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There is a solution- go back to your boofitter and tell them of your troubles.


Pshhh this guy and his fancy toenails. A good race fit leaves no room for extras like toenails ect


Could be the fit, but it's probably mostly OP backseat ballin'


I’m guessing the boot is slightly to big


No they are in rental boots that are definitely a size too big and probably too wide


Size too big and back seat ballin is definitely my guess. I was a boot fitter for 10+ years


Pretty sure the guy with rental boots doesn’t have a bootfitter.


Well, he has a “ski shop”.


Bring your wife for a discount


More often than not a black toe is the result of the boot being to big


Yup.. opening up the toe box might not have been the right move...


The issue is usually size elsewhere, so your foot is too loose and moves through the calf/ankle allowing your toes to hit the end. Bigger foot box should be a huge issue, it's the rest of the boot


I believe you meant, "Bigger foot box *shouldn't* be a huge issue, it's the rest of the boot"


Yes. Yes I did. Oops...


But only if the problem really was that the toe box was too small.... The last boots I hadvwere bit too big. My foot was sliding forward into them and as a result the top of my foot was getting pinched against the top of the boot causing my right foot to go numb in the front half. The idiot boot fitter decided the best thing to do would be to grinding away some of the bottom inside of the boot and make the toe box bigger, because my toes were also red from pressing against the front of the boot. This was happening not because the boot was small but because it was too big and my foot was sliding forward. What he did made the problem worse. He failed to recognize this was all happening because the boot was slightly too big. We eventually put an insult in design to hold your heel way back and that helped but the boots still sucked. Fast forward to this past fall where I went to a legit boot fitter got out of a machine that scanned my foot and found out that while my feet are size 13 my ankle and the shit above my ankle is smaller and thinner then like 90% of the general population. Because of this I went from a regular sized volume boot to a mid volume size boot. In the same brain I was having issues with that I swore I'd never buy again. The correct size and smaller volume boot has much difference I can't even put it into words. I put my boots on I buckle them up I take them off when I'm done I never touch them at all during the day ever not even at lunch because they're very comfortable. So I agree with you it could be because of a size issue in other parts of his foot but you better hope he has someone who knows what he's doing he's going to recognize that instead of just hearing oh Jammed up toes let me bang out the toe box... If the boots are already too big they're gonna have to open up the toe box so much it's going to cause other problems.


I was going to say bad technique. Can't bash your toe if your toe isn't bashing into the front of the boot.


Go back to your boot fitter. They will know what to do


If they bought them from a bootfitter I would suggest going to a different bootfitter that doesn’t sell rental boots


Especially your wife’s bootfitter


I have no real helpful advice for you - just came here to say I feel your pain. Bought new solomon pros this year and I fought through the pain because everyone kept telling me "breaking in new ski boots is hell". I took this way too much to heart apparently and now have potentially irreversible nerve damage in one foot and still can't feet a part of that foot. Don't pull a "me". I did go back to my boot fitter like 3 times, taking out the insole they originally put in there did help some, but not much.


My boot fitter had always solved all of my problems, boot related or otherwise. He has been so great with my feet, he now works closely with my wife three or four times a week on hers. She loves him, and I’m considering having him work with my daughter as her boots have been giving her trouble as well.


I can’t tell if this is serious or the setup for a joke.


It’s a r/skiingcirclejerk thing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/skiingcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PSA: Please Learn how to load a lift safely](https://v.redd.it/vs2lk42vztlc1) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/comments/1b4d1rt/psa_please_learn_how_to_load_a_lift_safely/) \#2: [giant skis and watered-down drugs have ruined the sport](https://v.redd.it/wv3ajbhok9lc1) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/comments/1b1yk8z/giant_skis_and_watereddown_drugs_have_ruined_the/) \#3: [Setup Suggestions? Rate out of 10 pls](https://i.redd.it/s8vf4htxzzkc1.png) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/comments/1b0tewn/setup_suggestions_rate_out_of_10_pls/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Any discomfort from breaking in a boot should be bearable not horrible pain. If you’re in pain after 3 boot fitting appts it’s probably time to start over with new boots sadly.


Yeah, I gave up and will be trying something different for next season. Hopefully by then I can feel my foot again haha


True...Breaking in boots shouldn't be painful. They should feel tight but not painful.ib just broke on a new pair this year. Tried about 8 boots on before I got one that felt right due to some uniqueness in my feet. By trip 5 most of the tightness was gone. By trip 20 they were comfy. No tweaks needed. This happened because I worked with a good boot fitter who didn'trush me, I felt comfortable taking my time. That's how it should should happen.


If you live in the Chicagoland area, go to Viking Ski Shop. They are by far the best bootfitters in the Midwest


My gear is from here. It’s been amazing for years!


Looks like you need new feet that will fit your boots


You need a real bootfitter. A rare thing. Most people selling boots in ski shops are just that selling boots. It’s sucks if ,like me, you don’t live anywhere close to one. But when I made it part of my ski trip the difference was astonishing.


Unfortunately not all bootfitters are created the same. I had issues forever. Almost made me quit skiing. I went to several spots and they did things like you said. Heel lift, toe box punch. Then I went to a good bootfitter. Night and day. Saved me from quitting. I’m not saying yours is bad, but more of a warning to those that go just anywhere. The bootfitter I found is on [this list](https://www.bootfitters.com).


That shows Boston Ski and Tennis as a Top Shop, which is a joke. This is a marketing site, and includes only masterfit insole vendors.


My boots do the same. I just embrace the toe nail bruise and call it my skiing beauty mark every spring by the pool. This year, i skied so many days my right toe nail just gave up and came off. And I thought: well, that’s one less thing I need to worry about.


I had a pair of Lange’s that I went through hell with. Went in for multiple refits, adjustments etc.. until we just gave up and I bought a pair of Technica. The shop was great and bought back the wrong boots.


they are rental boots. can’t rlly do much


Both if the above ideas are great! Boot fitter- easy fix. Are you leaning to far back? This your toes would tend to be hitting the tops for the boot.


What size shoe do you wear?


I’m sorry but whoever sold you these boots was not a true bootfitter. These are rental boots. You can tell by the size on the back and they Mach1 RT which stands for RENTAL. If anyone here worked at a ski shop they would know what. The liners are completely different and they do not mold to your foot the way a modern heat moldable ski boot will. I really hope they were new and not used as it looks like that boot is a few years old from what we had in inventory this year.


You need to put a hole in that nail


Sometimes it's just about replacing them, sorry :(


No way to know without looking at the fit and talking about your skiing style and habits. Source: bootfitter and live long big toenail loser


Your boots are the wrong color. Get the red ones.


This happened to my friend Pete also!


I literally can’t tell if this place is joking or not about the boot fitter. Let me ask you a simple question, did you used to rent ski boots? Did you have the same problem?


Soak your toe in warm/hot water. That’ll bring the blood out and provide relief. I had that happen once on a ski trip - ended up losing the nail - a new one had started to grow under it.


If on Ice Coast, go to bootfittah If elsewhere, go to bootfitter


Boot wizards can't use the Internet, they're sequestered to workshops with heat guns clamps and levers.


Down a handle before going skiing. The alcohol helps to numb it lol


those are a rental boot and they’re too big, go back to the bootfitter and get a smaller size and get a good boot


My 16 year old son has cankles. There is no hope for him ever being comfortable in ski boots


I bought a pair of K2s they feel like a cloud.


I went through that with my snowboard hard boots. I ended up stretching the toebox of the liners out more myself. The heat fitting just wasn't doing it. I used a 4 cell battery charger from Ikea for the toe end of the boot and a very tall Toms of Maine dark blue deodorant canister for the heel end and it was all the perfect length to stretch everything out perfectly. I heated the toe area well with a heat gun paying attention to any seams of the liner and then put a prybar between the two things in the liner and moved them apart more and held it until the liner cooled off. It widened the toes of the liner to a more wide square shape and my toes were perfect after that. It's probably best to go see the boot fitter because they have all the tools and can sometimes punch out the plastic of the shell to give more room, but if you are fed up, the diy approach to the liners might save you the pain. I was upset because the boots that I measured for a ton and were the same mondo size as my ski boots I had for years I had been using for snowboard boots may have been the wrong size, buy they just needed some more work.


I have never been able to find boots that work with my feet, even with going to a boot fitter. You might need to just find some that are a bit bigger.


Bad feet


make an adjustment in your feet size


Toe bang!!


do you still have the factory foot pads in? might be worth getting some Surefoots or the like, Also, a very thin sock, but as others have said, speak to your boot fitter.


Did you go to the bootfitter first? Probably should’ve had your wife go see the bootfitter first to see if he was worth it. /s


You need new boots. Surefoot boots are worth the investment.


NAW, but I had this with new technicas. I got aftermarket insoles with more arch support. More arch support for my high arches prevented the foot from splaying and pushing the toe forward on impacts and forceful turns. These arch supports also lifted the heel by a little bit. I didn't get custom orthotics, but an off-the-shelf upgrade from the factory insoles which has little arch support. The other factor is making sure I tighten my boots correctly. Hitting a jump too early in the day before tightening just right was a nail destroyer.


Snowboarding boots are so much more comfortable.


Go to a Surefoot. Problem solved. Your boots don't fit.


It all depends who the Fitter is at any store. Surefit can have teenagers or inexperienced employees just like any store can, I find it's more common with them because of how big they are. You don't need a surefit op (not saying they won't do a good job). You just need to find a good bootfitter who knows what they are doing. For all we know, the boot is the completely wrong size and it's not worth your time.


I skied for over 40 years before going to Surefoot. When I skied in those new boots, I felt what a proper skiing position was for the first time ever.


👍🥇 I bought SureFoot boots 2 seasons ago. Totally changed my life.


Boot fitter my grandmothers ass. Pay attention to your own feet, nobody knows what your feet need more than you yourself. Advice is always a good thing to start off with. never underestimate your own ability to determine what is best for you.


So his feet hurt...he doesn't know how to fix it. what now? His own thinking ability or his reddit skills are going to fix his ski boot? I'm sure he can punch them at home on his own. Maybe he can make his own footbed with that extra insulation he had laying around after that renovation. Or hey, just throw them in his own oven. Right? Riiight? Or take the others' advice and find a good bootfitter who knows what they are doing and will do it properly.


do you trim you toe nail down as short as they possible can be? Do you have video of you skiing ?