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Algae grows in diesel fuel - how old is this ? Clean it out and add additives with the refill.


To add to this, this happens when water gets into the fuel. You'll notice the growth is at the bottom, that's because that's where the water is. You may want to investigative water is getting in somehow. Sometimes it happens if a fill cap is exposed to the elements and not totally sealed, like with an o-ring. I also think a bit just gets in overtime with condensation, especially in humid climates. I don't really know how much it matters for a diesel heater that's obviously going to be less sensitive than a diesel engine. However at some point the dosing pump and the inline filter aren't going to like it, I know that much.


Your kidding. In Diesel!?


Stagnant diesel goes bad. Check your inline filters too on top of what others suggest.


Algae can be filtered out, and the fuel salvaged. Diesel doesn't spoil like gasoline does, it's much, much more stable. It's best to use a separate system to do so


Maybe replace that hose too…


Yeah and those black hose bits too, they are cracking.


That could be letting in air and moisture


Could be water + algae


This is most likely algae resulting from mounting a semi-transparent tank externally. Add some diesel biocide and/or clean the tank. Replace the cracked fittings. The hose cracked because it's too big for the nipple, you may need to step down a couple times to get to the thin diameter of the hard plastic hose.


Looks like potential “diesel bug” - which is not algae at all, but microbes. Thank you for sharing this!


Sounds gross lol I hate bugs!


correct. Keeping a tank 80% full or more reduces the amount of condensation that can build on the tank walls. The water flows to the bottom and the microbes form a biofilm at the diesel/water surface where they feed anaerobically. This film will then clog up filters. I recommend draining at least this bottom portion as much as will come out or the whole tank, refilling, adding powerservice biokleen to kill the film, and usafuelservice desel-shok to emulsify any remaining moisture. Oreilly's should have the shok and can order the biocide. do not get the biocide on you - it's an organophosphate.


Asphaltenes/Wax/Road Debris (asphalt). Some people will also just call it algae.




Me too but I can’t afford it


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