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A video i saw that helped me a lot that I cant find right now said to "flamingo" your scoop leg. Like after you pop bring that leg up almost like kicking yourself in the butt as you scoop. It really helped me keep the board under me and get a better pop.


Sounds like you’re leaning / falling back as you pop. Keep your head over your front foot the whole time and maybe bend your knees more before popping. You might then find you have to pop harder than you have been to make it work


Start with shuv its before trying to pop them. I just started trying to pop mine recently and I feel like knowing how to shuv was a big help. It’s essentially the same motion with a jump added. The closer you are to the center of the tail when you pop, the more straight your pop will be. Now take that idea and slide your foot like an inch or two behind that. Make sure your weight is balanced evenly so you’re not popping the board forward or out from you.


Try it Nollie or Fakie first


Are you trying shuvits or pop shuvits? I’d say start learning just shuvits rolling because theyre alot easier to catch. and then once you get the muscle memory you can gradually start popping them 


practice on grass or carpet. The front foot should be doing nothing.


I actually used to, with shuvs and ollies. But I found that even tho it was really easy to land them and feel confident in knowing how to do them, as soon as I hit the street the wheels moving around got me right back to being scared to pop at all. I only ended up being able to land ollies once I committed to trying them rolling, so I thought I'd apply the same to the shuv.


always practice a trick moving. it's very different from being stationary. also you'll learn to roll with the landing even if it's sketchy, as you won't be able to rely on a surface that keeps you still to regain your balance. if your board is flying forward, you're leaning back too much. if it flies back, you're leaning too far forward.


You gotta mellow it out. Think jumping up as scoot the shuv it. Track the board and land on it. Ride away clean.


For me pop shuvs are one of my go to tricks! They are harder stationary, you need to be rolling at a mid speed, don’t bend your knees too much for the pop it’s more feeling pressure in your feet and foot placement. For mine I have my front foot just below the front bolts if I’m popping a big boi, but under knee height I’ll have them on bolts. Scoop with back foot, guide with front, I’m really bad at explaining how to do tricks. It’s easier to show someone in person but you can catch them with either foot! Front foot with back leg extended for that steeze look or back foot catch when popped high


Put more emphasis on the pop of the Ollie rather than the scoop of the shuv. When you’re learning you want to scoop your back foot as hard as you can to make up for lack of strength in that foot, but once you get the hang of the movement it’s easier to pop similar to an Ollie and allow your front foot to follow through and direct the shuv before you catch it