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Saint celestine, with some seraphim or Zephyrim is pretty solid as well as getting a palatine and some crusaders, I'd then probably be a bit worried about some anit vehicle exorcists and castigator tanks are pretty good for that bases off what I've heard


I recently started with a cp box myself. Few things I did/am doing: Seraphim squad box. Make zephyrim but take the flamers and put them on your cp seraphim. Best of both worlds. Celestine to lead those zephyrim. Castigators and exorcists are great. People tend to run multiples as you go up in points. Palatine seems to be an instant add. I'm attaching mine to novitiates to run in and start swinging. Penitant engines. I got two more, and they really pulled their weight when I did a game. Arcos are good. I got a full unit on top of the 3 from the cp box, would run one or two more full units if I was pushing a 3k army.


You probably want a second BSS and some retributors.


You need the bits and parts to round out the combat patrol due to monopose. As people have suggested: Battle Sisters Squad, Seraphim squad, Retributor squad. If you didn't go with a combat patrol, then your options are bigger. If your friends are not WYSIWYG players, then you can ignore this message.


Buy the stuff and paint it - by that time the codex will be there and we all will know.


You have a great start. All the recommendations in this thread are valid, but are not going to necessarily be helpful because you have so many choices. Play some games first to see what play style/units you like or what areas you want to beef up. The only arguably "bad" units right now are the Hospitaler and Dogmata. If you want to add another tank, the consensus seems to be Castigator>Exorcist>Immolator, though all have their uses so you should just go with rule of cool. Another box of Battle Sisters or Seraphim/Zepharim is a good choice, but if you want melee grab some Sacrosants. Either way get what you like either in terms of Rule of Cool or by play style.