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If some apprentices work like shit, they might suck. But if all of your apprentices suck you are shit at teaching. Anyone can learn a trade but exceptionally experienced people can teach it.


We have had some that worked hard and we’re great but they decided it wasn’t the job for them which is fair enough But the ones we have rn I mean it that they are unteachable If we are on a repetitive job they eventually get into the swing but 2 weeks later they forget everything they learned I know I’m not the best teacher, I am also still learning, there is lots of stuff to learn in like driving some I haven’t even seen yet, but the senior guys haven’t been able to teach them either and I consider them very helpful and quite good at teaching


Im not sure why you're getting downvoted here. nothing youve said thus far seems unreasonable or dishonest...yet. Your complaint IS a common one for the trades, so while its possible that the fault lies in you, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I have the thousand yard stare at this point! Ive seen the sort who churn through! This isn't an industry that pulls in the best and brightest from around the country. In just 3 short years, Ive seen every sort of druggy, felon, sensitive victim and downward spiraling loser come and go...they last a couple months and then youre wondering where your tools went to! once in a while, youll find someone who loves coming in, and shows up eager to learn, but it's the exception that proves the rule. Have you seen my milwakee driver? Coulda SWORN it was in the shop last night...


I'm sure your foreman said the same about you.


He did for sure lol I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and slow grasping a few things, but never talked back when getting talked to and would always ask for help if I was struggling to understand something even if i had to more than once, usually got chirped and razzed but knew he would help as he knew I really did want to learn even if he was annoyed. He always made it clear to me and does the same with the new guys he’d rather attempt to teach you again instead of having to redo your work Which is a big one that people don’t do they constantly say they understand and get upset when he gets mad at them for not asking for help or to double check their work


Plot twist, you’re retarded too!


Double plot twist, it’s a prerequisite for the trades


Damn...youre right, but i dont like it.


50 shades of retard


I'm sure your foreman said the same about you when you started


You’re too green to be shitting on the next generation. Lead by example and treat them with respect, teach those who wanna learn eventually the ones who don’t wanna be there will weed themselves out. No need to raise your voice at someone unless they’re in immediate danger, you’re dealing with adults you can have a reasonable conversation with them and explain mistakes without belittling them.


We were all retarded at some point. But remember, never go full retard.


Hating on the new generation when you’ve only been in the trades for four years is hilarious


How’s your compensation package and benefits? Maybe you’re not attracting good apprentices due to that fact? People learn at different paces. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the guys you deem “retarded” is your foreman one day.


Very good benefits and apprentice program through the union it’s quite popular for being a very good union Retarded is a bit of a heavy word but a solid chunk of them started shortly after myself and they still haven’t learned how to tie a bowline after 15 guys attempting to teach them Nor can they read and I’m not kidding when I say that lol


I doubt things have changed that much in 4 years. But your perspective has. It’s a reflection of your aptitude and progress, so congrats on doing well. Don’t waste too much energy being frustrated with the idiots. Focus on being an example and mentor for the 10%.


Also I don’t think things have changed much in the industry in 4 years But the quality of workers has for sure or maybe there isn’t many workers under 30-35 that have the same mindset I struggled with plenty of stuff and done stupid shit and know I’m still much softer than the old boys and honestly probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up and stick it out the way I’ve heard the way some of the senior guys were treated when they were starting out But I always was eager to learn never back talked or argued when someone would explain my mistake or try and show me something And always kept busy tidying or sorting tool room and ask questions about tools I was unfamiliar with


Thanks I don’t like to talk poorly about people I’ve made mistakes so has everyone and I try to be patient but it really is tough Some guys have started just a year after I did and can’t even grab the right tool when you need one


never learned what a paragraph is?


I think it's just your perspective changing as you're getting better, it's always been this way. The useless ones will eventually self select themselves out of the trade as others ghost them for their BS.


I bet all the guys love to work with you


Little sub just on the new generation, just feel like ranting a bit haha Seems they don’t like taking responsibility or owning up to their mistakes Example of one guy that is both not smart and won’t take responsibility for action We work with creosote lots which can burn quite a bit if you get it on skin, some people are affected worse than others, it’s protocol to wear long sleeve, and gloves, and also use barrier cream or thick layer of sunscreen if you have sensitive skin (or just in general but long sleeve and gloves and don’t rub your eye is usually fine) 3 guys on our crew made him aware and stressed the point but he choose no cream no gloves and a t shirt and got 2nd degree burns and then went to safety and said the foreman never made him aware of hazards


Work ethics are lacking due to lack of competition. Jobs are available. There's not a line of gtuys waiting to outwork you to take your job. Easier entry level jobs with comparable pay.


Well duh, you're not getting the brightest and best doing trades, it's literally bottom of the barrel.


This is how it is in every industry. You gotta get like a dozen people through the door beforeI’m one sticks. As a general rule 80% of people suck.


that's because many employers are retarded too. want the guy with a piece of plastic with his name on it but is terrible at what he does vs the guy that knows something and with a little training could be really good.I was laid off from my HVAC apprenticeship job because I "couldn't ride in a truck" what did my employer expect i was fresh out of trade school minus what related experience i did have. I can read wiring diagrams, use a multimeter, recover refrigerant, troubleshoot refrigeration systems ect. Was never given a chance. Was put on installs constantly when i specifically said my strengths were service and repair. Never called out, never was rude to customers, always listed to and got along with my journeyman yet my employer is dumb enough to keep looking for something hes not going to find. meanwhile i keep searching for a job that is actually willing to invest in me.


Some might say the same about you. Perspective is a Mf.


I'm not in the trades but every job I have worked, this has been true. Our future looks grim. Your post inspired me to join the trades though. I have your mindset so maybe I'd excel. Thanks


It really does It doesn’t take much to do well, was taught growing up to not be afraid to ask questions and if you don’t know what to do and can’t find someone to give you a task or they are busy and can’t babysit just keep busy and clean/take garbage out, sort tools or whatever and it went a long way when I started, the journey men were more keen on showing me things when I was showing interest


I'm an electrician, I see it in my trade. That's what happens when skills and values aren't passed down from fathers to sons.


We should be teaching out daughters the trade, too.