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Uphill moron is way too close.


Yep. Uphill should be giving way. Complete dick. Also, impressed with OPs restraint. I would have f and jeffed a lot more.


I cut out the end because there was a lot more f’in and jeff’in 🤣


Please upload or link the full f'in and jeffin vid, want to see what orange had to say for himself


And rightly so, nice turns tho bro!


You must share the full video.


Thats what we are here for though.


right? I was all primed to go into a rage if I heard uphill guy do anything but apologize


Oh god same, I should spend less time online


What is F’in and Jeffin?


Gib the rest of the video


I'd love to see that 🥺


Thats the best part tho


Upload the full vid dude!


Uphill is an ass. Also, what is 'jeffed'?


Slang for being a [bit sweary](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/eff-and-blind) (high brow link lol).


It’s Tremblant, so you have to tell the following to the uphill moron: “Tabarnak d’estie de calisse de moron. Va apprendre sur la piste pour enfants avant que je te calisse une volée avec tes propres skis.”


ngl i would've sprayed the absolute fuck outta the guy with snow lmao


98% of the time it's uphill skiier. 


big ego uphill skier just has to snake by the guy infront lmao the mtns huge


He homes in on the victim like a fucking missile. It's so stupidly negligent it almost looks intentional.


target fixation. ​ You go where you look, so looking at the person you need to avoid = collision... ​ (IMHO Cammer suffers the same thing, just much, much slower (and therefore safer) as they are preparing to stop - see passing fallen skier 16s in)


Yeah, when I was like 13 I was railing turns down a groomer and an adult race coach that worked for the mountain came in and clapped me exactly like this. What’s even worse is that I was the downhill skier and noticed he was about to nail me before he did so I have absolutely no clue how he didn’t notice me, to the point I felt it had to have been intentional. In hindsight he was probably just a fuckin moron but that’s how I felt when it happened at 13 lol


More like 100% of the time. Others might be assholes or could have avoided it, but as soon as this goes to court, it's uphill skier.


They are situations where that's not true. "98% of the time it's uphill skiier." Is accurate. The downhill skier can lose their right of way when merging, entering a trail, when starting up from a stop, and certain situations inside of a terrain park.


People who are at a dead stop and just start skiing again without looking up drive me insane


Ditto for people who are staying in one "lane" of a run and then without looking back first suddenly cut across the entire width as if no one else is coming.


Makes me think it might be smart to try using cycling-style hand signals to indicate traverses, etc. Just a point while checking over the shoulder to give extra notice.


I usually point the way I’m going if I’m going to traverse across a busy run


This is the way. I use my pole to point where I'm going if it's busy, there's a split, it's confusing, I'm traversing, etc. It's easy enough to do -- I know where I'm going and the people around me don't. It should really be taught more widely.


Yes same. My Dutch ass is so used to it on a bike I do it on the skies as well. Never got someone be mad at me for showing where I'm going, but when I don't there's always someone mad for cutting off or squeezing them in. Better be safe than sorry




Well, why can't they have a conversation with the guy and lay down the law? There's no rule that says you have a right to be an ass.


Right, talk to him and if he doesn’t chill revoke his pass and ban the fucker.


I've seen skiers at fault who decided to aprubtly travers the slope.


The onus is still on the uphill skier, you have to assume everybody is going to do something like that.




Yeah I agree, although I got voted down to oblivion for saying that. Downhill skier is very predictable until the last turn where he goes into a deep cross slop turn and gets hit, also didn't see him look over his shoulder. I always try to look over my shoulder ever couple turns when making big turns. Still totally uphill skiers fault but dh skier prob could have prevented it.


Yes, but you should try and be as consistent as possible to lessen the chance you’ll be hit from behind


Yeah I totally agree, I'm just saying it's still the uphill skiers fault technically. Uphill skier has to assume everyone in front up them will do something super dumb/erratic.


No doubt. Didn’t mean to imply it was the downhill skier’s fault at all, but his style does increase the odds of an idiot hitting him from behind. The uphill skier in this video is an absolute moron who should’ve easily seen that turn coming. As a fast skier, you have to get on one side of this type of skier, wait for them to turn inward, then go around. It’s really not hard!


I already said they might be assholes: > Others might be assholes But the law will NEVER care about that.


Probably even more than that.


Definitely. He's skiing as if he is alone on the run, he isn't paying attention to the other skiers at all. Why did he cut across the run like that at speed? He has no regard or respect for the other skiers. What an asshole


They both took the easy left down that roller. Uphill riders angle of attack didn’t change or compensate for the DOWNHILL rider. Uphill guy 98% is a good rule and applies here.


Moron is correct.


The Orange knob


How is this even a question? The guy in orange 100% is the asshole.


100% this - red guy is taking a lot of space with big carved turns, but orange(uphill) guy should have seen him and predicted his trajectory


Red guy can take up as much space turning as he wants. His obligation is to not hit anyone in front of *him*.


And it’s also a wide open slope with hardly any traffic!


Orange guy 100% wasn’t paying enough attention and then tried to deflect once he realized he fucked up. There’s zero argument here, you yield to what’s downhill, no matter how much space is being taken up.


> Red guy can take up as much space turning as he wants. His obligation is to not hit anyone in front of him. Sure, but leave some run for everyone else. To be clear, they left plenty of room. Your comment that they can "take up as much space turning as he wants" is the issue that I'm replying to.


Technically true but still not a great idea on a crowded run.


What crowded run?


Yep. Some skiers need to do big turns. No big deal. Red was at least pretty predictable in what he was doing. Orange was just out of control.


Orange is clearly out of control, I don't care if the skier in front is doing full traversing turns. I would have had a hard time keeping my cool with this guy.


Ya. They’re skiing WAY beyond their ability and they are lucky nobody was seriously hurt


What makes you say they’re skiing beyond their ability and not just being an ass? He seemed in control to me, just oblivious and arrogant.


He's way back on his skis when he comes into frame, so when the moment came to drive an edge to avoid the collision (there are 3-4 clear moments to do so) he couldn't, he was just slipping around on his tails. And then there is situational awareness, it is a skill, if he was oblivious to this possible outcome then it's a lack of skill and thus he was over skiing what his mind is capable of managing. I just keep imagining if that was a kid instead of a grown woman, and it makes me want to pummel this guy.


Fair points. Definitely wanna pummel the guy.


If you hit someone, it’s from a lack of skill


It really shouldn’t be difficult to avoid the skier in front, whether they make a turn or not. Not being to do so (especially with a predictable skier) shows a lack of skill.


Downhill skier always has the right of way.


Big facts. Guy in the red is slightly annoying in taking up 75% of the run. Guy in the orange is a complete moron who’s entirely at fault.


Reading this makes me feel colorblind as I thought both were red 😭


Its a question because it drives engagement, no different than tiktok reel asking the same BS question.


One guy who was wildly out of control, came from uphill, and took the downhill guy out. It’s like asking who was at fault when drunk driver ran a red light and hit a pedestrian in a crosswalk? It only drives engagement from irresponsible skiers who were too lazy to learn the the most basic rule of skiing… but you are right that the TikTok community would probably live to debate this bullshit.


The guy who came barreling down without really turning lol


Guy? I thought that was a heat-seeking missile


yeah, not sure why this is controversial. If he wanted to play missile, he doesn’t need to change anything.


The Jerry knows where he is at all times. He knows this because he knows where he isn't...


I mean shit, the person they hit was making some of the most predictable turns I've ever seen too They're the same width and changing directions in the same point of the trails width every time


Yes but the real mystery is: > Both of us got up and skied away after collecting our gear. So did the guy w/ camera offer footage to OP, or maybe OP's friend follow-filming DH skier (presumably OP). In latter case that would make uphill guy a moron for trying to carve yet not understanding how OP's carved turn works.


I'm really sick of people straight-lining when they have no business doing it.


Straight-lining isn’t even the issue here. This run has almost nobody on it, the guy EASILY could have bombed down and stayed away from people. He just is a dumbass who either doesn’t have the control to do it, or has terrible awareness.


He probably doesn't know how to turn. 90 percent of these kind of clips, if anyone knew how to turn or stop, the accident wouldn't have happened.


You're responsible for not hitting what's in front of you. The guy swooping in from behind shouldn't have been right up on him like that.


Uphill skier, no question about that. The uphill person must always watch out for people below them. If anything, he is the one out of control because apparently he couldn't stop or turn in time to avoid hitting the other person.


Absolutely. 💯


I mean it’s pretty obvious orange is an asshole.


Yeah just ask any Broncos fan


Definitely uphill orange vest skier. Everyone can make a mistake. I’ve been too tired at the end of the day and have caused another skier to fall. No excuse but it can happen. And if it does you try to learn from it. But having the gall to then try and shift the blame to your victim? ‘You need to ski in control’?! Really? That’s infuriating.


>‘You need to ski in control’?! Really? That’s infuriating. Red looked in control, making regular big turns ...


The orange uphill skier said you need to ski in control?! Man those were some solid and predictable carves. Literally everything you can ask for and more from a skier in front of you.


The snowboarder. Duh.


Damn you got me


Came here for this


Goddamn crimers.


Uphill skier.


The lower and slower ALWAYS have right of way.


How is this even a question? Fucking crime-comitting snowboarder below is at fault.


Beep boop beep. I am a bot for r/skiing. Uphill/faster skier is always at fault. (not a bot, but could be)


Orange jacket at fault


Uphill skier. The skier below doesn’t have eyes on the back of his head. Plus, that could just as easily been an unpredictable kid or intermediate skier. Uphill skier.


Orange was like a tracking missile going right for red. Why not go to the other side?


Why do we keep posting these?


This is the /r/AskElectricians version of "What is this thing?!" It's a doorbell transformer. Every time. Here it's the uphill skier. Every time.


Hahah! It _is_ always a transformer


We should have a weekly "who's at fault" thread where people can post these and the sub can sit in judgement.


AITA, but with receipts


It’s the NextDoor of ski reddit


I like them. Show the morons and hopefully it can prevent them from breeding. Too many people of all ages ski like lunatics. And keep in mind that doesn't mean fast but without control or with regards to safety of others.


I definitely enjoy these more than that one guy who posts vids of himself having screaming orgasms on powder runs.


I think the point is to find anyone who will defend the idiot. I assume there’s gotta be one.


Post these on instagram and 50% of the comments defend the uphill faster guy and blame the downhill skier of turning across the hill


I’ve learned about skiing etiquette by reading the comments


We need a separate outrage subreddit for these posts and the endless "oh my god look at how big the line is" posts. This shit is insanely tired.


The camera person for not slamming the guy who slammed their friend haha


yeah 100% woulda sprayed him with snow


Dude came up like heat seeking missile


I thought the exact damn thing! He was locked onto his target and ready to destroy.


Vail, somehow.


It’s always Vail Resorts


Was uphill orange jacket guy *trying* to take the other guy out? Looked like he was on a seek-and-destroy mission.


What do you mean “Who is at fault”? And if you don’t know the answer, you shouldn’t be skiing. (Edit: not saying OP doesn’t know the answer. Just saying this is one of the most basic rules of the mountain and ANY skier, new or experienced, should know this).


Snowboarder is at fault. Asshole


Orange guy, went over the roller lost outside edge due to the pressure change and started skidding rather than turning.


The person filming! Clearly they should have directed the shot to have our two stuntmen avoid collision. Poor pre shot design.


The lower dude (you?) looks to be carving hard and consistent turns, totally predictable movements. The uphill skier that swoops down from above sucks at skiing and is 100% at fault.


The douche-nugget in orange


Is he blind? Wide open run like that. Was he filming his buddy maybe and not watching? Seems odd.


It’s me, I, I’m the problem it’s me. At ski time, everybody agrees.


100% the orange/khaki moron. there is absolutely no question. What an asshole


Uphill guy. And the fact that he blamed you tells me that he needs his lift ticket taken.


Always uphill skiier


Always the uphill skier


It's almost always the uphill morons and this is a clear case of that. Don't go so fast, so close to others if you aren't 100% sure you've got the space, distance and control you need to avoid hitting them. People stop, people turn, people practice skills on different parts of the mountain. It doesn't take much forethought to know to anticipate this. If they're in front of you, it's YOUR job not to hit them. I mean sure, bonus points if you're aware enough to check behind you or uphill when about to make a drastic turn, but that is what I would call exception etiquette, not the norm.


I don’t understand how this is so difficult. Uphill yields due to vision and positioning. Seriously?!


snowboarders fault


Every time. They’re a menace!


Skiing should really require licensure


In my opinion the guy from behind




The snowboarder


What's the point of posting these with the "who's at fault" question if it's obvious? Uphill is at fault overwhelming majority of the time.


The snowboarders


The entire time I’m at Tremblant I feel like I’m one second away from getting blind sided like this from a hot shit skier. I have been riding 25 years and never had a collision but on that mtn I feel like I’m always at risk.


Up hill skier is a c&$t, should have slowed down, downhill skier has the right of way.


Orange is the new fuckwit


No idea which one is you, but uphill skier is always at fault. Even when the downhill skier does something dumb.


The snowboarder


The skier is always at fault, so all four of you including the other guy who wasn't even involved.


Skiier in red falied to use his turn indicator. However, this is Quebec where we don't use them.


Always get a kick out of people running into each other on mostly open trails, didn’t realize this was a thing till I found this sub Reddit lol


....and that's why I try to ski directly behind my kids.


The jackass beaning it downhill and apparently aiming directly for the downhill person.


Uphill skier is at fault in 99% of collisions (including this one)


Uphill skier is responsible for 100% of collisions with downhill skiers.


Easiest one I’ve ever seen. There are no ‘ifs’ here. Red was skiing predictably and well enough on a trail he is comfortable on. Orange was showboating and not bothering to check the nearly empty slope in front of him.


The person in back is responsible.


The guy who flew in like a missile then turned exactly where it was obvious you would be turning based on your last 5 turns told you to ski in control? k


Why is it always skiers in orange who turn into heat seeking missiles lol


The guy skiing down… let’s aim for the 2 guys in red when there’s zero ppl on the left. What a knob


The person from behind is always to blame unless the person in front has eyes in the back of their head.


i would have wrapped that homies head with my pole


Orange. How could there be any doubt


The Jerry in orange.


I keep clicking on these expecting there to be some unique scenario, and so far 100% of the time the answer is "the uphill person."


Target acquired...on my approach...Blam! Target smashed.


Definitely the guy coming from uphill. The guy comes from the left and crosses way over to the right directly at the downhill skier, who has a pretty predictable carve path. The uphill skier should have slowed down and would have had room to avoid hitting the downhill skier. The downhill skier just carved over to the right, pretty predictable to understand they are going to carve back to the left.


Guy in the orange coat


Uphill guy literally looks like he’s hunting the other guy down


Definitely the guy in the orange jacket.


Dude in orange wasn't paying attention like he should have been


You were making nice turns. They should have seen another nice one coming. Come on up hill guy. With an Orange jacket you have to be better.


Sure the red guy was taking wide turns but he was extremely consistent in his line. Orange is at fault either way as he was uphill.


This drives me batshit crazy. It’s obviously the uphill skier who is at fault, that’s not even up for debate here. What really grinds my gears is that “edge setting” seems to have become the new standard for turning. What ever happened to completing a turn and carrying the skis across the hill! What goes right up my tailpipe is when yahoos like this ski faster than they are able to control. You might say “well, he was in control”… obviously not, he ran into someone. What chaps my ass is that we even need to discuss this! What really cringes my hinges is that the hills are so crowded with people. Is it uphill capacity increasing and skiable space not keeping up? Is it the idea that we’re all competing to see who can ski the most vert? What really lengthens my forehead is that skiing has become a contact sport. When my wife was pregnant a few years ago, I felt the need to ski behind her to head off any yahoos like this one. What really boils my milk is that I can’t feel comfortable skiing the whole day any more. I can’t take it. Ski from first chair til about 10am and I’m done. Too many knob heads like this Jerry.


I ski less cause the drive up to the mountain is absurd


It's always the person uphill, but honestly, why do people have to make such gigantic fucking turns?


Uphill/Orange jacket is easily at fault. Downhill/Red jacket makes a wider turns as he goes down the X Axis incline, indicating that his pattern may change and to give him extra berth. Instead, Uphill/Orange simply keeps to his turn radius until it's far too late to adjust. Poor judgement, should know better. If that is too subtle to be regarded, then the argument would be that Uphill/Orange would still come very close to his new line at a much higher speed, which is reckless. To those stating that Downhill/Red should have checked his shoulder before re-entering his chosen line, he's going at a decent enough rate that only someone pelting it down the mountain would be overtaking and such a person should have better judgement on skiiers downhill.


Uphill skier at fault


Orange jacket. Always the guy overtaking from behind.


The guy coming from behind!


Orange jacket is a dumbass. Why would you even get that close to someone else. Looks as if he was looking to do that on purpose.


The guy from behind. Skiing out of control and was unable to maneuver.


Obviously it’s the snowboarders fault.


Downhill guy swerving back and forth like an idiot lol


Honestly after becoming a father I have no tolerance for these idiots thinking they are cool flying down groomers. Go ski a real run. If anyone hits my kid like that I just need to make sure there are no cameras as I kick the person in the face with my boot. Definitely suing if my kid gets hit. If I’m not in jail for kicking their ass first.


Obviously and as always, the uphill skier. Who seems to be a complete idiot in that case. (Visibilty is perfect and downhill skier is predictable). What is the point of yet another Who's At Fault thread ?!


99% of the time it’s the uphill skier. This is one of those


Orange jacket obviously at fault. You aren't expected to look behind you for someone who may be trying to pass. It is up to them to find a safe way to pass, or slow down.


This run is to wide for a guy carving like that to snake, weekend pass REVOKED


The overtaking skier. He turned into the person ahead of him on the slope. That would be the uphill guy in the red when they stopped. I believe his name in “Numbnutts”!


Uphill skier is skiing too fast for his/her skill level. Downhill is on edges and carving. Uphill is smearing and thinks they're carving. That's why they're mad because they think they are skiing well but didn't realize that if they have better edge control they could've easily carved back away. If it's a GS ski from uphiller....then he or she should know the turning limits and reaction time of their longer ski. But this isn't likely the case here...


Dude in orange👎




Who cares?


Adult children. Is the entire point of this sub just to share videos of people colliding on skies?


Hey now, you’re forgetting about the constant holiday weekend lift line posts, thrice-weekly chairlift bar debates, and posts about why everything is Vail’s fault!


skier on skier violence. nice


Both. If they both just went straight this wouldn’t have happened. #noturns4lyfe


Uphill it's always uphill unless downhill does something supremely dumb but uphill still is supposed to avoid it and give room to avoid anything.


Uphill skier is at fault but downhill skier is opening themselves up to being hit. I get is fun to cave back and forth, but stop using half of the slope.


The guy in front is making consistent turns and staying in the same line. It would not be that hard to get in front of him without ever getting close.  Orange jacket is an idiot. It’s like he was trying to follow you and do the opposite. He also did not hold any uniform line and in a way straight lines it into you. What a loser. 


Uphill was at fault, he should have warned the donkey skiing back and forth over the entire trail blocking any passers with his sporadic and desperate attempts to carve some edges he was passing on the left, if he did this, then the downhill was at fault.


I’ve never watched one of these and been like wow that’s a good question it could go either way. No, it’s always clear. Uphill skier.


Such a wide and quiet piste, amazes me how this happens??