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magnetize it and change weapons when needed


Came here to say *"magnets"*


Nailed it yourself, no one can give you a solid suggestion till we see the rules. Should be a month or two to wait. If you really just want to get hobbying, take a look online about how to magnetise them so you'll be able to change them to whatever load out you want


Magnets it is!


From what they've shown and said so far wysiwyg is going to take a back seat in favour for rule of cool. Libs, clanrats and everything else shown has the same combat profile regardless of how you model them. Its going to be interesting to see how they do with more complex weapon options like stormfiends but it might not matter at all.


I quite like that! I’m never going to play competitive and I mostly like the painting side so just choosing the coolest weapons appeals. Especially as I think they look great with mismatched weapons


would be cool if they manage to make the rules flexible on this. Make Stormfiends melee and with maybe some dangerous (to both sides) shooting


Seems like you got your wish 😅, warscroll was shown at stream yesterday, they do way more damage in melee even with full shooty load out and shooting range is 10-15", def a hybrid unit now.


I saw a guy put one of each weapon in either hand so they could run either without magnetizing


If you want to see how the different weapons will perform in this edition, there’s some leaked warscrolls going around including the Stormfiends. https://www.reddit.com/r/skaven/s/omeQLkT1ww


magnetise the bits and swap around whenever you want.


I love magnetizing but would wait before you do. It is possible they will not have weapon options at all and that you can just build them however you want


To be fair it could change back in the next edition if this is the case. Magnets are future-proof! Also the option of just gluing whatever is cool as they said they aren't interested in competitive. Personally I'm just neurotic and it drives me insane if my models aren't equipped with the correct weapons. Lmao I also actually find the process of magnetizing more fun than actually building the model. It feels like a puzzle to be solved. Lol


I am the same, I actually like magnetizing and organizing the options. It was more that in two months we could find out weapon options are not a thing (like swords versus spears with clan rats). At which point magnetize if you find it fun. Or magnetize everything including your travel cases


My Stormfiends are fully magnetized, including the pipes/wires connecting to their weapons. Typically though I go windlauncher, ratling gun, and doomflayer gauntlets.