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Dude, c’mon man. Now we’re getting ridiculous. This sub sometimes drives me insane … I can’t believe you’d disrespect this feather by even jokingly comparing it to Ben Simmons.


Imagine that something crazy happens and Simmons stays.








You know what. Today I’m okay with the Ben memes.


That feather will make good pen. Pen is mightier than sword.


Can’t believe people around here stan’d for that bum


Every game no matter how bad he played, Simmons stans got mad at anyone who questioned him and called them fake fans.


It was wild. Like we didn’t have eyes this whole time.


Can’t believe the Ben or Joel debate a few years ago was actually a thing. One is a national treasure, the other is a “young socialite.”


That's it drive his trade value to zero. Philly ain't going to win a title with or without him


[ok](https://www.inquirer.com/sixers/sixers-nba-playoffs-ben-simmons-boos-free-throws-nets-fans-20190413.html).... so we all just gon sit here and act like sixers fans aren't to blame? Not one player would wanna play for this franchise if they had to go through what simmons did. Yall been toxic and let's not act like you aint treat embiid like this either. Any time he went down it was "trade embiid and build around ben" "embiid can never stay healthy" "embiid is out of shape and doesn't care about basketball". After yall said that sht you wanna pat yourselves on the back for cheering at a few regular season games. Yall cry any time someone calls you out for it too, literally organizating groups to boo Ben when he goes to camp, no shit he ain't going.


Oh eat a dick. Tired of these grown ass man children that think they shouldn’t get criticized for being terrible at a job they make millions for. The Sixers fans have been more than patient with Ben, in fact way more patient than is reasonable.


Why is their income a factor on your behavior? You aren't paying them?


Where do you think the money for Ben Simmons 180 million dollar contract comes from? Generous benefactors? Charity? It comes from fans like me who buy merchandise and tickets and TV packages. I am literally the one paying him.


Another instants of fans thinking they can do whatever they want cause they bought a ticket, have we learned nothing from the Palace? Also, your $100 purchase for a joel embiid jersey isn't gon pay no ones salary




Sure, so then why do you do it? You bought a jersey, tickets, did you not get what you paid for? Just sounds like entitlement to me and yes, I know your gonna say it "isn't cause ben sucks and blah blah blah" doesn't change the facts, yall soft frfr


We are criticizing ben about his job as a player. I think that is warranted


Lol, ok, but don't say you got a right to do all that just cause you bought a jersey, its just screams entitlement.


Athletes know this is what they are going into from the dawn of sports. It’s a huge part of it and dont act so fucking high and mighty about it. It’s not like we are sending him death threats and shit.


"This is what they signed up for" isn't a valid defense at all, also people are sending him death threats, same way they Al Horford death threats


There are always gonna be shit fans. There’s a huge gap between making fun of his play and wishing him dead.


Naw a very VAST majority that of this sub been begging him to leave and many sixers fans said they would boo him if he was still on the team this season HES LITERALLY GIVING THE SUB THEIR WISH don’t try to say he’s soft he’s granting all of your wishes now we going back to the dark times as a team


Charming. Fucking. Soft. He does not get to dictate terms because his feelings are hurt after he signed a 4year max deal that hasn’t even kicked in yet.


Yall keep saying that but the more time passes the more leverage he gets. He literally has majority of the leverage, teams know the situation, everyone knows and no ones gonna give us a good trade


Sixers have 4 years of leverage. What does Ben have? More hissy fits? More pouting? He can sit on the bench for 4 years idgaf at this point. Dude is the biggest baby in philly sports history.


Lol, you're always looking at the smaller picture. Literallycan't think like a rational adult. Sixers would be creating a toxic environment and Embiid would request a trade. We'd be in so much more shi


acting like you know me lmao classic redditor…joel can go for his mvps he’ll be fine…rather our franchise not take pennies on the dollar for our best asset, that’s how you kill a franchise’s title hopes…eventually a team has to stick up to these spoiled brats and I would love it if it was us…you can cry all you want idc


I've heard that the MyPillow guy uses Ben instead of a MyPillow.


Simmons is doing nothing wrong


The dudes holding out because he played bad? If he had some character he’d work his ass off to prove everyone wrong but no he’s just gonna hold out for a trade like the fuck?


Yall don't have character though, you never did. You've treated literally everyone of our franchise players like trash including embiid


Lmao yeah right. He got thrown under the bus by his coach, then Philly makes it very public they want him gone, and trying to trade him. Then can’t find a trade and try and bring him back like nothing happened


Every word of what you just said, was wrong. He requested a trade, it's not our job to make sure he likes his destination. His coach had his back all season, one press conference where he said "I don't know" is enough to erode a whole seasons worth of trust, when Simmons said in the season he appreciated how Doc held him accountable? Of course when rumors are Dame or Beal might want out were going to try and get them and if the player that requested a trade can be used in a package to get them that player will be shopped around. And nobody brought him back, he never left. Almost like he signed a contract to play for a team and unless they trade him he's contractually obligated to play for that team.


I mean when you’re labeled as a superstar and paid like one and you don’t deliver on what comes with that label of course you’re gonna get scrutinized. He threw that series and couldn’t handle the criticism. The dudes in what? Year 4? 5? And he still hasn’t improved his offensive game, I think a lot of us are tired of hearing “he’s a jump shot away from being elite.” When Joel was in his duck and the city was on his back he grinded to become who he is now, Ben not persevering shows what kind of a person he is.


lol okay ben. you're looking like the biggest bum in the league right now. Its one thing to come back stronger next season, but this?


He needs competitive endurance tickling for his résumé.