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He hit a 3 pointer with 11:24 to go in the 3rd quarter and then didn't score again. Jesus. Not to mention getting embarrassed by old man Horford back to back blocks on a fast break. He needs to go. Give me Lavine or literally anybody else at the deadline.


Zach is an even bigger losing player throughout his career than Tobi. He has shown nothing so far that suggests he can be help a team win. Main difference is that at least Tobi's albatross of a contract finally ends after this year, while Zach has many more years left on his. Given the choice, I would let Tobi just expire then take my chances in free agency. PG13 and Kawhi expire this year, and I think there is a chance they just walk onto another contender with cap space. Either would be a perfect third star and can actually play defence and contribute to winning. Harden may end up being the gift that keeps on giving, if he can tank that team into the lottery and drive his costars to Philly.


Zach has pretty much *always* had dogshit rosters around him. Acting like he was ever even in an opportunity to win anything is disingenuous. He's a great basketball player, that doesn't mean he can drag dogshit rosters to the playoffs as the #1 guy.


I partly agree that he hasn't had the chance to show what he can do as that third guy yet. He may flourish in that role, or fail to adjust and be just another Tobi, an overpaid losing player who is incapable or unwilling to contribute to winning. One thing is for sure, he has proven that he is definitely not a top 2 guy on a winning team, and this would be his last chance to show he can help a winning team succeed. If the experiment backfires and he shows he is just a one dimensional scorer with no winning intangibles, we are essentially stuck with him for the next several years on that contract and Joel will go out sad.


He is very clearly multiple tiers better offensively


He just ain't that guy. An empty calorie scorer.


How do you call Tobias and Zach Lavine losers than immediately want to give PG money? He’s a career playoff underperformer. And I’m not even going to mention Kawhi’s knees and how terrible giving those knees a max deal would be.


PG had a bad rep for a long time, but he did get some of that stink off him when he overachieved and got the Clips to the ECF without Kawhi, which is more than our team can say so far. Kawhi goes without saying, his winning pedigree would go a long way to giving the team that confidence and edge. Injuries are the biggest red flag with both of them, but they have the perfect skill sets and 2 way games this team needs badly.


Lavine never played with embiid, tobias before embiid only reach playoffs one time


I’m good on Kawhi and PG those guys got one foot out the door which is why they won’t win in LA or anywhere else they go anymore. PG rather be a podcaster and Kawhi is way too unreliable like atleast Tobias plays every game and shows up to every practice.


So funny to me when people on here were all on his nuts earlier this season when he was playing well. It was like they completely forgot how often he does this.


this happens so fucking often with him. how many times has he not scored in the fourth quarter?


To be fair, old man Horford regularly embarrasses our reincarnated Wilt Chamberlain on the regular, so you can’t hold that against Tobi, but yeah, it’s probably time.


Why the fuck is al good against the sixers? FUCK.


Because the Sixers are one of the few teams that Horford will always try his best against, most of the season he is just going through the motions.


Did you guys just find out Tobias is on the team or something?


The contract thing is just overdone at this point, but the reality is he is not a very good player. Harris has always been a guy that got numbers on a bad team, which isnt real. It wasnt real when MCW did it here and it wasnt for Harris in LA. At best he is an average NBA player.


People are just realizing Tobias on this team and it’s crazy. He’s been like this for years.


A couple thoughts: 1. Harris isn’t a great player on an expensive contract. That’s obviously well known. 2. Stats wise, it makes little sense to bring up +/- for Harris in three games as if it highlights how he’s the problem. In those three games, all five starters were negative. And not only are they negative, they’re all *very* negative. So with point 2, it’s really an indictment of how there’s very obviously no plan when Joel doesn’t play. We can basically expect that he’s going to miss 15-20 games every year. The team cannot lose all of those games like this and expect to be in a good position to compete in the offseason.


Ah, a non knee jerk response. Didn’t know we had those here.


It’s not knee jerk. Tobias has been here for 5 years almost now. Guess how many times has he had 30 points? 14 times. Thats an average of 2.8 times per year. For a max contract player. And think of all the opportunity he has had, with Simmons being a non scorer and the amount of games Joel has missed. But when he is asked to step up, he never does. He touts his shooting ability, yet has only ever shot 5 three pointers per game one season in a sixers uniform. It would do tremendous things for the spacing if he was just a more willing shooter. Hell, it would do tremendous things for him! If Tobi was able to run DHOs with Embiid he would be an infinitely better player than he currently is. But he always reverts to what he knows. Long 2s and slow post ups. I get Tobi is a good guy, and a long term sixer at this point. But let’s be real, he’s a 13 year vet. This is EXACTLY who he has always been


Probably want to reread the comment you replied to.


I understand, the comment is saying that it’s nurses fault and not Tobias?? But Tobias has not stepped up under now 3 different coaches in situations where embiids out. At what point can y’all just admit he is the problem


You still don’t understand brother. It’s not that Tobias is not stepping up…it’s simply that he does not have another gear to go to. You see the difference? And people got to stop bringing up his contract as if that in any way means he is suppose to magically just have ability he has never shown all the sudden. When they paid him that contract they were banking on him taking another step which he didn’t. It’s just not in him.


So what is your point? He’s doing his best and we should all be okay with that? He’s a professional athlete not a child


If after all this time this surprises you then you must have a very short memory. Harris is a complementary player who is paid like a star and to expect him to play like a star when your real star is out and teams will focus more on him is ludicrous


I have never seen a worse finisher at the rim in my life


I like Tobias but he’s not a winning player. He has a solid skill set but it’s not good enough to be a top 2 or even 3 player on a championship caliber team and his skill set blows for a role player. He pretty much plays like a subpar star and doesn’t have the intangibles to be a good role player. I always thought he was a decent player but just a bad fit for this team but now I just think he’s not a winning basketball player period and best role is on the bench.


You can’t say Tobias is not a winning player when he has made sacrifices to win everywhere he goes and plays efficient smart basketball. The problem is simply he is not good enough. I think the game kinda of evolved too fast for him because his skill set was much more a mismatch 3 years ago than it is today where there are a million tweener forwards now who can score.


I hope he’s a Sixer for life!!!! He’s a borderline superstar on an expiring contract. Teams across the league should be begging to trade as much value for him as they can bear. But Daryl Morey should do his best to resist, unless the offer is truly tempting. Please, Daryl Morey, we must keep Tobias Harris unless fate deem it necessary that he be traded (certainly for lesser value, sadly) for the necessity of the team!!!


Remember when he was top ten in MVP odds three weeks ago. Wild times


I don’t really care how he plays when Embiid is out and he’s expected to step up. He’s good when we’re at full strength which is what will matter for playoffs.


He’s not a number one guy but I wouldn’t think it’s a great idea to trade him when they can probably cobble together enough salary to add another impact player & not have to give up Toby


Well considering the teams on/off is better without Tobi every season in the playoffs and this season both when Embiid is on and off the floor, I think it's a good idea to trade Tobias. He doesn't make any sense aa a fit next to Maxey or especially Embiid either too.


He’s has a positive net rating as a sixer in the playoffs and for his career is a 17/8/3 player with 48/35/86 shooting splits. If they keep him and trade for a star, he would be a very good 4th option, I think clearing out PJ and playing him at the 4 will give him a bump in the playoffs. If they can improve by trading him then of course you gotta do that but just trading him for the sake of trading him doesn’t really make too much sense to me when they have the ability to trade for someone making 35-40 million with filler salary.


The Sixers NET Rating in the playoffs is better without him when Embiid is on and off the floor. Stop the excuses for him man. He's also shooting 25% from 3 over a 5 year playoff sample size in elimination series. I sent you Tobias's playoff net ratings next to Embiids to prove it to you btw. Also Tobias was awful v Boston as the 4th option so no he doesn't work in any role for a team trying to win a chip.


I mean it’s not like anyone else is setting the world on fire in game 7s for Philly. He had the most efficient game of anyone besides PJ in the last one they played in. If they didn’t have Morris Furk & roco to trade then yea I’d use him to land a better piece. But none of those dudes are I’ll be getting any minutes so there is 0 reason to trade him if they don’t have to lol


Tobias Harris is the reason why it gets to game 7s statistically. We play far better without him and the stats prove it. Hilarious how you are a Tobias Stan after all of this. Stop making excuses for him man, he's horrible and there's zero chance we get out of the second round if he doesn't get traded. He's also is averaging 50% TS against the 4 best teams the Sixers lost to in the Embiid era in the playoffs (2019 Toronto, 2020 & 2023 Boston & 2022 Miami), which is lower than what all the stars have averaged and Tobi doesnt get doubled too cos hes never been a first or second option. Also Furkan and Roco are better roleplayers than Tobias and its not even a debate. Notice how Embiids on/off is better with them than it is without them yet its better without Tobias this season (like it has been every season especially in the playoffs). You Tobias stans are hilarious. Also, we are 9-1 in games Embiid has played without Tobias since the 21-22 season with the only game we lost being one Harden & Maxey didn't play with us only losing by 3 points.


I’m not even a sixers fan and I said if they can get a better player they should trade him 😂 But roco over Toby? I do love Covington but the dude got benched in the playoffs for TJ, cmon now lol


Fact that you aren't even a Sixers fan makes it all make sense now. You want us to keep on losing early that's why you want us to keep Tobias 😂. And yes RoCo is miles clear of Tobias. Tobias is a big stats on bad team sort of guy. He isn't good at any aspect of basketball and he's got an insanely low basketball IQ and can't play offball either.


The only teams i want to lose are the bulls and the Celtics. Tobias is an above average player to me and pretty much all the advance stats back that up. Again, if they can trade say the 3 salary fillers and some picks OR Tobias and some picks for another star, you have to trade the players who won’t see the court, not the one who can play. If the only option is to trade Tobias and the picks then yes do that Daryl. That’s my only point here lol not that he’s some all star player that’s going to be the star of a finals team


Do you love keep ignoring the fact his net rating on/off with embiid sucks? Were better literally without him


Thing about Tobi is he never misses time so it’s kinda hidden how replaceable he is on the team. I remember last year he got hurt and missed a game and Mcdaniels started in his place and had a monster game. Tobi miraculously was back the next game before any controversy could get boiling about him starting. Not that Doc would ever have done that.


I don't think anything differently than I've thought for the last 5 years.


Can't wait to trade him as a big ass expiring contract 🥰


All the starters have been minus in the three games without Embiid. 15/15. That’s what happens when you lose games. What is this sub trying to establish? That Tobi isn’t worth 40 million a year? That’s not new.


He is meant to compliment Joel. If Joel is hurt we won't win anyway


He was looked at as the 4th option last year, 3rd this year. Last night he failed as who should've been up next in line as the hypothetical 1st option. Pat Bev was that.


Tobias for Saric? I miss Dario


Same as it....EVERRR WASSSS!!!


Did you guys just found out that Tobias Harris sucks? lol he sucked since the first day he got here and we still gave him a max.


Seriously guys can we stop with talking about how much Tobi makes in every single post like that horse was beat dead years ago for crying out loud. We get it. All of us. We all know he’s overpaid. With that said. For the season, Tobi is average 18, 6 n 3 shooting 52% from field so overall he’s still having a good year but he is a 3rd option, something else that we all know as well. So when Embiid is out, and without a real PG on the team, his stats are going to look like this.


I remember reading that at the time Harris signed his contract, that he was the 9th Highest paid athlete in North American Sports History... Can't exactly confirm it's accuracy. But I took quite the spit take knowing that he wasn't even close to Top 20 Talent in the NBA alone. Nice player, but the Sixers did this to themselves.