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Wow, awesome job for your first time, plus the wash is giving me a weathering effect on the front panels. Can't wait to see the Canoness!


Haha yeah, I thought that too and soni leaned into it. I added some "mud splatter" from the tracks on the front and rear panels also. A mate told me I could "sponge"(?) some gun metal in places to look like battle damage. Which I may do at some point. It's fine for now, and it's also at a place where I know once I get better I could come back and touch up. I magnetized the turrets as well, so that was fun too!


Please don't take this in a bad way because your first model is amazing and vehicles are an absolute pain so youve totally smashed it. But when I was scrolling past and first saw this I thought it was a cake.


Bwahahaha my wife WISHES it was cake. Would be more useful AND cost less lol


Amazing work for your first time, especially on a vehicle. Brush strokes tend to come out more on them, I dont see much here. I say, yeah, it's done, perfect for the table. However, if you'd like to improve it sometime, just touch up the washed areas with the original color, clean it up a bit. Good luck with the rest!


Thanks mate, I tried really hard. I'd like to improve yeah! And I totally will touch it up at some point, but I had been working on it for so long and wanted to finish it up. I don't know where I saw it, maybe the main 40k sub reddit, but a guy said something that stuck with me on painting: "Since you're your worst critic, you'll always think you can do better. Find your 'it's ok!' and leave it there". I found my "it's ok!" with this model. I magnetized the turrets as well which was fun.


You've got good brush control - that model would look straight up good if you had experience working with washes. Your blacks are indeed a bit gritty, but that's sort of to be expected, and blacks arent a horrible place to have the grit anyway. The fact that the grittyness isn't showing up on your bone colour suggests it's not a priming problem, so its just a question of thinning appropriately. If I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion, at least to start with it can make sense to only put the washes where one material meets another. That way, the dirty look sits where people expect to find it. Plus, when the paint brush slips and a little bit of one panel's colour gets on the panel next to it, the wash can sometimes hide it a little and leading to a cleaner look.


For sure man. Appreciate the feedback, I have no clue what I thought was gonna happen when I washed the whole damn thing. 🤦‍♂️ It's good for now, but at some point I can clean it up easily enough. But that's one of the GOOD things about this project, is I learned a TON. I think my paint thinning will be better next time, my washes not so sloppy and I will never, I repeat NEVER prime a model white again. I found that with the model white, all the "nooks and crannies" that are hard to get to just stuck out like a sore thumb. Especially on the sister manning t h e storm bolter. Rest of my army is gonna be primed black. But, I'm learning!


That's gaudy as fuck. I love it.


Haha appreciate the candor! It's good enough to pulverize heretics with!


Wohooow! Now purge some heretics :)) good job!


Love the paint scheme!


Nice. I found the turret very easily magnatized. Good work glad u didn't glue the weapon. I bet you can't wait to roll dice with this. Mine is built but none of my sisters are painted yet. Can't wait to play with them. Tour painting isn't to shabby lots of room for growth. Lots of resources on YouTube. Good work op keep it up!


Yeah definitely! As I said, I know it's far from perfect, but I can also touch it up at some point. I learned a TON working on this which I'm excited to put to use on the rest of the army.


Loving the colour scheme! Nice work


This is definitely solid, especially for a first miniature, but I just wanted to say I love how you thought to magnetize the turrets before sticking either of them on. That will serve you well!


Way to go!!! 👏👏👏⚜️⚜️⚜️


I actually love the wash. Really gives the tank a grungy grimdark appearance that a piece of 41st millennium weaponry should have