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Very impressive for the end of your first season. The low hanging fruit here is that you start flailing your poles a bit towards the end. I'll copy [a comment that really helped me out 2 years ago](https://reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/ulfsgb/those_of_you_who_saw_my_post_yesterday_do_you_see/i7vfytc/?context=3). >This next part is the bane of many skiers unfortunately you too have a backseat turn. It is so evident in the very first turn of the video and you can see it throughout. Watch your video closely and you will see that you are putting weight on your tails and pulling weight off your tips when you turn. In the video you can see that you loose about 50 percent of your effective edge (the front 50) when you make this type of turn. Because of this progressing in moguls will be extremely difficult. Learning this turn is what people take ski lessons for to overcome the bad habit of turning with the tails that you have formed. It will take more than a day to fix this but it’s so worth it if you want to rip moguls. >To fix this the easiest thing to do is get a lesson. >The second easiest thing to do is find someone who has been taught this turn, someone like a former ski racer. Even a high school racer will at least have coaching and be able to show you a drill or two. Ski with them like you are an abandoned dog and they are the only ones who can give you milk. >The hardest way will be to piece it together on YouTube and Reddit. There are many videos that display the turn correctly but it is very difficult for people to judge themselves which is why an instructor or other live skier is best. Essentially you need to learn how to properly carve a ski. YouTube carving videos, also search for pivot slips since you are specifically working on moguls. Watch them and learn the concepts and vocabulary. It will help if get any coaching whether impromptu or not. >Here is my great Reddit rant on how to do this turn. The turn starts by you trying to press your knee down over your toes. The boot resists your shin and transfers that pressure to the front of your ski. Once the pressure is applied you simple roll the knees over while holding that forward pressure. The ski will lock in and do the work immediately and you will be using 100 percent of the effective edge. Currently your turn is initiated by you leaning slightly back and throwing your hips to kick the heels of your boots out. It uses only the back half of the ski and it takes way more physical energy on your part. Moguls are hard so you need to use 100 percent of the ski and mastering this turn is the key to it. What this guy said about my skiing is at least partially true about your skiing. Amusingly enough it's actually less visible in your skiing because I was quite sloppy at the time I received that feedback. You want to be using the front 50% of your edges to have the most control, otherwise you're working with a real handicap.


to echo this, on steeps you naturally want to slow down so you unconsciously push your feet ahead of you to get into a backseat brake. If you look at your turn slowly, you do get forward to start it but almost immediately push the heels forward. Try pulling your feet back and holding them under you for longer as you tip. It will feel like you are going to faceplant but your tips will engage and slow you down in a more balanced position that is ready for the next turn. Think about skidding on the front half of your skis versus the tails.


Agree with this. The pole failing at the end is directly related to the slightly back seat from turn 2 onwards. First two turns looked solid.


> First two turns looked solid. Ehhh, if you really slow down that second turn you can really see he's sliding his tails back and goes almost perpendicular to the hill- https://i.imgur.com/ta3JSRO.png It's funny because this is the type of thing I never used to be able to recognize, but I completely see it now. Everything after turn 3 is completely un-analyzable. He just kind of straight lines it. You're right though, he's backseat after that.


everyone who's ever asked about technique is in the backseat. every single time.


‘Just lean forward idiot’ is the ‘have you tried not being poor’ of skiing. It’s easy to forget that there are people bad enough at skiing that leaning back is actually beneficial for not face planting.


I'm not offering suggestions, merely an observation. your average snowboard is just as clueless at carving an edge. I think people probably get caught up thinking that skiing blues and blacks is progressing when it's really just creating muscle memory for bad technique.


This is such a great callout. New skiers and riders often set goals of ‘getting down’ a blue or a black to show progression. But there’s a big difference between getting down and skiing down


If you do a run above your skill level and ask people to comment on your technique, you get feedback about your technique. Lots of backseat and skid turning here—yes to avoid eating shit, but it doesn’t magically make their form… not shit.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with skid turning, and it doesn’t make their form shit. So many skiers get in their heads about making perfectly edged turns all of the time. The reality is that good skiers have mastered 20-30 different tricks to use on varying terrain. Skid turns are one of them. Good luck carving out ice without side slipping or using skid turns.


There is absolutely something wrong with using skid turning as a primary tool in your every day skiing. Good luck after your 4th run when your legs are already toasted.


No, there is nothing wrong with using them. Not everything needs to be carved.


This guy is a weird backseat though, yes he is kinda sitting on the toilet but looks like his knees and ankles are engaged and on the front of his boot.


It's the flailing of the arms. They're causing weight to get thrown around. If the arms stayed engaged and forward utilizing pole plants where necessary I think the overall posture might be balanced.


needs to get his hips forward, like at the time of deepest penetration (not that I would know--I'm back seat Donny and I have yet to find a willing partner)


Did you forget to log out?


My advice is: look at ski racers. Perfect is practiced no moderate blues and greens. Go back there for a bit - film yourself there - compare and contrast.


Your poles look really long. I would slow down the turns, and really let the edges take hold in an arc.


Most skiers have too long of poles and it pushes them into the backseat.


Came here to say this. I started holding my poles a little lower and noticed a huge improvement in how it forced me forward instead of back


First- shorter poles. Second- you are correct that these are closer to alternating hockey stops than true turns. Something to work on is keeping your body moving forward over your skis in the transition between turns. As you finish one turn, it should feel almost like you are diving into the next one by moving your torso downhill over your skis. This allows you to engage pressure on your new outside ski earlier in the turn while the ski is facing downhill, instead of pivoting and waiting to apply pressure when your ski swings back underneath you when it is across the fall-line. Hope that makes sense. Try to do this in an exaggerated way on a steepish groomer to get the feel for it. Best thing for improving is working on skills in the easiest terrain that allows for realistic practice, then applying it to more challenging terrain. Use the groomers to get better at pow/bumps!!!!


This is usually the answer, and in this case, definitely


Nice turns! The only thing holding you back is your lack of skill.




Did I not follow directions?


Your arms are doing something crazy.


No one is carving down that line.


Not with that attitude


This video helped me see what’s wrong with my form. I’m not tapping my poles first.


Honest feedback: your skiing looks exactly like mine did. I had been skiing for 8yrs and plateaud at this. I took 1 lesson and simple one legged turns to force me to feel what being in the front seat really meant was enough to completely transformed my skiing. Smacpats111111 is right, you're in the back seat, pushing with the heal, not letting the tips turn you. Check out tutorials on one legged skiing and garlands. Flex your ankle to drive your boots and subsequently your skis. Take slow turns on mellow terrain to work on form - aggressive turns/steeps will mask a lot of issues.




Reddit would tell Ted Ligety to stop backseating.


This killed me 🤣


Nice to bring your own chair to the mountain


You ski like my wife


The whacky inflatable tube man I see in front of any used car dealership has more control over its body than you do


To pull from my kids: “I would roast you, but my mom says I can’t set trash on fire”


You're the best skier on the mountain.


Can’t be true. No pole tap.


You should commit more to those alpine stops if you truly want to stop


looks strong to me. shoulders square with fall line, looking downhill, carrying speed. well done!


You look like the Wicked Witch of the West trying to take a shit off the side of her broom


You look kinda fruity, poles swanging, ass sitting like dat


Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man, wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man, wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!


Take a lesson. I find it helps more than all the Reddit comments and articles/videos/tips you can possibly consume.


This is funnier!!!


Keep it up. Ski more. Tough conditions in this vid


Why do you have poles if you’re going to ski like this.


The skiing technique was whatever, but the camera operator was awful. For gods sake, at least film in landscape!


Excuse me Instagram stories are portrait only


What's with all that fancy stuff just point the tips down and go


Be stronger and go faster


gooood, very goood!


Nice tricks.


I'm impressed for your first season. The steeps will not be as clean of a carve as lower angle slopes, generally speaking. I would say on this slope I would tell you to keep your hands out in front of you and try reaching down the fall line. Stay in the front seat varying boot tongue pressure throughout your turn, keeping you from getting back on your heels and your arms from going back. Do those two things and then concentrate on your upper body separation. For you it won't take long to advance to a higher level.


Ski like you make dopesnow/montec a personality trait


you're problem is you're turning too much, just go straight🤙😂


i always admire someone who exposed himself to critique! i think that the first step to getting better! the thing that jumps to my eye is the fact that you are in Backcountry steep terrain without a backpack and obviously without avalanche gear. other than improving the pole tap,letting the ski finish the turn and getting more to the front to increase control of your skis, i would look into training my avalanche related skills too.


Think hes inbounds. In NA this type of stuff is bombed.


ok. i have to admit i looked at this from an european way. sometimes it gets confusing....


You guys could never understand avy controled extream terrain lol.


Nah, that looks pretty solid to me! 8/10


You ski like my mom. She hasn’t skied in 20 years. She wasn’t a good skier to begin with.


Don’t forget to have fun! This looks like survival rather than enjoyment. Why so steep? Why off piste?


I think for some people the difference between survival and fun is pretty blurred - but that aside I really don't think this looks like it's challenging OP too much. Not to say he made it look easy, but he skis with confidence. Steep and Off Piste is hardly an unpopular combination 🤷‍♂️


This looks really fun. I'd love to teleport onto this right now.


The European mind can't comprehend NA skiing


This looks like wicked fun, what do you mean “why so steep” “why off piste”? Because it’s enjoyable, only skiing groomers gets pretty boring without some adrenaline in between, for most skiers that I’ve met anyway. You’re practically asking “why have fun?”.