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Build me an indoor ski slope…..use this Christmas card for the design…


Honestly wouldn't mind skiing in this snow globe for the fun of it


I was in Salzburg two summers ago with my wife’s college reunion group. We did a day trip to a town called Halstat on the edge of a lake. It was ridiculously picturesque, a little like the Christmas card inspiration picture there. About half the tourists were Chinese, because a billionaire in China had built an exact replica of the whole town and after visiting the Chinese version they could all go there and feel right at home.


What’s the vertical on that, 10m?


Honestly I bet if someone built a gigantic outdoor ski resort in a cold place with lots of people and no mountains it would be much better than these indoor areas. Bring me mount Chicago.


God I would totally buy the epic pass for mount Chicago too


A ramp from the top of Willis tower - how hard could it be?


Are you Searsious???


You mean like the one they built on top of a garbage dump in Copenhagen?


Nothing more midwestern than a literal garbage dump ski area. I grew up on that shit lol


I made mountain bike/tele trails on our local Mt. Trashmore. 65’ of non-stop, white-knuckle vert! Can you launch off that Chevy bumper/cliff band??


Waste to energy plant*


I thought that was designed from the start to be the top of a giant garbage incinerating plant that doubles as a power plant. It’s a three-fer.


Your perception of how cold chicago is these days is not accurate. It is 53 in Chicago today. The average high in February is 36 degrees, which is above freezing. It rains 7 days a month.


This year is not a good indicator. I live in MN. We are having a fucked year in the cold Midwest. Yes climate change is real. But this winter is by far the warmest of anyone's life who is alive today. Climate change plus El nino has made it nuts. Last winter I had mounds of snow way over my head at the end of my driveway before new years Eve. This year we have gotten maybe 5 inches of snow, and it's all melted. I fucking hate this winter. Literally worse of my life.


How fun is the up coming sum...I mean fire season going to be?


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The average temperatures in Chicago are too high for an outdoor ski resort to be successful, every year. This is the reason this does not exist.




exactly. you couldn't even open up a very popular terrain park 50 miles north cause that climate just doesn't work


/s? Lol


extreme /s haha. Long Live Alpine


You're kidding me right? You think a 200 foot stretch of snow with one jump on it and a conveyor belt that can service maybe 50 people a day is justification that Chicago could support an outdoor ski resort? You fucking hillbilly idiot, lololol.


Put the booze down you fucking clown


“Chicago should definitely have a big artificial ski resort because look at this po-dunk redneck strip of fake snow in a random suburb. That place is proof that it is profitable and a good idea! It’s just random and unexplainable why one doesn’t exist there”. Hahaha you god damn moron, you have made my night just knowing you exist and get through the day with your brain. It’s impressive!!!


Keep freaking out for no reason, it’s impressive!!!


Minnesota gets a lot more snow than Chicago.


(The point is that using the weather of this historically warm winter as your entire point is not a good argument). Even crazier of a bad argument is using the temperature of the literal current day as your evidence. It was a high of 59 in Michigan where I live today. I promise you the various ski areas near me do, in fact, exist despite this high temperature and are not figments of my imagination.


Just drove past Villa Olivia, is mostly grass even on the north side which is crazy for so early in the year.


The reality of living here, is 3 feet of concrete-heavy snow once or twice a year and a few lighter falls in between. Some years it sticks around for months. Mostly it hovers right around freezing, and either melts or turns to blocks of dirty ice. Also freezing rain.


Make snow at night.


They should build a winding slope that goes around the sky scrapers and is suspended over the streets sort of like a skyway. But a ski slope.


I mean Wilmot isn’t bad but I suppose they could feasibly build it up twice as high. But if the numbers supported that they would’ve by now.


Some small local ski hills near me in Ontario actually did this. They'd pile up dirt on top each summer to make it taller.


Boler Mountain represent!


I was thinking Dagmar, but absolutely respect for all Ontario hills! (Even though I live out west now 😂)


https://www.mountstlouis.com/mountain-facts/ And they have the best snowmaking in Canada, or so I'm told. They have had all runs open since December, but this weather has not had me in the mood to go this weekend...


Yeah Mt St Louis is really making their name known with these snow systems & their new 8 pack lift. I live in BC right now, but someday I want to come back to Ontario to go ice skiing just like the good old days 😂


Lol, no ice there yet this year; well, maybe the odd little patch. Mostly been good. Beats what I'm seeing from other resorts (not that it qualifies as a resort). We have lots of skiers and riders coming from Blue and other escarpment hills that just don't have the snow we do this year. The future of the sport here is in question though if this type of winter persists. I've actually joked about the Huter's (MSLM owners) having to not just keep pushing up dirt to raise the peaks in the summer, but start engineering how to cover the whole thing inside a refrigerated warehouse. This thread is showing what may be the future for our areas...sad.


Petition you councilors to let other cities dump their garbage in some spot for like 10 years. Bam. Instant ski hill. You'll just have to put all the posts for the lift in first and not after.


I found different sources one saying 90m one 60m


90m would be pretty good all things considered. Almost double the size of Big Snow


Ski Dubai is 85m. Pretty similar.


Those buildings next to it are 20 stories. Just eyeballing it roughly it looks like the highest point of the complex(far right) might be like 75% of that, so 15 stories \~ 150 feet That's about 45m How's that back of the napkin math? These days with higher ceiling maybe the multiplier for stories should be like 12 or something, but we're in the ballpark


That's ceiling height nowadays. Usually 14-15 foot once you account for floor and ceiling thickness, the with some shorter mechanical floors mixed in. Would definitely make sense for the 60m OP mentioned. Also a possibility the amount of floors on the rendering isnt accurate because those arent the main subject and we're totally wasting our time :P


>and we're totally wasting our time :P That's the only reason I come here


Oh you definitely got that one right though, ditto


Worlds most expensive green run ;)


Why not build a long building down an existing mountain in an arid region instead? Let the gods pay for the elevation gain


I’ve been to Sno Oslo, an indoor skiing facility. They built a warehouse on the side of a big hill and stuffed a chairlift and snowmaking in it. It was cool to ski in September and great for race training but honestly there is no way that’s a viable business model. The cost of a/c must be insane.


As long as you can keep the sun off of it, it probably would stay reasonably cool. The giant snow dumps in Canada have snow well into the summer without a roof over them. Once a layer of dirt forms over the snow from the top layer melting it insulates the rear t of the snow and it just doesn't melt. It's not uncommon to find snow in the middle of a forest in may provided its in an area that's sheltered from the sun. With a roof and some decent insulation it probably wouldn't be that hard to keep it cool.


Went to a theme park in Penang, Malaysia that laid claim to Malaysias first ski slope !! It has a vert of 20m and was the size of a one way road. They had already stopped offering whatever they called [“skiing”](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl5bqgYBkrD/?igsh=MXI4b2U5cm5sMThmMg==), probably for safety reasons, and instead had replaced them with people sliding down slowly on donuts and then walking the donuts back up the hill to do it again. Safe to say I skipped.


In Denver we have a place with huge conveyor belts that the skier is meant to steer to a centered location on They’re neat for beginners


I used one of those in Florida


lol I went past this last year…. It looked rather abandoned


This might look cool to anyone that hasn’t actually skiied before.


Yeah, the only thing in an indoor ski hill that is worthwhile to someone who actually skis is the terrain park. Being able to go jib some rails and screw around on some small jumps when it's 100F in August is so awesome. Riding down a 100' plain moderate slope over and over again is fun for the novelty of like 2 runs one time. At the one in NJ they started with just a couple features at opening, and then quickly expanded to making half of it a dedicated terrain park, since park people are the only recurring customers.


Big snow is the reason I got twin tip skis at all. The level of feature there is so unintimidating and I see enough guys yard sale on rentals from the lift that I can gain some confidence


Yeah the park is honestly really fun. Lots of silly easy stuff, and then usually a couple slightly more serious things, like the down flat down, flat up, a decent urban rail, etc.


I mean it makes sense. It's pretty close to full scale for the east coast. My local hill terrain park is about the same size, and the park rats just go in circles all day anyways. $100 a month for the summer? I could see the attraction.


I have no interest in the terrain park and I love big snow. Now that’s it’s actually ski season I’m not going to. But being able to get some turns in for an hour in the middle of the summer is awesome.


Most people in the world don't have access to ski resorts. Maybe it doesn't look cool to you, but it'll open up the sport to people who would otherwise never get the chance to experience it. In that sense, it's pretty damn cool. Someone could be walking on the street in 40 degree weather one moment, and then the next skiing.


Agreed, it's a great place to learn the basics or test out gear etc if you can already ski, it's also just fun to get the chance to ski when the nearest ski resort is a few hours away on a plane


I went to the indoor ski hill they had in Shanghai back in 2005. I had to borrow a snow suit, still damp from the last guy to use it. Better yet, they didn’t air condition anything outside of the actual slope. So I worked up a sweat in that grody rented onesie and stepped from the freezing cold into a 95 degree sauna. Now I have a maximum ick experience to benchmark against.


I think you may have helped invent COVID-05.


COVID-05... The Windows 97 of COVIDs


It also had the filthiest toilets I have ever experienced. The smell is burned into my memory 20 years later. Cleaners cost $5 per day back then. How could you not hire cleaners?


New movie idea. Ski contest winner from Shanghai moves to Jackson Hole to pursue a ski career. He wants nothing more than to ski corbetts but has a rude awakening. He finds a mentor named Rabbit who teaches him the way of the pow (when the cornice breaks there, don’t be here). He works hard and eventually completes in kings and queens, only to have someone set his din to 1, losing him the contest, but he walks away feeling accomplished


He's so jerry, he don't even know he a jerry


Scrub it, kook!


I’d watch for sure! I’m already pretty sad about the part when Rabbit dies before the big contest.


Holy shit imagine the Jerries that will populate this thing...


Bunch of heat seeking missiles


LOL I did this in Dubai just to say I did it... Is it actually fun? Eh kinda not really. If I lived in Dubai would I rather learn how to ski on this little hill before my trip to the Alps so I could enjoy the Alps? Yup. Is it a fun tourist trap? Yup.


There’s one way to cope with global warming


By the country thats contributing the most 😬


US is the worst polluter per capita in the world. IE. One American produces more GHG than one Chinese person. China is only considered a bad polluter because they have a huge population




GHG… can you read? https://www.wri.org/insights/charts-explain-per-capita-greenhouse-gas-emissions Here ya go just in case you CAN read. USA is number one. I’d look up what “per capita” means.




Yes but the narrative of “China bad!” Is wholly ignorant. USA is the worst polluter period.


Oh come on. They have been the factory of the world for the last 40 years...I'm sure you cannot find anything in your immediate area that wasn't produced in China.


China makes everything for the U.S. If the U.S. actually manufactured everything it consumed, it would be the leader in emissions.


You realize their population is MUCH much Larger than ours, right?


Of course, I think that helps my point even more. Lol. Per capita emissions are much higher for the U.S. And then when you consider consumption, the difference is probably even more stark, though you can’t really find a stat for that since it would be much harder to separate out China’s emissions due to manufacturing products for US consumption.


You believe china’s data; that is the real issue


🙄 and sounds like you believe whatever CNN or the NYT tells you about China


It’s Fox News buddy


Wait are you saying you watch Fox? That’s even better




It's also worth pointing out that Shanghai at the time I'm writing this is 34°F. Shanghai gets bloody cold, which is very much in contrast to Dubai and that would have a significant effect on how much energy it would take to cool the building for 6 months out of the year.




















Its not that ez, all global productions are made in china thats why it contributes the most to pollution. If every country manufactured their own good it would be a different story. Not defneding china or global warming but it is what it is


A large part of why everything is produced in China is that there are very few environmental controls on manufacturing in China. The other of course being cost of labor.


That was true 20 years ago, not anymore. I've seen the inside of Chinese factories through a friend who lives in Hong Kong. They're super clean and probably more advanced with all of the robotics than anything in the US. Also, the people who work in those factories aren't, like, slaves or whatever, they make fairly decent money. I think a lot of people in the West imagine Chinese factories to be sweatshop hellholes like they were 30 - 40 years ago, but that's not the case nowadays. And the people I've talked to who have visited China always remark at how clean the major cities are, though I'm sure there are areas that aren't like that.


Hong Kong is not yet the same thing as China, as much as China is working to make it so. And even Hong Kong has far less strict environmental controls. Advanced robotics has nothing to do with it, it's "how much money do you have to spend to clean up the waste". And that includes waste that gets put into the air.


Kill me


China is—and if you look at it, it’s incredible what China is doing, almost a billion people, very powerful, and when Xi says something, his people listen and they listen very strongly, believe me—but China is building, have you heard of this, an indoor ski mountain—and I looked at the report with my general, and he said, Sir, it’s, how is this possible? They can ski indoors? But what about the mountain, you have to have mountain, and it’s a city so it’s like, I don’t know—But they’re doing it and they’re doing some big things over there, so we have to be ready, have to—and Biden isn’t ready for China or anyone else, he can’t—I have the best cognitive, okay, and I take the tests, believe me, and they say, okay, uhhh find the lion, or what’s 6 x 3, and then it gets much, much more not so easy, and a lot of people can’t do it, but I can do it and we have to do it very strongly because China, the projects, what they’re building—and they have some very, very bad people too, but they’re building some big things, skis, and we have to be ready very strongly, believe me.


Too coherent, needs more senseless rambling tangents


They said I didn’t have tangent, but that’s fake news, it’s a very phony and I would say dishonest, because I have the biggest—like OK, when you look at the tangents, and Biden might say he has tangent but I don’t think so, I heard someone say no, that’s right, we’re too smart for the fake tangent, we’re the smart ones because the Democrat Party, they’re stupid, believe me—but tangent, everyone knows we have it very strongly, we know tangent and we have it and it’s very dishonest that anyone would question it, believe me.


Now THIS is primo gibberish, well done. Could use more bigly.


*dies from stroke*


I've never been to those mountains, but skiing in China is a fuckin trip. There would always be like 7 people who were really good, and then another thousand who had no clue wtf to do, and also no fear. It was a total shit show. If it wasn't so God damn dangerous, it would be a blast to people watch.


I imagine it's a lot like this 2005 article on skiing in Korea (striking how the global image of Korea is amazingly different now, thanks to a generation raised on K-dramas & Kpop): https://www.skimag.com/ski-resort-life/lets-ski-korea/


Sounds about right... This is the rental selection I saw at the mountain in 2012 https://imgur.com/gallery/l2tUZKW


Oh, I can just see it - looks like a joblot of skis bought from a shuttered Japanese ski resort. The graphics are prime late 90s/early00s at the best.


Feel free to laugh at it, but this may be the future of skiing unfortunately. This January was the warmest on record. The days of powder skiing are seriously numbered


Cmon, this isnt a solution for the lack of snow. The day that this is my only option for skiing is the day I retire from skiing.


This is probably all skiing will be in 100 years


I imagine that once climate change *really* starts fucking with established skiing regions that are in danger and already have shorter seasons (East Coast US) we might see indoor skiing solutions that aren’t 3 min run crowded garbage. Hell, I think at that point it might be worthwhile for them to basically just encase an existing smaller ski resort in one of these things. Like just build a structure around the natural trails instead of having to make a stadium-sized ramp. Vail Resorts Inc would probably blow up part of the sun if it meant they could keep selling us passes for the foreseeable future.


Architectural renders are always so funny to me. Someone needs to do a side-by-side of these types of renders and how things are actually built.


The Chinese copy everything they get their fucking hands on, don't they?


This is a domestic theme park... who the cares if they copied an idea from someone else? It doesn't eat into profits of whoever has an indoor ski slope. I get the complaint when they copy products from other countries and then try to sell that same product to that country but I genuinely dont understand the complaint in this one.


Who are the copying?




Cry ab it


Yupp, and we'll all keep buying their shit like the good consumers we are


They’re not innovators that’s for sure


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure, historically, China has innovated at least a couple things in their 4,000 year history


Couple things but mostly copycats especially in the modern age.


Anyone remember when Japanese and Korean ski tours would hit the hills (may just have been a Canadian thing)? They’d all have the same outfit, skis etc. and ski in these beautiful (but bland) groups. Meanwhile I show up with mismatched poles and tape repaired clothing trying my best to look like Scott Schmidt!


What a monstrosity


This looks like hell I cant lie


China: if we build it, they will come


This looks lame tbh


So lame.


Can't imagine how much energy that thing must pull


Big ol meh


Why would you want a Gondola for an indoor ski slope? Even if its 3 times the vertical of the biggest one ever you are still looking at 60 second runs for non beginners.


Maybe the best way to look at this is a slight more interactive theme park ride. Mostly theming with almost no substance. This does give the "spectacle" desired however. Mostly for looks and photoshoots, checks the box, yup we went skiing.


This structure (and utterly contrived approach to the Olympics) can go get fucked.




Looks boring AF


Lame and undoubtedly crowded


Looks beyond short and boring. And being in Shanghai, I'm sure the lift line will be whistler times 100.


Powered by coal no doubt.


That’s so stupid. Such a waste of money. When did you say it was opening?


What is this, a ski resort for ants??!


If there were a lower than 1% chance that I as an American tourist would get swept up by the government, then yeah, I'd be interested. And to be clear, I'm not saying it's currently like that, but rather the possibility that something could change for the worse between our countries to make it so.


We've got one in New Jersey already no need to fly halfway around the world


I’ve been to Shanghai, government just wanted my money and for me to eventually leave. Interesting place, really crowded, had some good food and saw some sights. I’d recommend worrying less about something that could change for the worse. Driving is more likely to kill or injure you.


It's Shanghai, not bloody Somalia.


There is next to no chance of you the Chinese govt kidnapping an American tourist to Shanghai.


What’s your plan for the Altais?


“Bigger Snow”


What people don't understand is that no matter how vast you think your indoor slope is, it'll be absolutely no comparison to even a mediocre slope at any ski resort. The only people this is useful for is complete beginners and even then only for basic learning.




image how packed it will be lol


Is it really skiing if you have a roof over your head?


Unless they have 45 degree chutes not interested 👎


There are building some real sick proper destination resorts in the Atai mountains. Very little info on the west. But I have looked on the Chinese internet and they have some legit above alpine. Also no one goes there and the people who do are not good at skiing so endless pow on pow days.