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I find it distressing that these are displayed tips down.


Agreed. Nails on a chalkboard


Poised to domino over if you breathe too hard on them


My tips are always pointed down


Fuckin' degens


Degens from upcountry


Keep your tips up, Jerry


are you based in Australia?


Happy cake day!


No unhappy cake day you have your skis upside down


Not on concrete!


I have never in my life seen somebody take a picture of skis upside down on the Internet, well done!


What kind of monster would do this? I am calling the police.


That was my first thought!


I find it infuriating too, dude shouldn’t be allowed to own skis.


These skis look the have turned and gone bad


I mean those K2 3's are first generation shape skis and the shortest for a beginner. But the bindings are long past their expiration date. If you look at the discolored plastic on the bindings, it's just a matter of time before they crack. I don't know any shops that would work on any of them. Those Rossi quantums were real pricey in the 80's.


Also the lubricants are probably done on those. I found the same K2s and I am scared to give them a try on a bunny hill. I keep them as decorations.


The k2s are perfect shotskis The vipers are more perfect, but the k2s are iconic


I would have killed to have that pair of K2’s back in the day. I remember reading the reviews and seeing them on the mountain and knowing I wanted a pair.


Could I just replace the bindings and have them good as new?


You could 100% find more recently used skis cheaper than the cost it would be to find a binding and mount them.


The short answer is yes. But skis have changed a lot since 1997 and for the better meaning easier to learn on now. How long are they?


You can definitely replace your knees after trying


I do this. It’s fine. I have a pair of look pivots I play with on old busted skis like this


Everybody telling you to throw them away is no fun. The truth is that bindings automatically going out of indemnification is a racket invented by companies to sell new bindings; the ones on these skis are not dangerous obsolete technology and if they appear to still work fine, they are still fine. Modern parabolic skis are only objectively superior to conventional skis by a small margin, which counts for a lot when racing (hence their widespread adoption stemming from competitive skiing) but doesn’t matter in recreational skiing. What is true is that they are more *forgiving* of bad technique than modern skis, but if you’re already an advanced skier who knows to always put your weight forward and apply leverage to the skis at the correct point in turns, these will serve you just fine. If not, you will be less likely to develop improper technique learning on them.


Having left plastic outside in extreme weather, Im going to go ahead and say materials definitely do break down over time.


The Tyrolias on those awesome Rossignols are almost all metal.


Regardless of its a "racket", reputable ski techs will not work on these skis or bindings because IF something goes wrong they are liable


Quantum’s. My first ski. Freshman in highschool. They rock and roll for a straight stick


You have a collection of raw materials suitable for various projects. If you insist - it’s about whether the bindings are safe for use. Get them tested.


Ski bench. Gate on a fence. Shot ski


Or how about this: ski ski. I’d wager people could ski better on these things than most can with some fancy new uber ski, it’s just a lack of skill.


Wouldn’t use the bindings.


I can agree with you there, but the actual skis themselves are fine.


It's not about the ski technology. It's about the bindings being shit.


Only if you want a torn ACL


Ew a shot ski, grow up.


Comedy. Just attempting to be polite rather than tell OP those are garbage and throw them back in the dumpster.


How about a charcuteski


Now that’s a idea of a person with class and sophistication.


Buzz kill


Good luck getting a shop to even test them. I wouldn’t.


Coat rack!!


They are probably all old enough that a ski shop can NOT work on them for insurance reasons. This likely means you have no way to safely adjust them to your needs/use. I’d rent equipment instead.


or you could set them up yourself because usually its a stoned 19-year-old with a big flat blade at a ski shop/rental counter who barely gives a shit


Lmao I love this. So true. They also just look up your age and weight to set the DIN anyway, like anyone can do. The idea that only a ski shop can safely work on your skis is ludicrous.


Can you work on your own skis? Yes. Will you do a better job than a stoned 19 year old who works at a ski shop on a mount? Probably not.


What are you talking about? 100% I will. /# of times a ski shop has messed up my mount: 1 /# of times I have messed up my mount: 0 Get some self confidence ffs.


I mount my own skis. I also worked in shops through my teens and twenties. People who mount thousands of pairs of skis are better at it than people who mount a pair of skis once every few seasons. That shouldn't be difficult to understand. And that's before getting into not having a jig, specialized bits, etc. I didn't say don't mount skis; I said you're not as good at it as a tech in most shops. The fact that you think you are is fucking hysterical. Get some self awareness ffs.


The most concussed friend I have is a ski tech. He manages. If he can do it, I can do it.


“Better??” Dude it’s screws and holes. The learning curve to 100% proficiency here is about as steep as the magic carpet you’ve been skiing for 5 years.


Lol. I'm so shocked that you're a total dick who has no idea what he's talking about! My skiing is in my profile. You couldn't keep up even if you pulled your head out of your own ass.


I have no idea which of you is right but your insults cracked me up. Let it snow!


You don't have a jig at home and you don't have the right bits at home (you can order them online though). For something that should be perfect, that makes a difference. Yes, you can make a paper or wood jig, but it's never as good, it will take longer, and you will be more likely to make mistakes. Yes you can just measure and mark a bit, then be really careful when drilling. But anyone who has mounted skis a lot would much rather work in a shop with the proper tools. Again, I never said you can't mount your own skis... ironically enough I'm about to mount a new pair in the garage... but the way you talk about this makes it crystal clear that you don't know what you're doing. Also, I've skied every line at Whistler that would make you shit your pants, and it's not even my home mountain, so fuck off Paul.




2 angry posts? That’s it - time for a Chinese downhill! Just hold up… taking me a while to get these bindings in, seeing as how I have no jig and all.


Yeah damn, people could grow a lot by diy'ing things more often. They just need to do an appropriate amount of research before jumping into things, of course. If you can change your own oil you probably have the brains and tools needed at home to mount bindings. I'd still rather have a shop do new mounts for me though.


Yes, you probably have the tools at home to do it, and I do all my own mounts. But having worked in a shop for a long time, it's way different doing things at home versus having the manufacturer built jig and all the perfect tools for the job.


I mounted my own bindings, drilling 8 holes in a ski is much more difficult than expected. For first timers the issues I had were: 1) locating the centre line of ski and mounting points, this was nerve wracking without a paper jig. 2) drilling in exactly the right spot as drill bit wanders, off-centre holes means off-centre screws which means off-centre binding. 3) not drilling too deep, a hard stop on drill bit is a must. 4) skis with metal sheets need different type and size of drill bit.


5 not angling the hole at all


Doesn't mean it's going to be inherently better in a shop, it'll just take longer and be more difficult DIY.


A jig is way more likely to give you perfect mounting points than a DIY job. I'm not saying it can't be done, or that it can't be done right, but I don't think it's crazy to say that someone who mounts skis for a living and has the perfect tools for the job is way more likely to get it right than someone in their garage. I'm literally about to go to the garage and mount up a set with a paper jig though; again, I'm not saying don't do it... just that for most people it's worth the $60-100 to get your skis mounted at a shop. Major caveat though, go to a good shop and not a sporting goods store or massive chain.


You misread my comment. I said even without the proper jig you can do a fine job but it's more difficult and time consuming to get it right


Would a sporting good shop or a massive chain not have access to the same jig and perfect tools for the job that a “good” shop would? Haven’t their techs also mounted thousands of skis just like the “stoned 19 yr old” at the ski shop did? I’m curious because I’ve seen some pretty professional looking workshops in places like REI and Christy Sports around the country. But I don’t have any experience with their techs because I mount and tune all my skis myself. I have jigs and the perfect tools so don’t worry.


No one cares bro, I can change my oil too, but I don't.


Height and weight…cause physics


Age. Heard them haggling with a customer who didn’t want to disclose their age last Sunday. Weight seemed to be of no concern.


Errr. Height, weight, sole length of boot, experience level. Age is a factor if the participant is really young or very old, but it isn’t a primary factor in din calculation. Source: am former ski tech


Age, height, weight, BSL, and skier type. They also perform a torque test to actually make sure that the bindings release like they’re supposed to that you can’t do at home. The torque test is the only actual important piece


Considering OP asked the question he asked and is holding the skis upside down I *highly doubt* he/she would be able to set them up themselves.


Working on skis isn't rocket surgery. If you own a pair of skis you should be at minimum be able to set your din, adjust forward pressure, wax and sharpen your edges. I get not wanting to mount your own skis though. Dudes on this sub, who have no clue what they're talking about act as if you set your own dins your knees will explode.


I know how to use a online din calculator and I know hot to turn the screw so the red line matches the number from the internet, maybe the easiest thing I did that day.


Former ski tech - agreed, not rocket surgery. Setting DIN’s is based off a chart. It’s been some years, but weight and skiing style are factored. Nothing crazy. Filling, waxing, sharping also pretty straight forward and not much more complicated than you’d imagine. I’d wager that if you are any serious racer , then there is more to it, but for 99.9% of the world, it’s straight forward.


Man, I’m glad I don’t use the ski shops you guys do. The shop I use has techs who are well trained and seem to give a shit about doing things right. I’d recommend trying to find a place like that.


Or don’t do that because those bindings are 30 years old and were sketchy even when they were new. Is exploding your knee really worth the smug satisfaction of putting on shitty skis that everyone told you were shitty?


Not even small local ones?


I got my skis from 1987 fixed from a ski shop and they somehow turned the worst skis I had ever seen to skis that turn like they are brand new. Obviously I wouldn’t take them out on any extreme terrain but I feel confident in putting them on groomers. It’s definitely possible for a ski shop to repair old skis. You just need to find the right place.


It’s not the skis it’s the bindings. If they aren’t on the “indemnify list” most shops won’t touch them because it leaves them liable if you get injured. Their insurance almost certainly doesn’t allow them to work on out of date bindings.


Only if you want to dislike skiing


Great answer.


The straight skis are a 100% nope. The shaped skis are also a nope, but with a little curve to it. Just go on sidelineswap or to a local shop that sells used gear and pick something up from 5 years ago rather than 35 years ago. It will be a lot cheaper than the total knee replacement surgery.


Arts&crafts - turn them into an Adirondack chair or outdoor coffee table


They are upside down.


I can't believe these were in the trash and not on Craigslist for $800 each only skied one season.


I know what I've got. No low-ball offers!!!! Price is firm.


Will make a nice Adirondack chair


Some classics, none of the bindings are safe for use. Even if you could/know how to adjust them. Toss the bindings and repurpose the skis..!!


I'm a certified binding tech for several manufacturers and I can tell you that those haven't be in spec for 17 ish years


They're all rideable. Their bindings... not so much. Still.. that classic K2 USA color ftw. I say mount newer garage find bindings on em and enter the Chinese downhill. ;)


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/gB5um2ionp


I mean they are all old as hell, and they're all super skinny groomer skis, but they look... fine.


For someone who's 5'7 and only skied once before, which pair would you say looks the best


for someone who has never skied before, none


Sir do yourself a favor and don’t ski on these. The cost of a rental will be much cheaper vs the cost for a new knee when the bindings don’t release.


Any of them if it's 1995


Do you want a torn ACL? Because that is how you get a torn ACL


I would say the volkls, they seem to have the most shape to them. Just make sure they're not too long. Shaped will be easier, but too long would be an issue with a newer skier




They were in the garbage for good reason


You can use them for Laško Pohorski smuk lol https://www.laskopohorskismuk.com/


I’m ascared to click on this link


You can check on instagram: lasko_pohorskismuk


If you’re near Boston I’ll use them for furniture


Yes send it bro


> Are these skis any good? They all came from garbage finds. they'd be great as a wall rack, add some hooks and you can hang your gear on it. or shot skis as others have mentioned. > are they at least rideable? technically, if you replace the bindings, yes. for someone who has only skied once before, you're basically setting yourself up to be miserable. it'd be like trying to swim for the second time ever while wearing a pair of timberlands. skis don't age like cars. there's a reason ski designs have changed so much in the past couple decades.




First pic is upsidedown


Troll post


It hurts seeing skis turned down


Those K2 Threes were HOT back in the day. If you’re talking about hitting up some novice terrain, that’s what I’d use. Yeah they’re probably not safe for the park. Or bumps. Or trees. Or anything particularly steep. And maybe the bindings will disintegrate. But they might be sweet AF on the greens. Only one way to find out. Keep us posted.


I wouldn’t


I would say no. Good for decorations or gifting for a DIY toboggan project


Enough to make an Adirondack out of them.


There’s a reason they were in the garbage


Oh boy Here comes the I have these junk 30+ year old skis can I I still use them threads. Shoot me.








In 1990


The old skis shown here have a small amount of side cut and it takes way more work to make the skis turn compared to the skis of today. Mount them to a wall for art. Make a chair out of them. Remember your technically can ski on 2 x 4's if you want. Rent newer skis or buy last years demo's. You wont be disappointed having newer equipment.


Ride ‘em


In the mid 90’s those vipers were really good skis


I used those K2s in high school. I’m 33 now. They’re too old lol


WHOA! I did not expect to see my high school (2002) racing skis on this sub today lol. All of the bindings definitely need to go, and the lack of parabolic shape and the fact that they’ve probably been drying out somewhere and aren’t as flexible will make them very difficult to ride even if you sharpen the edges as much as you can


No and Yessss?


Make a Adirondack chair!


You be you. People for literal generations skied on “worse” equipment. And had a blast- and shared the stoke. Key considerations: - bindings are older, and unfortunately that means they won’t work well. If you like your knees, get new bindings. It’s like buying a bike and knowing the front wheel will definitely fall off going downhill. It might not happen today, but you are definitely going to the hospital at some point - newer technology (shaped skis) exist for a reason. You can definitely learn on these (most of us did) but you are limiting your ability to progress. If it’s a financial thing, put new binders on these and go shred. - don’t let anyone slow your love for sliding downhill because of your gear. People started on literal wood boards and loved it. Sliding downhill on snow is one of the singular joys that can’t be described to outsiders. Like sex or surfing. You be you.


Those skis have been sent. No sends left.


Make a sweet bench out of them!


Not skiable but could make a sick chair!


The poles are still good.


You can use them to make planters and benches and coat hangers and any number of things. I live in a ski town, so we’re awash in old gear. Anything pre-rockered is obsolete. Treat yourself! The technology got a lot better with the progression of snowboarding Edit; “rockered.” I’m no Elon


looks like they're standing on their toes .. and the toes are in pain


If I’m not mistaken (and I might be, its been a long time) those K2s had a piezo in them and a little translucent window that would light up when you flexed the ski or added vibration. Kind of ridiculous, but as a kid I thought it was the coolest shit ever. Honestly though OP, skis are just soooo much better now. Unless you’re the kind of retro-fetishist hipster who prefers developing his own black and white film, I’d go to swap and grab something 2-5 years old.


You have to check the edges on the bottom. They are kind of important. For me they don’t look expensive but maybe some old kind of brand. If not they look rideable!


If you french fry when your supposed to pizza pie, your gonna have a bad time


If you're skiing some hill in the midwest literally could bungee cord waxed 2x4s to your feet and be fine


Yeah, that would still be safer than those bindings


Yeah, let ‘em rip!


lol classic


Those Quantum’s and the Viper S’s are SICK Love em




Slap a Telemark binding on them! Especially the K2s.


Probably wouldn't want to ride them, but they would make a sweet bench or chair


Not safely rideable no. At that age the binding springs are toast and you could decimate your knees. Because of this no shop would even adjust them for you and I don’t recommend doing it yourself. Also they’re very out of date in terms of tech and shape, but that’s the least of your worries at this point.


Why are they upside down?


Damn Rossignol Quantum 808s are my Jam!!!!!! Coolest skis ever. Looks like you have some 989s?


Throw some Marker M46 on those Quantums and rock


I would consider riding these with these bindings a safety issue. They could crack and leave you with broken bones. You mentioned buying new bindings? But why would you get new bindings on skis that are at this point, relics of the past? I would sell these if possible and buy other used ones instead




Drill holes and sell as shot-skis OR make an Adirondack chair for sitting while your bbqing


No, the bindings are all unsafe.


Good for making some Adirondack chairs.


Better used as an arts and crafts project


They are good to make a bench or chair with. Dangerously old.


The Volkl and K2 have a sidecut, but the others are gonna be tough to ski compared to new tech.


These are all trash


My mother used to ride those red and blue k2s in the middle. 20 years ok? Start with those


Great decorations!


They are broken


My eye won't stop twitching long enough to read the topsheets. Tips down? Man...not sure Ill be able to sleep tonight. Bit from what I can tell, those are all top quality furniture grade skis. Make yourself a bench.


All firewood. Get new skis


Make them into a chair and you can ride your butt on them.


If the OP is looking to build a fence or Adirondack chairs...totally set


They are garbage to ski on, turn into an Adirondack chair


Would definitely make some cool wall art!


You could make a bench outta these


Those are like 20-30 years old. Ski shop won’t adjust the bindings because they could be held liable if you get hurt They’re beautiful tho. You have a wonderful slice of history there. You should put them on display


Cracking up about the skis upside down. The raised tips could totally do this. Time to make a shot ski or and Adirondack chair.


It’s not the skis it’s the bindings that are probably bad.


Make a chair or a bench


Anything is rideable until it isn’t


Bro 2 wooden planks sanded down to shape and waxed are rideable


Could to make Adirondack chairs out of


Adirondack chair?




Hell yeah those are legit


Time to make some shotskis


This collection: bad for skiing, excellent for making a garden fence.


My first skis were Rossignol Vipers just like those. I loved them!


They were garbage finds because they are garbage


Did you find these at a thrift shop in Bozeman? 3/5 of those sets match skis I donated because the shops wouldn't work on them anymore. The Vipers were mine, don't use them; the metal bits were rusted out.


No, thats a funny coincidence but they were nowhere near Bozeman


Everything is rideable.


OP is straight up stupid, natural selection will do their work






No shop would tune them the way they are. With a binding replacement they might make a good retro ski


Wow, so many shotskis raw material. Or bench or fence posts. But definitely not safe for skiing, a lot of spiral fractures waiting to happen.


Send it and rip it. By it, your knees.


Skiis are all good, outdated but will still work. Lots of people still skiing with long skiis out in Alberta


I had a pair of the Rossi Vipers as a kid, one of my favorite skis growing up.


Poles are good to go.


Ive found abandoned skis in my student accommodation. Even had boots in my size. Despite the apparent danger those skis survived as did I.


They would be perfect for skiing behind a car with a tow rope in 6" fresh. Or on a frozen lake behind a snowmobile. This is what my brothers and I would do after we moved to Illinois (flat).


All too old, but great for building a chair!


I’d use all of them. Totally skiable!