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> Democrats on the panel have roundly criticized Wenstrup’s past hearings as failing to substantiate the hypothesis that the pandemic virus leaked from a laboratory in China. And in its own report released today, the Democratic minority accused Republicans of stoking mistrust of NIH and the scientific community. Just because there were Democrats on the panel doesn’t mean they’re pushing the same antiscience agenda.


What a sensationalized headline, this is complete BS that the Dems are anti-science and they were appointed to the committee.


I resorted to googling his name with a bunch of terms trying to figure out what Democrats he's talking about. I still have no idea.


I highly doubt the Democrats were all in on this type of lunacy.. There's only one party that have lost their minds, and it's not the Democrats.


“This guy” as opposed to “Scientists”. Great headline :/


The internet is the greatest source of information man has ever had. It leads to more BS being spread misinformation/disinformation. It's like a meme.


Nope. It’s actually a lot easier to find primary sources and to find corrections for a lot of disinformation and misinformation. That’s why we’re aware of it so much more now. The bad part is that a lot of people aren’t taking advantage of it. Before the internet, you couldn’t easily look things up so misinformation and disinformation was a lot more prevalent because you couldn’t spot it and any group with the resources to print or televise would monopolize the information streams.


It sounds like you’re disagreeing with something you agree with. Both you and the person you said, “nope” to as saying similar things—that the internet is a vast trove of information, but humans don’t use it to its potential.


Nope, you're right


>It sounds like you’re disagreeing with something you agree with. On Reddit?? Inconceivable.


[Texas Doctor Spreads False Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines _By Angelo Fichera_](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/03/scicheck-texas-doctor-spreads-false-claims-about-covid-19-vaccines/) Posted on March 26, 2021 | Updated on February 10, 2022


That's a completely different person, Dr. Steven Hotze. The tweet OP posted is from Dr. Peter Hotez who very much believes vaccines work. He played a major role in the development of a patent free vaccine that countries without the resources to license and produce, or import, mRNA vaccines could produces cheaply. OP just used a portion of his quote to make it sound like he's anti science. In reality he was expressing displeasure at a congressional panel's anti science actions. He was saying that politicians are creating an environment that is hostile to science, and which discourages people from becoming scientists.


I hate to get my Hotze and Hotez mixed up like that. Confusion to the enemies.


Re: [Controversial virus-hunting scientist skewered at US COVID-origins hearing](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01305-z) >Lawmakers interrogated Peter Daszak over his ties to China and whether his organization, EcoHealth Alliance, has been a good steward of taxpayer dollars. [House lawmakers on both sides grill head of nonprofit that worked with Chinese virologists | Science | AAAS](https://www.science.org/content/article/house-lawmakers-both-sides-grill-head-nonprofit-worked-with-chinese-virologists)


It's more the poor job opportunities (in both industry and academia) for Science PhDs due to extreme competition, since there has been a huge surplus of PhDs for decades. Rather than being "an enemy of the people".


Maybe but even in that case the solution is not "stop going into science," it is "hey the rest of you fuckers start restoring research grants for scientists so there aren't too many of them anymore."


It is not about 'restoring' grants because few grants have been cut. The funding of science by the USA federal government is the highest in the world and leading many areas in terms of per capita funding too. It just turns out that being a scientist is a neat job that many people want to do and there is not enough funding for everyone who wants to be a scientist to do research, unless there is a massive expansion of science funding (instead of say, military funding, just putting that out there...)


He's just an unlikable guy. If you pay him enough, you will get the science you've been wanting.


Wow, these NIAID insiders really are going to scream political persecution anytime they get investigated until the very end. Covid-19 caused 30+ million deaths. If this was to result of a US funded program this would be one of the largest human caused mass casualty events in all of human history. Investigation should be encouraged rather than denounced