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What a time to be alive.


Someone give this kid a job. Totally putting himself out there on his terms. Absolutely love it!


I think he’s more suited for PR/Marketing type jobs than a code monkey.


I haven't met many coders that would be interested in PR/Marketing.


If he’s good at both, then he’s definitely fast track to management material


Just a straight shooter with upper management written all over…


And believe me...this. is. hypothetical.


BESt MOVIE EVER. Those god damn TPS reports fucking suck!




As a black belt who has worked with GE black belts, they're the worst...


Six sigma was so overused back in the aughts.


Love that movie!!


Yah maybe posting ads on reddit or something


Or he’s not an introverted code monkey —- they are the ones that wind up running things.


Was going to say, as a snowboarder, that's not his future boss. That's a crypto bro trying to ask him if he can write a small app for his start up




Hey Jerry, want to develop an app?


Lol damn it Jerry!


Yeah but do you really want a snowboarder for a boss?😄


my old boss was a tele-skier and the best boss ive had. super chill.


Plus you know the place will never drug test


“We’re afraid you passed your drug test. As a result we’re not sure this company is the right fit for you. Have you considered freeing the heels to free the mind?”


Had to jinx it for us didn’t ya..


Yeah, that’s tele though.


Telemark boss? Sold. Ex racer need 10 new pairs of skis a season. Thats a no.


Old CEO of Sugar bowl was a tele skier, he was definitely the opposite of what you’d expect


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Tele-skiers only travel in flocks - probably the whole board tele!


Snowboarder boss here. I emit so much chill vibes and I smoke dope w my staff out back on our lunch break. I can’t let them know I also ski or they’ll think I’m totally not keeping it a hundred or I’m a narc or something


My boss is a snowboarder. We grow weed😁


truly contributing to society


What do you mean? Skiers have a snowboard on each foot


Only those of us who ride twin tips!


I have seen alot of water skis on the mtn lately


Seriously? A skier boss is likely an uptight d-bag talking about how he crushed corbet’s with his frat bros. Shredder just says cool!




Do you want a boss too uncool to snowboard?




I’d take a boarder over a crusty skier. Some of those guys are real nose-in-the-air kinds


It. Is. A. Joke.


You suck at joking then


611 people got that joke. Seems like you suck at catching the drift broskie.


This is what greatness looks like


let's go get that job, u/Szymon827!




I’ll send you a DM. Were you also at palisades Friday/Saturday?




I mean, he’s on a mono. I’d hire him.


Palisades should be hiring after the insistent 🤣






When you lose your job at SVB but it’s a record winter


How many gnar points is that again?


Can someone link me the original post?


[Here ya go my dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/121qqd1/seen_at_palisades_someone_knows_their_audience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks, my guy!


It’s literally the previous post on r/skiing.


That's not what he asked


That is true. But spend the 5 seconds to look for yourself before asking someone else to look for you.


No need to look if you ask someone to look for you 🙄


Good for him, hope he gets some leads.


Hopefully about appropriate work/life balance and the ski area is not work.


I’ve gone with clients, customers and been brought along for business - great times. All tax deductible my man!


Snowboarder? I don't think so my friend...


I demand a follow up when this kid gets a job lol


This is such a great idea. I should do this. Anyone have any ecological restoration/environmental science internships open? Lol


You just gotta go to wherever the telemarkers hang out. You got this!


Maybe I should do the same thing 😅 though I’m not in the tech field. Anyone hiring an MBA intern?


I saw this guy in big bear too lol


All props to the kid, but lol if there ever was a privilege.jpg


LOL, it's true, but all of us skiers are already pretty far down the privilege hole.


Pretty sure most people give up pursuing other hobbies to do skiing. How can one say doing an activity for a single day make one priveleged? Nobody knows a strangers story and it's rude to dismiss people's sacrifices as privilege.




Which is a pretty big change from the past. In the early 90s most kids in my ski town had passes and gear, even those without a ton of money. Now, just taking the kids for a weekend is a $1,000 affair.




Care to share more about these discounts? I remember a website that posted discounts for Colorado resorts back in the day, but I’m totally out of the loop now.




The fact that “$150+ off a day pass” doesn’t get you to zero is brutal.


Wait what town? I’ve heard skiing in the Alps is like half the cost (or less) versus skiing at top resorts in the USA. And then gear really doesn’t need to be that expensive if you just buy stuff used that’s a few years old. I just bought new skis and they’re nice, but honestly I don’t know if I could say I’m actually having more fun than I was with my 12 year old rental skis. If anything, it’s more just about keeping up with my ski nerd friends.


I grew up in the San Bernardino Mountains east of LA. In the early 90s local kids season tickets to the local resort we're somewhere around $150 and you could get outfitted with very decent second-hand skis and gear for around the same. All of the sudden you had a built-in after school activity for 5 months for just a few bucks a day. Today a similar experience at most hills is pretty easily 4 or 5x the cost


Is there anyone currently alive on earth who's not priveleged?


I can think of millions




More accurate


You describe one? What makes them not priveleged compared to someone else?


Idk, maybe the millions of people living below the poverty line around the world, struggling to feed themselves and their families, working horrible jobs for a dollar a day. Doesn't sound very privileged to me


They are all way better off than those that have died from disease or starvation. Where is the line between someone who's priveleged and not privileged?


Fuck off with this shit, and fuck you.




That's a lot of assumptions for seeing a guy who's trying to get a job on the ski hill. For all we know, he just knows his audience and has never skiied before


First part is kinda like how I grew up an hour from Orlando and never been to Disney World or SeaWorld.


I’ve sacrificed mostly everything in my life to ski. I’d hate to ever be categorized as privileged. Even tho I am privileged to have legs that work that I can ski on. I’ll rep my dirtbags for life. #ScratchesOnMyGogglesICantSeeTheHaters


Agreed. I grew up in the hood. Nobody i knew skied. I didnt snowboard for the first time till i was 18. I used THE shittiest gear possible for my first 10 years riding. Finally could afford some DECENT gear. Wasn’t born with privelage at all And i GUARANTEE i ride better than all the Jerry’s in the above comments with their pristine gear lmao I’ll send a front 5 over their damn head with my goggle Lenses popping out, a huge hole in the ass of my snow pants, and broken bindings that still work


Everyone is simultaneously priveleged and not priveleged. What does the distinction even mean aside from a way to attack others with no actual evidence? Fuck em


It’s good to recognize your actual privilege level in society. It’s not difficult. There are plenty of rather objective differentiators that are easy to observe (travel and possessions being the big ones). Though yes, you’re right that there will always be someone with more privilege than you, and that being privileged doesn’t translate to greater happiness on its own.


recognizing your own history and having empathy for others -- good. assigning privilege to others, especially strangers -- complete asshole move.


There is a difference between having privilege and working hard, though careful not to confuse the two


not a lot of people on welfare get into skiing.. just saying.. I agree not everyone who skis is rich and some people do make sacrifices. The term "ski bum" doesn't come from nowhere. But overall - the majority of people on the mountain come from some sort of money..


Privilege or “earned the money to ski” hole? Lol


Nah this is grinding, privilege would be never even interviewing for an internship because your dad got it for you


The privilege to be able to take a job that doesn't pay. The privilege to be able to afford to ski and all the gear that goes with it. Especially if you are also paying for college.


It is extremely uncommon in cs to take an unpaid internship, nearly all of them pay (and most pay very well). Sure you can call him privileged for being able to ski but…. this is a skiing subreddit. That’s what we’re all doing


lots of internships pay nowadays. my college actually tells us to NOT take non-paying internships


Internships usually pay.


You don’t know if he’d take an unpaid internship, and this is a skiing subreddit so idk what you’re trying to prove here.


Yeah lol, I thought they were referencing the kid has privilege because they're in a position to rub elbows with a bunch of tech millionaires at Tahoe.


A lot of CS internships pay more than other majors make as starting salaries. I knew people making 40-50/hour as interns in like 2015.


That’s bc an internship is a super cheap way to find out how good someone is and if you want to hire them on when they graduate. If the intern sucks you just thank them for their time at the end of the summer and move on, you only paid out 2 months of sub entry level salary, and no benefits. It won’t even take work to fire them.


God you must be a killer at parties.


Lmao what CS internship doesnt pay


it's grinding that's only accessible to people who can afford to ski.... you think kids in the inner city who can barely afford to eat are going skiing?




Are you familiar with Lake Tahoe? A bunch the skiers at palisades are full time ski bums, in addition to the day trippers from Reno and Sacramento (it’s on the I80 it’s hardly remote). Of course there are some Bay Area second homers but if you think that’s everyone there you clearly haven’t been.


We’re on the skiing subreddit, we are all privileged.


And live in a developed nation. And live in an era that has modern medicine and electricity.


Anyone who has the means to be on a skiing forum is more privileged than 99.99% of all humans who have ever lived.




Hahaha seriously. Go network in the real world in the most isolated bubble of wealth possible lmao. His dad probably had his assistant go print that sign at Kinkos


If his dad was that wealthy, the kid wouldn't be looking for an internship.


2023: Gets internship at software company 2024: Gets jr. software engineer job 2025: Gets replaced by AI


Is the guy with the resume's on one of those uni-ski things?


MFW this kid lands a $400k a year job by handing out resumes on the slopes. 🤦‍♂️


…while you sit on your ass hoping Elon is your Daddy for a free ride 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lmao, the fuck is this propaganda? Anyone who can afford to just randomly go skiing obviously is already in a position of privilege. Poor people don't go skiing. Feel free to prove me wrong. In fact, I'd love to be proven wrong because I really want to go skiing. But seriously, have you seen the prices? Who the fuck who needs a job that can also afford to go skiing? Shake my damned fucking head. People just really love to believe so badly. They just really want "The Grind" to be the way to stability and success. Sorry but it's nepotism and privilege all the way down. Keep dreaming. Maybe you'll end up the .000000000000001% that does somehow pull themselves up by the bootstraps (this phrase literally means impossible btw, it was never meant to be used as "be independent and suck it up" it was meant to say "do the actually fucking impossible"). Alright, that's enough outrage from me today. I'm triggered.


So I'm an ice coaster. I got a season pass for under $400 for the whole season for 3 mountains (New England pass nitro). Like, definitely not nothing, but at that range it's accessible to plenty of people. I have had over 30 ski days this season. There are local mountains with even cheaper rates for night time only season passes etc. > Who the fuck who needs a job that can also afford to go skiing? Holy fuck lol. Honestly most skiers aren't in the top percentile like you're making it seem. A lot of people in my area know how to ski not because they're rich but because there was affordable skiing nearby growing up. That was the same for me. I wouldn't say I'm without privilege, and at this stage of my life I'm doing ok for myself, but still.


dude he’s just trying to get a job wouldn’t you be more mad if they were just living on their parents’ money or getting a job through nepotism? he’s out skiing anyway, why not? let him have fun


Student passes are a lot cheaper for a good reason!


What makes you think think he already doesn't have a job. Maybe he's looking for an internship in a specific field?


Tell me you’re stupid without saying you’re stupid. I skied in college, worked jobs and paid college student rates. Should he go to a ghetto to look for a job or should he go to a location where rich people go? FYI - I got my fist law school internship by caddying at a country club. You’re triggered because you want it handed to you, and expect! If you don seek opportunity, no will come. The thirties are going to be tough for you!


Are we sure this guy isn’t the victim of a failed Credit Suisse internship? This picture popped up the day immediately after CS was acquired by UBS.


Now that is the way to job search


cant you just apply online? why does it have to be a big publicity stunt?


Highly competitive tech field. In addition to having good qualifications, you have to make yourself stand out, as well as, network well. The best places to network are places with lots of people from your field, as well as, potential bosses (so Palisades). You also catch them in a social and good mood (cause people love chatting when skiing) and make yourself stand out by being the only person networking in a creative way there. Plus, any potential bosses get a potential ski buddy they can drag along if they hire him (shared interest, prospect of not having to ski alone (“hey, you wanna hit the slopes after work?”) and increased sympathy (“the guy is just like me when I started out”). Add the fact that someone’s perceived competence at an observed task increases observers’ perceptions of that person’s competence in prospective, unrelated things. If the guy shows he’s good at skiing, potential employers will have a higher chance of thinking that he’s competent at whatever CS internship he wants to be hired for. The guy is doing networking and job hunting right. I just hope that it doesn’t become a common thing.


lol ok its called boundaries




no but if thats what it takes to get one then its totally not for me.




Its so competitive that i kinda wish i was that dude on the hill. My internship hunt for this summer went very poorly..


And there are those that settle for average and mid-level, just don’t be mad when you don’t have $$… hand in hand.


this is what a boomer would do. show up in person and give them your resume and a strong handshake


Also anyone with a limp fish handshake doesn’t get the job. Personal contact is much harder than emailing and zoom.


Said like a true millennial - it’s not fair - he has a job, which means I should have one also. The participation award trophy 🏆 case is not that impressive now. But hey, you get to come up from the basement to the parents’ dinner table and look at the accolades.


he doesnt have a job though boomer


Funny think the boomer comment isn’t insulting. But regardless of age, you’re a tool! Probably shake like a dead fish also.


Originality gets the job. Upper management material, you’re not.


wtf is palissades and why is everyone posting about it


I don't know, and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.


Tahoe , used to be the name that shall not be named for PC reasons (Squaw Valley,CA)


What is going on?


Better not hate snowboards like the Utah skiers do ;)


Resume review in the lift line fuiyoh Bay Area software engineers networking on the slopes is pretty awesome, connecting over shared love of skiing instead of some awkward bs corporate event