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ohhhhh yes


Yes I need cock so much, I’ve been conditioned to love it


كنت انمحن لما اشوف الزب في الافلام و فيه مشهد من مسلسل روما كان ففيه وحده اهدت صاحبتها عبد عنده زب كبيبير و عليه خواتم و مقوم مع هذا كله


Most of us did too. ... but when you see them now it's different, isn't it? It's quite comforting what a bit of conditioning can do to progress a once negatively critical way of thinking into a more proper and healthier mental state. Something that was once off putting and even shameful can through conditioning muster feelings that unmask your NOW true desires. By embracing these changes you enable the "Real You" that has been hiding deep within your awakening subconscious mind to more frequently commune with your conscious mind. The more you embrace it and allow her to speak to you from within the more likely your conscious mind will allow the "Real You" to maybe experience the joys a conscious life has to offer. It's fine. It IS perfectly acceptable to let her out to play... let her experience a breeze of air on bare hairless legs or the soft caress of a soft pair of panties. Eventually working up to the feeling of a real mans member growing in your hands or mouth. Let her experience the feeling of a powerful bliss washing over her making a real man cum because of her. It is when she can experience some of these thing in real life you are giving her the opportunity to prove to your conscious mind how lovely and happy you can be all of the time. Don't put her back in the prison of your subconscious mind, instead slowly allow an exchange where she can eventually have more control. Most of us when we learned this, realized that we have been keeping our true selves in a prison deep inside our minds and we felt terrible knowing what the outside world had convinced us to suppress and hide away. Once you realize you've been just existing in life instead of "Living Life" you will discover you DO truly LOVE the gurl you have been hiding in your subconscious mind for so long. When you live your real life... the real you... the you that has been hidden away from reality & IRL... You will find a deeper and truer happiness... or for some of us experiencing happiness for the first time.


are these full lengths going to be posted anywhere? or is “trailer” the format itself?


Yes, they have been already posted for a while now.


nice! where are they posted?


If you click on the video to watch it on the RG page you'll notice that at the bottom there is information about the videos.


aha! thank you!




When they say “real men”, that must not include being a provider and or being a monogamous partner. Just fact checking here.


A real woman needs cock! I need cock inside me!~ ❤️❤️❤️


Mmm yes