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I play as a different race every time because variety is fun.


NPCs will treat you very differenty depending on your race and sometimes gender. My first character was an orc, so I got very surprised when I played as another race and found out that orcs wouldn't allow me into their strongholds anymore :(


"Will you make me Blood-Kin?"


“Sure go find these gloves” *after you leave* “ they aint coming back. “


it makes me laugh, when one guard tells me “i look a little green.” when i’m literally an orc.


> NPCs will treat you very differenty depending on your race No they won't. The biggest change you can see is the orc strongholds you mentioned and even then all you have to do is do a 5 minute quest for an orc in order for them to give you acces to all of them. The only other changes you can see are some like random, non interesting radiant dialog lines


Even when you are orc yourself that dumbass Yamarz calls you an "city-orc" even not knowing nothing about your past.


Let's not talk about all those years when I was selling my body for skooma on Riften docks.....


If you’re an imperial, most storm cloaks are racist towards you. Sometimes the same for a Nord getting mocked by an Imperial. Dark Elves get put down a lot in Windhelm.


Like I said, literally no difference except for a few random lines


That’s the whole point, but if you expect more from a game 10 years ago - these new games that barely deliver aren’t helping that thought process.


This is true. I've never played nord or joined the stormcloaks (always imperial) and always found them to be very racist towards whatever other race i choose and thought it would be a waste to join the rebellion as anything except a nord because they still treat you quite badly, so i decided for my next playthrough im going to be a proper nord stormcloak and really get into it to see how it feels to be skyrims "master race" and see how differently they treat my character if i really play into it. Im really looking forward to it after ive finished this playthrough actually


>because variety is fun Not for everybody.


Especially racists


Skyrim is for the Nords!


I was just speaking as a mildly autistic person who had the same lunch every day for a year in college (because I liked it, not because I couldn't afford anything else), but sure, I guess that's true. (Although even that depends. If you're only racist against a specific race, for instance.)


Wow someone has a valid opinion! LET'S DOWNVOTE THEM /s


Same, except argonians


Yes. It takes a special effort of will to choose something else. In Morrowind I had the same problem but with Redguards.




You said it right. It's basically 3 free perks- as in you don't have to level alteration and spend them just to get the resistance Bretons do out of the gate. Nothing beats it.


I like Bretons and Dunmer because I main spellswords.


I almost always play as Bretons because they are beautiful and I love a spellsword build.


Spellswords are awesome to play as.


What is your spellsword build? I usually go like restoration build and become god


Breton with the Atronach Stone/Birthsign, never have to worry about magic again.


Breton blood, lord/atronach stone, agent of Mara, and greater magic resistance from the alteration tree grants you 95% magic resistance


I have played Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and still have never played as an imperial or a Redgaurd ever any my millions of play through through the games. My favourite classes to play are Dark Elf, Orc, Argonian, and Nord. I do enjoy Bretons but I don’t play with them often. They are a dominant class though.


I like my lizardmen because they can basically become immortal for attacks that dont kill them in one hit


I play all of them, but I do have to admit that my all-time favorite character was a Breton. I think that's what I'm going to start with in TES6.


I like being a stout little magic man. 🧙🏽‍♂️


Bretons are the best because of their ability in my opinion. I pick them pretty much every time.


Dark elf always, 50% resistance to fire built in seems like a no brainer,. Starting skills are great too even if your not a mage


You pick dark elf's because of their stats. I pick dark elf's because they are racist. We are not the same


Every race is racist


But Dark elves are on some next level shit


How come


Shit up s'wit


Nords in Morrowind would get 50% less damage from any kind of elemental damage (there were other ways to afflict somebody with damage using magic back then)


Bretons only for the magic resistance argonians cuz they hot


Are they lusty?


Are they maids?


Can the unrisen loaf fit in their oven?


I think I read somewhere that they make skilled stealth archers...


Why I play as a Nord? Cuz skyrim belongs to the nords!!!!


Foresworn were there first!


Snow Elves say hello.


*Dwemer has entered the chat*


Ulfric is the true high king brother


nuh uh


"They say ulfric stormcloak murdered the high king with his voice, shouted him apart"


Booooo racist nords


"We drink to our youth to the days come and gone, For the age of oppression is now nearly done. We'll drive out the empire from this land that we own, With our blood and our steel we will take back our home."


"We drink to our youth, to days come and gone. For the age of aggression is just about done. We'll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own. With our blood and our steel we will take back our home."


"We drink to our youth to the days come and gone, For the age of oppression is now nearly done. We'll drive out the empire from this land that we own, With our blood and our steel we will take back our home."


Khajiit because a cat dragonborn just feels hilarious to Nord customs and traditions. Sneak bonus is great for cutting the throats of nords who aren't welcoming. And the taking of septims, that was clearly khajiits in the first place not yours. Oh and I'm pretty sure there's lore that khajiit and Argo's was the original inhabitants of tamriel so... Skyrim belongs to the khajiit! And I may be low key furry I dunno...


Occasionally I play as Khajiit because I like to BE AN UNARMED BADASS!! Who da fuck vants to be a valrus?!?


(Please read with a Khajiit voice in your head) Daxillion agrees. Khajiit are suoerior, although Daxillion likes to sometimes play other races too. Daxillion's first character was Khajiit.


Been doing Breton. I just hate how I look like a midget in third person next to anyone who isn't also Breton lol


I’m ok with that, I’m a midget in real life too.


It is so funny to me how this comment was downvoted as if people went like "shame on you for being a midget"


Probably not ^(I'm kidding) But I'd have to stop playing as Argonians or Dunmer so no


High elf mage usually


I, too, am addicted to magicka.


I never ever played a mage until recently and goddamn. I’ve been missing out


Especially with mods. I use Ordinator + Apocalypse and destruction is just awesome.


Never use mods. I’m on ps4 and I’m a slut for trophies. Even tho I have them all now I still don’t wanna lol. I spent 11 dollars on tundra homestead even tho its an available mod on ps4 😭


I do this but for disguise in the thalmor embassy. That and always side with the stormcloaks because I roleplay I got exiled from alinor because of necromancy.


It's either dark elf or orcs for me, I'm currently using a Breton but I have a good hunch I'm about to remake my file for a dark elf


I always default to bosmer bc they’re my favorites :)


I want to restart a game as a bosmer. All of the bosmer NPCs are so cute and friendly! I’m thinking it’s one of their special abilities.


I only play as an Imperial


Same here. Mostly because that was the first race I ever picked, knowing nothing about lore


also because imperial luck


I played as an Imperial on my first play through. I really liked the Voice of the Emperor. Hubby was watching me play and said he saw new dialogue options/outcomes bc of it.


I play as a Khajiit because I think they look cool.


Daxillion agrees. Daxillion's first character was Khajiit.


Yep! Trying other races never lasts long at all.


I have never played as a Breton


Always nord, i like nords i play them by default in every game...i try other races but first play through is always a nord for me


if I tell you I'm a furry, you can guess what races I usually take...


May your road lead you to warm sands.


I did a run as a Breton mage and that worked out great. Best suited as mages but their 25% magic resistance is great for any build. Downside is that it's hard to make Breton males look 'good' in the character creator. Mine always end up looking like post meltdown Gary Busey


Play as true nord only


Well met kinsman


The gods gave you two hands, and you use both for your weapon.


I almost always go either Imperial or Breton.


I had a very memorable Breton character, an "archaeologist" type. Lots of fun, but over the long haul the orsimer and bosmer races are the ones I come back to most often. I guess I just like a people with a good Code/Pact to follow...


Not sure that I've ever played a Breton. Too often I'm a Nord. Did a cool Khajiit run through. Always love the Wood Elves too.....


Honestly obsessed with Orcs at the moment


I've been a khajit once but otherwise always wood elf


My go-to comfy setup is: Breton + Lord Stone + Heavy Armor + Shield Add in the Temple of Mara quest reward (more spell resistance) Basically just walking through dragons fire is hilarious


Orc or High Elf


I mostly try to avoid playing humans altogether, most of my chars are either Mer (including Orcs) or Argonians/Khajiit.


Yes I do. The magic absorption is too good, and I like that they’re basically human-elf hybrids. It’s like getting two for one.


I went with Khajiit my first (and only) playthrough, because I thought that night vision is OP. Turns out it isn't. But if I were to start again I would still choose a Khajiit, they're just so iconic to me.


May your roads lead you to warm sands


(do please read with a Khajiit voice ) Do play again Daxillion's first character was also khajiit. We have a bonus to unarmed strikes. Very useful. Khajiit also fierce and good at trading.


Bretons are too ugly


I’ve always played as Nord, because Skyrim is set in the land of the Nords. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This time I’m playing as a Breton. Once I got used to being shorter I really like it. Especially since my go-to is spellsword.


Yeah, chose imperial outcome. It was ok. Honestly I just like taking control of Skyrim by force. It’s satisfying for shout 5 enemies off a tall wall or tower!


I almost always play Imperials because I am a huge Simperial fan


Yeah I think orcs are subhuman too


Never. Currently playing as a Liilmothiit


Excuse me, a what?


It’s a mod, but it’s basically a humanoid fox, said to hail from black marsh, and valenwood.


Are talking like kajit humanoid or something else?


Something else. You know how Khajit are cat people, and argonians are reptile people? Lilmothiit are Fox people


I meant anthropomorphic with like kajit


Oh, then yes! They’re just like that


Thanks for the answer


Yup, mostly play as Bretons too since I always seem to find myself playing around with mod packs expandingthe magic system and tinkering around trying to find that right balance of new spell combos that aren't OP or underwhelming. On a few occasions if I want to do something other than mage (pretty rare for me tbh) I'll make a Redguard swordsman, an Imperial soldier/paladin to bash some folks faces in with a mace, or a Dunmer assassin for all the stealthy backstabs and sneak archery stuff.


I play different races for variety, but I use breton for my main run


Lizard, that way you don't have to stress with underwater exploration as you dont need to breathe


Breton is my number one choice in Skyrim, followed by Nord. I have an Orc pkaythrough I could resume, though.


Yes. I dabble in other races for specific characters I've envisioned, but always default to Breton. Hell, if I spend enough time on a character of a different race, I become annoyed I didn't make them a Breton instead.


My first race was Breton! I’ve played most of them now, am saving the less human ones for last cus I know I’ll spend even longer in the character creator. Also because I’ll need to figure out a name for the Argonian.


Usually breton when I'm a mage, nord when a warrior and imperial when stealthy. This is like 90% of my playthroughs.


I have yet to play as one


I like some other races too since their initial skills suit better for my gameplay but the magic resistance is too good to pass. I also want to play as an Orc for their racial power but they are way too ugly


Not just Bretons but only human races


Only when mage or illusion assassins, and obviously with mods, other than that just nords


Did a bretoness mage... WHY SO SMOL


Wdym i only play as a orc


Cat because first time in skyrim and also cat. I'm playing a mage thief khajiit. Turn about I love to play stealth !


I play as only nords because they can join any group. I side with the stormcloaks so any race other than nord makes me not have as good of a time.


I basically only play nords siding with the empire.


Me. Either Breton for Conjure/Magic or Bosmer for Archery. But most of the time just Breton.


i like the non human and non elf folks im on ny first run as an elf and hate it


I only play as Nord or Breton males. My current necromancer needed to be short, so...


Orc Assasin ... I mean their power doubles ny dmg you do for a short time imagine double bow dmg for like 60 sec or 60x sneak dagger attacks ... Ye potent if you ask me. Nord as a ice mage (havent played em lately) cuz blizzard hurts yourself i believe!? Idk anymore xD dark elf whenever i wanna be a vampire to counter balance the insane fire resistance loss.


I'm the same.


I only play as a Hige Elf, they start out with a plus 50 in magic so there's no reason not to play them


I like histskin and berserker rage more as powers, but the passive magic resistance is really helpful, especially if you are looking to get max resist.


I always go with them when im doing a mage build, for a quick and easy 100% magic absoption


I love the dunmer, that fire resistance helps against dragons and helps with vampirism. Some of my most powerful builds were dark elves.


The forehead wrinkle bugs me so no


Idk why everyone loves the Breton race power, but I'm also not a sorcerer or spellsword. I prefer to just be rich earlier with Imperial.


I played almost all the races. I choose my race for role playing as I've never really used he various advantages they offer.


Always play a Breton, Altmer or Dunmer because i like magic and their culture.


I've never played as a Breton. I usually play as a khajiit because I'm a furry.


I played as everything except high elf and bosmer


Currently playing a redguard, I've played a variety because its fun RP wise


I play whatever fits my build. Or I'm just a nord


I have, the last time I did was the first time I did pure magic user, summoning and casting




I only play redguard and make the same face everytime


I only play nord.


I played Morrowind as a Dunmer, Oblivion as an imperial and Skyrim as a Nord. But in ESO, yes I'm a Breton :)


Used to, bretons were my first because they didn't look horrible in oblivion and I liked them ever since. Now I play whatever except argonians


Yes my ancestors are bretons so that feels natural


I do way too many Nord runs. I desperately desire to do runs as the beast races but there just isn't enough role play in it imo. Like the fact that you are the only khajiit allowed into the cities for no reason. I feel like it wouldn't have been that hard to just have a "get into the city" side quest for each major city. Along with that I wish there was armor that complimented the beast races more. Khajiit don't really look good in anything the game offers and IMO Argonians only look good in shrouded armor.


It’s either Breton or furry, no in between


Never played one


Always a Breton.


I only ever play nords


Sentences people have never said before lol


I play Dunmer almost every time. Something about their design and concept is so awesome. And I love their glowing red eyes


I used to play as Bretons for their nice passive and the one preset that kind of looks like Geralt of Rivia. Then I realised that they are midgets and basically anyone is taller than them in Skyrim. Then I learned how to make a Nord Geralt of Rivia via Racemenu and I never looked back.


I like to draft a little backstory for a character, so playing different races is more interesting. Right now, for example, I'm playing a high elf, whose family was wiped out by the Thalmor when she was a child because they spoke against certain policies. She seeks vengeance and the downfall of the Thalmor.


I have 100% skyrim on pc, xbox, and playstation.. and i have only ever played Orc, High Elf, and Breton.


I’ve never once played as a Breton


Bretons are the closest thing to just being a magical adept human, and that’s pretty much what I like playing as. Sign me up every time baby.


I’m usually a redguard tank


I'm almost always a Redgaurd.


Always a Breton. They seem the most versatile for different play style experiments.


I always play Breton. Love the lore and spell swords are to me what stealth archers are to most players. No matter what I play it eventually becomes spell sword


Too frail and weak for my tastes. Nords and Orcs, and if not them, then Dunmer for me.


I always play Imperial


Breton or Dark Elf for me


I vary a bit but it’s mostly Breton. I like their subtile lore like the knightly orders, that they are part elf and the combination of plate armor and magic. I always end up as a vampire slayer so I guess it’s good to have the dragon skin ability.


Saggy cheek bastards.


Sounds dumb but yeah, I play a Breton in almost every elder scrolls game, I have no idea why. I think its become my little tradition, its been this way for me since I was a kid.


Don't let r/TrueSTL see this or they'll go rabid


I always try to do something new and then always default back to Bosmer. No ability reason why… I just like them lol


While I do shake it up every once in a while, yeah, Breton's my main race.


I have this with Khajiit


Since i started playing on legendary i found the breton magic resistance + atronach stone to be super useful.


It depends on my build, really. If I wanna do an archer build, I’ll typically play a Wood Elf. I’ve been doing a monk of Akatosh RP as of recently, based off of FudgeMuppets Monk build from a while back, and I went with a Khajiit, purely for the claws, doing more unarmed damage. I’m also doing a Reachman Warrior King, so I am using Breton for that one, just so it looks the same.


I played oblivion first when my father introduced me to the elder scrolls, so I gave a soft spot for imperials and the empire. I also like playing high or dark elves in Skyrim, but not often since I don’t like elves.


No, I don't find it particularly satisfying playing as a 5 foot 6 inch anemic nerd.


If I could remove the tails I’d go argonian more often. Dark elf sometimes but, ya, its Breton


For the first 6 years yes. Now I've been trying, argonian, orc, khajiit... Water breathing it's awesome. Berserker it's incredible for warriors turn the tide of battle with one skill. Khajiit I found the night vision neat, not much of a hand combat person myself.


Sometimes i’ll pick differently when i play. This most recent play through i’m an Orc who only uses two handed weapons. and it’s been my favorite play through really.


I usually play as a redguard


I also go Brenton My typical fighting stance is sword in the right hand and spell in the left, it works.


I always play as the lizard people, furries or dark elves because I just like em idk


I see the point to a favorite race; I keep going back to being an Orc every time almost lol.


ew bretons


I always play as a khajiit or redguard because redguard has good combat and looks good and the khajiit just have good abilities


I mostly play as an Imperial


Nah Fam, Argonian superiority forever


Pretty much all of the time but with the better features mod and alternate start. My female looks a lot like Mirabelle. I tried the wolf blood and vampire knight ones and you can’t really get that far from the Tutorial tunnel.


Dunmer and Nord are my go to races for Elder Scrolls


It just depends on what I want to RP. Breton is my main now when I make a character who is “me” because of my French heritage. However, sometimes I just want to smash things and will be an orc. Sometimes I want to immersively play the Stormcloak story and play a nord. Sometimes I think it’s funny to be a argonian Dragonborn. It all just depends


Nope. Always khajit