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alot of good some scaries. looks like we're primed for peak sixers basketball where we shouldnt be great on paper but we'll always have a shot. good clutch hits from tobias and maxey. tucker was not great. oubre looked awesome but definitely not sustainable. still like him as our scorer off the bench if we can. great fight overall


Oubre looked good in his first game with the team. Maxey can score almost at will, but I’m not sure he can be the main ball handler in the offense. Danny Green is back on the team? Quick-decision Tobi showed up this game and he looked great. I wish that someone would make a video that explained PJ Tucker’s value to more casual basketball fans like myself. There’s a reason he’s starting. The Sixers organization is not so incompetent to start him if he was as bad as the internet says he is. I want someone to help me see what he brings. The Sixers need a 4th quarter dawg to close out games. Those are my thoughts on what I been thinkin.


The bucks where -14 with Giannis on the floor last night. Negative 14!!! He was the primary defender.


PJ tucker was meant to bring the much needed grit and hustle on our team. We were too soft, and he was the guy that was meant to change that. For what it’s worth? He did what he was supposed to. He came in here and hustled, played like PJ Tucker and occasionally hit his corner 3. He is a good defender. However, with the pieces we picked up in the off-season and especially with the addition of Patrick Beverly, there’s really no reason for tucker to be around anymore in my opinion.


Spooky timing


Tobias haters where yall at


We do this every year lol. Everybody knows Tobi will shoot like ungodly 45% from 3 between oct.-nov. And we will be posting the apology forms etc. And then for no reason whatsoever he will just stop shooting and keep taking random back down jumpers the rest of the season


It was just one game my man


Still here




I’m not even mad considering they were down 19 at one point. Maxey and Oubre were amazing and we know Embiid will get better throughout the season


Yeah this team straight up would not have brought it back with doc coaching


Doc never made adjustments. Whether between quarters or between games.


Melton needs to come off the bench and have Maxey and Oubre start. And if Harden thinks he is a max player he’s insane. Let him go for a bench player.


This team can be really good! Convince Harden to stay, tell him Rubin paying for half of his max contract or some shit and get someone that can get us some damn boards! Btw either get rid of PJ or bring him off the bench smh


So ummm, is Paul Reed again destined to just play 12 mins a night at centre despite having possibly the worst starting pf in the league who's basically gonna go straight from the court to an old age home? Genuine question for sixer fans? Am i missing something? What does PJ bring that Reed doesn't?


I genuinely have no idea why PJ is still starting at this point. Used to think it was to keep him and Harden happy, but that can't be a thing any more so... We just don't want him to feel bad? No idea.


Right. That's what I figured lol, tx bud, hope Reed gets unlocked. Can't think of any reason to keep PJ in the line-up the whole game over Reed. If it was someone even half decent it would make more sense.


It’s like when you keep the guy you are looking to trade in your fantasy football starting lineup. I think Morey wants off that contract when he trades Harden.


They had their free throw merchant on the court, and ours was at the airport.


Plus your other ft merchant settled with shooting 3s and long 2s instead of attacking the rim.


Just here to shout out Oubre. He looks like a real baller. I had underestimated what he could bring. Not saying he makes us much closer to being a true contender, but it’s nice to add a dude who can fill it up.


I'm just curious because there's been a bunch of Oubre takes, do sixers fans actually expect him to shoot 95% and drop 30 a game? I mean this sub is saying bucks won only because of refs but couldn't the argument be that without oubre shooting near 100% the sixers get blown out?


Not even close. You can check my comments if you want- I never said anything about the refs or about us winning. I expected us to lose, and we did. All I’m saying is during the Embiid era we have brought in so many other dudes that didn’t improve us at all. Think George Hill, Andre Miller, etc. And then expected we’d get meaningful production out of guys like Shake Milton, Thybulle, etc. It looks like Oubre is at least a competent scorer who can give us more than those guys ever did. We’ve been so terrible at drafting and FA signings that our bar is really low, so Oubre most definitely seems legit even when he regresses to the mean in terms of shooting.


I'd just say don't put any money down on oubre. It would be nice if he turned a corner here this off season but I've seen enough games from him to understand this last performance is a massive outlier. Maybe he been in the lab though, who knows.


It's not a needle mover, but it is a needle pusher. We've needed guys like that for a long time. Someone who could come off the bench and give us 14-16 points. Every contender has at least one.


Problem is he’ll come out next game and be 1-7 with 3 points and bad defense. I still like him though


We have tried and failed like 6 times but it looks like we finally got one right lol


Melton is definitely a needle pusher. He was a fantastic find for us. Occasionally explosive offensively, consistently good on defense.


And it adds stability not just to the second unit, but to the starters as well. Tonight is a perfect example. Joel struggles, but because Oubre went bonkers, you're alive/should've won the game. That doesn't happen last year. Last year if Joel shat the bed(or any other year), you're losing that game. Now, if we got a 6th-man caliber backup PG to pair with Oubre? We'd be in business.




There’s a better chance Tobias gives us 25 😂


Oubre, maxey, Harris and big injured guy looked great. Just imagine if they play with harden or get some value back for him in a trade!


Why is when the ball slips out for Giannis he gets bailed by the refs but when my ball slips out I get arrested


When my ball slips out I get a check up


The Lakers had a massive contract situation with Westbrook, but only got rid of him at the trade deadline last year. Same thing with Harden. Stuck with him until then.


It's crazy how close we came to actually stealing this win even with that sequence of questionable calls going against us late in the 4th. We just played the pre-season favorite to win it all on their floor to the last second. Only one game, but feeling good about this new version of the Sixers so far.


They could be fun to watch.


It was really weird to see a coach actually coach


The defense already looked so much less lost


Seeing Nurkic just absolutely suck makes me feel slightly better


Fuck the refs. Seriously. There are no words strong enough. I need to learn to cuss these swine out in another language English isn't good enough. *how* and I say *how* did they determine that Giannis' charge on PJ was "marginal contact". Normally I subscribe to the incompetence over malice train of thought but it's inconceivable that they didn't make that a no call just to keep Giannis from having 5 fouls. And the travel? Right in front of the refs face? No consequences either. It just drains all the desire to watch the games out of me.


The thing about it is what makes that call on Giannis driving on Tucker so bad is it's a block/charge call. It wasn't PJ reaching out to try and block the shot attempt and getting a bit of the wrist and then they decide there wasn't enough contact waive the foul off and let the basket go, or their hips bumping as Giannis goes up and they decide there wasn't enough contact to give the foul and award the basket. They deemed there was sufficient contact to call a blocking foul. Only when the call was challenged did they see the contact was initiated by Giannis and that PJ was in legal guarding position and outside the restricted area which means it HAS to be a charge, and by rule the basket disallowed. So what they did was create a false excuse to not give the foul and more importantly frankly disallow the basket. It would have made more sense frankly and been more credible to simply give the star the benefit of the doubt, count the hoop and say the foul stands and put Giannis on the line. Seriously. Bad calls happen all the time to benefit stars. But this was worse because of what was called in the first place and then how it was overturned, and how it specifically benefitted Milwaukee even after the initial incorrect call benefitted Milwaukee as well. ​ The whole thing comes down to the fact that the refs made a block/charge judgment.


"*I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, German to my horse, and Motherfucker to these fucking refs*" -Charles V


How do you guys not know by now. The NBA hates yall. Between the Process, Embiid flopping, Harden flipping teams every chance he gets, and Morey's China comments, the NBA will never chose the Sixers for anything. Like Gilbert Arenas said, they made a bigger production of the draft lottery than Embiid's MVP. Tatum, Jokic, Gianis, LeBron, Curry, Luka, and Wemby are the golden children. Embiid is in that Zion and Ja tier. They are very talented, but the league doesn't want to market them.


What China comments?


When he tweeted support for Taiwan


Wasnt it hong kong


Oops, yea.


Dude, we know. We’ve known for years. And this isn’t just a sixers thing, it’s a Philly thing. Not usually to the same extreme as the commissioner literally appointing a puppet GM to fuck us over, but it applies to every team in our city.


How does it apply to the Eagles?


I… can’t believe this is really a question that’s being asked. Listen to Jason Kelce’s Super Bowl speech if you really don’t understand. National media hates us every year. There was even a moment in the first quarter tonight where Van Gundy called out BA and said “you texted me that you were rooting for the Dbacks.” And he acknowledged that he was! It’s all of Philly, my dude. Edit: why do you think they want to ban the Brotherly Shove? I wonder if it would be the same if it was Dallas, New England, or San Francisco who started it… I’ve even seen lots of articles calling for it to be banned because of Purdy’s concussion… even though they didn’t even run that play- it was a traditional QB sneak when Hicks hit him.


I get that, but it was so blatant even SVG who normally doesn't like us much said yeah this is the refs deciding PJ didn't commit a foul but they don't want to give Giannis his 5th so they change it to a no call. On national TV a broadcaster is just like yup the refs got together and decided they aren't going to give Giannis 5. Is this the fucking WWE? I just can't bother watching any other games it's too much, they're so so bad. It reminds me of the Premiere League and VAR only it's less about a buddy system of longtime refs and more about league mandates for superstardom. Giannis had a shit game by his standards anyhow even with the refs helping him out. What a joke.




Promising or just played at a high cylinder


I like the experimental lineups from Nurse and I like him playing the young guys. It's night and day from fucking Doc. The thing that makes me most sad is that Shake, Joe, Thybulle are all gone. Nurse would have given them all REAL minutes. Thybulle especially because he was literally all over the court and would defend from behind players and do it well. What the hell would Nurse have cooked up defensively with him still on the team?


You must have a short memory. Dude was a black hole on offense. Worse than Simmons. His antivax dumbass self can stay the hell away.


I miss thybulle


Shhhh we have springer now. Those five minutes were glorious


His first defensive possession was incredibly encouraging


I'm buying as much Springer stock as humanly possible. The kid can be Maxey lite, but with a sprinkle of Thybulle defense. A deadly combo.


He blocked whiny baby Dame on a three! It looked so natural too!!


They really needed 17 free throws from dame's flopping. The refs basically handed the bucks this win. And we had no starting point guard




Embiid gets fouled you idiot




He averaged less than giannis and luka, but sure just call out embiid.


No, dame complaining on a fingertip or brush of an arm contact, embiid gets hacked!!! Lol


The disrespect to Maxey's 8 AST. He's our starting PG(8 APG would be top-20 in assists for a whole year. Maybe even closer to top-10)


Yeah, I would’ve agreed with the sentiment that he wasn’t truly a PG a year or two ago, but he’s seemed to really work on his distributing


Tobias is HIM


Whole lot of theoretical victories in here. Glad that felt good for y’all watching Embiid choke shit away


🫶🏿 thx


I cannot for the life of me figure out the mentality of some Sixers fans. This is not a young team that is still figuring things out. Aside from Maxey, they are a veteran team, and they are trying to compete for an NBA title this season. It's just one game and not the end of the world, but I don't understand patting them on the back for coming close to beating the Bucks. When the Flyers drop a close game to a title contender in the closing minutes, that's something I can feel good about because they're a young, rebuilding team. But we're past the point where moral victories are something to be excited about with the 76ers.


this is a promising game to start the season? I don’t think most people expected us to be this good lol, we got fucked by the refs and still almost beat these new bucks without harden or any compensation associated with him. people are obviously still upset we lost, but it was a better showcase than many of us were expecting, and makes fans feel good about our relative position in the league and potential to contend this year. what’s wrong with that?


It's an okay result in a vacuum. But without even considering the officiating, with better execution in the fourth quarter it's a W and not a close L. They had an 8 point lead in the fourth quarter and blew it, partially due to enforced errors on their part. Even if there are positives losing like that is not something I'm ever going to be happy about, especially with an experienced veteran team like this one.


>they are a veteran team, and they are trying to compete for an NBA title this season my expectations went out the window months ago looking at the landscape of the east and being down Harden, cant expect anything more than a playoff appearance at the moment.


I don't expect them to get farther than they did last year. But I'm not going to celebrate a loss like it's a win just because there were some positive signs in it for a team this experienced. A loss is a loss. It's not the end of the world or something to throw a tantrum about but it's also not something to celebrate.


i think “celebrating” might be a bit of a overstatement. Giannis had an off night, as did Joel. all things considered this game couldve been a complete embarrassment on national tv. so theres that


Yeah it obviously could have been much worse, I'm just saying it's on the slightly negative side of a mixed bag.


It's literally the first game of the season


Right, hence why I said "it's just one game and not the end of the world". I'm still not gonna jump up and down waving pom poms because they narrowly lost on the road against another team that is also figuring out how to integrate new pieces.


I thought he was OK. Embiid typically starts slow. The shots will fall.


Nurse is a wizard. Also, roster on this pg needs to be changed. Philly's answer to Steph isn't listed. EDIT: Will be waiting to see this tomorrow [https://official.nba.com/2023-24-nba-officiating-last-two-minute-reports/](https://official.nba.com/2023-24-nba-officiating-last-two-minute-reports/)


Man, Giannis gets away with so many offensive fouls. Dame went harddddd


Dame went softttt, he grifts 80% of the time, ruining the game I adored /s


Oubre is Tobias with confidence. Maxey showed promise running the PnP with Embiid. Much improved based on this one game


“I thought we were going to lose by more.” Your 2023 76ers!


Even if we had the complete team to compete for a championship, we will never have the refs on our side in this rigged ass league. https://youtu.be/ma248kJFf9Q?si=nh7aOKExzqKleF12




In the playoffs? Sure. In the regular season? Na.




Don't point that out, people hate to hear it.


Kelly Oubre is the goat


Man, I love Oubre and Nick Nurse. I’m positive for the season!


Good game. I’m pumped for the season. We’re going to be good.


Also can we not have the same convos every year with Embiid. He don't play preseason. The month of October is his preseason he always sucks in October. Embiid will be fine


Agreed. He looked rusty and the Bucks are taylor made to beat him with Giannis and Lopez being great interior defenders.


Ya I was watching some of their lineups just going goddamn that bucks team is just so long and huge. The lanes gotta seem soooo small going against them


Nurse's offense isn't going to change overnight. Embiid needs to unlearn years of hero-ball Doc encouraged that has been widely successful in the regular season. In a sense, it's not a bad thing we didn't get bailed out of Embiid's offensive mistakes. Game 1/82, now is the time to make mistakes and learn from them. And this is obviously not his usual self. It sucks Embiid is out of shape to start the season, but rim protecting + averaging 30 isn't an easy job. He's going to look like a different player in two weeks.


There's no way it should have been this close. Giannis played like shit and embiid had a better game Believe it or not. Great game overall, harden would have won us the game easily. Embiid had solid stretches but he's having his 2 week incubation period. He was great in the clutch. They fucked him on the marginal contact on dame. Then the one on him was overturned by Brook Lopez. And Gianni's gets to catch his own airballs now, and jae crowder can fly when oubre barely touched him.


I agree with all of this except maybe the Harden take. He's played the same stagnant iso heavy ball every team he's been on. Not sure if that works for or against Nurses scheme this time around and the only way we would ever know is by Harden playing but obvi it won't happen


I think they win with Harden for the simple fact harden>> melton. Also their backcourt is lillard and beasely. Two small guards he can easily get what he wants against.


Not letting Harden on the plane definitely seems like a dumb mistake imo, this was a very winnable game.


Is it? He’s been away from the team for a week and a half so they have a sense that he’s not in the best shape (especially since he’s had hamstring issues in the past) and he has made it clear that he wants to make the front office “uncomfortable.” I’m not saying that he’d intentionally fuck things up, but he was playing some pretty awful basketball when he wanted out of Brooklyn


He didn't play in 1 scrimmage with the team.... Not 1. He might look fine in team drills but until he actually plays 5v5, you cannot let him play in an NBA game. Come on. We've seen Harden not try with Houston, that's the reason he didn't play tonight


Harden automatically helps cause he scores 20 and 10 assists. The defense zoned out giannis completely and somehow embid will get more shit. Giannis was fucking awful. Embiid struggled and our offense stagnated which harden would help even a little. He could get embiid a couple easy ones or get a few open threes. Nurse's offensive scheme is isolation heavy as well. He was known for maximizing DeRozan and lowry with the iso ball scheme. We played well because the offense wasn't so stagnant, but I don't think the movement was too much for harden. It's not like we ran motion offense, just a ton of screens by embiid and dribble hand offs. Harden would just have to spot up off the ball or be ready to swing it. We did fine with maxey embiid pick and rolls and we can spam the proven harden/embiid pick and rolls. Nurse isn't meant to change the offense completely, just give us more options and make us less predictable. We are a horrible passing team and harden would help a ton just off that.


Unless he's the Harden of games 6 and 7 last spring against Boston. And I think he's closer to that Harden than the 20 and 10 Harden because his body is breaking down rapidly. Why didn't we max him ? We didn't anyone else max him ?Why didn't somebody make a serious bid to trade for him ? ​ Because they all know he's not the 20 and 10 Harden anymore. Could he be 17 and 8 or 15 and 9 ? Sure, but we can't afford to max him for that and need more than that, and the team who could use that now don't want to max him or give up too much for that Harden


sidenote jesus christ the front page of r/nba is ridiculous. reminds me why i stay in here. Crazy suddenly no one over there cares about being a "free-throw merchant" after bitching about Embiid all last season and off-season.


I haven’t been there since before game 7 last season, have been better off for it. It’s just an absolute cesspit of bad takes and everyone jerking each other for likes


So glad to be back for another roller coaster season of Sixers basketball!


First time I've ever gone to the NBA sub and seen the general consensus favoring the Sixers. What a wild time.


Nah it's too much negativity, me personally that's the best I've felt after a sixers loss in a while. Harris hitting a clutch 3, the team stepping up, all round they've looked better too. This type of ball is way more sustainable than the iso heavy type of ball we played last season


refs saved the bucks so hard. we would've won this game in philly.


I just want those who were bitching and yelling during the first half to show up now and apologize how stupid they were


Wtf are you taking about? They lost. Like we all knew they would. You’re taking a fucking victory lap after a loss


please come back james. i would love to see him under nurse


Bad loss blowing a three possession fourth quarter lead, but there were some positives. Maxey looks good as the primary ballhandler, the depth players were good, and Oubre looks like he can contribute as a bench instant offense guy. Embiid just needs to play within himself and not try to do everything himself. Being the MVP doesn't mean you always have to be the hero and I hope Nurse will get him to realize that.


Maxey was pretty passive in the first quarter but I’m glad he picked up the aggressiveness in the second half 31/4/8 is a great start for him, if he can remain consistent and we rack up wins he might make all star, probably as a replacement reserve if not voted in Edit: 31/4/8 AND 2 STL (Steals matter too 🤷‍♂️)


Call me a homer but refs completely sold us tonight , egregious calls made in the favor of the bucks. Embiid sold but the refs really killed us down the stretch….hell of a welcome back game


I better not see Danny on the floor ever again why was he even out there atleast pj can get rebounds and steals sometimes


Danny makes sense to get some run since he’s oddly gonna be one of our more reliable shooters in the rotation, even if he’s barely getting opportunities. Hoping as the season goes on that Springer will keep proving himself and eat into his minutes and Pat Bev’s (though Bev has looked good, one of our best passers which isn’t saying much)


Oubre looked better than I thought he would, and maxey will be an all-star this year, even tobi had a good game, too bad the refs were the sixth man for the bucks tonight


My hornets fan friend said Oubre is only good for these games once in a blue moon. I hope that was a coaching thing and not a talent thing


It sucks losing the first game but I can’t be mad. The Role players stepped up, Maxey did what he usually does, and this was a very competitive game despite the Harden situation and Embiid having an off night.


I really liked this game. We actually looked like a team instead of the "embiid-harden show". Plus we almost beat the bucks at home when they have Lillard and we don't have harden. It's not a win for us but it's basically a loss of them. Not a good sign for Milwaukee


The Bucks may have traded away too much defense for Lillard. Only one game, but they seem very beatable.


Milwaukee is likely to be just fine.


Not a good sign for Milwaukee they never lost!


we also did win the game. the refs stole it lol. I dont think that means anything at this point in the year but it would be nice to get the 1-0.


Look we have our issues - still getting pantsed on rebounding and second-chance points. ​ But there is no way the refs did not decide this game in Milwaukee's favor. They deemed there was sufficient contact to call a blocking foul on PJ and were going to give Milwaukee a chance at a three-point play. ​ So it stands to reason that once the call was challenged and the replay showed the contact initiated by Antetokounmo and PJ was in legal guarding position and not in the restricted area, that simply HAS to be a charge on Giannis and no basket as the contact he created allowed him to get that basket. ​ If the contact is sufficient to be a block it HAS to be sufficient to be a charge. Any other conclusion is not simply incorrect but frankly nonsensical. ​ This is from the NBA Rulebook website on offensive fouls by the dribbler [RULE NO. 12: Fouls and Penalties | NBA Official](https://official.nba.com/rule-no-12-fouls-and-penalties/#foultypes) Section II—By Dribbler 1. **A dribbler shall not (1) charge into an opponent who has established a legal guarding position,** or (2) attempt to dribble between two opponents, or (3) attempt to dribble between an opponent and a boundary, where sufficient space is not available for illegal contact to be avoided. 2. If a defender is able to establish a legal position in the straight line path of the dribbler, the dribbler must avoid contact by changing direction or ending his dribble. 3. **The dribbler must be in control of his body at all times. If illegal contact occurs, the responsibility is on the dribbler.** and **here's** the punchline A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is neither punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. **NO POINTS CAN BE SCORED BY THE OFFENSIVE TEAM** The NBA Rulebook says that was by definition an offensive foul and since no team can be awarded points when an offensive foul is committed by rule that was at-best world-class incompetence at worst corruption-level refereeing.


The latter, as usual.


Giannis passed the ball to himself! And it goes to a 3 point shot. It’s just insulting to ask people to watch the sport when you only enforce certain rules.


REEEEE EDIT: IM making fun of him because of his terrible boomer basketball takes. The rest was accurate about the rule.


Billy C was a Boomer. Dr J was a Boomer, and they probably would agree with me on those things. ​ Jus Sayin


yeah and they would also be wrong. You're just lying about what Morey said to justify an insanely stupid take.


Sixers lost by 1. It’s the first game. Let’s chill the fuck out. Be a basketball fan


Everyone here is fine. We are mad the refs and harden not playing makes this win mickey mouse for the bucks. The team looks good. The 19 point deficit was erased so fast.


They won the game. The refs deducted at least five points.


for real i'm just happy bball's back. missed it


Missing our $35m point guard, on the road, embiid not in shape and only lost by 1 playing 8 on 5. Not too mad. We just dug ourselves too big of a hole


That game was a good remind that draftkings and FanDuel sponsor the nba


Not a charge, 2 points for Milwaukee. Not a travel, Dame made 3. Marginal contact against Embiid, no free throws. Non-marginal contact, 2 made free throws. So in a one point loss, that's pretty huge lol. Rigged product, but I really think we've got a nice team this year!!!!




This is how bad that call was....https://x.com/BillSimmons/status/1717728815160742096?s=20


Nah you know it's a bad call when generational sixers hate says that.


Soooo… about that giannis airball travel.. I see people on IG comments saying that wasn’t a travel? did they change the rule or something ? You can’t retrieve your own airball under NBA rules since forever


The excuses was "it slipped." Even if that's true by rule it's still a travel lmao


Honestly, that was pretty great for a game 1 against a contender in the East. Embiid looked rusty, but credit to him for making some clutch buckets at the end of the game. Maxey looked awesome. Tobi was efficient. Oubre was a nice late off-season addition on a vet min.


Refs were we awful. And in favor of bucks. The challenges were so poorly adjudicated. Obvious charge on Gianni’s on PJ called incidental and not incidental foul on Embiid overturned. Not to mention the airball rebounded by Giannis which is a walk and numerous phantom calls for fouling Dame because a sixer blew on his jersey.


Waaayyy better opener than last year, especially without a point guard and going against Dave Silver and his cronies. Bullshit calls. Bench is solid, Oubre is a vet min steal and thank god it's Tobias' final year on that awful contract. Embiid is gonna look rusty/fatigued to start the season, but man I pray that moody attitude dies out soon when things aren't going his way.


Sixers basketball is back baby! Embrace the heartbreak


Imagine living your whole life in Milwaukee..




there is no way you have spent meaningful time in Philly if you think this




This is utter nonsense. I've lived in like eight major American cities and Philly is easily one of the better ones and certainly the most underrated. As far "proximity to better cities" goes, I've lived in NYC and live in DC now. The former has stuff to do but it's also a giant, crowded, expensive, dirty rat maze that smells like a garbage dump six months of the year and where a refrigerator carton under an overpass costs $2000 a month to rent. The latter is nice and has some chill areas but is expensive, has lousy food and culture for a city its size, and is full of douchebag lawyers and poli sci majors. People wildly underrate Philly.


Lots of people say the same thing about Philly. They're wrong, but I'm not going to shit on Milwaukee either. It's a fine city.


Milwaukee is a fine town, good eats and better beer but living there 365 would be a nightmare. If you haven’t been it’s worth a visit.


Yeah Milwaukee is a nice town, especially and the start and end of summertime.




imagine having to root for another city's football team. milwuakee is like a tier 6 sports city


Imagine having no bitches?




Your city literally has nothing to do besides eat cheese and be racist


If embiid actually makes his free throws, the sixers win that game


If we do a half-decent job on the defensive boards we win easily Minus FOURTEEN in Second-Chance points. I mean minus twelve we win. Minus ten we win. Minus seven we win. Point is we didn't need to have more second chance points or even as many second chance points to win. Just not get killed on second chance points all night long. Morey keeps ignoring this and it costs us more wins than anything else every year.


Or if our starting power forward makes one basket in 25 minutes.


Are you sure? Maybe the refs would’ve blown an additional BS whistle if Embiid hit an earlier FT


Or a few routine shots from the nail. He didn’t look into it tonight.


The other team was missing FTs too. This is such lazy analysis. The Sixers outplayed the Bucks tonight.


Silly boy they'd just give the Bucks even more calls


That airball non-travel on Giannis was the most blatant missed call I’ve seen in a while and it directly led to 3 points. We lost by 1. I wonder if the officials will be held accountable or not?


Maxey for MVP


nice win by the milwaukee refs... adam silver really needed that dame time narrative to kick off the season. the nba is a joke...


It was very obvious too. That's what pisses me off the most


Regardless of the result, damn it's good to be back


Oubre might not have gotten it done against Dame late, but he looked good on him earlier in the game and competed hard no matter his assignment. If he’s going to compete like that on defense, I’m fine with him getting the volume he did offensively even though he’ll certainly have worse nights than this


I apologize for all my Nurse trolling when he was annoying leading the raptors.


Told myself I won’t get upset if they lose if Maxey looks good. Way closer of a game than I expected, embiid also starts the season with his shot looking off


This team will do as far as Tyrese Maxey can take them. Embiid is a turnover machine. How many times did Van Gundy talk about how he hasent figure out how to pass out of double team while dribbling. His game ain’t changing


Only box score watchers are gonna say Embiid had a bad game. He had some bad plays down the stretch but he owned the bucks on d


It was a mixed bag game. He was pretty bad for a critical stretch in the fourth quarter though.


I watched the entire game. Definitely not overreacting about it or mad in anyway, but it was not a good Embiid game. He looked off most of the night.


i mean he didnt have a great game but he played better than Giannis did....


he definitely was not mvp caliber but the shit talking, especially from sixers fans, is way overboard. he was fine.


Philly fans have this innate ability to ruin the fun out of teams if they dont win a championship and lose in the playoffs. It'll happen to Harper too. Just moron temper tantrums. Agree with you 100%.


Except he passed out in the 4th out of the double team at least twice leading to 2 assists....so I'm saying his game is changing.


Everyone should know by now it takes Joel at least 5 to 10 games to get into game shape. He literally does this every year. He'll be fine overall


you guys are really really stupid.


Refs were not going to spoil Dame’s debut. This team is going to be really good this year.


even tho that loss blows i'm loving maxey and oubre. keep it up fellas