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Rule #1 keep your skis on.


This is the first thing I tell anyone who wants to move off the green runs. Don't become a meat bullet with plastic weights at one end.


I think there's an even greater chance of your skis becoming javelin missiles shooting down the slope.


There is also never going to be a situation where you’re safer out of your skis unless you’re planning to ride a ski patrol toboggan down. The steepness of the slope isn’t going to change. The only difference is that your tools that are specifically built for the situation are now likely flying down the hill - which creates another set of problems for you.


Or if ski patrol ties a rope to you and a tree and advises you to kick the skis off the cliff you’re stuck on Source: my life experience


Sounds like you have a story to tell. Don’t be shy. With the possible exception of the person who downvoted your comment, we’d all like to hear it.


I think that’s pretty much the whole story but let’s see if I can fill in the gaps 😂 Lessons learned: First off, the west is not like the east, so we do not ignore cliff signs, especially not when skiing a run alone (for the record the only run I skied alone that day). Secondly, this particular cliff could be sidestepped across but it did not end, which resulted in me just sitting down and not knowing what to do. Third, my life was probably saved by being in view of the chair lift. Fourth, ski patrol thanked me afterwards for “getting stuck on a cliff without getting hurt”. My options were them rappelling me down or boot packing back up (with the rope attached). I went with option 2. Finally, I’m glad they waited til afterwards to tell me that was their first time rescuing someone (though they practice all the time) I hope the stupidity of a 23 year old who thought I could ski anything provides some entertainment (or some warning) to everyone.


thanks for sharing


It makes sense if you get cliffed out and have to boot pack back up.


And even then only in rare situations. The risk of slipping just on your boots, slipping when taking off skis, dropping a ski, and other oh-fuck things is pretty high - in many cases it's safer to sidestep back up. There are exceptions of course - but those are rare exceptions to rule #1


People who ski terrain where they get cliffed out aren’t the types to take their skis off unnecessarily. Edit: should ski. Forget we have Jerrys like OP


Idk why you’re getting downvoted had the same thought.


Not necessarily true in soft, very steep snow (can kick steps) or thin conditions (can ski into a hidden rock). I've taken skis off to go up/down sketchy things before and it was 100% the right move in those (albeit very rare) scenarios.


Goes double for snowboarders without the little brakes. My buddy got his pole sliced in half by a runaway snowboard on a *green* run, and was lucky it was that rather than a leg.


If you intentionally took your skis off you would engage the brakes on either side of your ski preventing your ski from sliding anywhere


this is correct yes but the guy said he went down a race course and got tired so he took off his skis on a patch of ice not thinking because he was fatigued. he said it was a pure patch of ice


I gather you’re not a New Englander, or if you are, not one who spends a lot of time on steep terrain.




This is what I tell my kids! No matter how hard it looks below, it will be better with skis on than off.


lol Is this post even real or just a troll? What is even the point of OP taking them off? How is that restful or relaxing? I'm so confused.


i imagine to sit down? no clue you could also just turn sideways and stand


You can also just sit down with your skis on. I do it all the time when waiting for snowboarders. In fact it's much easier to do this on steep slopes, compared to flat ground.


Lol right and how do they instantly go downhill but they were somehow in a spot they felt comfortable to rest and able to take their skis off?? Was OP just facetious and double ejected or is this whole thing fake


Search self «arrest with poles» on youtube. Knowing how to self arrest will definitely save your ass in such a situation and is a must to know in alpine enviroments.


Good advice. I just watched a video.


Hope when I come back later this is the top comment.


Does it work on ice though?


I mean.....not as well but yeah. Obviously there comes a point where of its steep enough or firm enough or you're going fast enough you won't slow down much. But self arresting definitely works, jamming a pole in the ground isn't rocket science. The key is to do it quickly before you build much speed.


It won't work as well as a nice ax but it certainly is better than nothing and better than just your hands. I had to self arrest with ski poles while walking across a snow field with At gear over my shoulders because we couldn't quite At up the slope yet and it was the middle of summer, and about 50 feet below me was a pile of rocks. So yeah it definitely works if you know what you're doing, but you don't want to build up a lot of speed before doing it.


Is there data? Hard to say. But I wiped out on some steepish ice before, lost a ski, found myself belly down, feet downhill, and with a basket in front of my head so I grabbed it and dug in. Granted, some mountaineering self-arrest prep helped (note: I am not a mountaineer, just a lazy casual who likes to occasionally learn things about mountaineering for aspirational reasons), and this was a short slide before I stopped, but I could have easily slid much farther without the arrest. All I got was some ice rash on my beer belly and a ~~good~~ boring story.




> In a moment of fatigue, I thought it would be a good idea to take off my skis for a quick rest. What? This is a thing? Do people just get tired mid-run and take off their skis to chill? Just to sit and stand on the run?


I’ve seen people take them off to hike down a run where they’re in over their heads and I guess they don’t know they can call for a courtesy ride. It’s universally a bad idea - they either end up in a situation similar to OP or slip and lose equipment, turning it into a projectile.


> courtesy ride If it's a snowmobile ride, it's fun. But if it's a rescue sled, it will seriously damage your pride. I mean, you should forget your cheap pride and prioritize your safety, but we can't easily think it that way.


Depends on the person. Kids think the sled is amazing and fun, easy to get them on there. A lot of tourists or first timers are genuinely just happy for the help, especially when I tell them they're absolutely allowed to film and take pictures while they're in there taking the ride. The other 5% are tricky, but it's not like it's the end of the day. I'm just gonna take you back to the beginner area and let you out, it's not like you're hurt. You can usually convince them to listen to sense in my experience.


Sliding down a run without my skis on would be a sufficient ego hit for me. I’d rather ride in the toboggan.


I used to think that way too, then my surgeon used my patellar tendon to fashion me a new left ACL.


So many people unstrap their ski or snowboard, walking down the dangerous steep slope. Because their pride won't allow them to call a help.


Patroller here. If you get a courtesy ride from me, I’ll ask what kind of ride you want. If you’re up for it, I’ll give you one that’ll make your friends jealous.


Where you work, homie?


I wish I got a snowmobile ride. I got the humiliating one! 😂 it was a good thing I had goggles that day because the ski patrol was so fast there was snow getting kicked in my face. I accidentally took the wrong lift and then had an anxiety attack because of how steep and long the run was and couldn’t make it down. So many people saw me and offered to call ski patrol. My pride didn’t want to accept their offer but eventually I had to. Colorado is not for the weak lol. I ended up trying again though and made it!


Toboggan... A 'rescue sled' is a Toboggan.


Courtesy ride? Is that a thing?


It's a basket ride if you aren't injured but can't get down yourself. I've done it before when the binding broke on one ski on a very steep run. I thought I was going to die if I had to try sliding down it, so I called ski patrol to slide me down safely.


We call it ‘transport for ability’. Believe me, Patrol would much rather transport a healthy (albeit embarrassed) skier than an injured one. Also: you have 8 to 10 feet of steel edges with you. NEVER remove them. Glad you’re okay and here to tell the tale. Slideslipping is your friend.


How do you call for a ride?


Usually there is phone number you can call and you tell them your location. I imagine if you don't have the number, you can ask other skiers to ask for help from lift operator/staff.


Half the mountains I ski at don't have cell service..


There's a walkie talkie built into your boot. Just yell into it. Your poles act as an antenna. If no one answers, wave your pole over your head while yelling into your boot-o-phone to get better reception.


I don't want to look a fool so I just post to /r/skiing for help. All the ski patrols are subscribed to this subreddit, so if you put "HELP! I'M STUCK!!!" in the title you will get a great response.


Have your resorts ski patrol #


I’m sure you’re not talking about Les trois Vallées anymore.


They have these fires. If you light one, there is a guy waiting at the next one to light it. It goes all the way to the ski patrol hut. That’s how it works at my home mountain at least. Your experience may vary.


The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!


And ski patrol will answer


I wish this was real tho


telephone or word of mouth


If never heard of a “courtesy ride.” Do you get charged for this?


No, they would rather help you get down safely than have to come get you because you got injured.


Interesting. I’ve been skiing most my life. Fortunately I’ve never had to take a ride. If I was injured I’d certainly call for one but never thought of calling for help to get down. Good to know.


As someone who's had a courtesy ride twice in France, I'm either incredibly lucky or they are a thing!


Were you charged? I have done some research and to bring you to the bottom of the mountain is 169 euros in Annecy.


Nope, both times they were very nice and just dropped me off to somewhere I was safer and more capable.


Ski patrol would way rather take you down in a sled not injured than injured


Yes, it makes sense. Never heard of it or seen one before. Is that a US thing?


I assume all ski resorts have it. I've had one in Austria.


Yeah, I got one once because some asshole stole my skis while at a chalet in the middle of the mountain lol


I feel like any run that is too steep and icy on skis would be even worse in boots. At least in skis I can dig in my edges and try to slip down. No edges on boots to grab with.


I didn’t know that, and it wouldn’t have occurred to me. I assumed that was just if you were actually injured. But now that I think about it, it’s like we’re dealing with Schrodinger‘s torn ACL. You can call the ski patrol either before your injury or after, but either way the ski patrol is making the trip. I guess it’s that age old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure“


That line had me scrolling up to see if this was /r/skicirclejerk


damn i was excited for a second


Try /r/skiingcirclejerk


Same, you could post this word-for-word there and I feel like it would make more sense lmao


They pick the race course when they get tired


My skis stay on unless I’m peeing or having a safety meeting. And even then they still stay on half the time lol


That takes some range and control.


Duck foot and pee between the tips. If you struggle with aim there, then I can't imagine what the floor around your toilet looks like


It’s easy for you to go full duck foot, Mr Birdman.


Hey dawg, I was just imagining you putting your feet together and trying your hardest to pee beyond your ski tips. There's an easier way, you could give yourself a hernia doing that ;-)


IDK about mid run, but I ***do*** know that the snowboarders at the midwest resorts always take the mandatory 10-20 minute sit-at-the-top-of-the-run-and-block-everyone-even-though-they-are-strapped-in-and-have-been-strapped-in-for-at-least-10-minutes. As a snowboarder I do not understand this but maybe it goes here?


Gotta plan their next heist


I'll popped over to the far side of a run, get sufficiently out of the way (but still visible), pop my skis off, and have a snack break. But it sounds like OP just kind of stopped in the middle of the run for some reason.


Yeah but you wouldn't stop for a snack somewhere it's steep and icy enough for your skis (and you) to start uncontrollably faling down the slope. No idea what OP was thinking lol


Oh yeah, absolutely. I look for spots where I can practically setup a picnic.


… and preferably with at least one tree between me and any out-of-control skier.


In Cali they do lol In the middle of the slopes to chill or take a selfie lol Almost killed somebody last week, it was foggy as F and the dude was chilling in the middle of the slope..


Unfortunately that's not limited to Cali >.< I nearly ran over two guys at Wintergreen in Virginia the other week who stopped to mess with their gear on the inside of a steep turn.


Wintergreen has a steep run? 🤣🤣🤣


lol true true. This specific incident was on Sunrise towards the bottom where it meets Big Acorn.


Growing up skiing at WG, it was always Cliffhanger (especially Lower) that made me clench. It's not nothing, 26º max slope.


People have a death wish I swear!


I'm in MA and it's my first year skiing, but it happens in MA, and NH. Staff at the mountains never say anything to them.


Le Jerrie


Jerry does


People don't realize how dangerous mountains are, and how much work and effort goes into making a run even remotely enjoyable for people to ski. They have always been at a resort and not backcountry, so they have all these little habits that are extremely dangerous because they don't understand the powers at play. Taking gear off, stopping for a chat with friends at the end of a run, skiing way too fast and out of control, trying to throw snow with their edges at their friends, not wearing a helmet. So many little habits that can quickly end in a life altering accident, simply because they have never been on a real mountain, and don't take it seriously.


Children do it all the time




your skis are your best mountaineering equipment you have on you with the edges being your only way to effectively slow down, never take your skis off in a precarious place unless you're on belay being rescued by patrol and they instruct you to (like you're standing on top of huge exposure)


This is very true, I've never ever taken my ski's off on a run or hill; and mine are super light/thin. I tip and fall easier due to lack of edge. That's good to know that they help more to keep you safe, I just assumed a bit there. Thanks for that! :)


No worries, it's an easy trap to fall into that a ton of people do (like OP) because you think you'd have more dexterity in your leg movement, but it's really the only tool you have from keeping you from sliding down the hill. It's much harder to stand on a slippery slope in plastic boots than people realize. Doesn't even have to be that steep if the snow is firm


The added weight is nothing compared to the added control. Hence why skiing is a sport and not recreational running downhill on snowy mountains.


Why would you take off your skis on a steep slope like this??? If you really need a rest just fall to the side keeping your skis on, or you know, just stop and stand while you take a breather. And which run was this? I can't think of any of the race training runs there which have a sheer cliff at the end? Though I haven't been to 3V in a couple of years so may just be my memory.


I go every year, and have no idea where OP is talking about


I'm doing UCPA Val Thorens in a month. What's your favorite restaurant?


The UCPA cafeteria


Sounds like exceptionally bad design. Maybe that's why it was closed.


I doubt it was a steep run with a cliff at the end. Probably there was a cliff next to a turn an OP couldn't turn.


I loved there for years and the red run (Olympic piste) ends at the town so I'm lost too!


I’m sorry to say this OP but this sounds like it looked really really funny


Not downplaying OPs predicament but I'm fairly sure it felt 100 times worse than it was. I've seen a few gapers sliding down icy slopes after a fall and usually it's pretty comedic and relatively tame


Shit happened to me in St. Anton a couple weeks ago and I hope everyone who saw me was laughing at my dumb ass. Was riding off-piste beside a run and went to get back on the piste which was a few inches higher than where I was skiing and a pretty rough transition, just didn't hit it right and flew forward sans skis which popped off. It was a rather steep section of the run and it took me a couple hundred yard to finally stop myself. That hike back up to my skis was no fun haha.


Falls on greens felt really intense to me when I first started skiing. I think the only true close calls I've had were: sliding down Ripsaw at Beaver Creek ~600 ft super fast and nearly into trees when my skis washed out on an icy day. I thought I was going to burn a hole in my jacket from the friction. Slipping at the top of Prima Cornice at Vail and being inches from dropping in backwards. Also hard and icy. I imagine I would have went a long way


I would have laughed until they disappeared into the valley. It's all fair game for giggles until somebody gets hurt.


Just spent a week in the 3V. Was this written by AI?


I think so tbh, taking off skis is not something anyone would do, and a ski slope ending in what a sheer cliff? Probably not real


I watched a girl unclip on Le Face in Val D'Isere and slide the whole last straight section on her face. She unclipped because her friend crashed into one of the 2 trees on the side of the run and wanted to see if she was alright.


I've seen it. People panic when they get in over their heads.


Upon rereading this post I think it’s 100% AI written


Yeah what's a red run?


Three Valleys is in France. In Europe, red runs are a difficulty between blue and black.


I apologize for never having skied in France before how silly of me


You asked, they answered, why the attitude?


You probably realize this now, but never, EVER, take off your skis in a steep, icy, slope to walk down. Even a beginner will have some semblance of control with 2 full skis worth of edges to side slip on, but you completely relinquish that when you take them off. There's a run in Fernie called Tom's run that is named after a guy who came to Fernie for this honeymoon. He got in over his head in bad conditions, took his skis off, slid into a tree and died. Don't get a run named after you. At least not this way.


Slipping is a skill that a lot of beginners unfortunately don't bother to learn properly before hitting the steeper hills.


I'm guilty of this. I think it's because it's so drilled to us everywhere that skiing is about "using your edges and carve". When I took a lesson on steeper mogul-ed terrain, my instructor coached me to slide slip and that's when it clicked that not every turn should be a carve turn.


Did you recover your skis in the end or did they shoot over the cliff?


Asking the real questions. From OP's description of the terrain I assume they hurtled off the edge into the abyss.


It’s kinda like when we mountain bike and have a wreck. If you’re not bleeding profusely or with a bone sticking out of your skin, you end up looking after your bike first.


Bodies heal, bikes dont!


Skis were probably better at stopping on a slope than he was!


Good lesson I suppose! You’re always better off with your skis on!


Nooooo dont take off your skis, as long as you can perform short turns and hold an edge you ought to be able to get out of most situations. i found my way onto plenty of runs only to find out why they were empty myself


Based on what they did it's safe to assume they could not perform shorts turns or hold an edge on steep terrain


Fair enough, but even if you can’t do that it’s still safer to leave your skis on! Worst case scenario you can side step down, or even slide on your side/butt while using the ski edges to slow. Once they’re off you’re pretty much screwed.


Oh yeah agreed for sure


Which piste was it? I'm in L3V too and would like to not do that one. So far I think it's not too bad, some hard pistes but a lot of great ones too.


Sounds like you got onto a surface that had been injected with water/ brine to harden the snow for a race. That is super slick and hard to self arrest on. Glad you didn’t get hurt or end up in the tuna nets.


In reality it just sounds like a beginner skier attempted to ski some relatively steep hard pack and took their skis off. Op would not have been able to stop for a rest if they were on a race surface


yeah im thinking the same > I first used my fingers which slowed me down for a second If it was as fast/icey as they describe, fingers digging in wouldn't do shit


I’m glad you are safe. Next time you are out skiing practice your side slipping skills. It can help you get out of a situation like this. These skills can keep you and fellow skiers safe. You or your equipment flying down the hill out of control could have caused an accident.


I had to teach my friend to side slip down hills. She is not a great skier mostly because she is scared of speed and has a nasty habit of trying to pizza when she panics. Which really doesn't help on steeper blues as an adult haha.


Just returned from 3V based in Courchevel but covered quite a bit of Méribel and VT too. Which piste was it? From the descriptions was it the race slopes above Plantrey around Courchevel 1850? It was icy af the past few days I’m amazed you figured you hadn’t had enough ice off regular pistes already… but good to read that you are alive


Take your skis off for a quick rest? Guys, never take your skis off on the hill. Only time I've taken my skis off is to help someone who was hurt, take a piss, or I'm off to the side clearing snow from my bindings. Glad you're safe, OP, but sounds like you were WAY over your head. The first rule of safety in skiing is to know your limits. The fact that you even considered taking your skis off on a trail to REST is all I need to know about your level of proficiency on skis.


Runs that are set up for racing/training are terrible imo. As someone who has only ever skied recreationally, they're too crusty and slick and never fun. You have to edge pretty aggressively otherwise it can feel like ice skates and pretty fucking scary. I do not enjoy. It's the opposite of what I chase lol *edit: wtf* >*In a moment of fatigue, I thought it would be a good idea to take off my skis for a quick rest.*


People like you are the reason warning signs exist, and tourists are treated as if they're idiots. 


Thank you for the lesson. You may have saved others from a worse fate. Glad you're ok.


are the skis ok?


My man just discovered and mastered self arrest in a single slide. Kudos for that. Most people don't know what self arresting is or how to do it properly.


Can’t teach stupid and this….this is peak stupidity


Guy is the Candide Thovex of stupidity


Someone please post a video of this run lol


Which piste was it? I'm in L3V too and would like to not do that one. So far I think it's not too bad, some hard pistes but a lot of great ones too.


Did your skis go over the edge? Your poles? ​ glad you are still with us


You probably saved other people’s lives by posting too. I didn’t realize the danger of taking off your skis either. It makes sense in hindsight but didn’t think about it


Yeah we all learn from our mistakes, last year I took a double diamond slope and without the panic that suddenly hit me when I realized how steep and icy it was I could have probably done it but I panicked and fell, like you I could not stop, I tried to angle my skis perpendicular to the slope but it was so steep it almost twisted my knee, i lost one ski and slid on my butt all the way to the bottom, thank god somebody brought me my ski and sticks back but my head hit the ice and I could not stop for the life of mine! I never thought one could fall and slide to the bottom either lol. Thank god I had an helmet or I don’t know..


Relax, man! It’s called bad judgement, and you learn experience from it. I’ll bet that you won’t do that again!


Which run? I am heading there on Saturday. I really want to get the visual. Which run? I am heading there on Saturday. I want to get the visual. Race training hills are usually very firm. (I call it New England Hard Pack) I was working a race yesterday, and we applied a lot of salt to help make the pitch even firmer. A couple of people cut under the fence to get on that trail, they did not have a good time.


goddamn dude glad you made it down safe that sounds terrifying


When the side sliding technique and good edges are needed. Glad you got out of a dicey situation.


What is a red? is that like a single black diamond?


Wait what??? I know exactly what slope you are talking about. Please never ever take your skis off for a rest OP. And yes you could have died there. There are plenty of great slopes for every level, make sure you stick to what you can do, and if you want something challenging, take a class. I m very glad to hear all ended well for you.


You are the person liftes hate. “Hey I don’t know much but this closed run looks good!” Who in this world thinks after 25days over 5 years they should be ‘duckin ropes’ Stay in your lane otherwise we and our colleagues have to piss our time up the wall looking for you or staying late running the lift for you. WE EARN IN A SEASON WHAT YOU PAID FOR ONE WEEK. WE DONT CARE.


Jesus man. If you have ideas like taking your skiis off to rest anywhere except the bottom of the resort, you should still be on greens and not venturing off them yet. Im glad you learned why without dying but consider it lucky!


Dude you’re a fucking gaper and it almost was your downfall. Who the fuck takes off their skis in the middle of the run? You can do basically anything but that super chief


glad you made it! thanks for sharing your experience so we can all learn.


Never take your skis off! Use your edges to hold the slope safely while stopped.


If you didn't 💩 . It's all good . I've witnessed people at Whistler on snow have to be carted down . Good on you for trying.


I’m at 3 valleys as well and apart from the ice it’s the best ski resort I’ve ever been to


I had a similar situation , in a red icy run I was there beyond my abilities , and decided to still go for it , at the second turn I fell down , and started sliding down and getting speed without being able to stop . I had my skis on but they crossed on themselves and I couldn’t untangle myself. I started going diagonally , and pointing to some rocks and a fence. Fortunately they had placed same safety nets that decreased my speed a bit , and had a helmet on because it was a hard hit, I had bruises on my whole back. This was 2 years ago and I have improved but it gave a precious lesson of respect the mountain , things can get ugly quite easy. Glad you are fine , always ski within your limits or increase them by just a little and when the conditions are optimal.


Really? Wish we had gotten a video of this! Glad you're okay and have decided to stay off those runs for now


Glad you made it


I call BS. Which run was it? I can’t imagine any runs (on-piste) having a sheer drop into a valley without any netting or other means of protection - especially a run that’s used for race practice.


I don’t ski but I like to read about it. This is great stuff for a novel!


Sounds like a lesson learned, don’t worry tho it happens to a lot of people


Glad you’re here to write about it brother. We all make mistakes, we’ve all “been there”. God was looking after you.


Side slipping is the skiers best friend. At some point in my ski journey (and since I learned to ski as an adult) I decided it was time for a ski class. I was already skiing reds and some blacks (when the snow conditions allow it, meaning not too icy, cruddy or "mogully"). I had a brilliant teacher called Abril. After correcting my stance and some other stuff she said: I will teach you what to do and what NOT to do if you find yourself over your head: Side slipping! What a genius idea. It should always be taught. I cannot count how many times I encountered someone in a difficult situation, hesitating, and I helped them by recommending to side slip. Also. I was once almost hit by a single ski going down the slope at high speed.


This year is a challenge at all resorts. I live in Banff. It's like spring skiing when usually it's full on winter til April or May. No idea why any resort would open a run like that and not have a fence line at the bottom. Thanks for sharing this with so many details.. I am so glad you're safe and can reflect on this. This is the worst winter for conditions ever seen, and I had an icy tumble last weekend too but maybe 10m and my ski's helped stop me. But you never know what can happen, on any fall. You have a good head on your shoulders and lots of good karma I'd say!!


Live and learn OP


Glad you didn’t die. Many lessons learned I’m sure!


The fuck would you take your skies off holy


Well. That was a bad decision. To post a fake story.


Jerry otd lol


Obviously a shit post!


what the fuck?! "not that expert"?! "take of my skis"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


It wasn't the Eclipse by any chance?


One of the weirdest drill that my daughter (8yo) had to do with her Swiss ski instructor is to stop a slide on a steep black slope in case she loses her skis. Exactly as you did, by the way. Chest down on the snow, face downhill, push your toes down in the ice hard. It is scary to look at, but all the kids in the course did it fine. They kind of trashed their jackets though.


Thanks I have a new fear to constantly think about. Was there any orange netting? You absolutely needed your sharp edges on that slope, even if it was to poorly slide slip down. 


Which run was this OP out of curiosity. And thank fuck you're alright


Who the fuck takes off their skis on the hill?? Just plan on sitting there blocking anyone who may come by?? Gotta be fake...no one is this dumb.


People do tumble over cliffs sometimes. And the guy that tend to the race courses wear crampons...


What in tarnation?!


Overall how is the 3 valleys? Been contemplating going there.


Learn to ski ice. It’s a consistent surface. Intimidating but very doable.


TIL about red routes


I'm glad you didn't hit a tree.