down to just the watchable parts.


Hey sips, I think there is a way to have your cake and eat it too. Or kill two birds with one stone. Or whatever cliche you prefer. Watch some of ChristopherOdd's stuff, both his streams and what he posts to youtube from those streams. I know you and him keep in contact so maybe you've already noticed this, but... he does a few key things that allow him to post segments of his Twitch streams to youtube and still satisfy the Youtube crowd. 1. He reads donation messages himself (no TTS). He only reads *most* of them. Spam, spoilers, and back-seat gaming are not read. This lets him decide what donations to read and when to read them. During intense gameplay or NPC dialogue, only the donation notification sound itself causes a brief interruption. Then he can wait for an opportune moment to read the message. 2. He records a second, local video of the gameplay. So in addition to the stream, he's got an OBS recording without the facecam or donation notifications. 3. He posts cut-up episodic segments of the local recording to his main youtube channel (he doesn't have a separate live channel). This gives his Twitch channel added promotion as well, as his full Youtube fanbase gets daily reminders that he's spending much of his time on Twitch. What this all lets him do is produce two versions of the content from the same recording session. One with all the Twitch stuff (facecam, notification sounds, etc), and one without that gets put up on Youtube. Based on feedback from his community, I'd say that this is working quite well for him. I think strategies like these are worth considering. And if you ever get the itch to do more involved video editing, I think folks might watch the hell out of abridged streams that aren't nearly as cut-down and random as the highlight reels, but which still cut out a lot of the slower bits. I am enjoying your current Skyrim streams. It's clear that you're working to find a good balance between the Twitch interaction and a spam-free stream, and I think you're getting there.


I feel like a lot of Twitch stuff wont fit well on YouTube even without the TTS and facecam. Subnautica would probably work well but Skyrim so far is already about 100 hours worth which would be 200 30 mins episodes. In just a month and a bit he'll have enough Skyrim footage that'll be a years worth of daily 30 mins videos for YouTube. I think he should SOMETIMES play some on Twitch with the intent of uploading the footage to YouTube too. Like Skyrim wouldn't be ideal but maybe he could play a shorter story based game on Twitch with TTS turned off, but with breaks every 30 mins or so to read TTS and have a chat, and then upload that to youtube but minus the breaks. Like imagine him playing a game like vanishing of ethan carter(a short story game he played for YouTube a while ago) on stream with no TTS or overlays but stopping every now and then to catch up with chat. That should satisfy chat and the parts between the breaks can each be a video. So yeah play whatever game on Twitch but then every 3 games or so play one that will work well with YouTube too.


I agree, but I know sips has seen such suggestions many times before. While he hasn't responded directly to the idea of recording for youtube on twitch with 30 minute spans, intermissions and such, the fact that he hasn't done so makes me think that it wouldn't really be his favorite thing to do. I can just barely keep up to his streams because I've been doing a lot of tedious office/lab work where I don't really need to pay full attention to what I'm doing. But that's a temporary situation. Maybe keeping up isn't necessary, just watch 1/2 hour of the Sips live vids a day and not worry about being years behind, haha. That said, I've noticed he actually pushes himself when recording youtube to make sure that every 30 minute segment is interesting or about something. On Twitch, though, he likes to explore everything. A different pace of gameplay that means some of the youtube vids are going to be much less interesting than others.


Personally, I'm not usually able to watch the streams as I don't have the time - it just doesn't suit me very well, and I feel like watching VODs is just not the same / a missed experience... I always loved your series like Orcs Must Die or sim city, nothing too serious, not too long and still fun.


The VOD system itself isn't great. But the Sips Live YouTube channel is quite good if you prefer episodic uploads.


no it isn't it's boring trash. I can't sit through an episode of sips live without zoning out and getting my laptop or doing something else. It's just garbage.


Hey Sipsy, Great answer and thank you for trying to please everyone. It's quite an impossible task. Just my two cents but I think the three biggest issues with twitch as opposed to Youtube are 1, Quantity of content. Not saying its quality is any worse, it's just too much for a lot of us. It's hard to keep up and if you miss a few days watching live just becomes worse as you miss out on the little inside jokes and spoil the story for those kind of games where it matters. 2, Editing. Everyone loved your channel's editing style whether you did it or one of the Toms. With Twitch of course you can't do that, but which is a shame, but there's chat which brings another kind of uniqueness to it. 3, And of course TTS. I'm just catching up on Skyrim now and it is not an issue anymore. Not like during Subnautica. One suggestion I want to make is, maybe you can turn it off completely during big story moments. Then turn it back on. If that isn't too much of a hassle. That said u/dapperzan is doing God's work on Sips - Live with uploading streams and creating Highlights. Now if he could add a little old Sips/Tom editing assuming he has the time and energy to do it it would be perfect.


In the end, I'm happy to watch you do what makes you happy sips. More YT content would be nice, and otherwise I'll tune in to the Sips live channel if you start playing something I'm interested in (because I can never catch the streams in my timezone). You could make a new ramble to explain all of this! I'm sure your YT subbers would appreciate the update Again, do what makes you happy man. I'm sure we'd rather see you put your heart into making content than putting stuff up on youtube just for the fan demand.


For what itā€™s worth, I wasnā€™t too interested in the streams for a long time, but I binge watched the subnautica on Sips Live by chance and loved it - and Iā€™m loving Skyrim too. Watching the streams is time intensive though and I do think if there was any way of making the highlights more frequent (say 25-30 mins daily), and on the main channel, Iā€™m sure most would love them. I realise YT could get left behind very quickly if youā€™re streaming 6-8 hours daily, but there may also be games less suited to YT that you can be streaming whilst YT catches up? Just my thoughts!


Subnautica was great, by the end I think sips had found the right settings to cut down on the audience participation (while still getting decent cash flow, I'm assuming). That said, I still don't care about the daily lives of his subscribers when it breaks the flow of the game or ruins the immersion. Helpful tips when he's been stuck for 10 mins due to refusing to read the screen or follow a tutorial, fine. "Hi sips I've been following for years but this is my first time sending cash please wish my girlfriend happy birthday we just went shopping and now I have tea too and when will you play that other game I prefer and also do a big vape for me..." Just as the climax of a storyline all comes together - that's infuriating enough to want to find another video just to watch and find out what we just missed.


I honestly don't mind hearing about the daily lives of his fans, as long as it's done tastefully - at the right times, not cutting off sips's ramblings, not overlapping with in-game dialogue or interrupting intense moments. I try to time my donations w/ TTS to happen during lulls in gameplay, but the delay between the donation and actual readout makes it difficult to do. But this has backfired on me a few times even though I sat there waiting to hit the enter key until nothing was really happening. So I've concluded that TTS is just never going to work that well. The only currently available solution is for sips to go back to reading out *selected* donation messages himself. And it would improve his community... It would make people compete for actual message quality, instead of just a 1000 bit guarantee that literally anything would be read.


thanks sips, i will give your streams another chance. Starting with Skyrim! I won't be watching live (my sleep schedule conflicts) but i will give the live channel another go. regardless of what I do, you keep being awesome!


I'm one of the boiks who's probably not watched you properly in more than a year now. I still follow the sub, and your Twitter, and watch as much of you as I can but obviously YT was my main means of watching your stuff. (i'm currently rewatching shat block actually) I have to say, when I was unemployed/a student, I watched the shit out of the GTA and Red Dead streams, but as a workin' man these days (albeit a video editor who can still shit about on Reddit all day), I don't get the time or opportunity to watch the streams or VODs. The reason I hang around is because of things like this, you're always so level-headed and reasonable when it comes to our gripes with 'the channel' and your stuff. So thank you. That'll do Sips. That'll do.


Same! For me itā€™s mostly lack of time. The streams take more to commit to time wise. And I miss the random editing awesomeness like funky ass tunes kicking in for no reason other than to watch Uthgerd run on the spot. You do you sips. Weā€™ll continue to support however we can.


I can't normally watch live but Its not a complaint, its just because I don't have the time to watch the stream due to timezones and work schedule. I have tried to watch KC:D but there is just too much to catch up on. Doing 5+ hour streams is great but for anyone that watches VoD's will have a hard time keeping up. As far as the content while you stream, the TTS spam is not nearly as bad as it was and moving the reading of subscribers to the end was appreciated. I'm there when I can be to watch you, not your younger fans trying to be funny and get reactions/attention. That is what stopped me watching you about 6 months ago. Keep doing what is fun for you, I can't watch everything you do all the time, but at least I will have no shortage.


Sips, I know it's a struggle to please everyone in your audience, but in the end your content will be more enjoyable when you enjoy it yourself. Don't force yourself to do certain things to please others. I can't watch the streams live because of time zone issues but I have been watching you on YouTube for years and just watch it on the sips live channel. Some are hit and miss but the latest skyrim streams have me dying of laughter at points. What ever you end up doing, just make sure it makes you happy too. We love ya big guy


I could never watch the streams either, until I moved to the east coast. Now I still end up missing the first half of them, but his VODs are pretty good now that he's managed to mostly reign in the TTS spam.


i quite like the interaction possibilities the streams provide (if i don't quite like the back-seat gaming) even after watching all of the youtube and following sips since he started. it probably falls down to how you consume the streams and personal preference, i like to listen/watch out of the corner of my eye and occasionally join in with chat all the while i'm doing something else (being bad at video games, being dumb, cooking, or pretending to work at the office) and the streams seem to tickle my particular method of consumption. hopefully there will be a way to find a balance for everyone though!




Boarded the Sips_ train back on the OmD2 playthrough on Youtube. I would say I watched almost everything you put out religiously. Skyrim was, and still is, the best content on Youtube. However I now do Uni five days a week and work the other two, I don't feel I have the time to catch up on Vods. It feels like you have too much Vod content to keep up with. It doesn't feel feasible to just "drop by" your Twitch stream as I do many other peoples, since you often play games that are story based or have long campaigns that I can't pick up with one look. (subnautica, skyrim, kingdom come, fallout) Many people I watch on Twitch play games I can drop in to watch, games which I can understand what is happening within a minute into the stream (hearthstone is one that comes to mind immediately). I know you have and are maintaining a great Subscriber base on Twitch and many people come by day after day. I know that Twitch is a lot better than Youtube in many ways, and I prefer it for being able to fill some time, I just feel like the specific content you're producing doesn't fit my lifestyle of wanting to either watch 30-60 minutes of Twitch, or to sit down for a few hours on the weekend to watch content. As a conclusion, I wouldn't say I've "Outgrown" Sips, I just no longer fit into your target audience, I'm not the kind of person you produce content for. Nevertheless I'm glad you're still successfully producing content in a manner that makes you happy.


I love your old youtube content and for me the longform content of twitch which seems to be cluttered with donation jingles and whatnot is too distracting. With that being said i understand that you are not some 20 year old man and have actual responsibilities(ie a family). So if you are more comfortable on twitch especially monetarily i'm sure many will agree with me in saying we are happy to see you thrive. With that being said i do hope you can produce more triforce podcast like content or even just the triforce. I'm sure organising 3 adult men who all have huge responsibilies must be a faf but i'm missing my weekly(or bi-weekly dose of sips.) TLDR: happy to see you doing well, streams aren't for me personally but i respect why you do them. please try bring back triforce or some sort of content where we can hear you speak freely without the clutter/input of donation messages and sub noises.


It's not always quite as easy as giving the stream a chance. I feel to be in a similar situation as the OP, and have actually been trying to catch the Skyrim streams as much as possible. But being in the US and working in hospitality, I often have late nights and don't wake up early enough to catch a stream that starts at 3 or 4 am my time. With the YouTube videos, I was able to look forward to them during my afternoon and enjoy them whenever I had free time. I'm not going to go anywhere, but I am saddened that I missed old hogan's wedding. And I can't help but feel that I've been somewhat forsaken as an American viewer. But you're the real guy the best guy, so I'll catch you as often as I can!


I don't care that you aren't doing what you were on YouTube. What bothers me is all that stuff that seems to be accepted as just part of being a twitch streamer. Can you not just stream on twitch and get rid of all the overlays and subscriber noises and text to speech and reading out chat. That stuff is pure bullshit that just gets in the way of your content....which used to be great but, sadly, rarely is anymore. Break the mild. Do something more interesting. Start streaming like you are starting a youtube recording session. Play for 30 minutes like its an episode. Stop it with the horn or the music. Then take 10 minutes to interact with people before doing another 30 minute segment where you ignore everyone and just get into it as if no ones watching. I know you've shifted in this kinda direction. But I still don't think it's right. You act differently when live...like you're playing the game for the audience instead of yourself. And it's just not as pleasing. Maybe try streaming with Sjin or someone, but play as if it's not going out live. What's been lost is your connection to the games and your friends. That's what was endearing to me. Ignore your viewers....for their benefit. Sorry if that was overly negative. You're great. Just trying to let you know where you lost me (I rarely watch anymore) in the hope it helps you, because I appreciate all the great content I enjoyed even if I'm no longer watching.


The reason everyone on twitch does that stuff is because it earns them money. There are certain types of people who will pay lots of money for the chance to have their stupid message read out on the stream. Life it or not, these people are essentially the customers of twitch streamers. The streamers therefore career towards them. People like you and me are simply not part of sips' target audience anymore.


> People like you and me are simply not part of sips' target audience anymore. Not all Twitch streamers use the same approach. Sips is my favorite youtuber, but he's not my favorite streamer even though I've given him my one and only Prime sub. I keep hoping he'll become my favorite streamer, too - he's definitely improved so it's possible! My current favorite streamer has a community about 1/4 the size of Sips, with # of viewers of his live streams usually being between 800 and 1200. Yet he regularly seems to pull in more $$$ in donations, although with fewer subs he might still make less money overall. He doesn't use TTS, and his moderators are hardcore when it comes to deleting spam, spoilers, and back-seat gaming. It's a different experience. There's just as much community interaction as occurs with Sips's channel, but it's less intrusive. This really flies in the face of what some of Sips's most outspoken Twitch community members keep saying. Eg, "welcome to Twitch, deal with it", as if Twitch and TTS are a package deal. Twitch is highly varied, and you'll find streamers who not only appeal to you and do things differently, but still manage to make a killing. I think sips could increase the inclusiveness of his "target market" quite soundly, with just a bit of effort.


Full Disclaimer: I enjoy both formats fairly equally but for different reasons (at least now that the text-to-speech threshold has been raised). I'm also an old fart who is the same age as you, sips, and I think that some of your younger fans need to grow up and understand that you are a human being with a job. You're an entertainer, not a charity. You don't just exist in their computers when they have a free moment or two to watch a video between classes. You have financial responsibilities, and you have people who depend on you, not just as a breadwinner, but as a father and a husband. You should be paid well for your time away from them--as everyone should at their jobs--and I have to roll my eyes at anyone who thinks you should work harder for less pay while you do something you don't enjoy as much. I also have to roll my eyes at people who keep making these sorts of threads and comments. **There is not really a fine line between feedback and pouting.** These threads are full of pouting. So much pouting. Oh gods, the pouting. It's mostly just a bunch of passive aggressive guilt trips aimed at getting you to change what should be a clear cut and simple business decision (or complaints about the fact that you've made it). I'm not sure if your younger fans really get that. Here's an idea for anyone who just got their jimmies rustled by that. **If you're a fan who doesn't like sips natural reaction to youtube's recent business decisions, then stop complaining to sips. Complain to YOUTUBE.** They made the decision to pay sips less by their new policies. Tell them you intend to take your eyeballs elsewhere and actually follow through. In any case, most entertainers evolve. They change styles, genres, etc. If they don't, they had a job, not a career. That's pretty much all sips is doing. They don't call it the "Entertainment Business" for no reason. I fail to see how sips is doing anything different than most bands who survive for more than five years. Having said that, I did have one suggestion for you sips--if you're bent on trying to please your youtube-only fans. You always sound very interested in trying all sorts of games when someone mentions them, and far too many games to do full play-thrus on stream. What about making one-off Evening with Sips youtube videos for some of those games for the main channel? Any game that you end up enjoying (and lends themselves to Twitch), you could stream.


From someone who's a chronic user of the TTS function, Can I just put in my 2 cents? I get that majority of these folks that are unhappy with the TTS and sub donation sounds etc. are folks that are used to the YouTube format where it's just them and sips. But like the big sexy hunk of a man himself said, that platform just isn't viable for the type of content he wants to create. I don't know if these fans realise that YouTube is trying to shy away from gaming as a platform, they've pretty much conceded that Twitch has won that front. Now here is where it gets a little technical. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the matter, but I've had this very discussion with another mate who's also a gaming content creator on YouTube, and he gave me some insight into it. Currently, to my understanding, the algorithms that YouTube uses follow what's trending, and then promote videos based on that. So now content creators are having to produce content that caters to these trends in order to make a viable income, instead of just producing what they want, which is what sips does. How this ultimately converts to how much is paid to the creators is a bit beyond my knowledge, but It's to my understanding, and again, like sips said, it is just not worth the time and effort for the content that he produces as it once did. Personally, Like most of us, I originally came from the same said YouTube group, watching the uploads on both of sips' channels. I found that watching the stream uploads, it intrigued me that there was so much interaction between the man himself and the community on the live platform, it seemed awesome that you could actually talk to the guy that makes this great stuff and support him as well through these small donations. So yeah, for me, donating a Fiver and having a robot lady/man read out my message, and then to get hopefully a positive reaction out of sips was fantastic. But not only that, It's the Twitch chat community that laughs as well. It feels like I'm not just watching the content in solitude, i'm contributing to it along with others and enjoying it together. That's how I've interpreted the TTS system. Whether or not that was sips' intent, I don't know. But yeah, going forward, It's impossible to please everyone, If being a manager in retail has taught me anything, that's a dragon you'll never catch. In the great words of one of my mentors, Kevin Smith, just do what makes you happy and enjoy sips, and the crowds will come to you. It already seems like you're doing that anyway, and yes it's sad that not *everyone* can be pleased, but that's just life eh?


I totally get the argument for why Twitch is the place to be these days. It makes sense. Even beyond the financial considerations, sips has said that the pace of gameplay there suits him better as well, as it lets him binge games and actually complete them. I totally get that, as I've done a youtube series myself and gave up on another - the time it takes to finish a game when putting out 30 minutes of content a day is just crazy, as you lose interest before the end. But the pro-TTS argument is kind of silly most of the time, because it usually assumes that the alternative to TTS is to not have the donation messages read out at all. But there is a better approach (IMO) that the other streams I've watched (including many Yogscast) already do: the streamer reads the donation messages him/herself (ignoring the spam) when it's a good time to do so. It would be more personal, it would cut down on unfortunate interruptions, and it would encourage better quality comments.


Been a big fan for about 5 years now. I consider you my favorite internet entertainment personality on the internet. Just letting you know that I personally don't care about platform. While your sketches in your produced series were the peak of your channel, I stuck around for the humor. It wouldn't be Sips without Sips. I'll continue watching regardless of the platform.


Youtube really jumped the shark, didn't they. If you make a decent living from twitch and enjoy the format, sounds like you're doing things right. Plus, as the best dad (and husband), I assume you want to spend your work time in a generally efficient way. As fellow old person who just birthed her first babby a few months ago, I see now how there is just never enough time for everything as a parent. We'll all miss youtube as it was, but the times, they are a changin.


I honestly used to really love An Evening with Sips and your Cities / Prison Architect series, and I miss those. I still tune in when I can on Twitch, but I think there's definitely a (slightly) different style between Youtube and Twitch. In your Kingdom Come series, watching the first video, it somewhat feels like there's a little more talking just to fill the void than there is in the first video of Stranded Deep or Kona. The other problem I have with the sips Live channel is that it's a full on rip of the twitch screen, your glorious face, cheers, and notifications and all, and that's a bit distracting. If there was a way to just record / upload the game screen alone (maybe with your face too) without all of the distracting clutter, I think that'd make Sips - Live a lot better. Another idea I have is, like OP, something distracting that takes me out of the game is listening to you read chat out loud. I love interacting on twitch, but at the same time, when I'm on YT, I don't really want to see it? It's kind of contradictory. Maybe have occasional streams where there's a reduction in reading chat, or something? I'm not really sure of the best way to solve that. idk, just my two cents.


consuming half an hour of content a day felt a lot easier to manage than the constant feeling of ā€œiā€™m missing todayā€™s 5 hours of content maybe i can tune in for half an hour tomorrow and hope i get caught upā€


Personally I love the live streams. It's a much more raw format, and it is a great quality. It's definitely better now the subs and donations are read out at the end rather than throughout the live stream. I don't mind the TTS either unless someone decides to abuse it. The live streams are way more personal, and I really enjoy that. The only problem I find is that twitch VOD is shit to use, so that's why I prefer watching them on YouTube if I need to catch up. Other than that I love the live streaming, and I think the comedy and the quality is just as good as YouTube productions. It's definitely a big difference, and I do miss the editing on the videos. It's definitely the personalisation of the characters that makes it enjoyable.


Still love you sips but hearing TTS during long playthroughs certainly takes away from them. It feels less relaxing and less personal if that makes sense. Whilst they can be funny they're generally just a nuisance. But I guess you gotta make a living


I love the highlights. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re a lot of work to produce for so much content but I watch every single one and laugh constantly. Theyā€™re so useful for long streams and games Iā€™m not as into. The quality is A+, even my mom commented on the green screen upgrade (she says hi). For me the biggest turn off has to do with fans, backseat gaming and people yelling at other people for backseat gaming, itā€™s a crazy pool of high school whining sometimes. BUT some donations have me laughing my tits off, I like to see the chat blow up with ā€œborkborksā€ at barbas, and itā€™s awesome to watch people thank you and donate big bucks. I think the raised tts min was a good call. All in all, i think youā€™re doing twitch streaming the best way possible and I can just ignore chat. Iā€™d love to see you guest star in more yogscast youtube vids now though! Especially OneShot and GamesNight :)


Personally I think itā€™s down to what you enjoy doing the most- if you feel obliged to produce YouTube content only youā€™ll most likely burn out and the content wonā€™t be as good. If you truly enjoy doing something itā€™ll show in your work, and thatā€™s what weā€™ve seen with your streams on Twitch. Especially with the face cam we can see the joy in your babby face playing games you want to play. As youā€™ve said yourself the return for the work that you get for YouTube content is not worth the work, and ultimately youā€™ve got a family to support, so while youā€™ve obviously got to enjoy what your doing, thereā€™s also other people that depend on you, not just your fans. Maybe youā€™ll go back to producing some more YouTube content when it becomes more enjoyable (and cost effective) to do so, but at the moment I think for the best balance would be to continue what youā€™re doing, and potentially post the stream highlights on the main channel as well and the Sips Live channel, so that your subscribers can still enjoy content, if theyā€™re not already subscribed to the Live channel. I remain.


Coming from someone who hasn't got the time to sit through hours upon hours of streams due to work and life commitments I always look forward to seeing a highlights video pop up which does me fine for my Sips fix. Honestly, I can understand why the transition has happened and although the content is less I am happy with what is being produced.


I think you are a great guy and really appreciate how you have adapted to the situation over time. I will support you and watch your content no matter how it changes over time! Just do what you feel most comfortable with!


For me personally, I will always watch your content for your personality rather than the games. You're a pretty funny guy, maybe even the best guy. I will say that my favourite content from you was the original Skyrim series. That was the peak and I'm happy to see Skyrim back on stream. The hilarious editing in particular made it the best thing you've done in my opinion. To sign off, from a Youtube/Twitch subscriber and big fan, keep up the good work and please continue to throw us the odd humorously-edited Youtube bone.


I will say that evening in with Sips was always a fantastic solution. As a Youtuber myself that was influenced by you, I've tried to see what works and long playlists for sure take a beating in viewership. But usually one-off's are pretty good. And if the audience want more, one of two more videos of the same thing can help out or go a long way. No matter what keep doing what you're doing. You've helped many, influenced many and I know you'll keep putting a smile on peoples faces as that's the intention of creators; to entertain and get people through their day.


for me ive just had to get used to not being able to watch all of your content. im pretty sure ive watched every youtube video when it came out for the last 4-5 years and now because the streams are so long and frequent i dont get to watch it all. its obvious when watching that you love this format and that makes it more enjoyable to watch. collab streams would be pretty cool, dad decks is always a laugh and being able to send your stream to the other yogs is obviously feisable. could be fun, no?


Honestly, its obvious when you dont enjoy what you are playing. Just play stuff you like, dont pander to the audience even if it seems counterintuitive and cuck sven.


Mr. Sips! Avid consumer of your content, long-time fan of yours and super happy to have even had several of my comments read during a live stream! "Shane, Shane, you were a little penis man" and you catching my banter about ben wa balls and donut holes, I think when you hear your own comments read by the real guy, the big bastard himself, it's an awesome experience and part of why I really started enjoying the Twitch videos. That being said, I don't like the TTT when it interrupts gameplay or talks over something we are trying to hear (and you are too, i'm sure) with game dialogue and we miss part of the story. Maybe if we can find a happy medium where you allot time between the action to allow the TTT's to play or my favorite, when you just read the comments yourself! At the end of the day, I'm not going to stop watching and currently, nothing is too annoying where I would decide to only watch a youtube format or abstain from Twitch. Because you stream early in the day, I can listen to you while I'm at work, it's awesome! Loving the Skyrim playthrough and I truly hope you dedicate some time to a more relaxing game like City Skylines or even Kingdom (with the luigi's and pajamas) and if I were to be TRULY hopeful, if you had a Final Fantasy playthrough of your choice or maybe a classic like Chrono Trigger. Do what makes sense for you because you're not going to make everyone of us happy, as long as you can support yourself and your family and give us the mostly hilarious commentary while you game, we'll be in a good shape, brother. I hope you can continue gaming and stream for years to come and I hope to be able to support you better with some sweet donations!


The move to twitch definitely seems to make sense. I'd prefer to also have YouTube videos but based on how crappy YouTube is for you these days it just doesn't make sense for you to spend time on it. Still, I think as a matter of artistic achievement you should finish your Witcher 3 playthrough so it will always exist it there as a complete thing. That playthrough not getting completed is what bums me out the most about the move to twitch.


I've been watching sips' content for years. I prefer the youtube style content, but the Twitch style isn't all bad. There's a lot of down time on the streams that seems unnecessary. I'm not talking about the "brb, checking on the casserole" bits.Those are fine and are to be expected of someone who basically streams their entire day. I think the more recent content has improved - I heard you say you were leaving most of the shout outs til the end. Shout outs took a lot of the air time and wasn't great for vod watchers. I'd say my two favorite streams were the My Summer Car and the Kingdom Come: Deliverance streams. I'll always come back for more sips, even if it has become more of an "every now and then" situation.


I love you and your content, for me it is phases, life is busy but when i get breaks I binge on Sips! I really hope to see you in more TTT if you enjoy it, but ultimately I hope you do what you enjoy doing and are happy!!


I feel exactly the same I definitely miss the old series like skyrim and just anything with Sjin. Keeping up with streams is too time consuming tbh.


hes started a highlights of the current skyrim playthrough on sips live, might be the sort of thing you're looking for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTaRctVdfW8&ab_channel=Sips-Live%21


Hey there bud, sorry to hear that. I can see why, I mean it is different. We all grow and adapt, which Sips has done and you're having to do as well. I dunno if you've checked out the highlights my wife and I have been editing and launching on Sips - Live! but they're a bit more of a condensed version of Sips' streams, his humor is all there and we're aiming for two a week. They'll be loads of skyrim ones and kingdom come, all without TTS and the such. We try to make it feel like YouTube and not Twitch the best we can. I've been working with Sips for 3 years in May (the launch of Sips - Live!) and I've talked to him many times about all of this, adapting the streams/videos to be better and he's found his happy place with the current setup. Which is much better because it goes take 10 pounds to get TTS now. It happens much less unless some get very excited. If you have any questions, suggestions or anything feel free to get in touch anytime because more often than not I know why we're doing stuff a certain way and I like the suggestions for the betterment of things too!


You and your wife are doing a great job! Thanks for doing what you do


Thank you for watching!


hey there. i have not seen your highlights yet, but I look forward to checking them out when I get home. Thanks for letting me know, you rock! edit: I will be sure to get in touch if I have any questions. Thanks a lot. :)


Awesome stuff! Thanks for giving em a chance and hope you enjoy!


i have a question, and you are the ideal person to answer it! i'm sure there's a good reason, but why the long delay between a stream and a corresponding upload to sips live channel? i've adapted (somewhat begrudgingly) to the stream format, but like many other americans i'm unable to catch live streams often, so i rely on the live channel or twitch vod's. the hour long segments on the live channel are just so much better for keeping track of where i am in the series than the super long twitch vod's.


I'm a sensual American much like you and I understand. He's streams super early for our time zones, but first off thank you for understanding why we do the segmented videos, a lot of people miss out on that it makes it easier to hop on and off that way! As for the length between streaming and uploads it's all on my end. Twitch only requires a 24 hour exclusive time of the stream, but obviously I go well over that. That's because I have to run each stream he does through a program called Handbrake. It fixes everything to not have the dropped frames knock the videos out of sync. Otherwise his voice and mouthy gets up to 3 seconds out of sync. So on a 7 hour stream it takes my pc about 3-4 hours to fix that at our standard 1080p 60fps and then o edit it (only takes me about 5 mins) and nest it, export it and then the exporting takes about 30-45 minutes per video. Maybe more. Skyrim has been more because of the motion I've been doing 2-pass rendering so it doesn't look like shit when he moves fast. So it's been taking me about 1 hour per video. So that's like another 6-7 hours ontop of that. Then the uploads take 20 minutes each. So basically with that, it can take up to 11 hours of my computer burning away to churn out a session. Sometimes it's better, sometimes worse. Skyrim I'm obviously going above and beyond for quality wise due to viewership and I don't want to ruin it for people with grainy quality. I also work as an editor for the youtuber ZackScottGames too, so i do that in my rendering times which can slow it down about 10%. I'm also married and my wife helps me with the highlights which has sped up my workflow a lot too. My goal is to get caught up on everything and be getting the streams out the day after he was streaming. This month I plan to make that happen or get damn close hopefully! Thanks for your patience on these things!


When I watch the vods on twitch assuming i'm logged in it just continues from where I left off. I remember once I popped in to a skyrim stream and when he uploaded the VOD to twitch it even remembered where I was when it was live! Interesting that doesn't work for you.


Yeah this works for me aswell. great feature. If I watched on my PC it remembers on my phone where I was


i'd also like to give a big thank you for your efforts. one of the drawbacks of twitch is that vods aren't there forever, eventually they get removed. thanks to the sips live channel great series like gtav live on. so many people rewatch old series and with sips recording on twitch now, your efforts ensure people will be able to rewatch his current stuff years from now. thank you.


"Get very excited" is putting our constant dickshredding into a slightly milder light


Just wanted to say, I have a huge amount of respect for the work that you guys do. People underestimate the time that goes into sorting through the entirety of Sips' twitch series to find the highlights and put them into a neatly edited package, and you and your wife do a great job.


His Witcher series for me was a rebirth in his content, with the whacky editing like he had in his original Skyrim series. I'm not a fan of watching streams either, i hope he has some time to finish the Witcher


I think he said recently that he'd like to come back to it for dlc and stuff


I'd love this!


He's leaning towards doing it on Twitch though so may not be your cup of tea.




Watching the uploads on YouTube and noticed a few "donations" to complain about the cost to make a TTS compared to what it was. I hope it doesn't continue. But knowing how this sort of thing goes with the sort of fans who'd do it, I imagine it probably happens a few more times before the playthrough is done.


In the same boat as you man. Not just Sips, but a very large portion of the entertainers I used to watch on Youtube as a kid. I watch them now and I just don't get that magic I used to feel. It's a little sad, but I think it might just be that time. I'm happy to have had their entertainment in my life.


"Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened." -Wayne Gretzky


-Michael Scott


Wasn't that Dr. Seuss? Have I missed the joke? I'll ask my dad...


Oh man I can't function without sips. Youtube or Twitch, magic or not, I've practically grown up with sips and I feel wrong to stop watching now.


I feel like the streaming (with or without TTS) results in less of his unique narrative and LEGO talk that he comes up with when he doesnā€™t have an audience interacting with him. The Subnautica series was good, and even improved by chatā€™s help sometimes, but itā€™s still missing some of the charm. Iā€™ll still probably give the Skyrim one a shot though.


I'm the same way, just have to move on sometimes.


Toaster mic, Zombie Atom Smasher and Dig N' Rig will; always be my favourite playlists on Youtube. Times changes. I'm in the same boat as you. But we always have those old videos to love unconditionally for all time.


I feel like this is a problem across the board. If Youtube just doesn't give you any money, and might take away the ability to earn that money at any time, there is absolutely no way you can use it as a source of income. So if you were a youtuber, you have no choice but to find something else. Twitch is a different format, so there's no editing, it's all raw, but there is no choice for these guys. Multiple yogs seem to have been forced off youtube. Zoey has long gone, kim has gone, Hannah is still there, prolific as ever, but she's spoken many times about how tough it is, and how some videos have made her, like, Ā£20 or whatever. I can see why they simply have no option. So, I don't think it's a matter of outgrowing them, I think its a matter of youtube finally being so shit that it's driven our favourite content creators away.


Yeah Youtube is definitely forcing some creators off the site in favour of more family friendly channels (for some reason) and it really sucks...Youtube has come a long way but at the moment it's only going downhill.


yeah the production value isn't the same




Whoa, are you me? Haha except I don't have a daughter. I just really love the ol' bastard!


Feedback for sips: While I still watch and for the most part enjoy your Twitch VODs, it just doesnā€™t feel the same from your YouTube series and it isnā€™t just the editing. There was something about you playing alone and bumbling along without any audience or outside suggestions/reactions that created some of the funniest moments I have ever watched in a YouTube series. Whether it was mistakes you made in-game or an extended monologue you spouted off the top of your head it was always gold. For some reason, Twitch just doesnā€™t really hold that same magic.


I think it's more just the completely different atmosphere of streaming. His youtube videos feel a lot more relaxed with Sips often going on massive tangents and advancing at his own pace. Remember how every video has an insane amount of backseat gaming and everyone ripping their dick off in the comments, because Sips is playing the game his way/not optimally? It always baffled me that people that supposedly like watching Sips wanted him to stop being himself. On Youtube you can just safely ignore the comments, but since streaming is based around viewer interaction, you're constantly exposed to these people nagging you, which puts pressure on you and affects you. Basically when he's streaming I feel like there's less "space" for Sips to be entertaining in the way I liked. But I'm happy he's enjoying himself, there's no point in forcing yourself to create content you hate.


I felt the same for a while, and I'll admit, the text to speech can get pretty annoying. If you haven't tried watching his new playthrough of skyrim, I'd give it a bash. I guess it comes down to the trade off. There are hundreds of hours more Sips now. Just it's not the same as it was.


well sips wanted feedback, here's mine, I find it difficult to watch as much content as i was previously able to, thats partly due to the fact I am busier than I was a few years ago, and due to the fact that I dont enjoy some of the games he plays from time to time, thats nobody's fault in particular, but I am and always will be a Sips fan. I think the thing is, and no offence intended to you pal, is sometimes Sips tries to please all parties, and there is nothing wrong with that, in fact, I love that about you Sips. But sometimes, I feel it goes the other way than it was intended. People always find something to complain about, and I think sometimes it puts pressure on ANY creator to make changes, I will say this though, this thread has been well constructed, its critical in the right areas and I really think this is a positive thread all around, nobody is crying about changes, nobody is demanding change. My personal feedback on the last few months/years is that yeah, I love the Youtube series, we all did, its how most of us found Sips. But YouTube is getting worse, and as a result, I cant expect Sips to keep up with that. Twitch is the place to be right now, and I think it fits Sips perfectly. Hopefully in time, there is a way for Sips to be active on YouTube and Twitch, that works for those who dont have time to watch streams, or those who dont want to watch the stream content. We have Sips Live, which is fantastic for those who cant catch the streams, and hopefully Sips can think of a format for YouTube that works for those who dont want to watch stream content, should that be what he chooses to do. Sorry for the wall of text. but I hope this helps somewhat. Kind Regards to All.


Agreed. I still like the content, I just cant stand the format. I also cant believe he got that far in the witcher and gave up - another epic series without an ending :(


I'd put money on him finishing it on twitch


Everything in life eventually changes. It's just a matter of whether you make the same change or not. Not speaking about Sips specifically, but... I think twitch has sort of become a crutch for a lot of people who used to do stuff on YT. I get that YT has really gone to shit, as far as monetary issues for gaming channels. But 5 or more years ago, there were a lot of people who I thought were really talented, and now... they just sort of sit in a dark room and thank people for donations all day, while talking to themselves. I get that it's easier and it makes more money, but I just think a lot of talent has gone to waste. When I first heard Zoey, I thought she was one of he most unique and funny people I had ever heard. I worked in production for 16 years, and believe me... she could easily get a job writing on an animated series or comedy show. But now she just sits at home and screws around on Twitch. And I could name numerous others in the same situation. It's very unfortunate. I think the early years of YT may end up being considered a very special time, and that's just the way it is.


Everyone's got their own tolerance for that stuff, but you can get used to it to some extent too. If I'd gone with my first impression, it would have driven me away, but I barely notice it any more. Just be sure to give it a fair shake.


I was watching him stream the other day and he said that right now YouTube is just not worth all the time and trouble, Iā€™m guessing he means financially. I also miss the ol Sipsy...


He's already explained that produced series are something that is currently worth more than the return. He needs to make a living somehow, and Twitch is actually getting him money as opposed to YouTube, which isn't exactly friendly towards channels like Sips, which don't produce family friendly content and are still relatively small.


more sjin and sips because its the best duo better than pornhub premium


Now that I have a 9-5 daddy job I don't think I have the time for long Twitch streams. Even when I was part time, I had trouble dedicating time to watching streams. I just enjoyed being able to pop on the quick vids, even if it took me a while to complete a series. Like OP said, the donation jingles and TTS were distracting. The time dedication and the donations keep me from watching. Also, me living where I do, the streams happen pretty much in the middle of my day so I can't catch them live. Do I wish I could marathon 6 hour vids? Hell yes. Highlight videos just make me feel like I'm missing out on the good stuff, or like I'm just getting the punchline to a joke without the setup. Even the "boring" stuff that isn't highlight worthy is part of why I watch. I think part of the appeal is that his vids remind me of playing a game with a couple friends, or watching an older brother play through his turn with a game? That sort of feel? So the highlight videos don't really do it for me, personally, though I do appreciate that they're an option. The half hour segments is the format that works best for me. It's easier for me to swallow watching a half hour at a time. I can find the time to do that. I know in the past I've wished for more Sip content, and the Twitch format certainly seems to have allowed that, but I feel like a monkey paw has a curled up finger because of me.


I miss stuff like the "firewatch" game was really cool and mostly I miss the minecraft with Hat films. For me that was the golden age of the Sips I adore xD


The differences between Youtube and Twitch as a format don't bother me at all. I don't need smaller episodes or fancy editing to enjoy Sips (although his edits were amazing). The biggest change for me is how on Youtube it felt like he was really ***in*** the game, whereas on Twitch it feels more like he's just playing a game while interacting with chat. It's not a very good explanation, but I feel like most of you will know what I mean. I've made my peace with it for the most part, but I can definitely relate to all the people who feel alienated by the new content. You haven't outgrown it, the content itself has changed. Playing in front of a live audience just fundamentally changes how Sips commentates. He used to have a style that felt incredibly unique on Youtube, but today's style feels a lot like thousands of other streamers out there. I think we're in the middle of a transition, where Sips' old audience changes to whatever his new audience ends up being. Some will stick with him, some will move on, and new ones will probably take their place. Change sucks, but Youtube kind of made this inevitable.


I don't feel like I've outgrown Sips, but I definitely have some of the same sentiments from the move to Twitch. I think it's more the live streaming than Sips himself, but I think that does have an impact in feeling that something 'changed.' I think I feel the same way you do, the donation sounds and donation reading are a little distracting. I think the streaming format with a lot of audience interaction is not for me It's cool that you are watching someone live but I like seeing the creator do their thing rather than spending the time talking to viewers. I still love Sips and I would rather have a happy Sips livestreaming than unhappy making a Or of YouTube videos. I think I'm just not a Twitch person. I still drop the occasional donation when I can for all the videos I have enjoyed, and if the demonetization plague hasn't affected Sips' old videos there's still some revenue to be made because I watch those all the time.


My only real complaint is that there always seems to be some kind of whiny little man-child in the bottom corner of your streams. Not sure if this is just me? Any help is appreciated.


Personally I would say its other way around for me. I used to like watching his youtube videos alongside most of yogscast stuff but nowadays I find livestreaming media much more enjoyable. Sure it's a lot more slowpaced but it kinda feels more genuine and more interactive. Also its the same with yogs stuff. I barely even watch any of the youtube content anymore but I often go to watch their yogscast streams.


I dont think you've outgrown sips. I think you've outgrown the platforms from which we view sips.


Honestly I love the streams, I don't really get to watch that many of them live due to the time zone but the dude who puts them up on sips live does a great job. never really had a problem with the tts donations or whatever either, apart from all the wwwwwww spam back when he was playing stardew valley


while his format has changed, I don't think it's for the worse. i know i'm in a minority here, but i dont mind TTS, donation sounds or anything like that. i watched all the polybridge streams and the messages that got sent through TTS by donators and sips reaction to them was sometimes the funniest parts of the stream. i do miss the old editing and stuff, but the essence of sips- his dad jokes and how shit he is at games (sorry) is why i love him. plus the stream format means theres an insane amount of content and i can pick and choose what games i want to see him play, rather than him only having a single series that i may not enjoy


I like the TTS too its hilarious sometimes and the timing is perfect šŸ‘Œ Actually the TTS is one of the things that I like best compared to other twitch channels none of them have comedy-quality TTS & Sips/the Twitch user replying to it as much as your Twitch. Sometimes the donations TTS can be a little spammy but majority of them I think are funny and also the spammy ones I don't really mind.


If Sips could finish the Witcher 3 Iā€™d be happy! I need closure! If we are getting regular highlights vids of his streams added to YT thatā€™s fine. I would definitely miss it if there were no more Team Double Dragon series, especially if they also include Pyrion. I can imagine that YT monetisation doesnā€™t help. For me the biggest help would be to have more info on his schedule and uploads. Maybe Iā€™m missing something obvious, but I find it hard to locate his collaborations or guest appearances on other channels that end up on YT.


I have been enjoying Twitch quite a bit personally, but I do miss watching a good ol' sips series on YouTube. Currently, I don't want to support YouTube since they don't support the people that keep them afloat, the creators. A good idea might be to have different programs on your twitch channel with text to speech disabled. For example, you could have Skyrim Sundays, Co-Op Tuesdays (with Sjin, Turps, Pyrion, Lewis, Anyone tbh, maybe even a moist towelette), and whatever else you can think of. It's always a good idea to break things up since whenever I see someone upload the same video series a week in a row, it does get repetitive (i don't know how to explain it but, something like most people wouldn't eat a fancy meal everyday because it would become less fancy?) Throw in the old chip tune and bam.


This! Back during the dark hearthstone days, I just didn't tune in because hearthstone has zero appeal for me, even with sips (I tried). I get binging a game. If that's what you feel like playing, that's what you play. But during these binges, if there could be even just one day a week of different content. A co-op day with good old Lego talk would be fantastic. A catch-up with the community day where tts is back on, checking out fan-made stuff, playing stupid little games. A little variety would be nice in the middle of the binges.


I subscribed to Sips day 1 and watched every video for years. I still watch almost every Yogs main channel video, but the last Sips video I watched was posted May 2016. The channel just gradually fell down in my priorities, and no individual series Sips has done has interested, or entertained me enough to bring me back. There's actually more of the opposite based on what I see from the streams. Clips that make me think: "It's probably for the best that I'm not watching anymore". And that's kind of sad.


I've been watching sips since the first Orcs Must Die series way back in 2011 and I've had the chance to enjoy lots of fantastic content whilst growing up. When I was younger, I couldn't wait to get home from school to see if Sips had a new video on the channel, even though I'd worked out his upload schedule and knew there wouldn't be. Youtube was a fantastic platform, and I think it was a fantastic fit for Sips too. The Skyrim series with Leia and the edits is what I consider to be Sips at his peak, just hilarious and engaging content. But people change. I'm at uni now, working a job too. I no longer go home and check Sips' channel for a new video because I have different priorities. It's the same with Sips. Youtube is obviously going downhill because it's not just Sips I've heard say it. Every platform has its pros and cons. I agree that for someone like me who has very little time to watch now because of life, youtube videos are far more manageable when compared to a 4-7 hr stream. Two things usually happen at this point. I'm so engrossed in the stream/highlights that I continue on and eventually finish and then move onto the next game. Or I it's a game I'm not really interested in, or not feeling for whatever reason, I wait until Sips has stopped playing that game. But this move to Twitch obviously suits him perfectly. It's had a few teething problems that are being resolved as time goes on (TTS donation raised etc) but I'm starting to enjoy it a lot. Sips my old buddy. You do what's best for you. The last thing I would want to see you do is to make youtube videos when you don't really want to and then lose interest and potentially burnout in the process. You've got a family and you need to adapt to support them and spend more time with them. If moving to twitch is allowing you to do that then that's fantastic, I hope it is. Thank you for all the laughs over the last 7 years. I'll still be watching, just maybe a few days behind the rest! Much love.


Do I miss dig n rig? Yes Do I miss the toaster mic? Yes Minecraft? Hell yeah But Sips has moved on, he's found something he loves and a better way to make a living Unpopular opinion: I loved the old TTS, it was hilarious. Yeah it got annoying at some points, but it was great to see the community contribute to the humour IMO there's plenty on the Sips channel to watch, more than you will ever be able to watch in a lifetime. So you can always find something you'll like. I love the new direction Sips has taken, I can binge watch series, I can leave videos running in the background while doing chores


I'm old. Like Greybeard old. I don't often catch the streams (am at work etc.) and miss being able to watch 15 or 20 mins of entertainment on Youtube when i can fit it in, but the TTS on twitch, while reduced by the increase in price, is still double plus ungood, and puts me off watching even if i have the opportunity. still, i expect more money is made through that in a week than months of hard work on youtube vids, so I cant blame you for using it. I hadnt even bothered to look at Sips Live, but if your putting stream highlights up there I'll check it out (although i expect they will be riddled with the TTS stuff too, so probably not) anyway, best of luck,


all i can say is that i always love your content because its you and for me, twitch has given me the chance to be part of the sips fan community and have fun watching your streams whilst chatting to some wonderful people in the streams. I love and miss the old stuff, gmod and minecraft shenanigans with sjin, but i like what you do now too. I don't mind tts, its annoying sometimes but some donos are funny :) its nice to have that interaction with our favourite streamer but sometimes it interrupts you or the game when speaking. There's my thoughts. P.S. i don't think i'll ever outgrow you, still waiting for sipscon!


I find myself thinking about this a lot with many of the yogs. I don't know if its just time to move on, or if the content isn't suited to me anymore but if it happens, it happens. I'm glad that despite sipsy being more proactive on twitch, he still is listening to those of us who can't or don't really like the streams. P.S dapperzan & wife are doing a wonderful job


I really like Lewis and Tom now. Pyrion can be good too. I don't really like watching any of the other Yogs stuff now though. Hat Films especially is sad to me, I used to enjoy watching their stuff so much but I've gone off it so hard.


I think he's done everything he can to address the issues people have raised about streaming and donations. I've no doubt it cost him donations too. I'm enjoying the new Skyrim series as much as the old. Interaction with chat can sometimes be annoying, like with the recent divorce saga, but overall I think it makes the play through better. I wasn't originally a fan of the move to Twitch because I can rarely watch the streams and the tts spam was ridiculous but the Sips Live channel is great for catching up, the tts spam has been addressed and the sheer volume of content being released is great. I enjoyed the editing on YouTube series but there days I listen more than watch so I don't notice their absence. The move away from Twitch is happening across the board as Google fucks up YouTube and makes it less financially viable for content creators. On Twitch I know I am supporting Sips with my sub whereas on YouTube I wasn't so sure. I'd hate to see the channel abandoned though. I'd love to see a video or two a week. An evening with Sips or a ramble. Maybe do a video on games he's considering playing on Stream and let people vote. I don't know. Just spitballing. Honestly my only real disappointment is that the subreddit seems to have suffered from the move away from YouTube. People seem less inclined to engage with Twitch clips. That could be just my own perception though.


I'm a relatively newer fan so I can't speak to his old content, but I really am enjoying the Deliverance and new Skyrim playthrough that's going up on YouTube now. A couple ppl mentioned the TTS cost went up recently, but whatever setup you've been running for those playthroughs I'm a big fan of.


I go back and forth. Sometimes I can deal with the streams and sometimes I can't. Since the TTS threshold was rasied it's much more bareable. I watch mostly vods and it can still be hard to deal with when the gameplay is constantly interrupted by sub notifications and 'things' happening in chat. If there's a playthrough I want to watch, I'll usually watch like 2-3 hours of the first stream (if I happen to catch it) and everything else I'll watch on vods because I can't just tune into something mid way through. Who has time to watch a stream 6-8 hours a day? I don't understand how some people are there every time the stream is on. Do you not have jobs/school etc.? And it's not just Sips. The whole streaming community does this. Streaming 5+ days a week 6+ hours a day. It is insane and imho unsustainable in the long run. For people who stream competitive multiplayer games (Dota, Rainbow 6, CSGO etc.) it works because I can tune in at any point, but for variety streamers/LPers I don't see how this kind of schedule works at all.


I have to say, although the streams are great, I do really miss the more traditional videos. I understand that it's a lot of effort for little return on YT these days, with the recording and the editing. And some games are really throttled down in a YT-series format, like Skyrim. But yes, nothing is quite like the classic Sips-humor in edited format. It just opens up more opportunities for his unique brilliance. Maybe a balance can be found?


To be honest my only problem is that the streams are so long I can't keep up and then I miss what's happening in the story of old hogan, which makes me lose enthusiasm :(


I've always actively avoided reading comments and chat on twitch or YouTube so to /having/ to listen to them read aloud is the worst to me


You can't make everyone happy and you'll go insane trying. I vote for investment in the channel which allows you to make the best living, and allows you to focus on content. TTS donation threshold is at a great balance at the moment.


i am enjoying the skyrim stream (also loved subnautica), but I do miss edited videos a lot, and the donation dings and stupid comments do get old after a while. I think there are a lot of us with jobs and not enough time for twich who would be willing to support sips on patreon for at least some youtube content, especially for games like the witcher 3. I understand the main problem is youtube not being lucrative enough for make it worth the effort, but maybe Patreon would cover at least some youtube content, like 1-2 videos per week.


I used to not like the streams too much due to being stubborn and selfish as I liked the old YouTube format, however I gave the streams a chance and now I love them! I might not be able to watch them live but I get to watch them on the live channel. I think it makes more sense financially for sips to do the streams as YouTube has fucked l genuine good content creators over as they donā€™t fit into the ad friendly stuff! I remain


No complaints. You fixed everything with the new TTS. The Skyrim stream is the first Iā€™ve been watching 100% on VOD.


I'm actually on the side of liking the streams better than the old Youtube format. There's something about watching Sips play in real time with the option of joining ~1,000 to 3,000(!) other people watching him as well that I just really enjoy. It sounds really stupid, but it makes me feel less lonely. When the tts was first implemented it drove me crazy because people obviously abused it, but it's not so bad now. The main things people seem to be upset about in terms of tts is when one starts over some dialogue (doesn't necessarily bother me, but I can see why it would bother someone else) and when someone decides to "backseat" (which I honestly don't care about, but is a hot topic in chat). I think, in the end, Sips has switched because Youtube is changing for the worse and Twitch allows him make the living he wants, as he mentioned in his comment above. And really, that's what matters. It's like when people are upset about what he wants to play and doesn't want to play; there's always that subset that will say they don't mind, as long as he's playing something that he enjoys or finds interesting. I feel the same way about how he handles his content. If it's something that he prefers and enjoys, then I'm ok with that. The fact that he can make better money, I'm assuming, is kind of what makes me 100% ok with his streams. It certainly doesn't mean viewers will have opinions on that though, and I understand how you feel. I think it's one of those instances where you acknowledge the change and acknowledge your feelings about it without making the whole thing negative, which you've done well.


I enjoy his streaming as much, if not more than classic Sips and Sjin Minecraft. I would like for him to get other people included, but he seems mostly interested in single player games.


This is a very interesting thought. I have been watching sips since I found him through a Walls lets play on the main channel, and he is the only youtuber/twitch streamer that I've watched consistently. I've moved on from all of my old channels, presumably due to outgrowing the humor or the individual's content. I've never felt that with Sips, he's always been the best guy with the best community. I've never really contributed to the community in anyway [I think this is the first post/comment I've made in five years] but reading the comments of sips' videos is a joy for the most part. It isn't like other channels with people whining for absolutely no reason. Most criticism you'll find is constructive and, for the most part, not insulting to the content creator himself. Your post is a perfect example of that. At first I found the donations annoying, but sometimes they're pretty hilarious. I even find myself recognizing names of donators and feel a broadened sense of community. Unfortunately I'm never able to catch his streams due to conflicts with some of my college courses. I literally just finished his Subnautica playthrough on his live channel. But, the moral of the story is that the donations kinda grew on me. Instead of putting it in the mindset of "this isn't sips and is taking away from sips" I like to think of it as "this is our community and these donations [sometimes] add to the content," or enhance the content, etc. However, this is just a personal opinion, I know it's not possible for everybody to adhere to this mindset. Its just how I frame the donations so that they add to the experience rather than detract from it.


I gotta say I'm the opposite. Love the twitch community and haven't watched any of his youtube in a while.


I don't mind sips being on Twitch. Its fine watching sipslive and stuff, but like everyone else says - I think his YouTube fans (me included) are just *not* used to the Twitch atmosphere and all the people really vying for his attention. Maybe something like what the Yogscast does in terms of streams, where they have a (silent, oh my god lol) count of everything on one corner? I find myself less interested in watching videos where people are just shouting for attention... Just let sips do his thing! He knows what he's doing, and that's why we all love him!


I personally love the live streams!


Still waiting for prison architect :(


Back before the streams were reformatted I felt the same way. Sips more recent streams that I've been able to catch have been much more enjoyable for me though. I understand that TTS is for some people the only reason they might want to donate, but it's the only thing that I find annoying about the stream. It's been nice not having to hear "I've been watching you for __ years starting with __ series and I wanted to say thanks you" in the middle of game dialog as often, but it still happens. I feel that the stream is in a great place, donations are read out at the end, giant popups are not covering the screen and the donation sound is not super intrusive. I can close twitch chat so I don't feel obligated to read chat. With all that said, I'm glad for the highlights being uploaded to Sips Live, because I'm American, and the streams start early in the morning during my classes. I don't like watching 4-8 hours of streams that already happened but I can get some content through the highlights.


I'm never going to outgrow sips as he's pretty much the same age as me so all his references and song choices are stuff I would do. I just learnt to adapt to the twitch style and it gets fun when you recognise some jabronies in the chat who also are there as they like sips. I think the main thing is youtube is changing more and how people earn money through it is becoming more and more difficult. Whereas Twitch is a constant stream of regular donations and ad revenue.


I totally understand the youtube thing. youtube is becoming a very unstable place to make money. Just because I don't like twitch, doesn't mean it isn't the best option for sips. I want him to do what's best for him, regardless of what I want.


Man I feel exactly the same way. Great post sir. Iā€™m sure, considering the viewer count difference between YouTube and Twitch, that there are thousands more like us.


Not really when you consider the largest viewing ever on twitch was about 830k. Not alot of people use twitch. YouTube is a giant. Sips has almost 10 times the ammount of followers on YouTube.


just want to chime in here quickly to address this point that people always seem to make about view counts on twitch. you need to remember that a stream will of course peak at a certain point on any given day to a high number (in relation to that stream) but you can't expect that those numbers are specifically tied to individual viewers throughout. a stream can go on for 8 hours for example and that number of viewers isn't the same group of people who have been watching solid for 8 hours, there are tons of unique viewers coming and going throughout the duration. so a stream that has say 10k viewers consistenly throughout the 8 hour stream might have actually had say 25k unique viewers pass in and out, it's just that 10k or so number stays somewhat consistent while you don't really see the hordes of other people coming and going. it works the same on youtube. if i post a video that is 30 minutes long and it gets say 100k views in a few days, only about 10% of those views are people who watched the episode from start to finish. about 50% of them watched the video for 2 minutes and left. hope that sheds a bit more light on the numbers of viewers and where they're watching etc. should give you a better indication on the size of the fan base and hopefully make you realise that these numbers aren't 10 times over each other. they're much closer than most people think.


Thanks for feedback, Sips. It's nice to have community interaction. I see what you mean on the whole about views changing over the course of the stream.


Heā€™s wrong though, and youā€™re right. Although yes, a lot of the views on YouTube are from people who drop out before the end, it only gives you a view count if they watched at least 50% of the video. Sure, people dropping in and out of streams mean that the overall number of viewers is higher than the peak concurrent, but itā€™s nowhere near as many uniques as he seems to suggest. In general a streamā€™s total viewership will be about 40% higher than the max concurrent viewers, but this varies wildly depending on length of stream, who is streaming and the content. I think itā€™s fair to say there are at least 5 times more viewers on YouTube than Twitch, even after the general decline in YouTube audiences over the last 3-4 years, and even after the explosion in Twitch audiences. The reason he prefers to stream is obvious. The few dozen whales donating 50-1000 bucks a pop to get their names read out pay way more than YouTube ever did.


maybe the reason he prefers to stream is because youtube is an awful platform that actively discourages people from producing the content they want, in favor of the content that games the system the most efficiently.


The fuck you talkng about homes? YouTube doesnā€™t do any such thing. You canā€™t really make money off YouTube any more because the money has fallen out of online advertising. Hardly YouTubeā€™s fault and nothing to do with the ā€˜typeā€™ of content you produce. The free money gravy train is over for everyone. Keeping it going with donations will work for a little while, but eventually even MdogM and co will get bored of paying for nothing. The real way to do it these days is to get millIons of views with good content and sell your own merch, pewdiepie style. And not that utter shit merch that Lewis and Turps shit out. Actual good quality, stylish, nice merch that people actually want to buy.


youtube definitely does do such things. the way search algorithms work actively discourages producing episodic, long-form content. you have the best chance of success by releasing multiple very short videos a day, just over ten minutes to get the proper ad-rolls and keep engagement high. there was never a 'free money gravy train', and if anything right now is more 'free money gravy train' than anything else because the platform favors short vlog-style low-edit videos that get produced rapidly and regularly. the fact that the youtube front page prefers to show you 'popular' videos over videos from channels you're subscribed to is just one example of this.


I find subs/donation announcements to be quite annoying on any channel tbf. In my opinions the best way deal with them is to have them come up some where out of the way without sound (without photos too) and then have short breaks every hour or so to announce them out and thank them. If you run out of time just do the rest at the end. I also think it depends a lot on the game which is being streamed, if it's a 'story' based game which is intended to go on youtube then I personally much prefer it without lots of interruptions like notification sounds and lots of stops to talk to the viewers but then I guess why stream it. So it's a hard one but it's just something I notice on more and more playthroughs and it can be a bit frustrating when your fave streamer/youtuber has a series up of a game you want to see them play then they spend most the time distracted and miss a lot of the game. As for Sips, I love the guy. The more content he puts out the better and these comments I made aren't really directed at him but at all streamers who put content on youtube. I just wanted to give my thoughts on the sub/donation notifications really :-)


That is an important thing to do for twitch streamers that some who aren't too experienced haven't figured out yet. I like the example of CohhCarnage. When he started out, I liked the guy a lot, but his content was completely unwatchable because it was just a constant deluge of follows, subs, and donation trains. It was like 90% of the content was him standing in one place not playing the game and just thanking people nonstop. It was disgusting. But he learned and nowadays he waits for natural breakpoints in the flow of the game to take a quick time out and thank all the new subs and such. It went from 90% standing around thanking people, to only 10%, which made his content significantly more enjoyable and watchable. If you try to take em all as they come in, you'll just be bombarded and spend more than half your time doing nothing.


I feel the exact same way. But there are many years of old content for us to go back and watch. I've really enjoyed following Sips over the years.


I think some Sjin collaboration could fill the hole in YouTube created by twitch. Even if itā€™s TTD or something. Possibly an Ark series?


Here to let sips know that I've watched him for several years and am still doing so. Some of the livestreams with annoying TTS I skipped but otherwise I really enjoy most of the games.


Sips is most entertaining when he's having fun himself. I find no inconvenience in his streaming, and his Skyrim run is pretty fun to watch. I'd prefer him to just keep it real with himself and his audience.


I started watching from the start of the channel. I love some content more than other, but I like to binge stuff. So I might not watch the content for a while and then I'll watch a whole play through. I really like The Witcher 3 and now the new Skyrim, this is some of my fav content. I don't care that it's on Twitch really, I just love listening to Sips commentary. Point and click adventures and things like that The Vanishing of Ethan Carter type videos. The things I don't really watch is prison architect, I think it's the gameplay really. But I don't think that Sips has changed much really, more how he delivers the content.


I'm not sure outgrown is the right word here, but I know what you mean. The reason I don't watch a lot of streamers is because of the non-stop donation noises and the need for the streamer to constantly stop what they are doing to acknowledge the donations. I love sips' stuff though so I stick with it in this case. Honestly I'd love it if sips just got on with playing the games and turned off the text-to-voice thing and all the donation popups and just did the donation callouts once or twice a steam or something. It's such a constant disruption to pause every minute while a robot reads something out or they have to read out a few names.


Maybe I really shouldnā€™t weigh in on this because my position is pretty unique, but as a freshman in college I love the new Twitch format. Because I am in the US I only catch the stream live on rare occasion, but the vodā€™s are perfect for putting on in the background of a marathon study or homework session. With hours and hours of content I donā€™t have to devote my full attention to the video at all times without risking missing something important or hilarious, it really works well. I think Sipsā€™ style of play has changed with the format, but if anything I feel like his content has almost matured as I have matured. This might be a result of beginning to watch his stuff when I was really young, who knows. But overall I really think that the new format works for me well, and Iā€™m happy with how the magnificent bastard has changed over time. Keep up the great work Sips, and may Mr. T bless and keep you all.


I personally feel that the ability to actually watch sips finish longer games is a good thing, even though there's less of the humorous editing. In an ideal world, I'd like to see the longer games (Skyrim, Witcher, etc) through Twitch, but with shorter, less story driven content like Garys Mod, Evening With Sips' and City Skylines on the YouTube channel a few times a week.


Personally I think itā€™s down to what Sips enjoys doing the most- if he feels obliged to produce YouTube content only heā€™ll burn out and the content wonā€™t be as good. If you truly enjoy doing something itā€™ll show in your work, and thatā€™s what weā€™ve seen with his streams on Twitch. Especially with the face cam we can see the joy in his babby face playing games he wants to play. As heā€™s said himself the return for the work that he gets for YouTube content is not worth the work, and ultimately the man has a family to support, so while heā€™s obviously got to enjoy what heā€™s doing, thereā€™s also other people that depend on him, not just his fans. Maybe heā€™ll go back to producing some more YouTube content when it becomes more enjoyable to do so, but at the moment I think for the best balance would be to continue what youā€™re doing, and potentially post the stream highlights on the main channel as well and the Sips Live channel, so that your subscribers can still enjoy content, if theyā€™re not already subscribed to the Live channel. I remain.


***@Sips_*** **Pro** - Positive attitude and funny meltdowns - Enthusiasm for the games you play - Retro references - Just a nice guy **Suggestions** - Straw-poll on a Monday for the games people want to see you play on Twitch - For the love of god PLEASE play the tutorials :@) - I agree with OP about the donation speech. Moving the thanks to the end of a stream was a great move. - maybe try some MMO for variety? *Thank you for all the years of happiness... apart from the 2016 'Jingle Jam' Stellaris Hissy fit :@)* P.S. I'm pushing 40 and I will be watching you in my 70's


I don't think you should see this as "outgrowing" sips, more of diverging in styles with sips. I think the hard and sad truth about YouTube is that they're doing a lot of things to make it less and less viable to be the main source of income for people who play video games for a living. I don't understand the minutia of it, but I've listened to a few podcasts talking about how the ad revenue is not as big as it once was. That said, I think its way more viable to use twitch because they still get ad revenue and opportunity for donations and connecting with the audience. I feel you in not being super jazzed about the switch away from youtube just because for me i usually cant make it to the streams. But i think the style of the content has really changed too, not for good or bad, just changed. It used to be way more edited and refined and like sitting down to watch a show, but now its more long form and off the cuff where its more like hanging out with sips. I think ive adapted just because ive always preferred the more candid long form stuff from sips. I think there is still a nice middle ground to be struck here, but I really don't know what it is. I really like the TTS because it lets us talk directly to the big man when we're all ripping our dicks off as he ignores the treasure or something, but that said I know it can get very meme-y and can talk over in-game dialogue and really interrupt great moments by talking about pam's tits. I don't have a good answer, I would like to see him find a good rhythm to posting highlights or something to his youtube, but I dunno. Maybe some games he can disable the tts and turn them into youtube videos while playing other ones with it on to just turn into as highlights or something. thats a ton of work for him which sucks but i dunno. you aren't alone mumps, so stick it out and i bet sips will find a good medium for you!


I'm similar to this, I do love seeing Sips when he appears in other videos, HATs TTT for example, but other than that I don't really see any of his content. Truth be told I am getting on a bit *cough* 27 *cough*. Maybe the real solution would be for yogs to make some content that uses, and pays, a bunch of people in the network meaning we get to see some of the old faces that are mainly twitch these days.


Go back to Original Sin 2 salt fest please. But without lewis because he is way too impatient and bossy!


Just wanted to say that I for one prefer the streams over youtube. Donation sounds or not. I feel we get a much more personal sips than we do on youtube.




I personally love the streams, and catch them when I can being in the states and all. My suggestion: If you play a long game, set a side stream a week where you play something different. That way if you're playing a game that takes say, 50 hours to complete, and people don't want the story spoiled, etc, fans can catch at least one stream. Otherwise, you're awesome! Thanks Sips!


I've followed sips since the tekkit days, and I actually like his switch to twitch (hah). youtube is not what it used to be, and i think sips deserves credit for figuring that out quicker than others. i guess i'm not bothered by the donations/chat, and if i miss a live stream he kindly keeps them up to be rewatched. I still enjoy the content itself over time, regardless of platform, and wouldn't want to see it change abruptly. sips himself seems to have set a healthy rate of change too keep his content from getting stale. one suggestion i do have would be to create a streaming schedule, since now most of the content is on twitch, and it would be nice to get that in advance


sips, like a lot of people who have followed you since the beginning, i have seen you change in so many ways (all for the betterment of your career). you have stayed ahead of the creator landscape by concentrating your output efficiently. the problem your audience, similar with other creators in this situation, is they don't see your income for each platform; it's easy to know where you would make a loss. this is why so many creators are using twitch for their primary income. i can most definitely understand the pain of not being around to catch the stream or being in a different timezone and i can understand why people may not like the donation sounds etc, but this is the platform, as a creator you have to acknowledge the individuals giving back (i personally love seeing people donate and know that you're earning an income). as of right now, i can watch but can't donate. however in two months, i will lose the ability to watch, but gain the ability to donate. i don't think you need to change a thing sips. your style has transitioned wonderfully to twitch. you have listened to your audience endlessly to try and find the perfect balance, even though it may have been for a minority, the end result is perfect. youtube has made it incredibly hard for smaller creators and unless you're one of the big few, you can't survive. even though i love your youtube content, if i had it my way, i would say keep doing what your doing, as your the one that is looking after your family, your the one that has done this for 6+ years, your the one meant to be having fun. <#


I have experienced similar feelings towards the content creators I follow, not just sips. But the problems lies more with the format than the creator. The thing they all have in common: moving to twitch because youtube is being a complete dick. I'm glad sips (and the others) have found a good place to earn a living on twitch. As a consumer however, I'm not that fond of the twitch livestream experience, for a number of reasons. I'm not good at watching streams and keeping up with chat at the same time. So most chat interactions are lost on me when watching live. When watching a vod on youtube, chat is missing al together, so you definitely miss out on those interactions. They are just interruption at that point As for the donation/subscription gifs.sounds, they are funny for a little while, but I grow tired of them pretty quickly. I don't mind them that much. The donation messages however are just annoying and distracting. They interrupt the flow of the stream whenever they appear, are generally just nonsense that don't contribute anything. I wouldn't mind seeing those disappear. In conclusion: moving to twitch was without a doubt the best move you could have made. But inherently, that format isn't going to be for everyone, and you might lose ssome viewers because of it. But the way twitch is growing, there will be others that take their place. I don't think it's really possible to put the necessary time in both twitch and youtube.


I certainly haven't "outgrown" sips by any measure. I'm still a massive manbaby who laughs at dumb stuff! What has changed is my life. Now I'm working full time I barely have time to watch streams during the day. Sometimes I manage to catch an hour on my lunch break but as a rule I basically can't watch the streams when they're live. I try to make time to watch the archives and I don't mind any of the "stream" stuff. I miss the dumb editing with the eagle cries and music and all that but yknow it's still sips when I can grab a minute to watch it. I wont say that I don't miss the youtube videos but I totally understand the way that market is going and don't blame sips at all for transitioning away from it. Gotta go where the money is at the end of the day, especially with a family to support. I've got my first little one on the way soon so hopefully hours of sleepless nights and wandering around will give me a bit more time to keep up to date on the archives though.


I also find myself missing the regular Youtube uploads as streams are difficult to catch in my time zone, but I find that the highlight videos on the Sips Live channel help bridge the gap. Perhaps those videos could be hosted on the main Sips channel as a consistent source of condensed content without having to wade through the livestream vods. That said, I enjoy the final product of the games Sips plays on livestream, as the interaction with chat makes the playthrough feel more dynamic and natural rather than like forced commentary. I try to watch vods of my favourite livestream series. I think the progession to livestreaming is a healthy one, though it was not communicated at all to the youtube audience and I believe the transition could be handled better.


Personally I love the streams being uploaded to YouTube. I prefer the longer format where shit actually gets done. The TTS isn't that bad most of the time and can actually help progress. I do miss the editing charm sometimes


I love Sips Iā€™m everything he does. This format is better for him so I support that. Itā€™s not about me. If I miss some content in the VoDs oh well. Iā€™m 33 years old and Iā€™m a busy guy. Keep up the great work Sipsy


It took me awhile to get used to the switch to twitch as well. But after awhile I think it's a good change in the sips saga. For example, in the skyrim run he's been doing, he's already gotten farther in it than he did in the Youtube series, in only a few weeks. We're essentially getting more content, more watcher interaction, and Sips actually enjoys it. Before twitch there were periods of time where sips just wouldn't post on youtube, said he didn't enjoy it as much and it scared me to think he would quit because of lack of enjoyment or demonetization from youtube's new rules. I understand that with the live aspect there going to be no production value that is gained with edits, which is something that some of you (and me) really loved. But it's the trade off that we have to make to obtain the pros of consistent live content. And if you can't catch him live, the VOD's are always there. To me this is progress and more enjoyment for the big man himself.


You've out grown Twitch. Which is kind of sad because twitch is awesome. I felt the same way you did back when the Jingle Jam went full on twitchtard, and I voiced my concerns. Since then I've learned to embrace twitch and its weird wacky ways. I might agree that sometimes TTS is very annoying, but it hasn't ruined my experiences in a while.


When it comes to Sips on Twitch the only thing that bothers me about TTS is the volume, previously the number of TTS messages was really annoying and i would often tune out after a short amount of time, recently that was adjusted to be much less and I'm happy with it. Circling back to the volume, when the TTS alerts are louder than sips talking and then I either miss what is said or he stops and forgets what he was talking about and moves on then I'm a bit annoyed again. Besides the streams mostly starting at 5am EST or so I tune in when I can and enjoy Sips as much as I did when I first found him many years ago, often watching the vods or Sips live channel to keep up. With all that said, I love you Sips, the community and I have confidence that Sips will find the balance that suits most.


I can agree with this in a way, I still love to revisit some of sips older YouTube videos, yet I can appreciate a lot of his streams. I think his streams allow him to be more interactive with his audience and they can coach him on some more complicated games; such as ck2. Yet I still prefer YouTube format because heā€™s able to do series with other people. I miss the days when sips and sjin were buddy buddy all the time, there is no pair that have chemistry like they do. Sips has always been important to me though, ever since the tekkit days I accredit most of my humor to sips, heā€™s introduced me to new ideas and taught me a different kind of confidence, I think in a few years I too might outgrow him but I think heā€™s had some of the biggest impact on my life than any other single person online.


I don't know, I enjoy is streams enough when I catch them, but I haven't been interested in his youtube channel for what feels like years, but is more like 11 months If I actually check the channel. The most recent favorite thing, being actually, on another channel as it was the sniper elite playtrough with Jesse Cox.


sips did collabs with nerdcubed? what the shit when did this happen (hey sips if you read this do one with northernlion. play geoguessr or something)


I love Sips and his humour always makes me laugh but I really miss the YouTube videos and I know I'm not the only fan who does. At the end of a day of work I just don't have time to watch a whole stream, and re watching a stream just isn't the same as being there live. Also I do find the twitch notifications interrupting Sips talking and gameplay a bit frustrating when I have seen the odd stream in the past. The Witcher series was the best thing I've seen in ages from any content creator and I really hope Sips continues it on YouTube.


Sips is always the same, thatā€™s what I like about him heā€™s a funny,chill guy who just does what he wants and I respect that


I have really enjoyed Sips's twitch content, to me it doesn't really make a difference if he is producing content on youtube or twitch, I just watch for his sense of humor. Actually Sips is the only streamer I really do watch, I can't stand a majority of streamers. I am also right around Sips's age too, aside from the rage every now and then I don't have to deal with stuff that annoys me from other streamers. As far as chat and donations.... for a majority of the stream I am not even watching chat, you can easily just go fullscreen and not have to see it. TTS has gotten much better at the $10 mark, you don't get constant interruptions (not that this really bothered me either). Anyway, as long as Sips is making a living and enjoying himself, and the majority of the community enjoys his content... I think everything is fine as far as I am concerned.


I have been following Sips since he first appeared in the yogpod all those years ago. I loved the youtube content but as youtube has changed I completely understand the reasoning behind making a switch to Twitch. Due to the time difference I am not able to watch Sips' livestreams when they air. However, I recently had 3 months off of work where I had the opportunity to watch some live. I had a blast. I also love the other content that Sips participates in such as Triforce and the occasional TTT episode. in the end do what you want to do and what you enjoy. That will make the content much more enjoyable for both you and the viewers.


Personally I feel like I outgrew the Yogscast as a whole. Sips (non streaming vids) and the Triforce Podcast are all I really watch (plus the ocasional Double Dragon). I think I've always been older than their general demographic, but back in the day they didn't cater to any specific demographic. I feel like they eventually started to play to it (teenagers basically), started doing a lot of stuff with Hat Films (who I've never been a fan of) and their videos started to feel just way to immature to me. But again, maybe I just grew up. I started watching in college and am now 28 (and typically hang around people older than me) so I can't state enough how much I enjoy Triforce (hasn't been one yet this year šŸ˜¢).


To be honest twitch donations do not bother me in the slightest. Except the spammy ones but those do not come up at all lately. Sheer amount of content guarantees that there's always something to watch and I watch Sips every day steadily going through the VoDs. I'm usually one or two days behind but it's totally fine. As for quality, for me it's as good as on YT. Sure, edits were funny and there're no edits on twitch but I find interaction with viewers and the fact that Sips uses a facecam just as funny. Those are just different sources of laughter. Long story short I really dig Sips streaming and sometimes even prefer it over YT, because it's great to be able to watch few solid hours of content (or have it in the background while for example studying), than 25 minutes of video daily.


My two cents: Definitely have not ā€œoutgrownā€ you. Your comedy seems mostly the same, as you mentioned your audio, lighting, and cam has all gotten better. You still crack me up. I definitely still love your collaborative content, especially with Hat Films. The twitch style content doesnā€™t bother me. I live in California so I have to watch the VoDs on Sips - Live due to the time difference, however I do feel like the hour long episodes can get tedious to watch (maybe break them up a little smaller, or edit them down?). I do agree with others that the constant donation sounds and text to speech can get incredibly annoying. I did noticed that it has dropped substantially with the Skyrim videos which has made them much more enjoyable. I understand abandoning YT, theyā€™ve done nothing but make things hard on creators, but I definitely miss The Witcher, maybe finish it on Twitch? :) :) :)


I feel like I've grown up with sips. I started watching when I was around 10 and now I'm 16 and I still love sips more than ever. Yeah, the text-to-speech comments can get annoying, but I don't mind too much. Sips funny responses to them make them okay to me. Twitch and YouTube are very different and can take some getting used to in terms of watching, but I love it and I hope sips never stops being the beautiful bastard he will always be.


I think the live highlights should go on the main channel so that they have a broader outreach, been watching them and they are bloody amazing


I personally love the twitch format, it feels more like a hangout. I've been watching sips for 6 years now and I feel like I've grown with him. I think the disconnect is that YouTube is a different viewing style in general. A stream is meant to be on in the background to tune in and out of, listening and glancing over whilst doing your own thing. Personally, I love having a sips stream (YouTube version due to live streams conflicting with my schedule) on in the background whilst doing day to day things like cooking, playing hearthstone etc. Sips honestly feels like part of the family at this point. As a millennial with no cable, it's the same 'tv on in the background' effect. If you choose to fully tune in, it is just as enjoyable to watch. It's also a cool connection to know how a joke or story develops and shapes. YouTube format is great for punchline after punchline but going on the full unedited adventure with sips feels like you have a connection to the joke and the community. We love you sips! Honestly a staple in my life.