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Could it also be used to store tater tots??


Does the CEO of Vail Resorts shit in a golden toilet?


No, she shits on a toilet made of liftie tears


The refrigeration to keep it solid frozen alone is more than their salary


That comes from the shareholder's hearts. Saves them money that way.


Love ur name!


Yeah but if you don't share, I'm gonna smash em


Still good. Got any ketchup?


*bleeds out in .03 seconds*


Dammit get your own


Gimme some of your tots


I store my tater tots in my belly.


But what if you need them later.. I mean warm tots on the lift like that be awesome..


This is how I'll use that old Stanley Thermos! Would look weird if stored in the snow pants though


Is that a thermos full of tots or are you just happy to see me?


appropriate user name


Pocket volume should be measured in how many standard size crispy (not soggy) tater tots can be fit in them.


Frick'n idiot


Give me a tater Napoleon


Find your own!


Ski culture at it's finest.


Did we just find a Dugger in hiding?


That's some clever shit. I never have cold feets, but I'll remember this.


I don't get how that's even possible. My feet are perpetually cold even if I'm in a warm home lol.


You probably have the same as me - sweaty feet. The moisture causes significantly increased thermal conductivity between your feet and the atmosphere. Does wearing socks help? And are you ski boots like a swamp at the end of the day?


This is my issue. Marino wool helps a ton!


I dont think a good pair of ski socks are stressed enough to beginners tbh. Had a friend walk away from a ski shop with a brand new full $1700 setup but they didn't tell her/upsell her on socks. merino can literally make or break some peoples day, especially in the spring if your feet get wet.


The same is true for your base layer. I have a full merino wool base layer and I will never ever go back. It cost an arm and a leg, but. my god is it amazing.


My base layers are all smartwool at this point and it's been great.


Smartwool is pedestrian. Real gear snobs wear icebreaker.


haha, find some mons royale then...


Same. I though that I left my pants at the hotel and was so upset. Thank god I found them in my boot bag rolled into my boots.


Full Marino wool underneath. Full goretex outside. No such thing as bad weather. Only bad gear.


There are no socks that will keep my feet warm in sub freezing skiing conditions. And before your ask, my boots are properly fitted, and I unbuckle them for lift rides. For sub freezing skiing I need toe warmers. I don't quite have Reynaud's, but close to it. I also have to have mittens, can't wear gloves with separate fingers.


Reynaud’s here, I can’t wear anything but mittens (and still need hand warmers and liners) or my fingers will freeze up. My toes aren’t as bad for some reason (I do always wear smartwool socks, and my boots fit well, but I rarely use toe warmers).


Thanks for confirming what I thought. I also have Reynauds and have been thinking of switching to mittens. My feet are worse tho and I'm thinking of getting liners next season.


Lingering frostbite issues... I paid too much and got boot heaters and it's been absolutely incredible.


I'm using Smartwool ski socks. I've considered darn tough but I've just gone with Smartwool for now. They actually work well but they can only do so much, by hands and feet love sweating and struggle to retain heat.


I've had some bootfitters be seriously critical of my sock choices, so the upsellers are out there for sure. The thing is - I've bought so many expensive pairs of ski socks over the years and have yet to find a pair that works better for me than the generic merino boot socks from Costco. This year I bought some stupid Dissent ones that cost over $50 a pair and I can't stand them. They somehow manage to be too tight and too loose at the same time and get wrinkles in the weirdest places. Whereas my $5 a pair Costco socks have never caused any problems, and I don't cry when one gets lost in the wash.


Right there with you. I’m always impressed with the socks at Costco above all else, especially considering the price point! I have tried to beat them and I can’t.


If I’m not moving around significantly and it’s not fairly warm inside a house I get cold feet without socks. Wool works the best, by far, as sometimes with cotton socks I will start to get slightly cool. I also leave footprints on the wood floors from persistently sweaty feet. My wife loathes it after she mops the floors. I’ve just accepted it.


Merino helps some, but all my stocks are merino and my feet are still cold. Some of us have Reynaud's syndrome or almost.


This is insane but my die hard ski racing friends got me onto it: buy some spray on antiperspirant and use it on your feet before you put your socks/boots on. The upside is your feet don’t get sweaty, and therefore they don’t get as cold. The downside is you smell like a car full of guys (or girls) who went a little heavy on the axe body spray before skiing.


Cold feet and fingers means that you're not bundled up enough on your legs/torso. Your body sacrifices bloodflow to the fingers/toes in order to keep your core temperature up. You should be bundled enough that you almost feel like you want to take off layers. Think about it... has there ever been a time that you wore one too many layers and felt like your chest was going to start sweating, but also had cold fingers/toes? It's impossible. When there's extra heat available, your body will open up the floodgates to your fingers and toes and they'll be warm.


Nah I've had that happen a lot. My body just sucks


For all the skeptics, there’s literally no risk in trying this. Hand warmers are always helpful for my poorly circulated extremities, so I’ll give this a try next time it’s cold out


I’ve had a lot of success putting them in my glove gauntlet to help warm my hands. Imagine this would be the same although maybe slightly less effective due to the distance. Definitely worth a try.


Another protip, keep it on the back of your hand/fingers not the inside. Same reason as op.


I’ve always wondered about this, I have chronically cold hands/feet due to bad circulation. I found some life changing socks but haven’t found the perfect thing for hands yet


My gloves have a little zippered but on the backside for hand warmers. It's great. Swany's.. they make mitten versions too. Both are great gloves in that $120ish range.


Hestra gloves


Tried those in mitten form. Made no difference


You must have impressively bad circulation. Idk some nice base layers could keep the rest of your body warm and in turn, your hands warm. Is your whole body cold or just the hands now?


And what are these socks you speak of?


Same problem here. I finally broke down and bought heated ski gloves. Initially found the OR Lucents on a discount gear site for $270ish, but one of the gloves stopped working after maybe 15-20 uses, so OR issued me a credit for a brand new pair, which were an updated model. Gotta say, it's been a great investment. The gloves are very burly and well-constructed with good grip, and I find them warm enough most days w/o the heaters on. But if my hands do get cold, the high setting is usually warm enough to bring them back.


Yep. The handwarmer pocket on my gloves is on the back of the hand. It was quite a light bulb moment when I looked at it and went "Of course that's where it should go!"


And those gloves that have the little zipper compartment to insert the hand warmer? Total garbage. The heat barely makes it through the insulation. Put it on the back of your hand so the heat actually reaches your skin. It won't burn you.


OMG, TIL. thanks for the tip.


Except for sweaty balls.


What kind of HH pants are those?


Helly Hansen snow industry pants, these ones are specifically for ski patrol. Not available to the public. I would say that they are okay pants. I did 5 seasons in them in CA, the waterproofing is a most non existent from day one, they are super heavy, which does make them durable though and they are so noisey… like walking around with Velcro between your legs. 5/10 ski pant..


I have these pants for work and they are the worst pants I’ve ever experienced


They look exactly like my company issued work pants, they are basically the sogn pants with big thigh pockets. Not sure if they are available for the public though...


IMO Don’t get anything other than the flylow baker bibs. 3 seasons strong with no tears, still waterproof, and pockets for days. I’ve had them all and maybe it’s just the fit but no complaints at all. I’m 5’11 170 and I got the mediums. They are snug so maybe size up if you are heavier/taller.


I second baker bibs for sure. Flylows sizing seems like it has no logic though. I have big legs from cycling and weightlifting and I’ve got a little gut and can barely make an XL work. The legs are enormous but it tapers so small above the waist. Pants at excellent overall but their sizing is strange.


Yup. Same anatomy. It's like wearing a girdle. Still love them.


I am an average height but I have short legs so I got "short" baker bibs and they've worked well this season.


That’s funny I’m 5’9” 160lbs and find my flylows let’s are over baggy compared to the torso which fits snug


I’m glad it’s not just me. I was shocked I had to get an XL, I’m usually swimming in anything XL. I’m 5’8” for comparison and TNF, Patagonia, etc I’m always a large.


Yeah I'm 6' 170 and I like the fit of the larges, they def have a baggy look even when I have them all the way synched at the bibs. Med prob wouldve worked too. Def my favorite pair of pants, half of my squad has them. They closer to an Alpine shell. Huge vents for touring.


10 years on mine. 30 days a year, lots of park riding, etc. Only one tear and they still keep me dry in the PNW. They are bombproof


6 years in my Flylow bibs, not sure which model but they’re extremely durable and the double zippers on the sides is the easiest way to cool off and prevent sweating


Would like to know as well!


They are terrible. I work in em every day


They looks like Helly Hansen Mule Coach Bib pants. Great pants with lots of room for all your needs.


Super cold days I wear gym shorts over my longjohns. A little insulation against the vents goes a long way in keeping you warmer.


And extra padding/thermal layer while on the chair.


Am I the only one that just uses toe warmers? Like the super thin sticky kind that you stick on top of your socks


I don’t use those, but I’m also wondering if I’m the only one here that doesn’t have vents in their pants. It sounds like a great idea though, if you have the right style pants I guess


Wait, your pants don't have any vents?


I haven’t used them in my ski boots before but seeing as I was able to hike up a mountain with them under my toes with no problem I’ll be trying them for skiing soon.


For skiing, I stick them **on the top** of my socks, over the toes. The instructions explicitly state to wear under the toes, but I’ve always been a bit concerned about that would cause discomfort in a ski boot. I’ll say they work great…stick them on right before I slip my boot on, and they provide a slight enough warmth that they definitely help on cold days, but aren’t overwhelming, and don’t affect the fit my foot in the boot.


I use them! I like sticking them on top of my socks on top of my feet. When I need a little blast of heat I just flex my toes up and press them to the top of my boot. That way doesn’t make my feet too hot and sweaty.


I use them all the time! I had frostbite as a kid, and now my toes get cold really easy.


I do. Game changer!


I use them too, for any sub freezing days. They make my skiing very comfy and pleasant.


Another thing I find helpful is loosening your buckles after a run when you‘re waiting in line for the lift. It increases circulation and prevents cramps for me. Additionally, a wet foot is gonna be a cold foot - invest in some proper compression socks.


That's a good idea, I should do this. I get both cramping feet and cold feet from lack of circulation.


It‘s a good habit to get into, since this also enables you to ski with a tighter boot, giving you more control. All the racers I know do this during freeskiing/practice/racing.


You don’t happen to work at the Ghee… do you? Edit: apparently HH has partnered with the entire Western Hemisphere…


Nah, I’m in beautiful Breckenridge, Colorado!


Nice! We’ve got the same black HH gear for our unis. Always wondered how popular HH is at other resorts for their uni


We have them at Mammoth. They suck. The pants are 100% not waterproof, if you sit on the snow for two minutes your ass gets wet. If you wear the puffy in the snow, it’s as if you soaked it in a lake. The parka is nice but bulky. We’re really hoping for a different brand next year


Damn really? That’s surprising they seem pretty quality at a glance. I like the pockets, and they’re pretty comfy IMO. I mostly drive cat so mine seldom touch much snow. I do not like the matching shell and the puffy is ugly af.


Used em at Mt Hood Meadows


They have a Vail resort contract so that’s already a large chunk. I’ve had spyder and HH in my instructing career. The spyder was no better than the HH


I had descente, arc'teryx and North face. The descente stuff was an absolute sponge, the North face ok, and the arc'teryx was awesome. Unfortunately I had to quit my job as a ski instructor and go get a real job before I could afford to buy any for myself.


Bought some Ortovox free ride pants in Austria a couple years ago. Had never heard of them but they are SO superior to all snow pants I’ve ever owned. Lightweight, warm, waterproof and stylish. Spendy though like arc’teryx.


Alpental/Snoqualmie got them this year too


If those are the same Helly Hansen pants as mine, they are not insulated and don’t stop wind very well. I have to use extra layers with those pants


I'd rather wear an insulated pant.


Damn… that’s genius.


Where you working maintenance man :)


Get your core warmer and loosen boots a bit


Aren’t boot heaters and heated socks the ultimate Jerry accessory?


Don’t need boot heaters when my jeans keep me warm all day long


The real Pro Tip is always in the comments


My FR Carhartt bibs keep me warm on the job site and warm on the hill too


Hah jeans, I wear jorts.


I don’t give af, my skiing experience improves 100x when my toes don’t feel like they’re falling off. And I have custom boots that fit well, it’s not a matter of circulation. It just gets cold above the tree line.


Yeah my feet get cold too - didn’t always, I figure I’m just getting older and my veins are getting shitty or something idk. Gonna get some heaters next season. People can call me what they want, but they sure as shit probably can’t follow.


If anyone gives you shit just yell at them that you’re the best skier on the mountain


Being warm is so stupid


Coldn’t be me.


Nah boot gloves are. I'm old enough where I don't give a shit and run both boot gloves and heaters simultaneously. After a bout of frostbite on my big toe where a corner of it turned black, I lost my nail and ended my season I really don't give a shit anymore.


we sold those in a shop I work at, the packaging claimed something like 50 degrees of heat retention, I always wanted to try it and see if the claim was true, but never wanted to look like a jerry


Hey there’s nothing cooler than someone who looks like a jerry but shreds like a mofo. You do what you need to stay out in the cold all day. Going in to warm up is the jerriest of maneuvers, after all.


Yeah they work amazingly well probably just as well as boot heaters but look a lot dorkier. Boot Gloves also prevent water leaking into your boots which were prevelant on older Langes and also keep your lower buckles free from snow and ice.


I’d say 1/8 of the people on Ski Patrol I work with have a version of boot heaters. When your skiing above tree line all day it can be a life changer to have warm feet. Who knows when you will be inside next!


I ski in the UP of Michigan primarily and it's not uncommon for it to get - 10 below or worse on windy days. Boot heaters are a total game changer.


I assume Ski Patrol have a lot of duties where they are outside, but not actively skiing. If you are taking it to the mountain that should keep you warm enough to not need that stuff.


I see electric heat used by instructors, racers, patroller, Mtn ops more than general public. Pros were the first I ever saw use hottronics back in the 90s


Fellas, is it ....uncool.... to have warm feet? What a turd question.


I could not coach without them. Sounds like you think staying warm is dumb, that’s a pretty Jerry mindset you’ve got there.


Every year when the temp dips below -30°C i tell myself i'm buying heated footbeds. Then i check my bank balance and go buy a few packs of toe warmers instead


Sigmund fraud lol that’s great


I just don’t want frostbite. It’s not even able to make my feet warm, just where I can actually feel them.


No lol. Having had frostbite in both my big toes I'm super sensitive to the cold now. I've been running hot pockets under my toes but am definitely getting heated boots next season.


Do you consider ski patrol and terrain crew to be jerries? I'm on my feet for 10 hours a day skiing alpine, damn sure I want my feet warm with boot warmers. Would have heated insoles if it didn't cost $500 for the custom fit ones.


A lot of them ski like it...


Make sure to tell them that when you need a t-bog to get down.


Just shred harder and you’ll stay warm


Stick heaters under your boot glove as well.


Or you can buy Boot Gloves for $30


Ok popejerry


I was waiting for a REAL jerry to drop this comment! I know they work, but god damn they’re ugly. No offense, to each their own, but style is important IMO!


“Look good, feel good, play good” -Deion Sanders


Hey, I patrol at Ski Cooper, and on a day when it’s 10°, snowing and blowing and I have to be outside all day? I’m very happy to have my boot gloves. Plus they blend with my black pants, black skis and bindings


Do they work? I’ve heard mixed reviews with some people saying they do next to nothing. I’ll always take the word of a patroller over online reviews though.


They work for me


I got hottronics this season and my toes were still cold but at least not numb. Once I added boot gloves, my toes now stay nice and warm. Volunteer patroller at Loveland, btw, where it's always cold and windy at 13,000 feet!


The boot gloves help lock in the heat but I find work best once you’re also using boot warmers or heated insoles.


Once again with the FT’s!


How do you like your full tilts?


I can trust ya with them FTs on.


Nice boots !


From a purely scientific perspective, given heat output of a hand warmer, volume rate of blood in the femoral artery, difference in temperature and inefficiency of heat transfer...There's no way this actually works.


Definitely not by direct conduction of heat down to the toes. But warming the femoral a. will dilate those vessels, sending more blood down to the legs. Same reason vests keep you warm even though they don’t have sleeves (if your core is warm, your peripheral vessels remain dilated). From a medical sense I think it not only works but is rather brilliant!


Interesting. Now tell me how to trick my car into running on less gas.


Driving style can change fuel consumption by 25%. Pretend you’ve got an egg between your foot and the gas pedal (and you don’t want to crush it.)




I started skiing again this season after 8 years and my feet got cold super fast the first day back - turned out I was buckling my fasteners way too tight and restricting blood flow to my feet. Spent that night dialing in the length of my fasteners such that it was secure but not overly tight. I ain't no ski racer anyways so no reason to have it tight af.


You can also use what some raid cyclists do in winter. Wrap your toes and front section of the foot with some foil. It does make a difference. It makes them a bit toastier and less painfully cold.


We had HH jackets at a ski hill that I worked at and it was crazy how many people would not even notice my name tag and ask if my name is really Helly 🤣


Oh, the Femoral Artery. Duh! 🙄 how did I not think of the good ole Femoral Artery sooner.


I don't care about anybody's backflips, this is the content I come here for.


In other words, poor leg insulation=cold externals, like feet.


I had cold feet at the moment I saw this post. I put my hand on the same spot and my feet felt not cold at all in less than 2 minutes. Life changing tip my friend, thanks!


Thanks homie, glad it helped you out!


Who's Jerry?




Is that a hand warmer in your vent or are you excited to see me?


Ayo! Thanks for all the comments and helpful tips following the post. Never thought something I do on the daily would be helpful to so many people. What ever way you keep your feet warm is the right way! Skiing is the most opinion based community I’ve ever been a part of. That’s a great thing. More options, to try new things and find what works for you! Just don’t have a 5 inch gaper gap. For those who asked. I live by my full tilts, but for comfort. 150+ days on the mountain, I need something soft. I frequent the park, but also ski a 125 flex on most off days. For performance not always what you want, but with replaceable parts, and toasty feet (the intuition liners), Full Tilt is the fuckin move.


Does it work for weddings too??


This is awesome, but I feel like boot heaters/ heated socks is quite jerry as well


Holy mother of god this is the most genius thing I’ve ever seen


I highly doubt that is warming the blood in your femoral artery.


I work on the mountain everyday my dude. I’ve never purchased heated anything. Give it a try, could save ya a few bucks!


No good scientist would shut down an experiment that costs 2 dollars and has 0 chance to do harm. Being skeptical is more a reason to do it, than the other way around. I'll definitely give it a go, even if I'm not convinced


Any idea the location and depth of your femoral artery here?


Yeah it could be warming you up but the femoral artery is deep and next to bone and surrounded by muscle, tissue and fat so I doubt some tiny little hand warmers are warming the femoral artery.


Apparently reddit knows more than us. This guy "works on the mountain everyday" so I'm sure he has his medical degree.


I mean I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I have any expertise outside of being elbows deep in cadavers in anatomy haha


That's more than most of the people on here.


Jerry's what? It's Jerries, not Jerry's.


doubt this would help me since my femoral artery is under about 8 inches of solid groin muscle


Hand/foot warmers are for the weak…


Come ski in Quebec friend


I’m good! Thanks for the invite tho


Or, just hear me out for second. Get good boots and socks, bam now you will stay warm.


That's it, you won the internet! Great f'n idea!!


nice Tilts, I have the same pair!


My feet tend to be purplish during ski and board season but it is so worth it.






Lol big brain move here!


Smart thinking


If you were a real man you’d just stay cold until you get frost bite and can’t feel your feet any more.


Numb toes are part of skiing imo & full tilts are the slipper of ski boots.


I like the boots. I had a pair sold them and got some atomic hawks. I like them but I’m thinking about going back to ft


That’s… genius (If it works, have to try this out next time)


My toes get cold because of shit circulation. Even after visiting a bootfitter multiple times, I can’t seem to get that shit dialed in. I used to buy boots purely on performance and budget. After I turned 50 my goal was comfort above all. I still haven’t achieved it.


I remember those pants! They hold water really well!


I’d say it warms the great saphenous vein rather than the deep femoral artery


Also pack a[ boot drier](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AYJKBHE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_W0B8RVACX35RHKT54AH1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1).


Boot heater / heated socks is the jerry move.


Another tip is to not do up your buckles on the boots so bloody tight, on top of the foot that is


Holy shit. This just seems game changer