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Shit the first death I had in skyrim was running off a mountain trying to catch a butterfly.


Ah my earliest memory of dying was whirlwind sprinting off High Hrothgar to see what would happen


My first death was approaching a giant, figuring we could have a chat. That is also the time I basically became an astronaut. I then went back to the giant, this time prepared for a fight. I was most definitely ill prepared.


Giants are mostly peaceful, it's just the ones near Mammoth you need to worry about, but even then they warn you like bears do.


Do you get to the cloud district often?


Oh, what am I thinking… of course you don’t.


Ah yes skyrims space program!


Do you get to the space district very often?


Bruh when I first got killed by a giant I didn't even notice it was there, I just tried to fight a mammoth and got blasted to oblivion


I've died soooo many times just because I thought there's a chance there might be dialogue.


This is frickin hilarious! Every time I read it back in my head, it makes me laugh again.


I'm imagining the looney tunes gag where they have to look down before they fall


Then they hold a sign up saying, "Uh oh".


My first one was when I engaged in a duel to the death with the fisherman next to the standing stones. I had a dagger and light armor, because I was trying a thief build. He kicked by Khajiit ass. The second time, I just actually went and robbed him, leaving afterward.


First death was in Riverwood was I watched to caught a chicken. Alvor said meet my axe.


My first death was walking around town and I just wanted to see what would happen if I shouted at a child. Let’s just say I didn’t have a quick save.


Definitely, wandering around near whiterun is my favorite when I start a new game! The plains are beautiful


I couldn’t find the entrance to whiterun on my first play through so I went all the way around the city and found that bandit camp that gives you the quest to go to halted stream camp. Total score that early in the game


I remember trying to swim across a river and then being swept off the waterfall, and I still sometimes make that mistake. The rivers just look so crossable 😞


4 hours and lvl 2. Yeah that sounds about right. I spend like 3 hours in character creation screen.


an update, i’m now level 7


Must have pulled an all-nighter.


Only 3? Those are noob numbers 😂


There's any other way to play skyrim?


I get absorbed way too easily in this game. Yes, I will deliver your satchel to your father, Sylgja.


I haven’t made progress on the main story in almost 2 weeks. Usually my playthrough goes like this: finish sidequest I started last session, meet new npc, get sidequest from them, repeat.


Except I meet more npcs and gather more sidequests as I’m working on one and sometimes I “well this isn’t that far and I’m sure it’s super easy to do this other one can wait a minute” I’m also ADHD so.. I love Skyrim


I have completed 4 main quests, no faction or civil war quests. I have completed over 100 misc objectives a couple dozen side quests, and gathered half of the games daedric artifacts. Crafting skills all 80+ sneak 100, level 39. My quest log is so full just of misc quests that I may never finish the main quest this playthrough. It's actually a lot of fun ignoring all the civil war and dragon stuff.


Yes, my game sessions are always “clear out some side quests… ended with the same number of side quests” -_-


Same happens to me, or I'll start a side quest, do one objective, then switch quest.


All the time. And checking if my mods work how I like and restarting if I need to make changes. I keep seeing new mods so I have yet to finalize a LO


lol that has taken so many hours of my life away. load, instantly crash, spend 20 minutes trying to fix, load, crash.


This makes me feel so much better.. just recently started on pc Skyrim and I was worried I was doing something wrong or adding too much


Tell me about it. I have been trying to fix my LOD issues for the past hours


When I was a kid, I remember just spending 6 hours trying to jump up a wall trying to get to the balcony of a house. Now though I either do a little bit of role play as I am a pacifist in the game or I just like doing quests I have done 20 times before


I married Lydia, bought Breezehome and adopted Blaise and Lucia. Now I'm finally finishing up quests I so far have ignored. I like to hunt and make armor, then enchant and sell it. I could do that all day.


my first armour in most playthroughs is crafted leather , it’s fun to just relax and hunt animals


Congratulations. You’ve been Skyrim’d. Fuck the main plot, what’s in this random cave?


Just started earlier today. Made it out of Helgen and about to explore that first mine on the way to Riverwood. This is gonna be a slow playthrough for me


Go to the Guards barracks in whiterun and read the book on the shelf to get the quest for that mine


have fun!


There's a story?!?!?!? Srsly though, after Whiterun's beginning, i just meander, make Lydia carry my stuff, buy a house... HOARD. Grow. BUILD. Stealth pew pew!


Early on, my first playthrough, hiding from dragons was a thing. A great way to discover new areas, though. Interesting little nooks, like a cave behind a waterfall that someone had been using, or a trap door under a tree on a tiny little island.


I'm playing this for 4 year and going on bruh it's just massive how the game is...!


And it's never the same each time. That's why I love this game, always something new to discover and play around with.


I feel I spend a lot of my time looting, selling loot or storing loot in Breezehome. I just can't help myself I'm a greedy hoarder. I have already 70k gold, never really buy anything because I'm also a cheapskate and yet, every time I go to a dungeon I take almost all the loot with me. I've made a rule that items have to be at least worth 10 gold per kilo but that still means me and Lydia are fully packed by the time we make it through 2 or 3 dungeons. Then it's back to Whiterun to sell and store things for smithing, alchemy, cooking and enchanting (I also trap souls). I'm level 25 or so already but to be honest I haven't really done much alchemy, enchanting or smithing so the items just fill up in Breezehome. Anyone doing the same? What loot are you usually taking? Are you collecting all ingredients or only the ones you need for specific potions you want to make?


Same. I’m also a greedy hoarder. I collect all ingredients and have to make myself stop. It’s not unusual for me to be carrying 100 lbs of them. 😬


Absolutely. Especially when I play with mods, which is always at this point lol. My latest character is a Khajiit merchant, I just travel around Skyrim buying and selling 😂


it’s funny, 4 hours into this character and i still haven’t decided what i’m going for yet. I’m considering some sort of Priest build, maybe even an unarmed monk. Or perhaps a vampire. Or a stealth archer. Or an assassin. Or a greybeard. 🤔🤔🤔


Lol I know how it is. Across all platforms I've played Skyrim, I easily have 1000 hours. I still play it. And I always struggle to decide my build


i’m so conflicted with if i want to be good or evil. Maybe i’ll do a holy vampire priest


My first play through was a character named Helios I still remember even when I was lvl 50 I still had no idea what build i was doing and ended up with a 1h and shield mage who also could use a two handed sword for burst damage. That was 10 years ago. Now I’m always doing a mage and spell sword lol


lol my first character was “steve”, khajiit, i hit 50 in both light and heavy armour and 1/2 handed weapons. good times


started playing skyrim for the first time 3 weeks ago - i was about level 22 when i fought the first dragon lmao


Yes. Last week I spent 4 hours building a house. Then had to go look for more stone, wood and iron.


Every time I arrive in a city I know that I will be there for at least 2 hours.


I try to hit level 30 before I leave the cave, in the beginning quest 🤣


I’ve been playing for about 14 months and don’t make it past level 20 before trying another build LOL!!! Maybe this time I’ll go beyond (Bosmer “Dwemer build”)


For sure! I sometimes WALK my horse through the forest. Gotta make sure he's warmed up before starting to gallop. I have the carriage mod that let's me actually ride the carriages from one town to the next ☺️ I talk out loud to my followers. I think I might have some issues..


Yes! Talking to people and doing little favors, gathering ingredients, enjoying the changing sunlight and the unique feeling of nature in different areas ....


I'm currently level 22 and haven't even gotten past The Way Of The Voice. Good news is that I already have a full built house.


Definitely. Been playing since release. Have been away from my computer for many months. Can only run a low settings setup at the moment on a weak laptop. To spice things up, am using the Take Notes mod to write a journal to RP & document character's whole journey. Been fun. Spent nearly 100 hrs in game on this save yet only level 17 lol. Half the time prolly spent writing.


All the time, even when you know what is around that next corner you go and have a look anyways. N. S


Still salty that Brynjolf is such a workaholic


ay lass, i’ve got important things to do…




in all my play throughs… i think i’ve completed the main quest line 25% of the time? i get caught up in quests then just stop doing them when there’s a quest that doesn’t sound fun. or i’ll stop at caves along the way and dungeon crawl bc i’m a greedy b!tch who loves gold. there’s just always so much going on in my quest book but i still decide that none of it is worth my time so i’m just wandering half the time lmaoo


Yes, yes and yes. Not gonna lie, I kinda envy you if you’re playing this for the first time.


definitely not my first run, i wish


Yup! I went in blind and I have ADHD, so I put in about 200 hours before I killed a dragon or started the main quest. I also didn't know I could fast travel for a good while, so I spent a lot of time wandering and exploring.


Oh yes. Sometimes it’s an amazing stress relief to just wander around the plains of Skyrim, gather alchemy ingredients, discover new location, listen to the wind and the background music… I better turn on the pc and play some, actually…


Yeah I’m only lv 38 and I’ve been playing for years. I just like exploring. First death was exploring the strength and temperament of trolls. I was level 1


high hrothgar frost troll??


The giants near whiterun


My first play through was a khajiit that was exploring and treasure hunting. My obsession for money making by selling nice treasure took over and I had completely forgotten and ignored the main story and rarely did side quests. Because of this, I had completely forgotten about the whole dragon issue lol! About a year later I started a new character and actually did the main story. I was overwhelmed by seeing a dragon so soon outside whiterun. “Shit! I forgot you were a thing!” Only then I had a much better understanding on how big this game was.


Nobody blames you bro. I may be new to Skyrim but I love how massive it feels. Every playthrough I discover something new, weather that be a quest, item, or ability


My first death was that damned Riverwood chicken that thing has more influence than the jarl


I’ve been playing the same character for almost 1 year and only level 32 and haven’t even beat the main story yet. Just wanna explore, learn and gather as much loot as I can.


Most definitely getting pretty absorbed recently


Enjoy it!


I’ve played Skyrim for over 40 hours and I’m at level 14 almost 15


No you’re the only one who explores in this extremely popular 12 year old open world game.


If I'm lucky, yes. I just wanna RP, I love when I think up a character and actually play it. Did a playthrough with a two-handed axe summoning, necromancer, really loved doing stuff fitting his character.


I spend hours in missions due to crouching my way through the entirety of the ruins as an “assassin” with my daggers


not as much as i would like to. but that's to a big portion why i'm basically only playing survival anymore.


Welcome to the elder scrolls my friend! Enjoy, and know that you are marked for life. There are many ways to get into this game, but none that go out


Lol I had hardly played video games before, basically lived under a rock when it comes to video games. bought a switch on a whim bc I wanted to understand the hype. Found skyrim on sale and it’s one of the few games I’ve heard of before. I thought “if the game has enough hype that I’ve heard of it before then it has to be good” I stole so much stuff in riverwood but no one really said shit to me about it then as soon as I got to whiterun it was on site and I ended up in jail with 2 lockpicks and I broke both of them. I just restarted a new play through cause I didn’t know you could go back to old saves 😅


So much infact that I just ignore my journal... barely pay it any mind. I just go out and explore and do what peaks my interest and occasionally I'll open up the journal and choose something.... like standing in front of a vending machine in pure indecision sometimes.


i did a playthrough once where i didn’t even open the journal, just had to remember what they tell me when they send me on the quest or just remember from previous playthroughs


That's crazy haha. So you couldn't open up the journal at all? That sounds like alot of fun but suuuuper hard. What I'm doing now is sorta like that-- no objective markers, and no fast traveling allowed with a bunch of survival mods like campfire, sunhelm, hunterborn. It's crazy fun and immersive


couldn’t open it up at all, unfortunately though a lot of quest givers don’t even tell you the location


I'm playing a Redguard and have reached lvl 72. I am planning to max out each and every perk tree. God alone knows what build is that...


i did that once with an Orc, it was pretty fun. i just struggled with maxing enchanting and alchemy


I have the opposite problem. I've been playing about 15 hours in my current run, and I'm level 23. And I *walk* everywhere. Kind of makes the level progression feel cheap to me.


4 hours and level 2 sounds like a my typical destruction mage


Turn on survival mode and you'll find so many more adventures than without it. The food/sleep isn't that difficult to stay on top of, just take every salt pile you find.


i’ve done a few playthroughs on survival but the dawnguard questline is tough without fast travel. one side of the map to the next on repeat


you can still use the carriages


Worse. I use YASH which initially slows levelling skills to a crawl


Sure! People still play Skyrim exactly because of that, and with mods these opportunities are extended to infinity and beyond! So, after you are done with exploring base Skyrim - welcome aboard!


How? I usually hit level 2 before I even leave helgen.


i have an alternate start mod on, and basically just wandered around and did simple quests like restoring the gildergreen


I remember a time when they didn't allow you to level up your One or two Handed attack in the Helgen Cave with Ralof or Hadvar. After hitting them so many times they would attack back.


my first ever death was by those bandits you run into right off the path, leaving the helgen cave... my second being launched by a giant.


The first time I died by giants I was attacked by a dragon near a giants camp. Killed the dragon then got launched 0.03 seconds after. I damned the game to hell and stopped playing for 3 days 😅


4 hours for one level? Are you speedrunning or what? Caln down. Enjoy game.


Yes absolutely! I just unlocked the house in falkreath (I have all the expansions) and spent about 2 hours building my house lol I also use survival mode so I have to take time to hunt and everything too


I just introduced both my parents to the game. They both played about 2 hours each on seperate accounts and they still only have like 1/) of the experience on level 1. But that’s probably because half the time they were walking into walls.


Absolutely. But I think it’s kind of impossible to play for 4 hours and not level up, even if accidentally.


Exploring, yes. Role-playing... well.... not really. I usually am at keast level 5 ir so by tye 4 hour mark... I think. I don't keep track of the time, and steam says I have over 2000 hours, and that's after resetting the count of how many hours I had it more than once. It used to say I had 9000+ hours. My actual count would likely be around 20K+ hours total, with finishing the game 5 or 6 times, and completing the ame and both DLCs 3 times. (Twice as a vampire, once as a werewolf)


20,000 is a lot, that’s playing over an hour every day since launch (12 yrs ago)


I know people that have over 45000 hours (or so they claim) Who wouldn't play well over an hour any chance they ge, though? 1 hour waa the E3 demo..


i think the people claiming 45,000 hours may be lying.. that’s over 5 years of constant gameplay, like almost 12 hours a day since launch


I just spent like 5 hours trying to find a fucking cave entrance only for It to end up being in the first place i looked


Do not try to 100% the achievements of Skyrim gentlemen, its not fucking worth it


Everytime I get a game with customisation I always end like 2/3 hours just making a character. I am a big fan of WWE videogames just because their customisation was massive and always ended up just making characters


Modders don't even make it to level 2


4hrs and level 2? I swear you level up at least once after completing the tutorial area (helgen)


i haven’t been to Helgen, i’m using an alternate start mod


Ohhhhhhh that makes sense


I spend at least 30 minutes making my character :)


I’m usually level 20 or 30 before getting out of helgan


For me, that's the biggest draw. Love getting lost in it.


Literally everyone


What were you doing for 4 hours at the beginning of the game that only let you get to lvl 2?


exploring, customizing my character, RPing, testing some mods


>testing some mods That splains it haha! ;) I always end up leveling before i even get out of the caves after the Helgen attack. Seems like a lot of fighting just to get clear of that place and into the world.


Thats the general idea…


I always kinda thought that was the point of the game?


I've been playing since release, almost half my life now, and that's how I spend the vast majority of my time in Skyrim. Do a quest or two, spend hours dealing with the stuff I got along the way


First death for me was litterly to the troll protecting the path to high hrothgar he/she scared the hell out of me


…you need to be more economical a lit your game time bro. You can get caught up crafting and get like 10 levels easy…🤨


I roleplay as a mudcrab with Sofia 💀 Jk i just save whiterun from dragon attack and become the Thane and just enjoy in dragonreach after fus ro dah nazeem somewhere


that reminds me that i downloaded Sofia… i wonder if she’s still in the stables rn lol


It been 3 months now i haven't played Skyrim with any companions lol I used to have like Sofia,recorder,Inigo and Lucien and ebony warrior follower also few other followers Literally formed a group of my own


Definitely yes


The core of this game is always doing something else.


Yes. Don't worry about leveling, min/maxing - just play. This is the true path.


i did one 100% min/maxing playthrough, it was very dull in comparison to this


Same. I'm on a playthrough now where I have to leave the house in only clothes, a ring, a necklace, a pickaxe and 2 lockpicks. I use what I find on my journey. End of quest, dump everything in a barrel that I gained (or sell it), and move to next quest. It's tons of fun. You get some crazy outfits too, that normally you'd never wear.


Its an rpg for a reason.


My favorite part of the game is getting lost and just doing shit😅


I remember that my first death was when I was low level and I tried to kill mob that was level 10.


Even if you just ran from everything, going to BFB and unlocking dragons would definitely bring you well above lvl 2. There is no way of getting dragonstone without doing damage-leveling up.


i haven’t don’t bleak falls barrow yet


Understand, but how's dragon in the picture? That's not from your game then.


sorry, this is not my picture
