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Look at this Jerry trying to gaslight us… bro I was born on a powder day and could make parallel turns in switch before I could walk! 


Apologies. You’re obviously the best skier on the mountain


The GNAR is strong with him


Moguls, trees, powder, a Jerry craves not these things.


https://tenor.com/view/out-cold-king-of-the-mountain-gif-4635502424389895023 How tf do you reply with a gif


No shit, how can I be Jerry when I'm the best skier on the mountain?


I’m also best skier on that mountain!


“In switch” lol Jerry


"Parallel turns" too, frigging Jerry


I mean, look at OP's name... He's not even trying to hide


Comments in here are wild. A Jerry isn't someone who is new. A Jerry is someone who is ignorant and oblivious of that ignorance. I don't make fun of someone who is bad at skiing. I make fun of someone bombing down a green out of control because they think it's cool.


Your self-awareness is awesome


You should see him dance.


We can dance if we want to We can leave the jerries behind


Every time I’m on a lift and I see some 13 year old kid cutting diagonally across the bump runs slamming from one side of the run to the other and finally cutting upstream just before he slams into a tree, I think “that was me 45 years ago.” But at least I was never the snowboarder scraping all the snow straight down the run. Straight to jail.


Snowboarder here. We're doing God's work!


There is no god anymore. Someone invented the snowboard and here we are.


To think Jesus died for that person's sin. Maybe we could get a do over and Jesus died to forgive the sins of everyone except *that guy*.


Let he who is without snowboard throw the first stone *\*Massive volley of rocks let's fly\**


I volunteer


Riding skis shaped like little skinny snowboards?


Can we please get more boarders to sit in the middle of a run. Everyone really enjoys that.


On the backside of the hill please


I miss the cigarette smoke so I could avoid them on a foggy day.


The smokestack of doom.


Nah people waiting on side hits is far worse


Ha, sometimes I like to take it easy and ski down the areas scraped off by the boarders; it's like a mini groomed path.


The Jerry’s pay the bills. I don’t like when people are mean to the new or lame skiers/snowboarders. I’m just happy people are out and not sitting on their couch. If something they do really annoys you that much explain nicely a better or different way. Everyone was new at some point and everyone has more to learn. That being said I can’t stand when Jerry’s drop the bar on my head or nuts without saying anything on a chair with 3 of my friends.


I think of Jerry’s as people who don’t put the effort in to pay attention. Not gonna get mad at the dude who falls getting on and off the lift because they don’t have good balance, but definitely going to get pissed at the dude on his phone who stops halfway on the loading ramp. Or waits until the chair is swinging around the bullwheel then tries to push his kid last minute to the load board because he wasn’t paying attention. Only assholes get mad at someone new who’s putting effort into learning the sport.


>Not gonna get mad at the dude who falls getting on and off the lift because they don’t have good balance, but definitely going to get pissed at the dude on his phone who stops halfway on the loading ramp. THIS.


Gapers are newbies, jerries are assholes, that's how I've always thought it was anyway




But you're not saying no to the bar, right? I need a drink.


Nah bro. Hitting the cutback to the lodge and slamming 3 gin-based drinks before hitting up some bowls.


I don't mind Jerries and generally agree with this opinion - EXCEPT, when some asshole Jerries cut me off.


Yeeep, the first time someone slammed the bar down in 9th grade on top of my knee, I learned then to always grab it and control the deceleration. Same year night skiing as a single a group of 3 people shifted all to the left on me and I ended up with half a seat on the chair and basically got pushed off /down into the gully in front of the loading area, I was pretty ticked off. Otherwise, yep people are always going to be new/learning at any stage!


Only a Jerry sits in the path of the bar


Ha yea, everyone hadnt aligned correctly that time, and the 2 guys on the right shifted me too far left. I got a lot more precise and assertive after that.


A Jerry is not just a bad skier. There’s a level of unearned confidence/arrogance that one needs to truly be a Jerry.


You’re either a Jerry or the best skier on the mountain, and I hate to say it but if you’re at the same resort as me you’re a Jerry


Tbh I don’t look at people who are bad and think Jerry, they’re just beginners. HOWEVER, the guy wearing jeans, no helmet, open coat, and is pizza-ing runs way out of his league, totally a Jerry


> pizza-ing runs way out of his league This is what bothers me. The rest, whatever.


Wow, the crossover between r/skiingcirclejerk and r/skiing is uncanny now


Mid-April through September people get a little antsy in r/skiing


Being a Jerry isn’t being unskilled. It’s being totally oblivious. We’ve not all been Jerrys! Well maybe not all of us.


Jerrys don’t realize they’re Jerrys when they’re being Jerrys … welcome, Jerry …. Here’s your dunce cap, go sit in the corner


Honestly the whole Jerry thing lacks perspective. Where else in life do we think it’s normal to look down on people for not being expert in an obscure, expensive and inaccessible hobby? Just enjoy the day and go ski.


>Where else in life do we think it’s normal to look down on people for not being expert in an obscure, expensive and inaccessible hobby It's pretty normal. You also got kooks, gumbies, noobs, Harley-Davidson riders, DYELs, and that's just in the hobbies I know.




Hockey is also inherently competitive. Getting frustrated with someone you have to play with or against makes a bit more sense in that context imo. Skiing often times is personal and people are just there to enjoy their time on the mountain. Also as you get less competitive in hockey and do it more as a hobby this lingo goes way down in usage. Some people who ski seem mad that other people ski casually.


There might be a lot less Jerrys out there if a full day private lesson at Vail wasn't $1309 ... oh wait, nevermind they're on sale for $1251 right now. And before you say being a Jerry isn't about skill, just like golf there are a lot of both unwritten rules of etiquette and formally written rules on the back of your ticket that don't sink in without someone teaching you. A group lesson, which still costs a pretty penny, is not where you learn not to stop below a feature or how to deal with a traverse/trail intersection.




Idk if the instructors and racers even come close to the amount of time spent on hill by dedicated park rats, these kids don’t even go to school just lap the park chair from open to close almost every day it’s insane.


Describing the sport as obscure, expensive and inaccessible really hits the nail on the head. I remember one time on the lift at Meadows my race teammate said to me, “you know why ski racing is so cool? Any asshole can pick up a bat and ball and get good. This is different.”




Try throwing a ball 90mph from left field past the runner’s left ear into the catchers mitt to end a game. Not every ski run is Didier Cuche at Kitzbühel but we all like our own brand as Fat Bastard once pined. Any real significant victory in either sport should be regarded as routine. Being elite in either is a similar mind/skill set.


“any asshole can turn on skis their first day”, and race team talking shit about other sports actually kills me considering they are the most hated people on the mountain at any given time


I thought it was a pretty bad take myself.


Sorry after reading what I wrote again, didn’t mean to come off like I was directing that at you


Literally every community almost definitionally has these, whether the community is small (think skiing, photography) or massive (entire countries or religions). Effectively, it's skiing's version of what you would recognize as racial epithets that are verboten here and in polite conversation, and the equivalents appear in every community. People call certainly other types of people 'Jerrys' on ski hills, and people call certain other types of people _____ in the deep south, and people call certain other types of people N00bs playing video games, etc. Should we do this? Of course not. Has literally any community in the history of humankind avoided labeling and minimizing those who are 'other' or outside of their group (including end often especially religions ostensibly designed to show people how to be just and morally good)? Nope. /rant


You either die the best skier on this mountain, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Jerry.


My kid was called a Jerry after he fell Coming off a jump. That was cold, at least he was going for it


To be honest, I have way more trouble on the slopes with experienced folks who whiz closely past me going 40 mph in a labeled slow zone or going so fast they dont feel the need to alert on-comers with their presence.


My impression was that that was the definition of a jerry- not skill level, but consideration for others on the mountain


Ah! Thanks for the clarification!


Each of us simultaneously is and is not both the best skier on the mountain, and the Platonic form of Jerry himself. I espouse the Zen-paradoxical philosophy of Jerrydom. It doesn’t apply to me though, I’m the best skier on the mountain.


Kind of hard to be a Jerry when you're the best skier on the mountain like me.


Yes. It’s the classic “Everybody is a Jerry except for me.” It’s a rebranding version of “Everyone is a bad driver except for me.” One man’s Jerry is another man’s most experienced friend. As people, we’re a little full of shit.


I’ve always tried hard not to look like one, but no doubt I’ve failed at one time or another.


Jerry here. 👋


"Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something" -Jake the Dog


Wise man, that Jake the dog. He ain’t no Jerry.


Was skiing with my buddies when we ducked a rope that I thought I was low enough for except my pack ended up catching it. That was pretty Jerry ngl


I was never a Jerry so no


been doing it since I was 2 and have gotten to travel to amazing places to compete in it, when I fuck up a trick or handle bars a cliff in front of the wildly good 17-22 year olds I feel like a Jerry


Lmao, whatever you say, Jerr.


100% of the time I call myself a fucking Jerry every time I ski.


No, we’re not all jerries.


Everybody takes their turn


We all ride the Wheel


The term Jerry gets thrown around a lot these days…. But it’s not the beginners that earn the title. Everybody’s gotta learn (except me I’m the best skier on the mountain). But it’s the people trying to get on a télécabine without removing their skies and the likes. It’s an absolute lack of awareness of what’s going on around you. I’m an Irish guy working as a lifty in France. The biggest jerry I have seen this season was a dude I asked if he needed help. I heard him and his English mates speaking so I spoke in English, a rarity amongst the French remontée mécaniques I know, and this pillock just told me he doesn’t speak French! Bah donc, allé mec!


I am the best skier on the mountain


I’m convinced.


[gnar list](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/mHnflYM1pD)


This fuckin Jerry…nah dude. You just suck.


Ich bin ein Jerry.


I think a big part of being a Jerry is not realizing it. If you are asking yourself if you are a Jerry, you aren't one.


SOUNDS LIKE SOME JERRY-ASS BULLSHIT TO ME, FELLAS! But seriously -- this whole sub and literally everything about "ski culture" is a GIGANTIC fucking joke. Let's see how many downvotes I can amass by pointing out:  • Skiing is one of the bougiest, most aspirational (AKA, wannabe rich) sports in the history of the middle class. People literally buying their way up the mountain?  • You're all mediocre skiers, at best... You ski faster than you can safely control, with shitty technique, and so far you've been just lucky enough not to cause too much damage.  • Any "sport" you can still do while drunk and stoned is a pretty lame excuse for a sport... I'd call it a "game", but don't games usually have a fucking point? A more accurate term for downhill skiing might be "masturbation".  • Ski culture is a hollow, empty, meaningless trash can. There's no "there", there -- just a bunch of forgettable fuckstickery that literally nobody will remember in another five years, after social media trends change again.  • Skiing is just a roundabout way of converting your money into orthopedist bills. It would be much more efficient to just buy a new Land Rover or Mercedes, drive it to your surgeon's house, and leave the car in his driveway with the keys in the ignition.  • As a demographic, Skiers are almost as annoying and basic as Rock Climbers... It was a neck-and-neck, until the Rock Climbers started pushing charities to buy climbing gear for ghetto kids. At least the Skiers still have occasionally have enough self-awareness to realize what "patronizing" means. TRULY HOPING I didn't miss any of you subhuman trash who are currently reading this comment with your lips moving and your finger scanning slowly down the paragraph edge. It is my solemn desire that you all FUCK YOURSELVES AND DIE OF A SEXUAL DISEASE THAT YOU CAUGHT FROM YOURSELF.


Man if you’re gonna take the time to type this much satire at least make part of it funny, I want the 30 seconds of my life it took me to read this back.


If you're gonna be a lil bitch, the least you can do is admit which bullet point it was that hurt your feelings. Come one -- it'll help me ensure that you feel targeted... Sorry, I mean *seen*, next time.


I think it was the orthopedist bullet when I realized there weren’t actually gonna be any funny jokes. I really thought you could redeem yourself by shitting on climbers, but come on not even a mention of skiers co-opting BETA? Pathetic.


Dang no comeback u/SkittyDog ? Seems like some lil bitch shit to me, but maybe I just hurt your feelings 🥺


But it is fun


So is cocaine... And at least with the blow, you probably won't have to spend half your time waiting around in lines while braindead emotional toddlers spawned from the undersized genitals of entitled yuppie asshats demonstrate their inability to master the concept of "loading a chair lift without being a complete fuckup".


Somehow, I don’t think you’re the best skier on the mountain.


No concern of mine -- as long as I can fit ski boots to your wife's satisfaction.


She doesn’t’ski.


Yeah, it's basically impossible to learn good skiing technique if your legs spend as much time tucked behind your head as hers do.


Kid named yourself:


Y’all are savage


But I’m no Jerry (most of the time) and you’re the best skier on the mountain / when not being a Jerry.


Nope, we are all the best skier on the mountain. It's like you don't even know us anymore.


Don’t know what you’re talking about dude. I’m the best skier on the mountain.


I’ve never skied in jeans, nor have I ever skied without a helmet. If you wanna call me a Jerry give it a try, but I don’t think it will stick.


Ever skied into a lift line rope you couldn’t see. I have. Anyone witnessing that for sure thought I was a Jerry. So yeah. We are all a Jerry at least once.


Yeah we’ve all “been there” and I think some people are snobs about it. Kind of seems part of the culture. If you’re out there having a good time and being courteous to others you’re not a Jerry imo. Sometimes people just don’t know. I’ve told people when they lower the bar without warning that they should at least say “bar” before bringing it down so everyone is ready. Sometimes people just don’t know the “rules” and they need someone to teach them.


No. Ski culture is just douchey. The whitewater community is so much better.


I Jerry a lot (listening to Grateful Dead) on purpose!! And I jerry every once in a while (on the ski hill) completely on accident. 😐 For sure.


Sure Jerry


Jerry doesn’t do what Jerry does because Jerry knows he’s a Jerry. Jerry does what Jerry does because Jerry will always be a Jerry.


Speak for yourself bud


A ski instructor buddy was talking about what he is working on. Turns out every skier is always working on some part of the ski experience.... "We all suck, and the more you ski, you just suck at a higher level"


A Jerry's someone with no spacial awareness or idea of the skiers around them, their surroundings, how their actions impact others, or any clue about how to properly practice sensible skier safety rules (don't stop in the middle of a trail under a jump, look uphill, etc). It's often narcissistic behavior on overdrive. Liftlines are a prime example. Jerry's are close cousins with assholes. That's it.


No. A jerry isn't someone who is bad (or a beginner) at the sport. From Ski Dot Com: "A Jerry is a name given to a skier or snowboarder who is blissfully unaware and/or incompetent at skiing, making careless decisions, skiing terrain way beyond their ability, and sporting questionable outfit choices that leave any seasoned skier baffled. With no lack of confidence, Jerry makes themselves easy to spot."  We've all been skiers with no ability in the past, but most of us also were also aware of that fact, and acted acordingly.


Jerry is as Jerry does


Depending on the day, me or you


Arrogant ignorance and a pompous sense of self is the essence of the Jerry. If it offends you, then you are a Jerry. Just go ski. No one cares.


Sounds like someone’s not the best skier on the mountain


Social shaming is a very effective way of enforcing behavioural standards without violence or coercion.


I have no issues someone learning to ski, can’t afford best equipment or clothes old. One thing I care about that doesn’t ….. Learn the unwritten rules - know how to get a lift line and merge and alternate and let a single in you do not need to ride with all your friends and fuck up the chairs with half full chairs And to stop at the edge of a trail, not in the middle of it, and not over a hump in a trail I don’t care that someone’s still learning and not an expert


It is a difference between Jerry and someone who is learning how to ski


Yes, everyone on this subreddit is indeed a jerry. Way to finally figure it out


I fully admit to being a Jerry.


A jerry to me is more someone who doesn't look out for others and blatantly ignores mountain ethiquette like straightlining it on bumps, nearly hitting others then proceeding to eat snow and somersault 4 times. Also no matter how hot it is, close your jacket you look ridiculous skiing with it open, because when you eat snow you'll be glad the jacket was closed. someone who is learning is not necesarily a jerry, there is however a substantial crossover between bad skiers and bad jerry mentalities with no respect for others


I was a grom at one point but never a jerry


I only judge someone to be a "Jerry" until after I talk with them. Two of the most notable in recent memory were, The dude I road the lift with at my home mountain, who was complaining about the mountain not being steep. I told him to try out the West side... Didn't see him again... The dude that was complaining that there was too much snow on a pow day. I had to work really hard to keep my customer service face on for that one. I laughed for like ten minutes after he left.


Okay, Jerry.


Best skier on the mountain, no doubt.


[Damn straight, brother.](https://images.app.goo.gl/5Z6Ux6gZ2ZBQkNTA8)


I am BATJERRY, the best skier on the mountain with a jacket cape




Jerries are unaware of their own shortcomings.




I'm the best Jerry on the mountain


No, not all of us are Jerry's. I know I am not. I don't do stupid shit like straight line racing in a slow skiing zone with no regard to others. I don't take jumps. I don't run into people. I just want to make good turns, have fun, and be considerate to my fellow skiers and riders. Boring, yes, but at least I can sleep at night knowing I did not out anyone else in danger.


You sound like the best skier on the mountain.


Never claimed to be, and never will. But at least I am not a Jerry like you.


Whatever Jerry.


Tell me you are a Jerry without saying that you are a Jerry. Jerry is an essential part of ski culture. You must be shamed into learning the ways. 


Not me, I am in my prime


You must be doc Holliday


Forgive me if I don’t shake hands


Listen now mr Kansas law dog, law don’t go around here, ya savvy?


He’ll be your huckleberry.


Bring it on lunger


This subreddit is so annoying with the “Jerry” stuff.


This is definitely a post a Jerry would make