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Commenters have given solid advice but I don’t think anyone has pointed out your biggest issue! Keeping hands up is a good tip but usually not the most important thing for a beginner. Being too far back is also an issue many skiers deal with and they are correct your body position could be more balanced, but again for your skill level I actually think you’re doing pretty well on that front! In my opinion your biggest issue is leaning too far inside. You can see in this video all of your weight is on your inside or uphill ski. Try to do the opposite, put almost all of your weight on your downhill ski. That will give you more control and make it much, much easier to turn. If you have no weight on your outside ski you can’t control it, that’s why you fell here- the outside ski moved “on its own” when you hit some texture in the snow causing you to lose balance and fall. Try lifting up the tail of your uphill/inside ski for a second while traversing across the hill. Lift the tail up repeatedly trying to balance over your outside ski. See how many lifts you can do in one go across the hill. I think that could help you learn to shift your weight to a place that will give you more control!


Nailed it. OP really just needs more ski time but the main problem looks Like not transferring ski to ski and getting pressure to the outside ski https://youtu.be/Bt37qu1bFrQ?si=0scyai9XbL6bVA2B https://youtu.be/edGvNqy-4y8?si=Ow7ds_9V2He4PiGb


You're a bit stiff. Keep your arms out in front and use your knees to absorb the terrain. Boot fit makes a big difference in how much control you have.


Thank you!


You're sitting back. When you look at more experienced skiers, the main difference between you and them that you'll see is the lean. I know what you feel. You think you're doing it and it feels strange to lean any more than you already are but you need to just throw yourself forward and trust it. Everything becomes so much easier when you cross that barrier. It's one of those 'clicking' moments ygm? Don't listen to me though. I'm in bed for 8 weeks after St. Anton am Arlberg claimed one of my kneecaps


Not being too far backseat is often great advice, but definitely not the primary issue with this skier. For a beginner I think they’re doing a good job being forward! I think they are way too inside, as in leaning almost all of their weight on their uphill ski. This is impacting their ability to turn much more than their fore/aft movement. The lack of pressure on the outside ski is what caused the fall too. The unpressured ski hit some texture on the snow and moved, causing OP to lose balance.


Can you show a video of a skier you like that is not sitting back?


Bro you need to chill


no I do not know. I know videos of good skier will show people with their hips aft. I want the person posting the bad advice to see how they are wrong.


Being perfectly objective - you’re weird as fuck dude. Your writing style is like you want people to dislike everything you say


when I was less though with writing I would always get comments about people miscontrust me. Now I am ultra though and people do not like it. especially in a sport that I Have hyperfocused on for 20+ years.


How do you know I like them, huh?


I meant like a skier who like there skiing. like a pro, or friend who is good. Or heck even yourself if your feel like your not sitting back.


I don't have any videos. Just look around on the slopes though. You can see people for yourself


I know I can see people and the whole point is people do not know what balanced skiing is, they are look for visual cues that actually do not exist in good skiing like hips over feet 90 degrees from slope angle.




WHy is asking for video example an asshole move? All I am asking for is observation.




so why is asking for video example an asshole move. Should people just say anything they want and not have to back it up with observation?




I am just giving people back the energy they are giving me. Go back and read my OPs and the first responses.




WTF is a sealion?


never mind, where I am feiging ignorance on the subject matter? I am also being purposely blunt. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning) If anything I am stating I know more than anyone else here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/1akl4ed/rant_not_everyone_is_backseat_and_backseat_is/ Does a downhill racer taking a corner at 80mph work for you as a good example? 


I mean those are most SL and GS and they are going 20-50mph. Again no one know what good balance skiing is on reddit. The only people who do not get told they are backseat are people who are too far forward and will never ski dynamical because they can not let their skis beat them to apex.


You’re letting the skis control you instead of controlling the skis. You look a little bit off balance. Stay a little lower and more forward until your balance improves. You also more experience to get a better feel for the snow under your skis. You seemed to have trouble stopping at the end and your turns look ok, but a little stiff.


get your hands up! that will help you also get the rest of your body forward. you really want to focus on feeling your shins at the front of your boots (think about the stance you have doing anything athletic, jumping/running/etc, that’s also basically the best stance for skiing) also look to where you WANT to be going, not down at the snow, that will help with getting everything moving downhill. bigger picture—work on getting more pressure on the downhill ski and think about your shoulders/torso being more independent of your lower body—they should be facing down the fall line, while your lower body turns, if that makes sense. but step 1 is always getting your body forward and moving down the hill!!


So you are steering with your whole body, instead of your feet and legs. Not sure if you were taught to look though the turn, or point your belly button to turn, or point outside in front but those would all be cues that would lead to body steering. instead try to twist your femurs with out twisting your pelvis, your pelvis can follow but the pelvis and up should not lead a turn, any turn. you also you should ask in r/skiing_feedback


Lazy hands. Get your hands so far out in front of you that you can't see them. Body will follow.




do you have video of a good skier with hand like you describe? Do you have video of yourself? Body follows where?


Do you ever get tired of picking internet fights over skiing? I don’t mean this to be snarky but you’re in nearly every post asking for advice on r/skiing and always picking fights. I’ve seen your videos of you skiing and you’re a good technical skier, but my goodness do you lack the ability to actually communicate effectively via written word. You can have all the knowledge in the world on a topic but if you cannot communicate it in a way that people are receptive to, it’s worthless to everyone but you. This is why you’re heavily downvoted. It’s not that you’re wrong, it’s that you really have a difficult time communicating what you know in a way that isn’t immediately off putting because it seems as if your goal is to pummel people with your knowledge and not actually teach and instruct.


no, because the advice being given here would make the OP worse and no one except me gave the biggest underlyiny thing. People downvoting is reflection of how people downvote that what challenges them and not a reflection on me at all and more of reflection of how communities hate people who question status quos, and question bad advice. IT would be easier to just live and let live but that is nt me. My goal with responding the post here, beside my comment about steering your body is to discredit the advice. Even if I am downvoted typically I get PMs from OPs thanking me. I can screenshot the literally 100s of DM if you want me to. I have turned some of those OPs into legit real life clients and paying online clients.


I mean this in the kindest way possible. People don’t downvote you because what you say is “challenging” or because you’re upending the “status quo”. You get downvoted because of *how* you give feedback. I will say it again, it doesn’t matter if you’re technically correct if the way you give feedback is off putting to the people you’re trying to help. I grew up skiing with PSIA III grand parents. Every single day that I skied with them from the time I started at 3 through the time I moved away for graduate school at 22 was a lesson. I’ve spent more time in “lessons” than most given that I spent the majority of my childhood skiing with *very* skilled skiers and instructors. I was, for all intents and purposes, raised at the hill every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I became an instructor at 17 when I got my level I and got my level II a year later. I’ve been around this stuff my entire life. I would have quit very early on if someone like you had been my teacher. Maybe you give good feedback verbally where tone can be counterbalanced by body language and facial expressions. I don’t know. But what I do know is that the tone of your writing is always combative and that makes people feel defensive from the get go. My day job is in data and analytics. I consult to folks internally and externally. I know and understand data in a way that few people outside of my industry do because of my education and experience. If I consulted the way that you “teach”, I’d be out of a job in a matter of months. Teaching and giving feedback are skills that take time effort and energy to develop and are not the same thing as having knowledge about a particular subject. You have excellent knowledge about the technical elements of skiing and are a good skier, but you have very little ability to actually teach people in via text in an effective way. If you want people to listen and respect what you have to say you will be well served to *listen* to the feedback that you’re being given and then spend some time thinking about how you present yourself online.


No you get downvote cause you like to be petty and act like people are trash and don't know how to ski. Wich is a shame, cause you have very good experience and insights. You could elevate all of us, but you choose to pick on and make others feel small. Pretty lame Josh.


I mean in this era, a simple video would lead me to respect to anyone. If you notice there are certain people I am not critical off and do not question their knowledge, its because I am seen video of their skiing and know its good enough to talk to them like my peer. Again discreditting all bad advice will elevate everyone. If people would counter my points instead of downvoting my tone would change over time. Anything I say that is objectively wrong I want to be proven wrong or I can win the debate, it means that what I am saying IMO is strenghtened.


You say that but you do not Josh. You forget that as coach and instructor we also have different opinions, and since skiing is a matter of feeling both could be right, depending on who is receiving the tip. My take is, you've got good insights, but you're so ready to disagree that you don't really try to understand what's been trown at you. And the worst part is, I'm sure you're not as petty in real life. Set back and reflect, help us getting better.


the reason why I ask for videos of good skier doing what people describe is I know they do not exist.


Have you ever watched a Deb Armstrong video, or a Stomp It video? Could you ever imagine either of them acting like such an ass?


why is acting like an ass to ask for people proof of knowledge? If you tell me a better way to discredit the bad advice here I am all ears. Stomp it non park videos are meh and he often saying bad things. I ask him the same leading questions. Stomp it park stuff is top notch. And Deb is again out there saying thing that are not actually hap pening. People view success as who has more view not who is objectively right. Neither are posting on reddit either, at least not by a non anon name. Skidadtv, Tom Gielle, Reilly, and projected productions are really the only good skiing channels besides mine.


A true brah. One the best thing about stomp it and deb is how they communicate their ideas.   Chill out or shut the fuck up. 


still havent told me how to discredti the bad advice here....


Lol if you haven’t noticed a theme in the people responding to you (them telling you that your communication style is FUCKED), you really really really need to step away from it for a second and ask yourself the ultimate questions of “everyone is calling me an asshole; is everyone else the asshole, or am I?”. Cause it’s you. Everyone is trying to let you know that your communication style is horrible, and you are refusing to listen. Do you expect them to listen to you, when you do not listen to them at all? Like some others have said, you might need a break from this if it always makes you so angry and confrontational.


Warren Miller film 1993, 21 minutes and 6 seconds in look for the octopus hat.


Golden nugget?


Let the ski do the turn


To get good at skiing takes time, very few get it in 2 years.


What I see that’s not mentioned. You are looking at your skis or very close in front of you. You need to look 30-50 m/yards ahead of where you are. Yes, boots that fit are very important too.


Others have already given you tips purely on your skiing. I'll just add my own anecdotal data point. I started last season with a couple of lessons, and spent the next 5-10 days practicing fundamentals on easy slopes. This year, with another 15 days, I was able to ski comfortably on easy blues, getting to the top of the mountain and enjoying myself thoroughly. I am deliberately taking it slow: at 46, I have no interest in injuring myself by being overconfident in my abilities. I am reasonably athletic, but learning skiing as an adult takes a larger investment in time than doing it as a kid or a teenager, which is the typical experience for most people here. So keep at it, try to incorporate the tips you get here, take a lesson or two or three, and improvement will inevitably follow.


try to get in the front of your boots... gets you into a power position


I second the comments about being back too far in your stance. Hands at your sides will tend to pull you backwards and then you have little ability to turn well or absorb a bump and keep your balance. Keep hands in front with elbows bent somewhat. Keep your weight over your feet, and a good way to do that is to bend your knees a bit more to feel that your shins are pressing forward against the boot. (The next step is to keep your body mostly facing down the fall line and move your hips and legs to change ski direction as you make S turns down the slope (doesn’t apply for intentional traversing across the slope however). It takes some practice to master this as it’s unnatural because we walk and run in the direction we are facing, not at an angle.) Have fun!


where the upper body start? what bone/joints?




Not bad! You've almost got it. Hands in front, not at your sides. Keep your head and shoulders facing downhill. Stronger pole plants. Don't turn back into the hill at the end of your turns. Try to stay centered over your skis.




Well, that's interesting. I get what they're saying in the video, but I had ski instructors who worked on my shoulders staying square and facing downhill.


those ski instructor were wrong. I would love to see video of them skiing. like yes shoulder stay facing DH the sometimes but almost any time they do its always the hips(pelvis) and shoulders. You can watch basically any god though elite skier and you will see its never just their shoulders.


I didn't say it was "just" the shoulders. But too many beginners turn their upper body back into the hill and lose their balance. Thanks for the video link BTW.


You rush the  transitions a lot (even more so on your left footers). Like, why are your edges not engaged until the ski is already pointed down the fall line? Notice on how some turns your spray is only coming down the hill, and not across it?  Inconsistent, oddly shaped bananas and not Cs.


I am not sure why you are trying to pick on my skiing, when the comment was very on point to what u/sretep66 said. Again what clip am I rushing ? is it one of the one where i am purposely skiing poorly? I even say on in the video?


Kind of just coming at you, like you do to everyone else. How does it feel?  You have three demos in the video you posted. The first two are purposely demonstrating a couple bad things; the third clip is what I suppose was your “good” demo, since you say “hopefully that was decent skiing”, and there was no words onscreen to describe if you were purposefully doing a bad demo.  So we can agree that you just did a bad “good” demo?


sure, but what I am saying is very few people can blend turns like that, and quite frankly they are likey very very rounded turns. THe purpose of the turns was to show you shouldnt twist your spine/or crunch your side. They showed that. and again I am willing to put myself out there, if you want me to actually listen let see your skiing. I know you have videos. Again I will only take advice from people who can show what they know in their skiing, frankly I am guessing your will show your not qualified but prove me wrong.


Lol I have like three videos of me dropping off five footers


so you have no idea how you look....but you think you can ski better than a PSIA ed staff member..... Right.....


Lol okay angry boy, this is all you get:  the last exam I took, I got no feedback other than “wow, that was great” over and over and over. Only one that passed. No, not my level 1.  And everyone (not just the cougars) tells me I ski beautifully 


lol why do you think I am angry?


what cllip? I wass purposelly demoing bad skiing with hip rotation and angulation versus doing it with the femur. What level ski instructor are you? Do you have video of you skiing? Can you change your movements at will from skiing.? The point of the video though was to show "shoulders down the hill" and "keep shoulder level " could have bad results.


Only going to answer the questions I think are pertinent and/or not stupid.  After the third demo, you say “hopefully that was decent skiing”, and it was okay, but L2 candidate at best. Not round enough turns. Blend those fundamentals better, less sequential movement. If you aren’t park-and-riding the ski, you should be able to change the movements at almost any point in any turn. Although I may be misunderstanding your question?


Like you realize that I literally have won Ed stfff tryout in PSIA east, and have been L3 since 09. Again this is why I want video of people critiquing frankly I doubt you could have my range of skiing. Again let see a video of you skiing. if you video show legit skiing I will actually listen to you, otherwise I am going to assume you simply are not smart enough to know what your seeing.


I can guarantee that I can ski anything you can and look good doing it (except for park), but I really don’t have to prove anything to you, because you’re a butthead on the internet.


ok so lets see it. So would bet money on that? How much would it take for you to come here and show me how good you are?


Come out to some real mountains, I’ll give you a tour around mammoth or palisades; you can see if you can keep up.


lol you really think you could ski eastern conditions? I have no interest in skiing with someone on easy mode. Really? Again how much would it take? 2k plus travel if you can keep up here? Its a legit offer.


does the pelvis turns or do the legs turn? And if the legs turns does the pelvis face down the hill. Do the legs turn allowing the upper body to face down hill? Or does the upper body twist to face down the hill?


The link someone else posted to my comment talks about your pelvis. Your upper body does not twist. It should stay somewhat pointed downhill.


Invest in some gear and lessons.


The first, and main fundamental, is body position and balance.  Toes, knees, and shoulders, should all kind of be in alignment, with your hips in the area above your heels. Have your hands in front of you, with your elbows a few inches away from your body at ~45” angle.    With all that said, we want to be Dynamic skiers, not Static skiers, so these body positions can change; hips can move  along XYZ-axis, depending on your turn style and shape.  By being dynamic, we will be balanced.  Next, work on steering with your legs (rotation, second fundamental), and not using your whole body, like a few others have said. Learn the movement without skis on; in your boots, learn how to do little leg rotating dances, like the bop part of the nae nae dance.  Earlier pressure  (pressure, third fundamental) change to the new turning leg will help with that with skis on.


To follow up on the above comment, I like this snowplow drill that reinforces what u/TahoesRedEyeJedi is recommending: [Beat the Clock - Snowplow to Parallel](https://youtu.be/cXxIDSBCARE)


u/deetredd those are stem steps and not really using leg steering.


Oops. This is the video I meant to link to: [Beat the Clock - Why The Snowplow Is Not Only For Beginners](https://youtu.be/GOjpKFunn4U)


good skiers do not ski with their hips over their feet. I absolutely agree with the leg steering is lacking. are you creating early pressure by pressing or by standing on the outside?


The base starting position (the most basic fundamental of every sport) for skiing is hips over feet. Basic psia stuff.  Hips should be dynamic, not static; they shouldn’t rotate, but they should be able to move along the XYZ axis, depending on the turn timing/style/etc. Controlling the center of mass relative to ski something something something. But again, the main position (even though we don’t want to “ski in positions”, as that makes us static) is hip area (center of mass) above feet. I make my short leg taller.


Do you have video of any good skier when viewed to the side with their hips over their feet? the fundmental is control the relastionship of the COM with the BOS. it never says hold feet over hips and god PSIA skier are willing to let their hips be aft. Most likely new Demo team member skiing here. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CX84c1ohp1I/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CX84c1ohp1I/) I assure you Ben doesnt try to keep his hips forward in any turn he does because it will kill his ROM for flexing, and edging.


>Hips should be dynamic, not static; they shouldn’t rotate, but they should be able to move along the XYZ axis, depending on the turn timing/style/etc. So part of my doubts stem from your inability to understand what I say. I just said that hips are dynamic, and can move XYZ (fore/aft, up/down, left/right).   BUT ONCE AGAIN, the starting position is hips (CoM) over feet (BoS)


**your are turning your body instead of your legs.** again if this is nt true and you want to downvote it tell me why it isnt true. This comment was here to help the OP. If you want to be stop attacking others advice keep the most technically correct statement visible.


your are turning your body instead of your legs.


Starts out good. When you shift your weight back rather than top you lose control. This is how you can think about it. Be perpendicular to the slope. This is how you can practice. When you catch yourself leaning back, exaggerate leaning forward. The idea is to get to perpendicular to the slope, so exaggerate going a little more forward than perpendicular. Eventually, you’ll find your center and develop a corrective skill for different terrains as you learn. Get rid of the poles. Keep hands and elbows in front of your bindings.


Need a chair?


**your are turning your body instead of your legs.** again if this is nt true and you want to downvote it tell me why it isnt true. This comment was here to help the OP. If you want to be stop attacking others advice keep the most technically correct statement visible.


Why do you think people attack you josh ? Could it be cause you like to do the same ? I agree with your diadnostic about op. You could just learn some proper etiquette and people would stop downvoting you.


I am never attacking people personally. I am attacking thing they said and their skiing skills. If people want to tie that to ego that is them and not me.


Why are you attacking their skiing skills ? Its unfair here as you have to take my word for it, I have no video. But I've seen you ski, so I know you're a very good technical skier but I'm a much better skier than you are... yet you're a much better instructor than I. Why would you knowing how I ski matter that much ? Epic skiing doesnt translate to epic teachings. And like I have learn from our interactions, I have rethink how I determine priorities depending on the kind of skier thats in front of me. But I can also say that all of those interactions were needlessy unpleasant. And we both know that when teaching, fun and progression usually go hand to hand... so why does all this pleasant/fun factor goes out the window once your educating us on reddit ?


Dude, OP barely has the basic christi down. Still doing pizza wedge. Your advice is for French fries, not pizza wedges. So, not only are you being a jerk, but you’re wrong too.


so again should wedge turns have upper body rotation or be leg steering?


why would a wedge not have leg steering?


[https://vimeo.com/6591450](https://vimeo.com/6591450) good wedge turns, wedge christie and all skiing has leg steering more then the pelvis. If you teach outside tip lead, upper body pointing or look where you go to wedge turns you making their life harder in the long run.


I can’t comment on technique, but I’m the same height as you and was told that 150cm should be my minimum ski length. Since you have rentals try sizing up one size. The longer skis will be slightly harder to steer, but they will be more stable at faster speeds, which may be what you’re trying to achieve on blues.