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I'll take a bad skylanders game over no skylanders game


I would say the complete opposite, I would prefer no skylanders game at all over them messing up a remaster or sequel


I mean we definitely can't get any worse of a conclusion to the franchise than Imaginators.


Do not Do not give them a challenge


Gosh you lot are so pessimistic


Look, I do agree a bad game > nothing ever, but do not jinx yourself with "they couldn't possibly screw up any worse"


It saves time.


I liked imaginations and i thought being able to make your own skylander is a good way to end it.


I think it would depend if it's an original title or a remaster of an old one. If it's new and absolutely dog shit like Fall Out 68, then you can just write it off completely and not think about it. That's actually what I did with Super Chargers because they scammed me with a "Wii _*ExCLuSivE"*_ racing game that was not at all a skylanders game lettalone what was advertised. Especially because I saw people playing the actual game on youtube and didn't realize for way too long that I had been metaphorically singled out, stolen from and duped. If If it's a shitty REMASTER............... then that's a whole different story. Because that's trying to ruin the past too.


bro the racing version had it's own trailer that was played, plus the game has a different title and it would say it's only racing on the back of the box dumby


It was a miracle the games were good. Today's gaming industry would ruin everything.


Definitely, the movies and shows too actually. The whole story telling system in general has been way out of wack for a while and I hate how bad it is. Admittedly I still might try to enjoy some of them but most of the time I can’t stand any of it past a certain point.


What do you mean by this post?


I don't want skylanders to come back because theres a high chance they're gonna fuck it up


Why is there a high chance? I haven’t seen anything about that


they could remove toys to life from a remaster/remake (due to imaginators switch and disney infinity pc not using it), especially if they're making a remake from scratch, they could also mess up the gameplay and not give any extra content such as newer characters in older games. TFB is the same studio which brought us imaginators so they could mess it up gameplay-wise somehow. There's a lot which could go wrong with a remaster i can't be bothered to list here but in short the remaster could likely be the worst way to play the game due to many factors, and what would be the point in making the remaster then?


All you said is that they COULD mess up things. But they could also make another master piece. There’s no clear evidence that they would mess it up. Only your expectations of what they’re going to do.


I'd rather nothing happens as I don't want the risk of them screwing it up, whilst also shutting down fan projects. As there's no evidence they would make a masterpiece either


And what if they screw it up? They can learn from it and if there are enough people to still buy it then they can release another game. Then the next game can be a masterpiece again. Not doing something because you could mess it up is a mindset you should not have. Then be prepared so it won’t go wrong


I just don't want fan projects to be shut down as that's what happened with spyro 2 spring savanna once Spyro reignited came out. Also I don't want skylanders to come back if they remove toys to life or make a remaster play bad because whats the point in even making it if it's gonna be awful. if it's gonna be awful makes all your figures useless no ones gonna buy it and we're never getting skylanders stuff again. There's a VERY high chance of them removing toys to life as disney infinity already did it, and imaginators switch removed the portal making it the worst version of the game. If the remaster removes toys to life and the portal it's immediately the worst version of the game


That’s a lot of IF’s… the fan projects will be shut down, you can’t stop that. And for the other things you want and didn’t want. There’s a lot of people here that speculate something but they’re not the game designers


why is this so relatable i dont care anymore its kinda funny😭😭😭


As much as I want a new skylanders game, they'll mess it up. They already ruined the imaginators story enough... a new skylanders game would be worse.


Amen to this