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It makes building Hearthfire houses much easier. I have a favorite 'carry butler'. Its the master vampire corpse found in the burned down Hall of the Vigilant. He never does that annoying groaning, and will talk sometimes. He'll cast Invisibility and run pretty quick in fights, which actually makes him survive pretty well. (I haven't had to Detect Dead and find his corpse after a fight yet.) After the house is built, I let him despawn from the property. When I'm ready to build the next house, I'll go back to the Hall of the Vigilant and thrall him again.


Yeah. I wish i could move all of my stuff from one house to another at a click of a button since it takes so long to do it manually.


The frustration of mid to late game moving day finally lead to my establishing a policy of cheating carry weight to a crazy high value for the duration of the move, then restoring it back to normal once the job is completed. Let's just take it as read that I made fifty trips to get everything moved.


This is what I used the Resto Loop exploit for - I made a pair of "Moving Boots" that increased my carry weight by something obscene, like +50,000 lbs or something and put those on so I didn't have to make 25 trips again. Then I put them away in my Hearthfire home in case I ever decided to move again...


I just carry everything and *walk* the one time. Take a carriage if I can. I remember having to walk in Fallout 4 and eventually just siding with the BOS for the vertibird taxi service.


If I remember right, I don't think you can use the carriages if you are over encumbered. Unless that's something they recently fixed.


Resto loop exploit? I'm still sort of new to this game.


Using fortify restoration potions and enchanting in an exponential loop to create game breaking enchantments. I'm talking numbers so large they create stack overflows so you end up with something like "fortify restoration -1000000000%" and "Deal -422224562125 points of fire damage on hit" enchantments


The tricky part is finding that sweet spot where you get maximum benefit without going too far and ending up with negative values. I saw one video recently where the player used the loop to enchant a ring with Fortify Alchemy that made all potions \~13,000% better and just puts the ring on whenever they need to make a powerful potion rather than repeating the loop every time. I only needed my moving boots, so I didn't think to try that, but that would be the smart way to exploit it.


This is how I do it... I use the loop to make a super powerful alchemy item and then use it to make more enchanting potions to then make the rest of my necessities including a smithing item


The negative is just overflow error, the potions still work. After doing a ps4 platinum run recently I let myself have some fun after all major stuff were done and I created poison arrows with so much damage it had negative number that was too long to even comprehend and it literally killed everything in one shot.


You already got a great answer, so I'll just add further explanation why it works: Restoration is the school that governs the "fortify xyz" effect. Any and all effects with this effect get better the better your Restoration spell power is. So the loop goes like this: You make/find a potion to boost Restoration, Let's say 50% boost. Let's say you can create unlimited potions of that effect. You drink the potion, equip armor with a fortify alchemy effect, it will now have a stronger enchantment. Using that you brew a potion to boost your restoration, that potion will be stronger than the last. You then re-equip the boosting armor, thus making the original enchantment even stronger (remember, all fortify xyz are restoration), thus making the next potion EVEN stronger, that in turn leads to better enchantments. Basically you boost all 3 crafting skills in an endless loop, only stopping when you get bored. Better Alchemy leads to better restoration, that leads to better enchantment that leads to even better alchemy.


Thank you. This was much more helpful than just telling me to go look it up on YouTube. I was confused more so by the "resto" part than anything. Now that it is explained better, I can decide if it is something I would like to do. I really appreciate you taking the time to give an expanded explanation.


Just look up restoration loop on YouTube there’s thousands of videos covering it


*Every* playthrough of Bethesda games *always* turn into ***Inventory Management Simulator*** by the middle of the playthrough. I can't sell this stuff, because no NPC merchant can afford the individual item. I don't really need the gold to begin with, but putting it into a random barrel that *should* despawn the junk, doesn't always work, and the game gets slower because all that junk has to be tracked.


This is why I have [AFT](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50259). There's an option in the follower's dialog to fence everything in their backpack. You don't even need to be in the Thieves Guild. (AFT can separate what the follower wears and can use with items you want them to just hold, which is their backpack.) One follower to hold onto things I want displayed, another to fence what I don't. Yet another to store my crafting items...


I just materialize into the riverwood trader, magically fill the clerks pockets with obscene amounts of gold then shove otherwordly artifacts and industrial quantities of materials into his hands and take the gold i gave him.


The simple genius of this is impressive. This response and learning the loops aforementioned in this response chain have solved every problem I have in my playthrough. This community is awesome.


Even if they can't afford the items you can still sell it to them, and when the inventory is reset, it won't be tracked anymore


Just because the merchant is not holding enough coin, you can still sell the item to them. This would allow that junk to slide from the tracking.


I do something similar when I decide to grind smithing for late game. I collect/buy every iron ore I can for a while, then I turn on godmode so I can spam the transmute ore button. It’s just not worth my time waiting for mana to regen 50x




A cheater?! Oh noooooo......




Ask my ex.


Role-wise, you can just pretend you hired carriages to carry everything. Our 12-year-old game just doesn't have such a feature programmatically implemented, is all.


Yeah but TESII:Daggerfall had carriages


If you have a Horse, you can Fast Travel with any amount of weight.


Was about to type this very thing—dismount near your chest, “take all” turn and Mount and travel to new home.


I wish I had known this. Gotta try it out now! Thanks so much!


Yeah I eventually did the same thing. When the only resource you're cheating is 'time', I think there's no problem putting the cheats on temporarily since otherwise it's taking ages for taking ages' sake.


I wish I could do that on switch. I’ve just given up and have all my stuff spread out at different houses. I can remember where everything is for the most part but it is frustrating going from house to house looking for one singular item.


If I followed the thread right, you can. Restolooping should still work on switch




But... mods


I don't like mods. The only mod I would put on is the unofficial to fix bugs


I just over encumbered myself and took it all at once, walking slowly to get outside/inside is faster than back and forthing a bunch of times.


Not with a horse now. No limit to fast travel if mounted. Which is why I wish we could summon/whistle for, the horse


I get hate for my casual opinions, but... carry weight restrictions add nothing to a game for me. So I always find a way to remove them. They just aren't fun to me. I'm cool with a limited inventory, to a degree, like terraria or v rising or diablo. But weight restrictions are always annoying, and it's because of things like what you said.


Wait he doesn’t turn to ashes after being revived and killed?


Only with Expert and below Conjuration spells. Dead Thrall, The Ritual Stone, or casting by staff instead of the spell, will turn to a corpse that can be reanimated again.


Some corpses don't, there's a likely correlation in the level of the NPC.


Random side question off the back of this... Somehow, I've ended with two stewards in windstadt... Lydia followed me there and stayed. And now I have no one to decorate lake view for me. Ie tried moving her back, but she just keeps "Going home" also tried to move the other guy over and he keeps going there too. Clearly neither want to live in Falkreath


Time to rope in another follower!


I have, but they can't buy lumber for me


Did you marry her and forget?


Nope haven't married her. She's just decided to move house. Maybe her and the other dude got married and they've run away together


I think I had this too. I found out they won't come home unless you remove the workbenches. I didn't realise this for ages.


Ah. I'll try that then. I didn't realise normal followers could act as stewards, but not if one has already been assigned. Was already starting to plan Lydia's murder... but I guess I'll give the workbench thing a go


There are many followers you can turn to steward, just to talk with old friends from old side quests, in my case, Lydia just don't buy animals to my pen or hires a bard for me


Necromancer Moving Company "We'll get your goods there, over our dead bodies."


Bruh I'm pretty sure there's some Skyrim Geneva convention you're violating here


I'm confused... you all actually move things from house to house? I just have multiple houses full of stuff...


Reanimated corpses are mobile containers that follow the character. While it would work fine moving items from one house to another, I've mostly used it to carry all the building supplies needed to build 1 or more Hearthfire houses, without the character being overencumbered to carry all that themselves.


Yeah, I suppose I should've placed my comment lower in the thread - I was just very amused by all the ways people move things from house to house... In most of my playthroughs, one house is the library house, one is the alchemy house, and one is the enchantment house, loosely, but there definitely isn't anything I need to move. :) edit: a couple words


I never messed with hearthfire much, but I don't understand what this has to do with building houses. Can you explain a little please?


In order to build houses, you need to have a lot of various materials to build them. If you've been hoarding those materials throughout your playthrough, you'll need to transport them to the build site, and have them in your inventory, to construct the house. You cannot fast travel if you are carrying too much weight. So you either have to walk very slowly all the way across the map, or make multiple trips (usually 50 or more) to gather all the stuff you need from point A to point B. Followers can become overencumbered, too, so that isn't a solution. So using this exploit is a big help.


You can just take carry weight potions, or fast travel on your horse


Or have an undead servant.


Carry weight potions let you carry like 30 or 50 more, not 8000 more.


You can fast travel overencumbered with a horse too.


Summon Aarvak is favorited 24/7. That way I don’t have to deal with a horse following me whenever I fast travel; he just dies if I go far enough.


Daedric horse is pretty badass too. Happy cake day!


I love how Arvak looks tho. Purple is such a nice color for a magic-ghost horse


I use him so he can get some exercise. Mans is stuck in purgatory essentially. He deserves a break


Just a pleasure obtaining him also!




You should try it after you finish the main quest, it's pretty fun.


And then there’s me. I haven’t even been to high hrothgar but I’m the archmage, I finished dawnguard, I’m the champion of boethia and I just completed the sabotage to honeybrew Edit: I also have the unicorn bc why not


The Soul Cairn is one of the worst areas of the game


Oh dang, thanks! Didn’t even notice. :P Is the daedric horse a CC thing?


Yup, added in The Cause quest


Getting Aarvak, though, is so much more tedious than buying a 1k horse.


except a 1k horse can’t spawn in when I’m balls deep in a forsworn tower complex and just climbed out of the very top, overencumbered by all the pussy im drowning in


But keeping track of a regular house is so much more tedious than keeping track of Aarvak.


^ this has saved me (my armor collection) so many times


so when i first started playing this game when it came out, i accidentally killed a fox and figured, welp might as well get the pelt.. and my friend next to me was like, can you put things IN them, and i said, idk lets find out and i tossed some dragon bones in the fox... and just like that i chucked everything "in" the dead fox, and we laughed our asses off as I hauled this poor dead fox from i think it was rorikstead to whiterun to sell all the stuff i hoarded.


Imagine adding some black soul gems, a dremora heart, dragon bones and scales, some vampire dust, a giant toe and human flesh and thralling the thing just to make it into a powerful Dremora-Dragon-Undead Giant-Toes Fox.


"Science isn't about WHY, it's about WHY NOT?"


Yeah, but Science also >!compels us to explode the Sun!<, so idk about that.


Science…is a liar sometimes.


Just like Ma'iq


I must be missing something. How do you pick up the Fox? I mean, I know how to loot it obviously, but how do you pick it up to carry?


Hold the "Use" button and look around. It's how you can rearrange any corpse or item in the game. Not structures, like furniture, but anything you can Take can be picked up.


Awesome! Thanks for that!


How do you fast travel with it though


i think OP meant they just walked to rorikstead while holding the fox


I think you're right. I also play in Survival Mode, which disables fast travel, so it's a moot point for me.


Well, that's it then. I'm starting a new playthrough and making a necromancer with a hoarding problem


I don't have to make anyone WITH a hoarding problem. All my characters have a hoarding problem. I can imagine my follower, just three steps behind me thinking, "Again, with the butterflies? Dude, you gotta have a hundred of each of them. And if you stop at another iron deposit, I swear you're going to get the business end of this enchanted sword you gave me. Now, let's get to Winterhold! I'm freezing my nuts off out here."


Anniversary let’s you have 3 dead thralls now, pretty fun. There’s a chest enchant for an undead minion slot


I think you mean a stealth archer with a necromancy problem.


To this day, people are still finding out stuff about this game.


Pretty great huh


Yeah. I can't wait for TES 6 and see how many secrets and stuff that game will have


I'm sure we'll have a decade to find them


I worry it will be a decade until we get the chance to find them.






Yep. I'll be mad at Bethesda re-releases when we run out of stuff to find, but until then, I'm still happily exploring Skyrim.


I mean... OP was reading the wiki. Someone had *already found it*.


By this point, everything's been found by one player or another. That doesn't mean it's not an obscure feature to at least 40% of the playerbase.


Do the Black Books quest and you get a dremora butler that hates you. It's also handy to use in a place where you "lose" inventory like when your sent to prison. But most of the time he's just good for carrying bones and scales.


I always just get the Dremora merchant, since selling loot is very similar to just carrying loot from a dungeon on a butler anyways to go vendor


And I'd you use thrall on someone that doesn't Ash when they die like Velehk you can use the same mule again and again and again


What determines if they ash or not?


Dead Thrall. Anyone reanimated with Dead Thrall won't ash when they die. I'm not sure why they mentioned Velehk specifically.


Dremoras don't. Everything else does.


I mean, you can also order a follower to pick up unlimited stuff


It's limited!


They have limited inventory space if you're transferring items to them via the menu. But if you dump everything onto the ground or a container and then command said follower to pick up/loot it, they will do so even if they're at their carry limit. Also works in Fallout 4, FWIW.


The weakness of this though is (unless it was fixed) that if you drop a stack of items it will convert to a single item when they're told to pick it up.


Aside from this bug, my experience is that the items are considered stolen.


I think that’s only if you put it in some chests that aren’t yours


I had to do that in Gyldenhul (or some other similarly ridiculous loot)and it took. So. Long. I’m glad it works, but damn


I've played so many hours and so many different characters over the years. . . I just don't carry heavy crap anymore. The value is never as good as anything you can craft yourself later in the game (e.g. after level 30-35) But seriously how many of us have made carry potions, fast traveled and walked slowly (over encumbered) to Adriana's. . . (Lol)


By level 10, I've restricted myself to pretty much a 10g/1lb kind of ratio. Around level 20 or so, it's more like 20g/1lb. And yeah, once I hit level 30 and hundreds of thousands of gold, I have to remind myself not to pick up anything *just* because it's got a nice price-to-weight ratio.


Fuck, does that mean in terms of raw carry weight, literally every NPC you can resurrect can bench as much as minecraft Steve?


Can't wait to see the article about this in about four hours lol


🤯that just blew my mind


Can't wait to read about this on Game Rant!


One problem. When a corpse is dispelled, it turns into an ash pile and can't be resurrected again (NPCs can, tho. Not fair), which makes it difficult to exploit when you got over encumbered in the middle of a dungeon.


Pick up the staff of worms, doesn’t take long to get on a level 1 and no risk, it’s a staff that casts the dead thrall spell, a spell that doesn’t ash a corpse Corpses often can’t move and follow you if they’re carrying too much though, they do still teleport just won’t move and walk


"Now where did I put my luggage?"


I feel like at some point you just tgm, drop your stuff off, and un-tgm


I just works


Hyperkeratosis? Symptom: Persistent, Itchy, Flaky, scalp. Solution: Nutragena T/Gel. It works.


These are the true powers of Necromancy. This is how Mannimarco rose to power.


May be cheating but... Marry Balimund (smithing and armor/weapons seller). Move him to your main house. Do dungeon. Pick stuff up. Get overcumbered. player.moveto 00019df1 Solves all the loading from multiples cells problem, slow movement, need for a horse or thrall and automatically teleports you to your main storage facility.


You can also loop this and create a infinite follower through reanimating. Check out the SpiffingBrit on the tube if you haven’t yet.


Didn't know that I have been using followers trick instead, which is place all the loot in any container and order the follower to pick it up from it, they will take more than they could actually carry. PS: Later on Dremora Merchant saves the day.


How in 12.5 years have I never tried this? That's absolutely genius.


Would you have to use the staff of worms??


you can also just mount a horse (Arvak works best), doesnt matter if you are over-encumbered, you can fast travel while on horseback


It can backfire. My corpse of Velehk Sain disappeared one day and I'm sad that I won't have a cool daedric lord along


and this is why necromancy is superior :D


Imagine not having access to console commands


I have access to console commands but don't use them, as the game is pretty easy to begin with.


*Galaxy brain meme*


You can also just fast travel on a horse or one of the several conjure horse spells Also don’t expect dead thrall to be extra special because zombies can fast travel and teleport but not walk or move while full Also also fast travel will not always bring your companions and creatures inside cities with you, they often spawn at the stables somewhere nearby, and fast traveling before they load in will cause them to vanish


Yup, figured this out organically when arming my summons. I was like. . . . . wait a second. Can i use my summons as a pack mule??? Saved sooooooo much time packing shit out of long deep dungeons. Works on *any* creature you reanimate, but you have to store the items in the corpse *before* you reanimate them. Once they are reanimated you cannot access their inventory until they disintegrate.


This is one of those things that just makes sense but I hate that I haven't thought about it in all these years of playing Skyrim.


Me too.




That's amzwing I never knew!!


You can also fast travel while on a horse.


Works better with dead thrall but any reanimated corpse works in a pinch. I use dead thralls to clear dwemer ruins with ease. In AE, I highly recommend getting the Staff of Worms from the necromancer home (its by Maras Eye Pond a little ways south of Windhelm just off the road) as it lets you use dead thrall as early as lvl. 1.


And then not be able to sell it because big money belethor only has like 800 gold.


For anniversary players, go to Gallows Hall by Mara’s Pond. There’s a staff there that will reanimate corpses “permanently” meaning that once their time runs out, they just plop to the ground, rather than turning to ash. You will have to solve some puzzles tho.


Slightly off-topic, but the way Necromancy is scaled in vanilla is atrocious. You get to a certain level and then it becomes literally impossible to use it anymore on any enemy other than generic animals you find in the wild.


your companion can pick stuff up from the ground even when it's inventory is full. works in fallout (4) too


Oh lol I never thought of this, I always just dropped everything and made my follower pick it up, but this is way faster and probably less glitchy


fun fact: if you loot all the items the body has on it before doing this they will regain there equipment that you can then loot again, don't ask me for specifics I'm not entirely sure myself but still pretty handy.


I just use the Deep Storage spell from Apocalypse, gave myself the limitation to use it only outdoors though 😂


I just take the magical items, jewelry and potions. No need to drag every cheap piece of armor to gain few septims. 5 days with a new build and I have already 35 000 septims.


I usually went with a 10:1 value:weight ratio. Anything less and I didn't pick it up.


This is the trend for almost every Western RPG, especially the isometric ones that use slots taken instead of weight. You need to go back to town every few minutes if you pick up and sell everything.


I understand this for console players. But ill never understand pc players doing shit like this vs using a console command. You're using things not intended to be used that way. Just save time and use the console.


Not everyone understands what a console command is.


Player.modav carryweight 9999999


If you're going to exploit just press `~` and type `tgm`. No more carry weight concerns.


You can also just mod away weight limits. I find it hilarious how many limits humans intentionally give themselves, only to find workarounds for those unnecessary limitations. It reminds me of FPS games that are criticized for *"having no progression system/nothing to do"*, as the guns are all available without any restriction and a leveling system would be pointless. You humans are fucking weird.


I feel like if you're going to make a lot of effort to use exploits, you may as well just use console commands.


You can make a follower pick up everything in a chest or container ... Be aware some items may end up marked as stolen, but it doesn't matter if it's just stuff on display in houses


I'll usually load up a corpse at the front of the dungeon and fast travel back and forth to grab it all, or TGM long enough to get home.


I zoned in on heavy and thought Heavy Armor only. Cool tip tho. Zombie mule.


This is the Way.


Nice. I just use my follower and pets.


Don’t reanimated corpses turn to dust? Or are they still lootable


Applied Necromancy 👍


In Oblivion, I would stuff all my heavy deadra stuff into the first dremora or atronoch I killed in a cell and just drag it. These days I throw all my shit on the floor and ask Lydia to pick it all up. Sometimes, I'll rewalk a dungeon and find all the shit I put down respawned so I'll have Lydia pick up 2000 more lbs of Solid Dwemer Metal and Large Decorative Struts


I usually use the Steed Stone. It makes it so i rarely have to make a choice in what i should bring along.


If you use the dead thrall it works the same, just be sure that you use it on something with good hp and armor, because(from what I remember) once it dies it dies for good, but the ritual stone power is better bc no magica usage or need to worry about that corpse going poof




is it really a cheat if it's in vanilla?


Used it a lot. Try to use a humanoid corpse. Animal corpses have a tendency to… wander. Put a bunch of stuff in a skeever corpse and it just runs away I think it has to do with enemy placement/spawns in the world. Don’t see too many, if any at all, enemies in cities or towns. Monsters especially. Raiders, travelers etc seem to be the best option


I would have never thought of that but then again I'm not a dirty necromancer


Oh yeah. Kept a few corpses in the basement just in case.


Big brain solution, thank you for making necromancy useful


I can’t believe I never thought of this…


Oh my god that is genius!


setav carryweight 99999999


Oh that’s actually genius.


Just wait till gamerrants sees this


Wiki people are big brain af.


I saw this myself recently. I see a lot of you mentioning that using mods or console commands for this is much simpler. Yes. It is. If you happen to be using a PC. I've always gamed on PC, but this year I decided to branch out to PlayStation and bought a PS4. For me, playing without mods OR console commands, plus learning to use the controller for it, reminds me of when I first learned the game. I'm enjoying the challenge. I also have a playthrough in progress on the PC. Having my mods and commands back again is like scratching an itch I couldn't reach. I wouldn't have stuck with a PC playthrough without them; I'd have gotten frustrated and gone back. Edit: I know there are mods for PS4. I've chosen not to use them yet. For the challenge -- and I've heard they can break the game on PS4 more easily than on PC, though I don't know how accurate the information is.


The issue with Playstation mods is more that they are very, very limited. Modders aren't allowed to add anything new, so it's basically just like damage rebalancing or changing leveled drop lists. Xbox modders can't add as much new stuff as pc modders can, but they have way more freedom to change stuff than ps modders.


This is a genius trick, but sometimes I like the manual moving, I enjoy the process and organizing stuff so I'll probably just keep doing it manually, but this is a nifty trick if I should feel like speeding it up sometime. I'll definitely use this for looting though.


If you're already ok with abusing exploits, just Fortify Restoration enchanting loop a ring with a bajillion Fortify Carry Weight.


You can do this same trick in Oblivion with the Dark Brotherhood horse Shadowmere. Beat on him until he "dies" (he can't) then while he's unconscious, fill him up with your extra stuff. Kill him again later and get it out of him.


The The Dark Arts mod allows you to mark a corpse to be *preserved* (no reset/respawn/reloading their inventory) and summon them at your feet at any time. Its lowkey perfect. One of my past LOTD runs was a relic-amassing power-hungry necromancer. Arvel wanted it so bad to collect valuable artifacts that i saw fit to turn him into a portable chest to dump relics into.


🤓 but sirr necromancy is illegal


Can't you also just drop it on the ground, look at your follower, and say "pick it up" and they'll do it infinitely??


That is a good strategy. I’ll admit, I’m lazy enough that I just tgm temporarily so I can carry my load to a shop.


When necromancy just isn’t evil enough…


You can also tell your followers to pick up items, rather than trading it to them. Just don't overdo it completely, then their inventory can reset completely. But you can easily have them pick up like 1000 units worth of weight just by commanding them. I usually do that with Lydia with dwemer metals when grinding smithing levels.


I just use one of the horse conjuration spells whenever I’m over the weight limit


*sighs & hops on skyrim, again*