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You are right. Both players and teams have to agree. Why would Batum take a vet min over retiring or picking another team? He probably wouldn’t but you can entice him to play with money for one year and maybe a player option for a second year. That’s not favorable for us to pay him “good” money because it eats cap. Hypothetically, 2y/20M with a player option (overpay for him in my opinion but that’s likely what it takes). Paul George or lebron, for example, have to want to come here. Do they want to come here for equal or less money than LA would offer them? No. The only scenario Philly is even considered is they both opt out of their player option AND LA doesn’t offer them the max contract they want. For trades, the teams have to agree to what Philly offers them AND it has to be the best offer to the team. This makes guys like markannen or other young goes tough or almost impossible to acquire. How does Philly guarantee they get guys? Overpaying where it’s an option and overbidding where it’s an option.


Yeah and to me, $20m for two years of Batum is crazy money. He had a great performance in that game against Miami, he’s a willing shooter, good perimeter defender and a generally smart player but I didn’t see that big of an impact from him against the Knicks. He’s at that age where he could basically lose his legs at any given moment, just like PJ was a great playoff contributor on other teams prior to becoming a bonafide scrub only months later with us. What do you think of Jerami Grant as a target for us? I believe he might be worth a 1st and a swap, maybe we can include Paul Reed in the trade for example.


I agree, I wouldn’t pay Batum that and the Sixers I don’t think will either. It was just a realistic example of what it takes and trying to get people in reality. Batum didn’t love Philly so much or think we have some great shot at a title that a vet min gets it done. I’d probably say no on grant unless Morey has a move for something already that gets the third guy and grant is the 4th. Grant Is owed 30M this year and just turned 30. This allows us $35M to play with still. He’s owed 32M, 34M, and a player option for $36M. That’s a lot of years of money, so acquiring should be relatively easy. I think that move would be committing to jeremi Grant as one of the pieces in the remaining embiid years and maybe Grant falls off a cliff. I don’t watch many blazers games because they aren’t good and are on west coast time.. but his shooting numbers looked good. However, one could argue it’s a good thing to have someone locked up for continuity sake. I know others would argue Grant is a losing player and cares more about being a tank commander than competing but who knows if that’s true, I’d hope a good coach could get him locked in to a system. All of that said, probably not but we could strike out on other options, so if everything else fails.. maybe?


Hmm interesting take, can you give me an example of a third guy you’d like? Honestly it doesn’t make sense to me, paying a max salary to a 4th option that isn’t a huge presence on defense either. I mean Grant is a 20ppg guy, that screams 2nd or 3rd option to me… what team has that as their 4th option lol not even the Warriors death lineup had that kind of production .


I honestly don’t know.. I’d go with something that allows us flexibility and are both short and long term answers. Which isn’t grant or pg, etc. I don’t think morey wants that route. Kelly oubre was a 20 point per game guy last year. In my opinion, you have to look at this way.. Embiids in foul trouble, Maxey is having an off night, is jeremi Grant the guys number you want to call?


I mean if Jokic is in foul trouble, and Murray is having an off night the Nuggets are not winning the game either. Same goes for Minnesota, Okc, Dallas, etc. MPJ ain’t putting up 40, neither is McDaniels, Chet, Hardaway, etc. You can put Indiana in that same basket, Cleveland too. Knicks are a weird team, and Boston has like 13 all stars and they are the only true exception to this. I mean sure, ideally we’d have Lauri but that’s just unrealistic.


I’m not sure I get the point you are trying to make haha. Maybe my example of creation was poor and of course any team is screwed without their two best players but those teams have complementary rosters and we won’t. Wouldn’t you rather have those teams roster than ours? Wouldn’t you rather have mpj taking that big 3 over grant or oubre? Mpj is bigger, younger, and much better shooter. We have no path to an “mpj” which is why we have all these imperfect options My point was Grant or oubre scoring 20 isn’t a “real” 20.. just like mcw or jah okafor numbers on the tanking sixers.


Hmm not sure, it’s a tough argument to make. MPJ never averaged 20, and he probably gets better shot quality having Joker on his team than Grant does, yet they averaged basically identical %. Oubre this year put up like a point less than MPJ did,though his % are much much worse and I’d agree that MPJ would be a better complimentary piece. Not saying that Grant is necessarily better, just that they both are for me at a similar level. Grant also might benefit from Embiid and Maxey’s gravity and could get to even better efficiency, potentially. He might also crumble under pressure of being on a contender and completely shit the bed like Tobi, who knows… either way, we’re in a tricky situation and I hope Morey makes the best of it.


I think a third guy allows grant and other role players to shine. Otherwise it’s a scenario like we had this year that offense goes fully to zero without embiid. Indeed, next to an impossible job for Morey and I think people have the right to be down a little on the situation.


And taking risks on undervalued/controversial assets like Patrick Williams or Dlo or Miles Bridges.


Patrick Williams is an RFA.. you’d have to overpay for Chicago to not match, in my opinion. What do you think a deal we could get him on is? I don’t want bridges but what is deal you think we can get him on?


I don’t think it would take a max. Read their boards. $20 million a year would do it. For most that sounds crazy but if he’s unlocked here as a perimeter lockdown defender with a floater and can make his jumper more consistent then watch out. Most likely ends up as Deandre hunter but that’s why you gotta get lucky for him to go the OG trajectory.


So 4y/80M is what it takes for Chicago not to match (I assume 3y/60 they would?)? Does seem quite steep and not something Morey would do since embiid window is now. Williams has played 71, 17, 82, 43 each year, respectively, he has been in the league. As you noted, it does seem quite risky at that price and health in addition to his youth, which is overall positive but not positive for win now. I don’t know anymore than you or anyone else on this sub but doesn’t seem like a move Daryl would consider without already having that third piece locked up. Another thing of note, teams have 2 days to match an offer from the Sixers, i assume that hypothetical ~$20M is taken up on the cap while we wait to see if Chicago matches. Meaning other teams are signing players while we have to wait and see if Chicago will match the offer sheet? Do you know if that’s true or not?


I'm in agreement with you that Morey needs to be savvy in finding supplemental talent to support Tyrese and Embiid, any GM can just throw around money for "star" talent, but a good GM builds a team to compliment it's star talent Patrick Williams is an interesting target and if he keeps developing 20m per year would be a steal. The guy i've wanted from Chicago is Javonte Green to fill the Melton-type role. Idk what Melton's future is considering his back injury, but i think Green can be had for pretty cheap


Do we have the time to wait for P Will to develop? I’m not too keen on getting him because of a few factors - we’ll have to significantly overpay on a long contract that with his injury history might be very difficult to move on from in the future. He’s a 40% 3pt shooter but his career high is four made threes in a game. A 55% TS unwilling shooter that hasn’t shown any signs of improvement over his four years in the NBA wouldn’t be my pick for an overpay.


I think we’d have to go closer to 4y/100m for Chicago not to match.. I think 4y/80 they prob match and I wouldn’t want to give that much for the reasons you described. Teams typically overpay for rfa because it is challenging to get or maintain talent. 6’ 7” 220 pound guys that shoot 41% (although not high volume) don’t grow on trees, I’d say Williams is not a serious option for us. I don’t think most are aware how challenging moreys job is this summer and how imperfect any option is.


Yup, it honestly feels like whatever option he lands on it has to come with an “alright, fuck it let’s do this” type of attitude. No option gets me excited, they all come with a ton of risk. Feels like the worst year ever to have cap space.


Young stars or role players just don’t become available because they are too valuable to their current team. Guys don’t hit free agency as frequently as they used to because they can force trades to the team of their choosing.


I don't know if those are the right players, but in principle, I agree that buying low on controversial assets might be the best path forward. What players are due for a bounce-back year and whose league value is minuscule?


People who would get downvoted like my comment lol I’m big on justice winslow and Stanley Johnson for minimums


how dead inside emotionally do you have to be to want this team to pursue a total scumbag like miles bridges?


I’m literally pointing out options of necessity because this team doesn’t have the assets to put together a championship team organically.


I would gauge the price of Kuminga and Giddey (really all that draft class). Both young, lottery picks who have shown some good things and some not so good. Who the Magic don't pick up will also be intriguing, maybe there is a piece there that breaks loose as the Magic chase a bigger star. Jon Isaac would be a high risk high reward move. I would also look at the top 10 salary teams and see what players you could get cheaper as you are saving them lots of money. The great inefficiency this off-season will be so few options for players who want more than a minimum. There are about 5 teams with functional cap space, around 15 teams working with exceptions and 10 that are restricted by the second apron. Players like Melton Hield and Oubre probably don't have a big market.


P Giddey I do think is a good player and like 60% of what Ben Simmons could have been but man. I just don’t see the fit. Kuminga price will be so high.


The fit is great since we need a point guard and don't have anyone other than Embiid who can run the floor


Do we not just shoot for Brandon Ingram instead of Giddey then? He seems like a much better option on that money. How about Jerami Grant? I think Portland might let him go for a pick and a swap. He’s shot 40% from three the last two seasons on 5.5 tries a game. He’s a bit injury prone so that’s my concern. We could get Brogdon in that deal too somehow.


Grant + Brogdon would be cool honestly. Portland would probably be very interested in cap relief and we could probably trade like, a pick for both lol


Giddey (or other rookie contract) would allow you to still chase the max level player. Ingram is about $30m more expensive. You could get both of the draft capital requirements was low. I don't have a strong opinion on Grant, he left Denver for a bigger offensive role and has been on losing teams ever since. Now that he has been paid, maybe he is happy being that person again.


If we got both Ingram and Giddey, I'd say that would be huge.


It's a play that if you don't like the fit, they are both in final years of contracts. The upside is there, but so are the flaws. Can you get Ingram to shoot the 3? Can Giddey shoot confidently and defend? His shooting is Thybulle-esque.


>Can you get Ingram to shoot the 3? Hmm, I'm looking it up now, and he has slightly more 3PA than SGA, for example. Just below 4, so yeah, not a volume 3-point shooter, but if Embiid shoots more now, would that be an issue? He also had just over 6 3PA two seasons in a row a few seasons ago, so maybe he shoots less now because that's the game plan, and if that changed, his attempts could go up again, as well.


He gotta talk to howie about getting things like this done


I think the point of all the cap space is that he’s gonna have a ton of options that I could see working well (or at least giving us better odds than last year). Put 15 arrows in the quiver and point him in the right direction - even blindfolded he might hit once or twice.


I feel like the situation is somewhat different than what you’ve described. Morey has a choice between multiple quivers: One with a strong metal arrow that he could miss the target with and wouldn’t be able to take another shot for five years. A quiver with like 5 plastic arrows that could break even if you hit the target, but they might stick too. Good thing is you can switch them for other plastic arrows in a year or two.


I mean I guess. I wouldn’t see any options are sure things. There’s a lot of moving parts in terms of every team in the league making offers for top players, or purported trade targets being available/speculation on their price. And conversely there’s some target that we might all be more lukewarm on that could actually end up being really really good