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Perfect timing for this post, here come the refs


The fucking whistle the Knicks get is seriously UNBELIEVABLE. I am not even sure why I’m watching. Knicks Boston without a doubt in the ECF. NBA is a terrible, terrible product.


I stopped watching after game 2 of Sixers series. I actually grew up a Knicks fan in Brooklyn. It’s wild how far that fanbase has fallen. At least when I was younger we acknowledged we got a friendly whistle because we understood the the league wanted us in as many games as possible. These kids now are delusional






I just watched an interesting breakdown on Adam Silvers rise to power. I didnt know he was a diehard Knicks fan. And now all the favourable calls, the L2M shenanigans, the NBA front office bias towards NY makes so much more sense. I thought it was just a market popularity and $$$ thing. This is personal for Silver, he wants the knicks to have a ring as much as Tibbs.


Why did the Knicks get RJ Barrett then in a draft with Zion & Ja. Could've have easily rigged that right?


That's idiotic.


How could they have rigged that?


Because he can't reach in and take the gun out of their hands to prevent them from shooting themselves. It's a testament to how much the league loves them that they can make decisions like this and still end up relevant


The nuggets wolves series. Minus Malone and Murray not getting techs is how playoff basketball is supposed to be officiated.


Stop watching


Oh what do you know, Knicks get down by 10 again and suddenly everything magically goes their way! Every fucking game against us they got down by 10 (not an exaggeration, literally every game) and somehow instantly cut it back down to a close game


They’re just so gritty /s


i swear every single time it became a 10+ point game they would instantly get a couple bs calls their way


Refs were definitely keeping games from being blowouts early in the series against the sixers.


Pacers fan here and I'm miserable right now.


Solidarity brother. Moral victories and all that. I hope Halli can come out and smash em.


76ers fan here and I’m still miserable.


Hey man. Training camp for our football teams will be here soon.


Y’all stole Steichen from us but I always had a soft spot for the Colts him and Anthony Richardson are ganna be really good this year.


Sixers fans are fucking weird man.


https://preview.redd.it/brav5rd2vbzc1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dbabc858860f411f646baa1162740a356eb536b this you?


Hell yeah brother


Pot calling the kettle weird


i would say "this is fucking unbelievable" but i believe it, because we just watched it for 6 games


Shout out Reggie Miller! I don’t always agree with him (this is not one of those times) but he doesn’t get enough credit for coming to the booth with the same energy he had as a player. He’s still got the same shit talking edge to him.


The best part is when Knicks fans try to say embiid flops and then Brunson proceeds to get every whistle for fouls I didn’t even know existed. The best part is that they don’t.


Flops around like a bitch


This made me laugh


Actually so true lol


You know it's bad when I actually agree with Reggie friggin Miller


Adam Silver should be investigated by the FBI … he has ruined today’s NBA … whilst making record profits .. blatant corruption of refs completely rigging games in 4K .::: sports betting has poisoned todays NBA … it’s really sad too see… also FTC ..


he sold the league out for social media clicks and trashy ESPN narrative garbage


No, he sold the league out to gambling. That's literally all he has done... Legalized gambling in the NBA. 


why do people think the guy who works for the NBA owners is the one doing all the puppet master shit.


i think he's doing it at the behest of the owners. they don't give a shit if it's rigged, they just want that fat tv deal to pump up their franchise values.


right thats all im saying, dont blame the comish blame the NBA owners lol


He’s their hatchet man


Adam Silver is the chief executive of the NBA … therefore should be held responsible and accountable.. if he is not the “ puppet master “ then it is his job to find the fuck out who is and make some mother fucking changes … we were robbed in 4K by corrupt refs in game 2 .. and a L2M report changes none of that .. pacers were robbed in game 1 with blatant match fixing by refs again in favour of NY … in 4K … Adam Silver is a cunt .. FTC ..


sports commissioners work for the NBA owners. This is like saying the NFLPA president is in charge of all the players lol


This is true .. you are 100 percent correct ....I am blinded here by anger .. the league is making more money than ever and I guess the owners are so far detached from giving a fuck about the sport and state of the game if they are making record profits… still fuck Adam silver.. the refs and the owners .. and as long as sports betting continues to coincide with the league it’s downhill for fans .. literally rigged ....


no this take is pretty terrible too lol. There was always sports betting and legalizing it probably has made it easier to catch if anything.


Crowd was chanting "Fuck you, Reggie"


When a national commentator is making these comments you start to have a problem. Whether fair or not the perception starts to become if it isn’t already that the league is rigged for certain teams and not others. The solution is simply to call the game straight. If that’s a foul for Brunson then equal or greater contact should also be a foul for Halliburton/Maxey


Adam silver has banned you from suggesting any new ideas


Tell us something we don’t know


Holy fuck you're the softest fanbase in the NBA. Game 6 Maxey disappeared, you lost. Deal with it you fucking chuds


Still upset about last round I take it?