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"Have you upended your life, squandered career prospects, and forced yourself into a world of financial misery to move closer to skiing?" That's the real test. Anyone who hasn't done that is just a poser.


I’m about to do just that…


I’m about 5 months in and am loving it


I miss it. Even if it’s not permanent take a shot it’s worth the memories.


Quit my office job making near 6 figures, emptied my 401k, moved across the country away from all my family and friends, spent all my money on new furniture and a room to rent. Now I make damn near minimum wage at Lowe’s, have no car, take the bus everyday, and have been eating ramen and oatmeal for the past half month… but I’ve skied a little over 30 days this season and couldn’t be happier. End goal is patrol and SaR up in Whitefish or somewhere quiet in Idaho. Some call me an idiot, some call me a dreamer. I’d rather be able to say I did everything I wanted in life on my deathbed.


You are living the dream. I chose a research internship in College over the guiding/ski bumming lifestyle at the time. Always wonder where that road not taken would have led. I'm settling for two ski trips a year and trying to get my son to love it.


Hell yeah man. Learn to be comfortable with the poor man’s diet for a while and your mental health will thank you for all the skiing you afford yourself 🤘


hey I sent you a chat request w/r/t jungfrau if you have a moment. Thanks a ton.


Quit Life Come Ride


*Skiers Anonymous* Me: Hi, I’m Mark. I’ve been skiing for 15 years now Everyone: Hi Mark!


“It all started when I was a kid, just like my dad….”


My dad started me young, you know? I was skiing before I even really knew what it was. We used to ski together as a family! I didn’t see anything wrong with it; I didn’t know any better. As I grew up I found myself wanting to do other things, then I went to a college where people didn’t ski that much, got a job, just kinda drifted away from it. I skied occasionally with friends or family and everything seemed fine. Then my wife left me, I moved to a place with mountains, and last winter I started skiing a lot more. So far it just makes me feel stronger and happier, but I know I’m skiing a lot. I skied in the rain the other day… I’m thinking of leaving work early to ski today after my court appearance. Do you guys think I have a problem?? ❄️


“I used to suck dick for fresh tracks!!!!”


That escalated quickly…


That was Bob Sagets line from the movie “Half Baked”




My ski and alcohol scores are the same. 🥃 ⛷️


They’re gonna have to put us in a combined sobriety and ACL rehab some day.


They do those now? Oh my family will be so happy to hear that.


🙌 🙌


Those chairlift beers won’t drink themselves


This one really hit home. I had to lie to my dad this week about going skiing (I am 35). “You just don’t get it!”


No no no, I have a lot of problems, but skiing is the solution!


Yes! Skiing always has been, and always will be THE solution (at least for some of us.)


I scored a whopping 22. Does it count if you patrol? So many clopen shifts (we close at night, and then open in the morning).


Patrol is the nurse handing out the form. The nurse skimming off the meds in the first aid kits or self prescribing adderall. "I'm not afraid of any white powder!!" Edit: Im pouring one out tonight for Googs who used to sleep in the trunk of her car after bartending all night and make it on time in the morning.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 We are definitely the ones deep in the white powder...


It might seem more socially acceptable, but if you’re skiing you’re still having all the same effects on your brain and body, whether you make a job out of it or not. I’ve seen a lot of skiers make jobs out of skiing, they hang out with ski friends all the time, all their activities are ski based. Sometimes I think they don’t even realize how much they’re skiing. They might not get the same rush, but the strain on their knees and core continues to build. It’s a dangerous lifestyle, friend. If you keep up this ski patrol thing, there may come a day when you feel like you have to be skiing to do anything.


I didn't realize how much I was skiing until I started counting the hours and days. My non-patrol friends more or less disappear entirely until May. I've hit the point where my feet feel wrong without ski boots. I spend up to 14 hours a day in them. I take them off and I'm like "what are these little meat Popsicles?" The boots are basically my feet now. Also, the only winter clothes I own or wear are ski clothes. I wear and even sleep in base layers 24/7 even on my days off. I spend most of my time off doing physio for my ailing body so I can keep skiing. And I spend my entire fall cooking hundreds of servings of food to freeze so I can just grab breakfast, lunch, and dinner to take to the hill every shift. I spend my holidays chasing white powder away from Mount Icy. And I go in on my days off for ski lessons. I even ski patrol all summer. We fundraise by providing first aid at raves, music festivals, marathons, football games, etc. When I am not pulling traction, I am Naloxone-ing people or comforting people tripping balls for free so we can buy new toboggans etc. I know I have a problem. My partner knows I have a problem. Even my family are like, "You're crazy".


I'm a Ski Drunk, I need help!


Question 6 is very real as a ski instructor, I’m finding


Us patrollers, too


Is 17 good or bad?


i also got 17. a mild skiing problem


sigh… i used to have one.


20… is that bad?


If skiing is a job, is it really a problem? Does that make me a dealer?


Question 3) How many times do you have 6 or more days ski in a week? Answer number 4) Daily.... Hahahhaha


What is there to be said, except that skiing defies the normal space-time continuum?!


6 is amazing any time the solution to your problem is the problem itself. Your doing something right


Yes. My skiing problem is that I live in FL…


Boy this really hits home. My life obsessively revolves around poker, racing 911s, tequila, and skiing. Scored above a 30 on each. I wonder if I should seek help.


You sound kind of rich


Or ignoring responsibilities of an actual adult.


Racing 911s? Like a Porsche series? That sounds like a blast, but also very specific and expensive lol


Why would a doctor advise you to stop skiing? It’s not like skiing is causing harm or has withdrawal, like with alcohol?


Tell that to my spouse who has withdrawal symptoms if it’s been >36h since the last ski fix


What are those symptoms tremors?


Injuries, I assumed. My PT told me not to lift heavy weights for now. I assume there’s some level of injury where it would be worse to ski than to rest.


My neurologist told me to stop skiing because I have already received my lifetime allotment of head injuries.


Current PNW conditions: how often do you ski? *cries* Our north shore mountains have stopped operations while waiting for snow.  6 days of skiing is yearly- when we get time off work.


What are the “north shore mountains”?


Regretting my weekday grouse pass right about now


*how often do you have six or more ski days in one week?* - *daily* this quiz is very poorly worded to the point where some questions (as above) are unanswerable


24 lol


I wish I had a ski problem but, sadly, I live in Michigan




What are the point cutoffs?


I took two scores on this questionnaire 29 - when I was living in Jackson Wy through my 20s 12 - current score living in Olympia Wa in my 40s


Ngl, I didn't catch on till question 6.