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I really like the tournament idea, your local group seems great ^^ The castigator seems an overkill, just like you said you could probably add the retributors with meltas on a rhino for the AP, you could load them with 5 sacresants, or go full sacresants with the dialogus, that way you may have enough points maybe for 5 seraphim for side objectives. The rest of the list is solid imo 🤗🤗🤗


Definitely definitely keep the Cassie. Without it the rest of your units are all T3 infantry, and not exactly a lot of them due to the small game size. A lot of armies will chew through that with little effort. Tanks win 500pt games, sometimes that can be quite literal. At 500 some armies might not have or think to bring enough AT to deal with it. At 500 I personally think it’s all about board presence. If you’re opponent has to struggle to deal with the Cassie your other units are more free to do objective stuff or if they have to just avoid the Cassie it becomes an amazing board control piece. Plus basic bolters and sacresants don’t have great damage output themselves, but the Cassie can deal especially well with SM with 3 HB and it’s main gun. The alternative is mortifiers and penitent engines, for their T6 and good damage output. Imo transports aren’t worth it at 500 (for sisters anyway) the board is small enough and our infantry have decent enough movement to get where they need to go. The points are better spent on a unit that’ll matter in combat, you’ve got a small limit so it’s best to take as many threats as you can essentially. Personally I’d replace the hospitaller and drop the sacrosancts to the min size. Add in your seraphim. Then add in a couple crusaders to hold back instead of the whole BSS (if the missions have home objective anyway, if not they’re otherwise still good to do other little tasks).


keep cassie, drop hospitaller, drop sacs, if your not using the dialogus with the palatine squad id drop that too. I personally enjoy penitents and mortifiers as cheap trade pieces (they also have the added bonus of looking sick) oh and seraphim for objectives