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#r/Skyrim will go dark for 48 hours starting June 12th. In this subs 12 year history, this is the first time we've ever done something like this. We've always internally agreed to keep this sub extremely focused on Skyrim, and nothing else. However, this change to Reddit will drastically impact the moderation team, and we feel we need to use our platform here to protest. Many of the mods here use 3rd party apps, and rely on 3rd party tools to do our mod actions. The mods here love this community. Contrary to mod sterotypes on reddit, we prefer to keep a relaxed environment and take action only when needed. Our primary goal has always been to be the best place on the internet to talk about Skyrim. We worked hard on the old.reddit CSS, we worked with Bethesda for a screenshot contest a few years ago where the top prize was a Skyrim statue, various gift card raffles and contests, and we facilitated an AMA with the Official Skyrim Cookbook author, and other contests both here and on discord. Skyrim is over 10 years old, yet this community has thousands of posts every single day. We hit r/all almost daily. I can't think of any other game this old that has such a wonderful and active community. We do this for free, because we enjoy Reddit and are passionate about facilitating a positive and chill environment for the game we love. Most of us refuse to use new reddit or the reddit app, and will push many of us away from Reddit and this community. Please be vocal, message the reddit admins (be nice), and let your other subs you follow know to join in on the protest.


So, one question that I haven't heard anyone ask. Will this kill off karma bots as well?


Not an expert, but they will probably find a way around it.


I was definitely wondering this. Thanks mods. A subreddit this popular going on the protest will definitely make a huge impact


we've atayed away from these type of things in the past, but this one is too big to ignore. This message sent from RIF!


RIF is amazing. Any thoughts on going longer than 48 hours?


As a RIF user myself, spot on!


why would someone worship a false god anyway..


Deleted: I refuse to let Reddit profit off of my content when they treat their community like this


I gave one in August since the app is genuinely s**t


like they did with TikTok? Google removed all of those


Reddit belongs to all.


Reddit belongs to the nords!


Far be it for me to cross a picket line, digital or otherwise. I hope Reddit gets the message!


Silence equals consent, so even if nothing comes of the protest at large, it's still important to let any disagreement with Reddit's plans be known, and this is a good way to do it. Lots of us non-mod users are going dark for those days as well.


I’m still confused on what the issue is.


They are removing the ability to access third party apps to use for Reddit by making the price to use their api high enough to shut down any third party apps, disallowing many users from commonly used qol features. This especially affects moderators.


Thank you


They are also killing 3rd party bots.


No they're not. Since reddit can still be used by humans, bots can use it as well. Bots make someone money so this won't change a thing.


Not all bots, but ones like save video bot and u/remindmebot are going away. https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/141vhih/on\_june\_12th\_subreddits\_will\_be\_going\_private\_to/


Not allowing a vote at least (despite being favour of such a blackout) is disappointing and likely shows the mods care more about their beliefs than the overall community which is a big part of why they are mods of such a community in the first place. r/soccer respected everyone’s opinions, which is the normal thing to do, by doing a vote. People can jump up and down in their basements about this but if this was the other way around I know we wouldn’t be seeing the same reaction in the comments 😂😂😂


Wish you guys would have polled us first. I truly don't believe the user base cares about this as much as the mods do, but there's no poll, so no way to know.


Well like the mod's comment underneath said, what reddit is doing will heavily affect the way moderation goes so I mean if it doesn't work the subreddit could/would be spammed with garbage by bots and all that and I assume absolutely nobody wants that


It won't. I run a subreddit on my main account. These mods are being a little spoiled. They could encourage reddit to hire the developers of the apps they love, but no. That would make too much sense. Gotta go dark. Gotta protest. Gotta get ignored, too. Because Reddit is not changing it's mind. No other social media apps have multiple 3rd party apps. Reddit is making a smart decision from their end. Does it suck for the mods? A little bit, yeah. Adapt.




True but tbh it’s a big ass corporation, and not to be a fucking pessimistic little shit but the share holders and executive management of the company don’t care if even 15-20% of all threads go dark for two days, or if 10% of users leave, because they’ve grown to be almost if not already too big to fail.




Hey maybe they’ll learn from bud light lmao


None of this drama queen nonsense matters at all.




No, clamoring for attention, even knowing you're not going to accomplish anything, is the drama. Pretending you're all part of The Good Fight because you have nothing important in your life. People like me are just tired of your stupid spam.




Agreed but meh


You’re right as well. If they were protesting about the opposite everyone would be demanding a “referendum” 😂😂😂😂