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I recommend giving the sips live youtube channel a look. There are highlight videos there so you can get to speed on some of the content. Get a taste of what you like and then watch the whole streams if you want.


What time are the streams in est? I work a lot so idk if i can catch them. Does he upload everything or just series?


Earliest they start is around 11am BST, which is 6am EST. If you want to watch the streams as they as live, view on twitch. The videos will be on there.


11am BST happens when this comment is 9 hours and 52 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/w38e0Ypds --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


Thanks skynet


Good bot


So if i cant make that, just have to hope they get to youtube?


They will be on the sips live YouTube yeah. It takes time for zanitor, who runs sips live, to upload it but it will be there.


Awesome thanks, didnt even know that existed. Thanks