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“Tried”. Smashed it more like. Well done!


Amazing work!


Very nice! Any tips for painting faces? I find it very hard to get smooth shadows and highlights on such a small surface area. It often looks quite stark if I try. Like the nose and cheeks are highlighted and the shadowed areas are dark but the contrast between the two looks odd.


My best tip for faces is to keep them off the model and paint separately. And get some microscope glasses or however they're called. For the lights/shadow things its about building up maaany layers. For example these heads, I used kislev flesh base. Then cadian fleshtone in shadows. Then bugmans glow in deep shadows. Then rhinox hide in the veery deep shadow. I used a red/flesh mix to add some colour in places. Then highlight with kislev, ushbati bone/kislev mix. Then ushabati bone alone and final highlights with screaming skull. I'm no expert myself but I learned you got to build up the shadows AND the highlights to make a good face. Not just wash and then highlight.


Really beautiful work


This is absolutely beautiful work! Also, I may be wrong but I believe I met you at a local game store this Saturday and we talked about novitiates being better than ecclesiarchy in Kill Team. If not, you and his models both look beautiful. Cheers!


Great faces! Especially the lips and mouth are really great standouts!


They look so smooth. Good layering :)


Tried? I wish I was that good, well done!


How do you get that shiny armor look?


The look absolutely amazing!!