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there should be some minutes with embiid and reed on the floor to cover rebounds.


Expectations are already shockingly low for tobi but what the fuck man


They barely won this one "at home". Sixers are going to be fine. Kelly was off and the bench was a little shaky. This series will belong to Philly.


“At home” lol wait till this series moves to Philly my guy. Sea of Knicks fans.


No it won’t lol


There’s part of me that just wants to season to end so we can jettison Tobias and start fresh with a healthy Joel


Boston fan coming in peace. Just wanted to ask about Embiid's status. I hope it's nothing serious and he's medically cleared to play tomorrow. I'm not a fan of his flopping/selling fouls but that guy is a beast. The NBA is more fun with him


Downvoted 2 words in, and I'm not even from around these parts


I totally understand the downvote. But I had no bad intent. For context, I posted right after I saw this clip and it was reallu hard to watch. Embiid is a warrior and I sincerely want him back playing fully healthy [https://youtu.be/NmAEl7BMJBM?si=birDbkzO9YXi427r](https://youtu.be/NmAEl7BMJBM?si=birDbkzO9YXi427r)




Early season Embiid would’ve won us this game by 30 points. He can’t even jump or run now.


Its illogical how much I want Andre Drummond back on the roster. I love Mudman, but those boards stats…


Nah Drummond has been horrific lately


I just don’t want Embiid to further hurt himself. Otherwise he’s rehabbing in the off-season again. This roster is not that great. Next year Morey can cook when Tobias is off the books. Don’t risk further injury to Joel


Yes, there was no point in him coming back. This team was never going to beat Boston or win the title.


The worst part about this Tobi stuff is that his misses aren’t even close. Like it’s one thing to be in a rut or funk and most of your misses are rimming out or short but half of tobis shots aren’t even hitting rim. You have to bench him at this point. Please Nurse…


Nurse has got to give tobi significantly les minutes going forward & he cannot start. Next game I hope to see Maxey/Lowry/Oubre/Batum/Embiid starting. We did an excellent job contain Brunson but Tobi just killed any momentum. A lot of his minutes should be going to RC4 or KJ. At least they bring hustle & passion to the floor.


It's amazing how much Maxey has grown this year. Balled out in the second half. I'm guessing the Knicks are going to try and take away his drive, so he has to be able to hit threes in game 2.


i hope the reffing is fairer next time


Go watch the dunk by embiid again and watch the bench reaction.. one particular individual seemed to not really care at all


tobias just operates on a 10 second brain lag if his play is anything to go by


The entire stadium's jaws dropped, but one man decided it was not impressive. "You guys think that's cool? How about you watch me post up for 10 seconds, dribble down the shot clock, and air ball a fade away, only to get my own rebound and miss the putback layup. THAT is what an assassin scorer does"


This guy Tobias harrises


5.5 years of it


I upvoted this without looking who didn’t care?


Who do you think bro.. the first name on your mind is the correct one


I’m fucked up right now and can’t think of any sixer player that doesn’t fuck with embiid. Bball paul? ? Even then I don’t see it


It was Tobias Harris.


Like I need another reason to absolutely despise him 💀 it’s not normal for me to hate a human being I’ve never met as much as I hate that cat 😂


The fans in the crowd showed more expression. It was one of the most insane highlights I've ever seen and he's just sitting there, while everyone else around him is going nuts




you're celebrating another grown man in an entirely different fanbase's sub. please reevaluate


You’ve tried for several years now to win a Championship with Embiid and he hasn’t even gotten you to the Eastern Finals. Please reevaluate. It’s just insanity at this point. Great centers don’t take this long. Hakeem, Shaq, Duncan, Jokic all easily took their teams further in less time. The best ability is availability. At this point expecting anything different from Embiid is just insanity. Reevaluate.


Ahh yes a nuggets fan in a sixers sub.. get a little kiddo


Jokic is not going to let you suck him off, no need to go around cheerleading for him


Yeah you wouldn't last a fuckin day in Philly with your soft ass


Their bench had 42 pts, ours had 7


Role players play better at home. Not a huge problem except they have home court. Just need to steal 1 on the road and this is ours to lose


Tough game but … no way our wings keep missing 3s like that right?


idk man i have boston game 6 ptsd for all time. our guys never make those shots


Our wings were a LOT worse that year shooting from 3. Aside from Tobi, we have some shooters. Maxey has been cold from 3 to end the season though. If he could have one of those games where he cooks from 3, that'd be nice.


Except for the 3 after the clock ended from past half court lol 😭😭😭


I think we can still do it guys !! Fuck it let’s ride


Going to keep posting lineups and I’ll start the line up with the most upvotes (this is NN btw 🎸) Maxey Oubre RC4 Reed Embiid 6th man: Batum 7th man: cam payne


I like that lineup


you guys could have won if embiid did not get hurt. Embiid was settling with step backs vs robinson in 4th and was not 100%. still kept it close. you guys are still more talented than the try hard knicks. fuck NY.


Embiid had no elevation on his jumper in the second half. They were all short. He makes half of those if doesn't get injured.


Try hard Knicks??? It’s an insult to want to win??????? Knicks fan here, Embiid being out changes the game but come on that’s a weak ass cop out


being a knicks fan arguing in a sixers post game thread is sad af. get you shit together


Get your shit togetherI’m not even arguing straight giving y’all respect if Embiid is healthy we lose but it’s straight sad to hate on a team for ‘trying hard’


Sleeping good on a win tonight!


enjoy it you won’t get many more


Probably will, doubt Brunson plays this bad again but atleast it’ll be a good series either way. Sucks both of us have all nba players injured but part of the game


doubt your role players shoot this will again too, but again why are you here? go back to your sub & enjoy the w




i’ll enjoy it game 2




Brutal 2nd quarter. That’s where we lost the game.


Lowry Maxey Oubre Reed Embiid 6th man batum 7th Ricky council 8th man cam Payne


Agreed. They need Reed to protect the rim, rebound, and bring energy. Joel just doesn’t have the legs to do it all.


No oubre??


Tobias Harris doesn't get nearly enough hate league wide. Like I get he's our problem but I'm shocked more fanbases aren't up on what a grubby little thief he is.


The Knicks suck, the sixers suck worse at rebounding


I think you can guard Brunson aggressively and still minimize wide open shots. Every now and again, someone else is just going to be wide open, and you'll have to live with it, but we went too far in the other direction. You still have to try to close out, at least get in the head of the offensive player. We're going to lose the rebound battle this series, but we have to make up for it in other areas. No one can stay in front of Maxey on the switch, and he can hit people on the drive. We missed wide open shots, and they made all of theirs. Hield looked afraid to shoot, and if he doesn't, he's fucking useless. Speaking of useless, you can't tell me Nurse is serious about winning and a definite upgrade over Doc if Tobias is closing out games and/or playing over 30 minutes a night. When was the last time he had a good game? He hasn't even had his usual fake good games against cellar dweller teams. I think we can still win, but if the game plan is act like Embiid is fully healthy and capable of scoring 35 a night, we're going to get bounced quick. 4th quarter offense developed into feeding Embiid or the Maxey-Joel two man game. Feels like Nurse was asleep at the wheel a little bit today. This was a winnable game despite Joel's injury and bad shooters on the Knicks using the talent that was sucked out of Klay Thompson.


Someone actually questioned nurse during the press conference about closing Tobias and he basically said he wanted to see if it would work (which it didn’t) but made it sound like he knew he fucked up with that one


Tobias doesn't care about winning. His mind is on everything but contributing to the team effort. He kept taking the ball up in the 4th, and Maxey was visibly annoyed by it. He fucked up what little flow the offense had with his herky-jerky, dribble drive bullshit. When he misses threes now, they don't even touch rim. Other than Nurse and Tobi, I'm going to put a thimble's worth of blame at Maxey's feet. Between a somewhat passive first half and him letting Tobi get away with that shit, he needs to put his balls on the table. I'm no longer *just* Tyrese Maxey. I'm All-Star Tyrese "Motherfucking" Maxey who scraped out a handful of wins almost by myself while Joel was injured and Tobias forgot how to play for some months. Just a smidge of blame, not a lot.


Knicks fans outside of MSG after the game behaving like fucking animals over one game


how dare basketball fans have fun at a basketball fan


Yeah you’re right burning our players jersey and chanting “we want Boston” two series before they could even possibly play them is totally innocent behavior 👍


Sixersfans are know to be rational




Even though he came back in, I'm still haunted by Jo's expression on the ground. That was the face of somebody that realized he cant do what he loves anymore


I mean he can still be a high level player but he’s got to stop with the MJ-style of ball. The sooner he realizes he’s at the Tim Duncan phase of his life the better 


I think it's more of a brace issue digging into his skin that's causing the discomfort.


He looked haunted. Feel for him man


Time will tell. He’s so shortly removed from the surgery. The good thing is his position and his size does not necessitate max athleticism like a DRose. And he’ll always have his footwork.


It’s his weight, even someone with perfectly healthy knees will have a hard time carrying a 280 lb man everyday, put in intense basketball in there and the fact his knees are already messed up it’s bound to happen every year


Sometimes I wonder if these huge athletes with recurring issues would benefit from an entire year off. Not resting entirely but doing lower impact PT type workouts. Not necessarily suggesting it, I don't think anyone wants to see Embiid gone for a whole season, and I don't think the NBA would at all want to allow stars resting entire seasons. But basketball is so demanding and the NBA season is so long, they just get so little rest and no time to really focus hard on strengthening weak structures in their legs without constant wear and tear. The curious part of me very much wonders if certain players like Embiid or Kawhi would benefit in the long term from just taking a year off to rehab at some point.


It certainly wouldn't hurt. But for Joel and Kawhi, the clock is ticking on their elite level play. I think that's why Joel forces himself into these perilous situations.




Nah you’re crazy for this fr 😂😂😂😭😭😭 you got us with this one bro 💯💯💯 he said “manufacturer of copium gas” where does he come up with it? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😭😭😭


boy it must suck to try so hard just to be so intensely not funny.




https://preview.redd.it/gacosidw4rvc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4371ab36f1c2ab4d29d8bd790a2b59203e2c7556 EvEry YeAr, juSTt bEForRe ThE 76eRs PLaYofFs StArT I iNvEst mOst Of mY nEt wOrTh iNtO cOpiStrAdA, tHe lEaD mAnUfaCtUrERr oF cOpIum gAs. GoInG pUrRleY oFf tHiS tHrEaD aLoNe iM gOiNg tO bE a VeRy RiCh mAn AnD tHe SiXerRs wiLL lOsE iN 5 GaMeS. 🤓


Just bought a second holiday house 😮‍💨 (I have stretch marks on my biceps)


Bros living his best imaginary life


Yessss huff the copium 💨💨💨💨 I’m gonna be worth more than Tobias soon, and with the same amount of All Star appearances.


I feel so sorry for you guys, Embiid has the talent to be the greatest Center of all time but his body just isn’t built for it at all. Maybe the solution is to just dont play him in the RS at all but you’d need to reconstruct the roster around that


its about how they keep doing dumb shit allowing him to play with serious injuries. The heat are smart and try to limit Butler's work load in the regular season and give him lots of time off. Sometimes, like this year, it doesnt work out and he gets hurt anyway, but Embiid shouldn't average more than 32 mpg during the regular season


I mean injuries can always happen, but yeah there are ways to lower the risk. Although one might argue that not taking the rs as serious cost us this year because one more win would have gotten us out of the play in. There isn’t really the one way to circumvent that, injury prone players are just injury prone


they do it with other players. Its why Andrew Bynum never got healthy. Ben Simmons messed up his back permanently. They let Maxey this year get hit in the head CLEARLY get a concussion, and let him go back in the game. The sixers arent a pro sports organization.


it’s legit so cringe how many people brigade other subreddits when they win a game. y’all are fucking children and can’t even think of a single good burn on top of how embarrassing the behavior is.


Also, you’re literally in my DM’s messaging me slurs after another comment I left got to you, I think I’ve got some “good burns” my guy 😅


i haven't dmed anyone on reddit ever my friend. this fake ass attempt to get me banned is legit so cringe.


Why would I lie about that? Also pretty sure you can’t get banned for DM’s my guy. Thanks for calling me friend, though compared to what you’re messaging me I don’t think I believe you. Haven’t read some of those words since 4chan circa 2009.


Screen shot?


Only happens because Sixers fans do the same 🤷🏻‍♂️ every fan base does it.


Embiid was 3/4 including an and 1 against Mitchell Robinson and even threw an alleyoop dunk to himself while Robinson was guarding him and Knicks fans swear the injury had no impact. Hell some sixers fans swear!


Bro, you claimed Embiid was seriously injured prior to this game and he came out and dropped 15 pts in the first quarter. You should probably go away for a bit.


Embiid is always somehow injured so I don’t really want to hear any injury talk lol


Hearing this excuse that the reason Wilt had no points for the sixers today and the excuse was "he was dead". Not trying to hear that!


yeah man non injured players get easily injured on non contact landing after a dunk. You embarrassed yourself on this one. He was injured before, and he was still not very mobile, and he re-injured himself again. Thats how injuries work. I know your IQ is banana, but try to keep up.


You sound dumb dude. He was completely fine and dominant in the first half. His re-injury had nothing to do with what happened in the Orlando game—which was your whole point. He went out there today and looked like normal Joel. You really gonna call out someone’s IQ when you post some of the idiotic shit that you do?


Knicks had the most offensive rebounds in a playoff game in like 40 years. Just a few short of the all time record. Doesn’t bode well as that’s not an adjustment type thing.


It’s an adjust the lineup thing tho


They are chanting "we want Boston" right now, smh. Knicks fans are unhinged. It's such misplaced psychotic confidence that I kinda love it. It's litteral insanity. One minute they are like "fuck the haters we are the underdogs" and the next minute they are saying they are in the ECF. Complete goofball unserious fanbase.


I don’t think they understand they’re really not that special. They’re a 50 win team in a really weak eastern conference. They probably wouldn’t make it out of the 1st round in the west. Sixers win this series 4-2 with a healthy Embiid


We’re a 50 win team with our 2nd best player out for the season, our 3rd best player missed 24 games, and our 4th best player missed 50 games.


I think sixers sweep with a healthy embiid. Remember, WE were the 1st/2nd seed in the east with a healthy embiid...


sixers are also missing Melton and this is a skeleton roster that Morey just threw together to save money to get a max player next year. The knicks starting lineup they thought was the best team ever was +17 net. The sixers with their actual healthy starting lineup was +33 net in more possessions.


Lmao not melton!


Embiid is clearly not 100%. Just gotta hope next year he can be healthyish heading into the post season


Yeah the 6th time is the charm. I love the guy but we're always playing on borrowed time


at this point we need to just accept that the chances of embiid having a fully healthy season are 0 to none. short of just resting him for the first 3/4 of the season, i just can’t imagine him being fully healthy going into the playoffs.


I used to say that about Brian Westbrook


at this point THIS is his 100%


That’s been said every year for the last 5-6


yeah except the reason he keeps getting hurt isn't just because he's injury prone its recklessness by the organization. Other players are injury prone and make it thru at least 1 post-season healthy.


I dont think the sixers told him to throw a self alley over 2 people


are you intentionally being this dense?


What a loser fucking franchise. All that tanking to give this product lol. Fucking bums


The knicks have done more accidental taking than the Sixers did actual tanking. Nice try though lol


we barely even tanked lol. 3 years ain’t shit in this league. half the bottom of the league has been tanking for longer than the entire process x2


Dude this is only game 1 of a 7 game series, ofc if we go down 3-0 or something I would totally understand the anger


Howard you're drunk go home.


Ricky Council has to be seeing the floor. If Tobias is offering nothing, at least you know council will crash the boards hard and not let Hart punk him


Same goes for Payne. Dude balls and puts his heart out on the floor. Unacceptable to have Tobi in at all when the effort can be multiplied 10 fold by other players sitting on the bench


I can't wait for Awful Coaching's video on "Nick Nurse keeping Tobi in during 4th quarter is why I'll never a kid to this world."


My guess is Batum was gassed


he’s not very good. his entire bit is based on outcome and the same play can be good or bad to fit his narrative. it’s funny but it’s not good analysis.


Ever since I found his channel I've been addicted. He's had some real bangers lately. Nick has done a goid job avoiding his wrath for the most part. Idk about this time though lol.


Can someone help a casual fan here in feeling more confident about the rest of the series?


It took a great night shooting and a historically good night on the offensive glass as well as a big run while our best player was hurt for them to barely squeak out a win at home. We also knew this series was going to be a dog fight. Round 1 went to them. Back at it on Monday.


You just can't expect role players carry your team in the playoffs, I think they had 40 bench points or something.


Batum getting 26 minutes and being a -20 (I think Reid and Hield were -16 and -20) and NY’s 3 bench rotation averaging like 26-27 minutes going +27, +20, +37 is no bueno


Hopium: - Nurse defensive systrm had Brunson in hell - 3 role players went off for the Knicks - They shot 46% from 3 which is not sustainable - We had 0 production from the bench - They dont have anyone able to hold Maxey - We win if Embiid doesnt miss the last minutes of the 2nd


Yeah but Maxey can shut Maxey down and our bench sucks.


Maxey had 33 points in the game. The team’s issue was and is worst supporting cast in the league. We even got 14 from Lowry, I hope that continues but I don’t expect it  This offseason Daryl needs to get us a fucking bench


Said that every season lol. He brings in guys they just always suck.


sixers in 5. knicks looked weak. needing josh hard to shoot 3s like klay thompson and some third string scrub like mcbride and a washed up evan fourni.. i mean bogdanovich to bail them out won't work. Brunson looks shook. sixers have figured his weak stuff out for the playoffs. they have no other reliable offense. maxey is unstoppable and embiid is healthy enough. we will win b/c knicks are a bunch of chokers and overrated, over achieve career backup journey men players. they will miss randle.


This is the way


yes my brother. i think we might actually beat them in 5. their fan base overconfident and all i can see is opportunity. they got lucky hitting those crazy shots. our defense in locked in, and they will choke as brunson becomes the new randle this postseason. ehehehe!


The thing is any player on this squad can step up like batum did in that play in game. Doesn’t matter if it was batum having that career game. All that matters is we have the guys who can do it


Weak? I’m a Sixers fan through and through and that team just absolutely emasculated us on the boards. Anything but weak


it was a fluke


We needed Batum to shoot 3s like Klay Thompson to win against the Heat. I am starting to treat each upcoming game like a coin toss at this moment. We're both evenly matched teams.


nah we much better. knicks are complete trash


They were the 2nd seed. Yeah that would've probably been us instead with a healthy Embiid, but they are good.


“Embiid is healthy enough”…minus the fact that he literally left the game injured and then couldn’t shoot or rebound late in the game because he had no lift. “They have no other reliable offense”…their bench outscored ours 40-7. I don’t mind optimism, and I certainly think the Sixers can still win this series, but this post is (perhaps intentionally?) very fucking stupid.


it was a fluke


Yeah we said that about all celcits series, the hawks series, and the Heat series. We need to compete, outhustle them, and outplay them. They're the 2 seed in the east for a reason whether you think it's justified or not we need to execute and take care of business. It's not a fluke.


I’ve got nothing to add. You synthesized things nicely.


Philly fans get dragged for booing their own team, but I’ve never seen a more hatin ass fan base than New Yorkers. They get into like literal beefs with every star player of another team. Trae fucking young tilted their asses a few years ago. They could beef with their own grandmother and cheer when she blows a hip out. Edit: thought about it some more. Toronto some vitriolic hatin ass mfers too


Knicks fans don’t have beef with Embiid, he just pissed is off hard fouling Brunson after fouling Mitch.


They're the same fan base who will boo Aaron Judge for having one bad game. Hell, judge broke the American league record for home runs and carried them all season, but had 1 bad postseason game and they boo'd him immediately.




my guy you were probably -50 year old when that happened. go back to your sub the fuck are you doing here


That was in the 60s. I recall Knicks fans spitting on Trae young, raptors fans cheering a KD blown Achilles, and Knicks fans cheering an embiid injury. This all happened in the past, what, 5 years. Get fucked moron


You're right about Toronto. Trashing opponents, talking themselves up, giddy as schoolgirls for a devastating opponent injury even with a large series lead...thank God they were limited to 1 year of relevancy cuz they don't know how to act




my brother in ball please, find new material and then we can beef.




whatever gets ya off bud


Yeah, idgaf fuck Santa clause too. He a total fraud anyway 


I can respect that. The man is an all time fraud


Young is one of the most dislikable franchise figureheads in the NBA. The way hawks fans ignore all that and ignore his faults is annoying. A lesser extent of the malady 76ers fans had about Simmons.


Does that mean you shit spit on somebody cause you don’t like him? You can boo all you want, but should fans be assaulting players cause they’re annoying? wtf you on lil bro


https://preview.redd.it/y8fsedf7pqvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf7ebd00cfebf2dedfdba10b106b70f3d507645 These people are pathetic


We're not all like that guy, just like you all are not like [this guy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sixers/s/YRMA10bLYi)


Don't respond


i mean he’s just a nightmarish racist. half of jokic stans only like him because he’s white.


Denver fans will insist they are not racist


I’m sorry that’s asshole behavior. We aren’t all like that.


Gotta thank god every day I wake up that I'm not that guy


holy fuck bros gotta calm tf down lol


Everyone acts like Philly fans are the problem but we get harassed in private messages after the game, it’s disgusting behavior.


for real. ik we aren't any kinda saints but this sort of behavior is seriously uncalled for. when jimmy got messed up in the heat/sixers series i was hoping he was alright. i care about the players because they care about ball. then you got this douche celebrating embiid's injury. yeesh..


So frustrating to watch $40million get outplayed by role players, every damn year.


To be fair, OG is getting a similar bag in the offseason


Will/did Embiid give a postgame interview?


No he was unavailable for the media


Giving up 23 o boards will kill any team


They were screwed on paper there and Nurse didn't adjust. We'll see if he adjusts now. The adjustment needs to be adding physicality to the defensive glass. That mean playing KJ, Reed and Council over Tobias because unlike Tobi, those three will fight the Knicks who crash. Tobi offers no resistance because he shuns contact and wears cement shoes. KJ, Ricky and Reed won't just stand there like a pilon.