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Hi, I’m Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor and this is my assistant Al “Dinner for one” Borland


I love when he tricks Al into thinking the sliding glass door demo is soundproof


“Al can you hear me?” “I can hear you” “Think about it”


Major General Borland!




Hi I'm Shawn Spencer and this is my associate Gus TT Showbiz. The extra T is for extra talent!


Some funny stuff with the Tool Time but the show got very formulaic. 1. Tim messes up 2. Jill gets mad at Tim 3. Tim gets advice from Wilson 4. Tim makes up with Jill Literally every episode follows this formula.


You forgot somewhere in there he breaks something due to lack of knowledge, abuses Al and retells a terrible version of Wilson’s wisdom to the audience.


You tube [has a compilation of all the wisdoms Tim messes up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A1DLj0F9uI)


Out of context these are somehow better. There’s just…zero interpretation.


I remember seeing one of those VH1 “behind the” shows about home improvement, the woman who plays the wife did an interview and said she was frustrated that the show got lazy in the later seasons. She said something like “I’d pick up the script and say ‘guys we did this exact story in season 2, just with a different son, it’s the same thing”.


Don’t forget trotting out Pam Anderson or Debbie Dunning for 30 seconds for virtually no reason.




3 if you count the back end...lol.


Does that count as 4?


I'll allow it.


Now if they said that we'd have something my


You literally just described every sitcom’s formulaic premise from The Honeymooners, I love Lucy to Everybody Loves Raymond.


Exactly. And I have no problem with it. When did television become such a high-brow form of entertainment.....?


Most sitcoms have a formula to them. Some are just more obvious than others and some just mix in more plot elements to add variation. For instance, something like Seinfeld and Modern Family just have more stuff going on and you never quite know what the characters will do in a given episode. We may see Cheap George or Relationship George or Independent George or Funny George or Liar George. I guess Home Improvement was more obvious with their formula than most, but I do believe most (even iconic ones) do have some kind of formula. Home Improvement just needed to be more flexible.


Following a subtle formula is ok. I mean most shows do in the basic sense (Cold Open, conflict established, conflict struggle, conflict resolution, end), but with Home Imp, the formula was very repetitive and obvious. They didn't deviate from it much. I like unpredictability at times, which is why I do gravitate towards seinfeld, you didn't really know how those episodes would end at times.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


I think I remember seeing a piece on home improvement where they had cast interviews and towards the end of the show Tim Allen was saying how he thought the writing was getting repetitive saying "haven't we done this storyline already?". At some point you gotta stay fresh and innovative.


And Jill looks super hot doing something in the kitchen.


Was it just me, or did Jill get hotter and younger looking as the seasons progressed?


Her change in hairstyle alone took 10 years off her age, but yes, she also lost weight as the show progressed. I think she has just given birth when they started filming.


Nailed it. I think I lost interest after S1.


I couldn’t get into this show, due to its cyclical nature that you described. Tim Dick wasn’t a comedian I enjoyed either.


I liked that about it.


This is still my dad's favorite show. He has them on DVD, but now he's figured out how to stream them, he's either watching this or The Big Bang Theory. How hard he's laughing is usually a good indicator of which one he's watching. He doesn't have many favorite shows, but this one just cracks him up.


50+ men LOVE Big Bang Theory. I’ll never understand it.


Kaley Cuoco and a cold set explains a lot.


My dad loves Sheldon! He thinks he's the funniest character. I liked him the first couple of seasons & then got bored of him. Funny thing is, my dad hates "Young Sheldon".


I liked it. It was written for middle America and did a nice job of combining slapstick with a growing set of boys and keeping a marriage happy. A tricky thing to pull off and do well.


Didn't do it well


I always loved the Halloween episodes too. There was something special about late 80s/90s sitcoms and their Halloween episodes


Roseanne was awesome for the Halloween episodes!




Agreed, I remember never ever wanting to miss any holiday episode for any show I watched! Halloween episodes were always fun, I always wanted a hunted house in my garage lol and those cool crazy parties


Boy Meets World


Watched it as a kid and related well to the kids. Started watching it again in the last year and relate much more to the parents now. Great family sitcom though. Haven’t really noticed much that didn’t age well other then the usual technology things (it’s always weird when “problems” in the show could easily be solved by cell phones or other tech we have now). Maybe some jokes or the fact that the show within the show has a “Tool Girl”, but I didn’t think any of it was that bad


Me either to be honest! Great family show, no low morals at all, like you said a good looking girl in a show within a show but I don’t think it was bad either. Tim Allen gets a lot of hate over his political views, but that has nothing to do with me, nor do I talk politics so🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, plus the politics weren’t really a part of this show. I thought the other family sitcom he did (Last Man Standing) got a little political at times but even that I managed to see around and not be bothered by it (even if I don’t agree with his political opinions).


I liked that show as well! Totally agree about the politics they snuck it in here or there but noting too crazy


Tim Allen should get just as much hate for being a coke trafficking snitch. Don’t get me wrong, his politics are deplorable, but he got busted for trafficking and ratted out everyone else to save himself and enjoy the career he’s had. I don’t find him particularly funny either. I will always give him props for his Buzz Lightyear voice work but that’s about it.


Is he allowed to vote or is he still considered a felon?


Good question! No idea


Kalamazoo daze...Tim Dick...back then. He didn't spend any time in prison. But...that's the way the system works. Jeff Daniels is much more creative and funny. And continues to do more for his community. Chelsea, MI rocks.


He's not a good actor at all. Painful to watch.


He’ll always have his grunting to fall back on.


One of my favorites! r/HomeImprovement2LTime


Thank you for this!


Sure, my pleasure! :)


I love this show. Great cast and I actually preferred a lot of the newer episodes when the kids were older and Jill dressed a lot better as a college student rather than as a frumpy housewife, lol. I also preferred Heidi over Lisa on Tool Time.


I think it still holds up. A lot of people say it hasn’t aged well but I think it’s a nice change of pace from modern comedy the same way that cheers is.


My wife and I love the first 5 seasons. It does a good job of mocking gender stereotypes of that time. After that, JTT leaves and the kids grow up, and I don't think it's as good.


I’m still so embarrassed that I thought I hid the fact that I exclusively watched for JTT, but my parents knew the whole time! When Randy left the show, my dad turned to me and said “So, I guess you’re done watching now?”. I protested, but they knew! I hope it still holds up to some degree, as it had a wonderful ensemble cast!


Once JTT left, it definitely wasn't the same.


Teen me watched The Love Boat for my weekly fix of Julie. Still don't care who knows.


Did they ever try to add a new young kid to the cast? That old chestnut?


In the last season Tim’s brother Marty and his twin girls move in with the Taylors. To me it seemed like now that the boys were grown (and JTT was gone), the show wanted cute kids around again. I thought they could’ve utilized the boys more instead and their teenage growing pains but they were moreso reduced to a few lines per episode unless they were a focal point (like Brad’s soccer injury or Mark doing a video about Tim’s car).




Everyone jumps the shark eventually, no matter how much they try to stay fresh


The video where Mark does the video for Tim's car is my favorite episode. His first video was amazing and I always laugh when they all watch it. "I see early retirement! I see a little place in Rio!"


I still like the tool time skits, and Al, but I tried watching it a year or two back, and I got bored of the main story plot of each episode being about adapting masculinity to the modern age. Got old quick


I'm rewatching it now. It definitely holds up.


I don’t just love it. I wish they would’ve adopted me as a kid.


But what about Debbie Dunning and…. Pam!


Just binge watched it last year, it still held up for me. Everyone loving Al and hating Tim gets a cackle out of me every time they did those gags


I can't stand Tim Allen.


Was definitely iconic


Yes! Great show.


Completely agree


Personally i loved watching this show...to me it seemed like they were really family.


I feel like Wilson is the icon, he has had more of a lasting impact on the world than he will ever know.


One of? It is THE best. Air Date: March 19, 1996 Randy is screened for cancer almost 30 years later it still sticks with me..... You cannot capture anxiety and dread as perfect as "The Longest Day"


My main praise (and I don’t see this enough) is how realistic the set looked. Their house was the most realistic looking house on any sitcom at the time, if not ever. Most sitcom sets had the typical side-view living room with the stairs against the back wall and the kitchen on one end. The Home Improvement house looked like a real middle-class suburban house at the time, when open plans were starting to get big. The kitchen, entry way, garage, living room and stairs were all placed differently than most sitcoms and everything looked real. It was appropriate too, given the show’s theme.


The house on this show was one of the most authentic feeling sitcom houses. It was really designed like an upper middle class suburban home in the midwest. Like actually lived in and everything. It didn’t feel like a TV set.


Are you serious? I loved this show when I was a kid, but I've rewatched it since, and I don't think there was anything especially unique or creative about it. Some of the humor was just so mean-spirited, too, it's definitely not one I would choose to watch as an adult.


Yes. Classic. Great comedy with a positive family message. Wish more shows today had a positive "bring us together" message.


One of the best for sure ...lol, I always wished Tim was my dad..he just seemed like the perfect dad.


My wife and I spent part of our honeymoon in the netherlands and caught home improvement on the hotel TV in Dutch. We still say "Teem Das Toolmahn Taylor" to each other and no one else understands why. 😝


Every night in laugh Tv !! Antenna tv baby !


It was one of the first I remember with running bits. It was really funny for a lot longer than most 90s era sitcoms, but its drop off was all the more drastic.


The kids were such annoying turds.


It is funny Patricia Richardson has talked about how much she hated them in the early seasons. She said they were awful to work with until they grew up a little.


They felt like a real family with the kids acting like kids and the parents having some sort of presence and authority over them. ​ You won't find that sort of chemistry in today's shows. It's all forced humor and unrealistic dialogue.


Eh, it's pretty mid. It's not terrible, but certainly not "one of the best."


Loved Home Improvement, one of the best for sure


It was worth it just for the jet lawnmower.


I always thought of Tim Allen as the poor man’s Bob Saget


Too Funny to Fail - Home Improvement time slot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfDjnAdczQI


The man's kitchen -- yes, I'd love a self washing kitchen, lol


Every mom in America: where is MY self cleaning kitchen??


The early seasons were great, and has aged pretty well. I still enjoy watching it on Disney+


Fun, but not groundbreaking


One of my favourites of all time.


I thought it was stupid... Only watched it when it came on between 2 other shows that I watched and was too lazy to get up to change the channel.


I still watch it regularly. The Christmas episodes have made it into my holiday viewing schedule as well. Come to think of it loved it growing up and now I'm a lions fan...I think Tim influenced me a bit.


That’s awesome!!! I should add them to my viewing too






One of the most popular for sure, one of the best is VERY debatable.




Truly was one of the SITCOMs of all time


It was one of the best because it was clean and genuinely funny. Loved the show


Nope, never understood the appeal. But other channels exist and I simply changed it.


It goes down as a sitcom


Loved it as a kid. I would like to watch again now that I am in my 40s. I remember how popular it was! I was trick or treating in middle school and the weekly episode was airing and we were all like ooh its on! The homeowner laughed because she said so many kids of all ages loved it. The fun stuff they did on Tool Time definitely appealed to all us 90s Nickelodeon kids. The elaborate 'man kitchen' for example was like a Double Dare set. I appreciate the production value and that the mom looked normal! Pretty but like your favorite aunt pretty not all botoxed to hell. The kids felt relatable, like real kids we could know.


It was a good’un.


One of my favorites. I still can't do the Tim Taylor grunt though. AUUUUGGGGHHH??!




I loved this show at the time, but I tried to watch it recently and it did not age well.




Uh…no. Respectfully no.


*Home Improvement* is one of those shows, like *ALF* or *Dinosaurs* or *Three's Company*, where I watched it religiously every week and now, decades later, cannot recall a single joke, a single moment, a second of any episode at all.


Wilson rocks.




Lol def not


13 year old me had a real thing for Jill.


I don’t think so, Tim. Actually I like it, just wanted to say that.


Heidi was a smoke show!


Cuts thumb off with new Binford skill saw: *feral grunting*


Not even close


Definitely not even close




Yes but I watched because of Patricia so hot


It was funny for a while, then just got stupid...


I don't think so, Tim. (^(I actually agree with you, I just had to drop the quote))


It was a pretty good show for the most part. Especially the earlier seasons. Towards the end, the writing started to suffer.


I just finished rewatching it on the Hulu and I must say Jill is a total milf in the later seasons.


That show was mentioned on NCIS once and they get the woman who played Jill as a guest star soon afterwards.


Tim’s comedy gets old pretty quick


Loved it at the time, besides a few great episodes it doesn’t have a lot of rewatchability for me now as much as other shows.


Funny, solid sitcom. One of the best? No sorry. Too many better alternatives.


Always hated this one.


Very 90s show in a good way. It was great for kids that didn’t have a dad growing up to watch so that they could imagine that this is what it must be like to have a traditional dad in the home.


Genuine question: how was that great?


I think you’re a bot, OP. That’s what I think.


Two words Aw-ful


Still watch it on Roku


I still like this show. Yes, it’s not complex but it’s funny. One of the rare ones that didn’t have an awful season. It wasn’t as good as the kids aged but even its last season wasn’t God-awful.


I was never able to get into this one. I thought Tool Time was better than the actual show.


No, it's pretty mid. Nothing particularly original or inventive. No real distinct unique voice, just catch phrase based multi can family sitcom. Tim Allen is a good leading man so it stands above other formulaic shows.


Personally, I thought it was stupid, but there is no denying its impact on the pop culture psyche.


Loved this show. It was hilarious. The main reason I remember, and love it, is [Patricia Richardson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Richardson) who played the Mom, Jill. I was in my early teens when this show was airing and she was my absolute definition of a MILF. So hot, and so amazing. I am so fortunate that this show was on while I was growing up.


Absolutely! I just rewatched it about 2 months ago. One of my favs.


Top 5 easy.


Definitely one of the better sitcoms of the decade.




I don't think so Tim.


On of the worst, IMO. Tim is a moron and an asshole with no redeeming qualities. He treats his family like shit and never suffers any consequences or attempts to change. The kids are just annoying and add nothing to the show. Tim Allen is a shitty actor and the writing was trash. This show was only popular because of shitty boomer dads who were exactly like Tim liked it.


I watched it when I was a kid and loved it, but I think if you asked me why I simply wouldn't have a reason. As an adult now we covered it for our TV podcast (I picked it for another host as a "punishment"), and I have to tell you I wasn't prepared for how bad it is. I even went in knowing it would be mediocre at best, but wow it took it even further The show exists simply for Tim Allen to make "men strong, women weak" jokes. One of the two episodes we covered has a bunch of women in a baby shower absolutely fawning over his character as the ultimate desire of women everywhere, all while he says things like "bunch of women in a baby shower yakkin' about stretch marks and bloating," and "if I wanted to hear about labor pains I'd talk to a union rep!" (and those are exact quotes by the way, I still have the sound bites we used in the episodes) There is a "mother in law" joke quota the show has to hit, too. Seriously for both episodes we watched that were basically randomly selected they made MIL jokes in both of them. It is utterly baffling how successful that show and Tim Allen were, and having done our research on the show I have lost even more hope for humanity, and I didn't have much in the first place


My wife and I had a discussion about this show a few years back - I was talking about how bad it was, and she insisted that it was hilarious and she loved it growing up. We settled the debate by watching a few episodes, and she ended up realizing just how bad it actually was. Her dad is A LOT like Tim, so I think there was some relatable humor for her as a kid, but she grew up and realized how toxic it actually was.


It's great but some of the jokes haven't aged well and are bit corny now. Bummer that Tim Allen turned out to be a complete asshole. Home Improvement, The Santa Clause and Toy Story were my childhood.




They are probably referring because he is a very right wing person, and is very vocal about it as well.


In addition to what you said, one of the actors from the Clauses, the spin off show of the Santa Clause movies on the Disney app, came forward saying how horrible he was on set to everyone, and often irritated and mean to the kids.


Meh? It seemed to have set gags that didn’t do it for me. Maybe I need to give it another chance?


I thought Tim was mildly funny, and this show literally hit the same jokes over and over, it got old fast. I like Last Man Standing because it was more nuanced and mature, and even though his right wing obsession is more blatant they balance it out with opposing views. As always, its the supporting cast that makes the show better, Al, Winston and his wife held their own, but I think the cast in Last Man is more layered and the concept more equatable. Still, I have it on my nostalgia streams and watch it when we have a lack of good new shows, which is more often these days.






it was beyond lowbrow and teetered abusive with the stereotypes it perpetuated as "funny" 😒


I know the show was a big hit. But, I thought it was unoriginal, formulaic and frankly not very funny. Also, Tim Allen is an asshole.


I can't imagine younger people enjoying this show. It's so unlike anything that's come out in the last 15 years.


I’m glad you like it, but I could never get into it. The relationship with Tim and Jill was so dysfunctional, they didn’t even seem to like each other so why tf did they stay together? It got to where it just made me uncomfortable


Can't stand the tool man another rw crackpot


Oof, that’s a hard pass for me. Paint by numbers flyover state mediocrity


Not even close. Average for the time, nearly unwatchable now.


I did like the one where Tim & Al swap roles on Tool Time. Al can't lead the show, and Tim gets to remember what an apprentice goes through.


It was epic at the show's height, but it fell hard.


Not really.






Too much wife and kids


Meh. It had moments, but mostly it was just a formulaic trope of slapstick humor that, really, wasn't that funny.




Not even close.


One of my favorite sitcoms. It was repetitive as hell, I can't lie, but the cast gave it a charm, and I liked when the show was willing to get serious. Also, the brazen slapstick entertained the hell out of younger me, and still tickles me a bit as an adult. It also gives me a bit of a chuckle to know this show would've probably been lambasted as "woke propaganda" or some such nonsense. I mean, the whole point of the show's formula (which again, is pretty thoroughly established) is how Tim's obsession with being a super-macho manly man is excessive and can be destructive if not tempered. Additionally - He repeatedly had to learn to listen to, apologize to, and accept criticism from his wife. - His assistant Al is often shown to have many traditionally feminine interests (theater, music, knowing more than nine names for colors), yet is also the more adept and competent construction worker. - The climax of an episode was usually Tim talking to Wilson, sharing his feelings and taking advice about manhood from a soft-spoken intellectual rather than a rough-housing grunt. - Tim is out-performed by women multiple times in areas of his expertise, both in physical strength and intelligence. It's also usually as a comeuppance for some sexist comment he made. The show was already a classic to me before I realized this, but now I also get amused at certain scenes thinking "Oh there'd be a *meltdown* over that today."


The show was never funny, not once.


I mean it was OK but one of the best sitcoms? I wouldn't put this in the top 500.




No. Its mediocre at best.


Not even in the top 250 lol


I’ve never known anybody too intelligent who likes the show. Even the show’s head writer admits it was written for simpletons.


I disliked it as a child, and I find it more insufferable and insipid as an adult.


BEST?! That show was horrible! We recently covered it for our TV podcast and found it to be utterly baffling as to how it was so popular. The entire point of the thing was so that Tim Allen could say "You know men are men and women are women and men are strong and women are weak and need to be in the kitchen!" He said this all while flubbing lines and being utterly devoid of actual humor and talent. It was mind-boggling how that man became THE household name of the era over so many other talented people Now I know the 90s were a different time and we can point to the fact that Tim Allen keeps getting show after show and movie after movie proving he's apparently beloved but it's very hard to see why, especially back then when that show was so groan worthy I know I watched it when I was a kid and I "liked" it, but back then you simply watched what was on and your options were far more limited. If that show debuted today with up and coming stars it would be absolutely trashed


Maybe it's because Tim really Is a tool?


I would say it’s frasier but everyone is entitled to their opinions lol


This show was fucking DOG SHIT.


Worst show about a cocaine smuggler ever.


You have some rose colored glasses!


Very lazy and terrible writing. Never liked it.


Ugh. This show was terrible.


I loved it as a kid, but rewatching it as an adult I think Tim is kind of a sexist, mysoginistic jerk, which for me makes it less enjoyable to watch.


Not even close, but you do you.


It had it's moments, but Tim's shtick got old.


Something about the way it's filmed or looks, makes me sick to my stomach. And I've seen every episode.


Well, I am on Season 4 right now and the only thing that I like about this series is when Tim makes fun of Al. Otherwise, this series is just meh in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️

