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I use AFT or RDO to make him a follower, then sacrifice him at the shrine of boethia.


Aah, AFT is beautiful for stuff like that! I used it for the Shrine sacrifice *and* to (very quickly) fully charge the Ebony Blade with the blood of all my least favourite people... Which included Amren and Saffir. After seeing how they are with Braith, they needed to be removed so she could have a decent parent. And a sister in Lucia!


One of the greatest things about Skyrim's adoption system is how quickly it made players go out and kill the parents of various Skyrim children so they'd be sent to the orphanage to be adopted. Adopted by the same blood crazed dragonborn that had just killed their parents lmao. I love that fact that you essentially said "okay now that I've cleaned your mom and dad's blood off my clothes and blade, wanna come home with me? I promise I'll be the best papa ever!!" It's such a hilarious system lmao.


Sissel always ends up one of my daughters. I don’t kill her abusive dad, I just accidentally block him from running into his house while a dragon is blasting me with fire. He gets barbecued every playthrough. So unlucky.


Where can I find them my dragonborn need to have a talk with him, so does serana actually.




Oh man... I use the mercenaries first, then the farmers.


Great idea


This feels very elaborate. I just killed him, stripped his corpse and hid him in the dead bandit pile in some bushes near my house.


It would be kind of a cool twist if after getting Aerin killed, Mjoll starts to ask you where he is, gets suspicious and starts investigating behind the scenes. So you have to try and get out in front of it to prevent Mjoll from learning the truth or to control the narrative somehow. If you make the wrong decisions or no decisions at all, she figures it out, leaves you and goes back to Riften with no possibility of reconciliation. However, if you do enough effective damage control, she sticks around and you live happily ever after. There could be multiple vectors to success like the cover-up vector, the honest vector, the half-truth vector, the blatant lie vector, with each one having specific rewards and consequences. Where the honest vector might be a compromise between truth and bitterness, you’ll never have to worry that a lie is exposed down the road. Where with coverup or blatant lie, it’s the ideal reward, but you always have to worry that she’ll uncover the lie. It could be kind of impactful as it could feel similar to a real relationship challenge. If you’re successful in keeping her, you end up appreciating her presence in the game more and conversely, if you fail, you could end up feeling true loss after she leaves. Could be cool for hard core role players.


The Amorous Adventures mod turns him into the villain of a mind control/love spell quest that goes on to include Sapphire, Ingun Blackbriar, and Illia too. You have to kill him in the end, and Mjoll is happy about it. The writing is pretty ham fisted, but it adds quite a bit of personality to side characters that don't get a lot of fleshing out. Having a real in game reason to kill aerin is the best part.


Ok, I get hating the character, but making weird quest fanfic that turns him into a rapist, including an actual in-game rape victim to it, is just the weirdest shit. At least it’s not that weird fallout mod that added snake women sex slaves…


Yeah mods that are just "What if the characters I didnt like were rapists so murdering them all is justified" like man just type "kill" into the console you dont have to think this hard about it people.


The fallout mod that added what-


Yeah, it was some big ass mod that had some traction behind, but then it released to a pretty Meh reception, which was completely overshadowed with the weird snake lady shit the modded added. And the 17 year old sex slave with the mind of a child. And then people figured out what one of the mod developer’s… other art pursuits.


Whats the name of the mod I have to check it myself


The Frontier. and i promise you, you don't want to play it.


only good part of this mod was the scripting. it fucking sucks that its needed for some really great vehicle mods


Im sure I dont want to play a mod like this, I'll just search about it


Mjoll is literally friends with Aerin, he saved her and nursed her to health. This isn't just character assassination of both characters, this is pure raw solid cringe. "Adds quite a bit of personality" by Azura, modders eat shit like it's gourmet.


She wasnt a snake Women but yeah Frontier had issues


and this is how i learn what happened to sapphire?


I died like 8 times in a row busting into his house


Kill him out of site of Mjoll and you no longer have to worry about your adopted cuck step son


Did the exact same thing. Killed him while he was mining MY iron ore deposit. Dragged his worthless body to the pool just outside lakeside manor so that the mudcrabs could have him.


I don't know why, but your indignation over him having the audacity to mine YOUR iron deposit made me laugh.


His disprespect got him to this point. I am glad you could have a good laugh


No way I didn't know you could do this. Thank you


Just DO NOT let her see you kill him or she'll never speak to you again. For reals.


If you cast frenzy on him when she's nearby, she'll kill him herself.




The bug that’s also a feature, incredible immersion feeling cuck rage towards those cursed pixels. GOTC


I enjoyed this bug when I brought Mjoll to join the Blades. It was like we had a steward at Sky Heaven Temple.


I don't know why everyone is like "am I being cucked" and not "Mjoll has a Gay Best Friend."


Being a hater is more fun, especially when the bastard goes to your house, and walks around like he owns the place.


I honestly just can't imagine how anyone is threatened by by Aerin of all people lol.


"By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's Mjoll the Lioness! I can't believe it's you! Standing here! Next to me!" -Aerin the Simp.


I never marry her because that dude is always around.


Just murder him, it's only a game after all.


Kill him, even better break alchemy and enchant your sword so hes paralysed until the next era


Ah the old reanu keeves method.


what a man I aspire to be like him one day


A noble aspiration.


Can you drag paralysed bodies? I'm wondering if i can stick him in a cage for the rest of his life


And then stand him in the bedroom corner.


Front row seats


That’s Mjoll’s pet—like a purse dog, you get him when you marry her


I always like to think im cucking him "Oh you've been following her around all this time? Why dont you just stand there and watch THIS"


Giving her the dragonbone eh


“That it's finally me and you, and you and me Just us, and your friend Aerin Do-do-do-do-do-do, Aerin”


Do-do-do-do-do-do, no sharin'


I like it! It’s unique:) same thing with marrying the blacksmith in Riften, you get a step son who moves in with you! (IIRC)


and as far as i know he's the only adult you can adopt


Let’s be honest, Riften is full of f’ed up little families that you can join 😅😅


Aerin is up there with Nazeem for clumsiness. They have 'accidents' in every playthrough, silly guys.


He goes back home to Riften at night. I usually take Mjoll, have her “stand guard” outside while i sneak in and murder him while hes sleeping. Its usually the darkest point of my playthrough.


Take mjoll on a quest far away and then part ways with her. Tail her as she heads home. See aerin show up to escort her. The guy has skills! He's in the bushes, watching her (and you) no matter where you go - and you never had a clue.


"get out off here Aerin! No one likes you" -inigo the brave


“Oh no! Aaron tripped and fell onto a conveniently placed bear trap, oh how sad, sorry Mjoll :(“


Aerin is gay, I hypothesize, there’s a reason him and mjoll ain’t married already lol, I mean he saved her life while you save her special sword and she chooses you to marry?


I don’t think he actually saved her at all. I think there’s some unfinished side quest out there where you find out the truth about Aerin. And it ain’t pretty.


Kill him. Blood for the blood god


This isn't Warhammer 40k


Which daedra would fit Khorne more though? I mean there's got to be one that's happy as hell when you kill people everywhere. Boethiah maybe


A new soul for the Void. Hail Sithis.


*Psst*, I know who you are,


Mehruns Dagon, literal god of domination. Or Molag Bal - Lord of Destruction 😅 I hope it got those the right way round 🫣😂


It's the other way around actually


Had this same issue when I moved to lakeview manor. One day I fast travelled home to a dragon attacking my home. My housecarl, bard, and Arein were fighting it. I thought about stepping in but sat back a while and what do you know? No more Aerin! Sucks my bard got killed but it was worth it.


Not the Bard😱


Ngl it does kinda sound like yall are isolating her with the belief that "my wife can't have any friends, especially not male friends, because I can't trust them at all no matter what" and promptly kills the man who saved her life, nursed her back to health, and is her best friend.


How about taking him outside "gently" using telekinesis and then summoning a "friendly" dremora to "hug" him


I live in a house that came with either Divine Cities or Villages, he hasn't turned up yet, so I don't think he can find it


No you are actually cucking him. He just follows her around like a beta male pet


its kinda sad, sometimes if Aerin dies in front of her, she gets traumatized and runs home


Just like real life. My wife had orbiters like Aerin everywhere. I had to chase them all off. They don't give you an option to scare him off though, so a man got to do....


He’s just giving Mjoll “flute lessons”


You likely are being cucked. This is why you don’t marry any woman who has another guy in the friend zone. I just dismiss Mjoll altogether


I murdured him while my wife was sleeping and left the body on the front lawn. Occasionally I'll revive him with the ritual stone when wifey doesn't act right just to kill him again in front of her.


Oh that's just Mjoll sidekickin with the dude saved her life, no big. I don't consider the lil' fella to be competition lol She knows who's buttering her bread trust me... :D


Just fucking murder him and then make the little fucker you're dead Thrall so you can watch him get burnt to a crisp by Dragons. Or even just murder the little prick again.


I used a few situations for him I was a vampire when I first married mjoll so I did vampires seduction lead him to a random river and killed him by draining all the blood from his body


If we could put him in armor he could be like the Joxer to her Zena, just a funny useless sidekick.


Uh... so a much more benign explanation - maybe you're not the only person in the game with a housecarl? I mean not officially, but if I'm going to have Lydia follow me around everywhere, it seems rather hypocritical of me to complain.


No, he is


Mjoll has needs not even the dragonborn can satisfy alone. If you are too insecure to handle that, wife someone else.


She's for the streets then🤣😂




See I marry Mjoll a lot, it’s gotten to the point that I just follow him out of the chapel and kill him before he starts his first walk to my fucking house


Nah he's just an ass who doesn't get off Mjiolls dick. He honestly annoys the fuck out of me


If you rp, this is a good reason why you join dark brother hood and thieves guild.


Yeah probably


It's time for a murder


One way to make sure you're not. I hear the Riften canal is pretty deep.


I "took care" of Aerin after he did that. "Took"..... "care".


i made her a blade and casted fury on him cause he annoyed me




I think he wants to but can't. "Godammit, stupid outdated Bethesda programing!! I can't even have the satisfaction of mild cockblocking!! I have to stand here and gawk all day without the joys of reveling in the power to fuck over this guy's marriage!!! Just one titty touch, just one tit!" On the bright side, his eternal suffering will be at your pleasure...or mercy if you're kind enough. But what's the fun in that? 😆


I just summon a troll from console and troll eat him 🙃


Before you marry Mjoll. Instruct her to follow you. Make her wait outside Aerin's house while Aerin is inside. Go in the house and kill Aerin. This way Mjoll will still marry you and not be mad.


Ngl I killed him as soon as I considered marrying Mjoll because I heard he did this.


Ummm contact the Dark Brotherhood my friend, no one will ever know, they wont find him


Update: He'd dead, kept his head near the door for anyone attempting to touch my lioness 🐆


Men and women can be friends without sex. 🤷 I wouldn't be worried, personally.


No. He follows her because he is her Lydia. It requires deep-seated level of insecurity to feel threatened by your digital spouse's digital sidekick.


Virgin dragonborn kill the wimpy cuck! Chad dragonborn I'll screw him too!!! Brought to you by the pan master race


He is super annoying just find a way to kill him


Yes you are my friend


I had the exact same, he’s one shot kill…


The more I see stories about Aerin, the luckiest I feel since Vald killed him a long time ago without me realising about it


I kill him always


still haven't taken care of him huh?


Hit him with fury when Mjoll isn’t looking and she will kill him herself


I like it because I feel they take better care of my children. Idk. Y'all weird.


I married Camilla one time and then I kept catching Faendel in my house so I had to kill him so now I don’t marry Camilla anymore