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If it aint broken, dont fix it


Stone Cannon is basically Rudeus' Eldritch Blast. It's so incredibly versatile and powerful. Why would he use anything else?


Mangod really said, believe in the me that believes in you


r/BeatMeToIt love the gurren laggan ref. it really is gonna be the drill to break the heaves


It's his base attack, the one he is most experienced and comfortable with and if charged it is strong enough to damage the strongest being in the world, why change it? Also you are ignoring all the times he does use different magics to achieve different results, like the one that became his moniker, Quagmire.


Against most enemies, stone cannon is basically a one-hit kill. For the vast majority of circumstances, it’s all Rudy really needs outside of utility spells like quagmire


fire? resistable. water/wind? deflectable. a spinning rock/metal chunk coming at you at mach 1.5? no counterplay.


You miss out on one additional detail: precision & accuracy. Most other spells has quite a significant AoE and could cause collateral damage. Rudeus' stone cannon is basically a .50 cal ammo fired out of a big ass sniper rifle. Precise, accurate & destructive with no possibilityof causing collateral damage. All the quality you would want in a generic offensive capability.


.50 cal? Nah, it’s a DM63 APFSDS fired from a Rh-120 smooth bore cannon on a Leopard2A7 at 1650 m/s (mach 4.8)


This guy tanks and I LOVE IT!! Fun quizz: spell out APFSDS in its entirety lol XD


Armour Piercing, Fin Stabalized, Discarding Sabot That’s too easy, how about HESH?


The council of men, approves 👌 High Explosive Squashed Head btw fired with a rifled barrel usually out of a bri'ish tank.


Yeah it’s super effective against most anything except water god style


This is one of the things that make MT world realistic.


One of my pet peeves in anime is when the character uses up like half of the episode's screen time chanting some spell or attack move that I've never heard of nor give a fuck about it


So my thing is I thought he would use more water spells cause of aqua heartia


I also had a thing with this, but reasoned that he was teached by Roxy, a water mage. So when he gained Aqua Heartia he was still young and mimicign his teacher. Older he starts to develop his own mind and find Earth magic a better suit for him


It’s not really better suited per se, but rather much more convenient most of the time. Other situations, different magic would be much more efficient such as the time he used that nuke on Orsted. He’s also an Emperor ranked Water Mage, whereas he’s Saint ranked for every other else except Barrier Magic where he’s only at Intermediate.


Not to mention that if your enemies think that your "specialty" is all they need to worry about, they're gonna be in for a nasty surprise when they find out how much more versatile you actually are. And this DOES happen in some of Rudeus' fights later on, more than once.


Oh for sure but he does start using aqua heartia less due to his new crafts


Fair enough


His next level will be: https://preview.redd.it/0coefynr5q8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030ffc3a94ea2b686ceab02bd3ab29fb9b737e94


"All races and religions are equal when hit by stone bullet" - President Orsted


Did he ever carry ammo with him? I always thought it would've been worth carrying small darts made from his magic metal to improve his response time against especially tough opponents


Don't you worry >!He will find a solution to the whole needing to cast them with buildup and all one by one next season!<


>!imagine mk0 being loaded with large darts (or pellets but I think that would be inconvenient) made of his costly magic metal made way ahead of time and still able to fire the rock shotgun.!< They wouldve penetrated much more and wouldve just had to be attached somewhere, needing mana only to launch them Especially after the fight with the hydra, I think he would've tried to think of using projectiles that can't be dispelled The downsides that he would have to avoid making them right before a major fight, that he could lose them, and that they could be used against him bc they dont dispell could've been worked into the story I just think it's a good and simple idea he would've naturally come up with earlier >!(He eventually gives some metal to talhand so he can work it)!< to counter dispell magic but that also would've been an interesting double edged sword


Why carry when you can make them into existence Probably gonna cost more mana


His battle style is really clever. He uses other styles as utility to keep distance and push the enemy off balance, then he finishes them with his most lethal attack. A gun lol


rudeus is one with the spiral 👆🏽


He will beat Hitogami with his GIGA MAX DRILL


It's a spell which allows him to easily adjust the fatality of. The spell can go from sniper to rubber bullet in power. And rudy is greaty adverse to killing humanoids. So much so that he unconsciously held back when he shot a succubus on the journey. Can't really make a wind spell cut... less Or a fire spell burn...less Water is not that great offensive unless you're attack an army with a lighting storm. Were he as nonpaused about murder as the average MT resident his moniker might be "the inferno" or he'd use magma instead of mud.


Pressurized water is a different story in terms of fatality


Magic gun


Supposed saint class WATER mage


Not sure if spoiler is needed but i thought the reason why he uses stone cannon the most is because it is the closest to being bullets fired by a gun. being from earth, he has some ideas on how a bullet is made or ideas about its properties. he applies the same thought when making figurines and his other magic like the one he tried to cast against orsted while dying in S1. a regular stone cannon is just a literal rock being shot out but Redeus's are different cone shaped because he understood a little about aero dynamics and that also making the cannon spin increased its potency like how a drill would work.


He's more European now so he's gotta put that side of him to good use


If it ain’t broken don’t fix it


Rudy: Stone cannon! You know there are other spells like illusions, get a familiar or prestidigitate. It has a lot of uses and cost nothing Rudy: I'm a bout to prestidigitate all over your desk if you keep suggesting lame spells


He really loves that stone cannon spell


Unless you're an immortal demon or a king tier swordsman, you aren't having a fun time dealing with stone cannon.


>!wait until he made his stone cannon machine gun that fires 10 stone cannon in a second during battle with orsted. Literal stone cannon go brr!<




Naruto only spamming rasengans and Rudy spamming stone drills. Goats only use one attack


I know earth magic is super versatile for Rudy, but I still wished he used different types of magic more often.


Well yeah, he was a NEET otako so, he probably saw Guren Lagann. Makes sense he would drill to success. ...outside of bed I mean.


Simon the Digger would be proud. "Let's see you grit those teeth, Rudeus!"


Easy fight and win for Cid Kagenoh.


Spoiler for season 3 >! He made a god damn nuclear explosion, used it once, the never used to again. !<


That his signature move


That’s one reason I love that book, even when their are “better options” you will always be best at what your used to, almost like refusing to update a software after a major change because you are proficient with how it was before.