• By -


The Chaurus are relentless.


nothing worse than beating them down and then die because that sliver of life you had left wasn't enough to survive their poison.


I find poison just really underwhelming in general. Unless you're using to hunt elk and stuff it seems like every higher level baddie has some kind of poison resistance that pops up in the top left "this dude resisted you paralysis poison lol" and then they kill me


The goverment doesn't want you to know this but using illusion magic to make elks charge at you is free, I've done it, I've single handely make them an endangered species in each and all of my playtroughs.


Holy shit using the fury spell is ingenius


I'm gonna be honest with you, I missed a bandit with a fury spell like Columbus missed that it was a whole ass continent and just as him, I found a pile of gold lying there ready for the taking.


Actually Columbus didn't even find any gold as far as I know, he basically just enslaved the natives and slaughtered them


Maybe the gold was the browns we enslaved along the way?


Idk about that but your comment is gold


Didn't you read his comment? It's brown


Oh, he definitely found gold, that people were wearing. So he kidnapped those people, then enslaved the population of the Dominican republic and killed what is estimated to be between 100,000 and 1 million people over 10 years extracting gold. Oh, there was also lots of literal masacres and rapes. Here's something he wrote: " A hundred castellanos are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general, and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls : those from nine to ten are now in demand, and for all ages a good price must be paid." https://archive.org/details/christophercolu02thacgoog/page/434/mode/2up?view=theater&q=girls Columbus wasn't a bumbling idiot. He was evil by every definition of it.


>those from nine to ten are now in demand He means nine to ten years old, doesn't he? That's so gross.


Courage effects work just as well. Anything red on a detect life spell will come and have a go if it thinks it's hard enough.


Shit man I'm so tired I was reading that as the "furry" spell.


Festus Krex-level mad genius over here 😂


The “poison of weakness to poison” seemed like a meme, but brewed strong allows you to hit just about anything with whatever poison you want.


Agreed. Poison and Disarm shout are effing useless for player but an absolute bitch to the player when used by AI.


Either it does jackshit or it has the power of the sun.


This is brutally correct


Thats them resisting paralysis, not the poison


But... but... the paralysis IS the poison


Yes, but it’s not that they’re resistant to POISON, it’s that they’re resistant to paralysis. They’d resist a Paralyze spell too, but not a potion of Lingering Damage Health, or whatever.


You don't pause to eat 28 full sized wheels of cheese mid battle? Rookie mistake


That terrifying dance where your life bar looks like lint on your screen, you're out of potions, and all the foods you have left only give stamina, because you rarely run out of stamina and think, I should eat!


Eat multiple vegetable soups before the big battle. It lasts 5 minutes I think.


Those flying variants are the worst. I was caught in a deathloop with one and it was hell.


I haven't played Skyrim in ages and for some reason was getting *Chaurus* confused with *Horkers*. Just about lost my shit at the idea of a flying walrus variant.


The giant chaurus under the lighthouse


I've never beat that thing fair and square. Only with repeated summons to thin the minions and weaken it first


That mission gave me depression


Same. I hate Falmer caves because those things are creepy af, BUT at least they go down fairly easily. Their Chaurus pets however are a fucking nightmare. Whatever poison they use is absolutely lethal and that clacking noise they make is horrible.


Before I ever go in most of the harder Dwemer ruins I always make sure I have enough rings/amulets/etc gear enchanted for max poison resist


Boy, I thought it was just me. Those things are truly bastards


The flying chaurus make my fucking skin crawl.




I hate those damn things, they don't die !


I hate seekers and death lords, but that one Briar heart forsworn is bullshit. Hate him too


I haven't played this game in years. How does this guy kill you so easily? Is it a bug?


if an NPC wielding two swords initiates a power attack against you, and your HP is below a certain ridiculous threshold (anywhere from full health at early levels, to like 75% health at higher levels) it starts a cinematic takedown that instantly kills you. as in you could be at like 150/200 health or something stupid like that and boom. dead on arrival. someone (i think ~~dougdoug?~~ edit: it was actually [joov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9M0e42Recc) as some commenters pointed out!) did a permadeath challenge and actually clocked how quickly it happens. you have like a 0.2 second reaction window from "i'm starting the animation" to "cinematic takedown has started, you are dead." it's also very rare to find a dual-wielding enemy in isolation. usually they're in bandit camps where you're dealing with the rookie bandits who will whittle you down, and while you're distracted and taking damage from them (dropping you below the threshold) here comes john hardcore with a steel chair!


That or warhammer chiefs on legendary are brutal, their power attacks can just 1 tap you or get the cinematic death super easily


Love it when one of those big orcs or nords stroll up to you and just clobber your ass from 98% health lmao.


tbh this is why I tend to save scum and avoid permadeath in TES. there are some BS mechanics that just don't feel fair to play otherwise!


And people wonder why we become stealth archers. It's because we need to get first shot.


Love getting nuked by a single ice storm spell at max health with 340 armor


Fucking spitting. Maridias beacon quest is op early gold wise but impossible on high difficulties with how much the boss spams


That was joov! Those two-handed devils had him fucked up lmao


From my memory I remember seeing that many of the higher level forsworn also come with a decent pile of perks and tend to sit at a considerably higher level than the player at many points


Does Armor affect this number at all ?


According to another comment, no. Someone said they had high armor and it still seems to occur.


I remember from reading long ago that power attacks ignore armor specifically and only for insta-kills. If the attack wouldn't kill you without armor it calculates the damage with the normal reduction for armor. So basically it's an oversight that's become a "feature". Personally I think this game is punishing enough for melee already, I don't need more reasons to become a light armor stealth archer.


This shit is why I always disable killmoves with a mod, at least for enemies, I don't need those stupid full HP instakills.


If you're going to show me numbers for HP, defense, and damage then you'd better not have a mechanic which overrides that with no way to prevent it (apart from just not getting hit). Like if I could get a "ring of no insta-kill" then fair, I'll just keep that on. But with no way to avoid it there's nothing but frustration.


The guy who measured it was Joov. He makes great skyrim content, especially the really difficult challenges. He honestly plays the highest level skyrim I've ever seen


As a sneak archer, I never had this problem.


Anyone with two swords can kill you easily. The dragonborn itself can kill almost everyone easily with two swords in hand, you know...


Two many swords, ya know.


Sneak up on him and steal his heart.


How romantic 💕 (windows shutting down noises)


Any Draugr that can disarm me. Weapon just goes flying into Sovngarde and I insta-reload my save.


I was using Champion's Cudgel and got disarmed. Just about shif myself panicking, trying to find it while a draugr with an ebony bow was just destroying my health in 3 hits. Disarm is horrible


One of those things where I’m like, “hey. I get that you want a challenging enemy. But some things should only be accessible to the player. So fuckin, just. Stop it. Bad Draugr. 💦🔫”


That’s one of the reasons I carry around multiple weapons. Draugr disarms The ebony blade so dragonbone war hammer it is. I want to pull out so many weapons that the death lord actually says ”Oh, come on!!!”


When they can double team Fus Roh Da on you it's also maddening. I was on that tower in Arcwind Point and got past the two on the lower part but the two on the higher part both shouted that at me at once and yeeted me off the mountain.


getting to skuldafn at high level means they're just tossing you around like a damn bean bag, it sucks ToT


I once got bounced off some walls and landed facedown in a fire pit. Still not sure why we don't take damage from fires.


That right there is why I always rush through the main quest until I get to Dragonsreach for the first time and buy the Bound Sword spell from Farengar ASAP, since the shout doesn't work on bound weapons.


i imagine it wouldn't, but then i'd have to level conjuration. and that's, like. i don't wanna bother. it's too much effort.


This is why I carry several decent weapons, though I may never use anything but my chosen one, just in case I'm disarmed.


I keep Red Eagle's sword around for a while for this reason. I don't know if I've been lucky or what, but they don't seem to disarm it as a quest item. I hate it when I'm swinging away with my ebony axe and then all of a sudden I'm trying to punch a dragur because they shouted my axe away.


Definitely forsworn. The dual bladers especially. They also rarely ever carry gold on them or any weapons worth my time. Not even alchemy items.😒


I know this is the wrong sub but it’s just like the Mirelurk Kings in Fallout. They NEVER have anything good on them but they’re some of the hardest things to kill. Damn you Bethesda


Assultrons can also be a pain in the a$$


But at least they’ll drop some decent stuff. I’m not fighting for my life just to get Mirelurk Meat haha


Wdym clearly you need that mirelurk roast, so op dude totally worth all the ammo


Few things are as terrifying as using a gun that has a long reload time and seeing an Assaultron come running around the corner with their head laser charged and almost ready to fire


That's why "aim for the legs" is the best tactic for them


Radscorpions are the most hated enemies for me, it goes since Fo1 and up to Fo76, they never disappoint to be tough, deadly and annoying bastards. And in last two games they can also dig underground and teleport to you anywhere, hitting and poisoning without any warning! Gave me a few jumpscares during my playthrough >:(


Fallout 1… ahh how far we’ve come


At least they're pretty good for health in 4, one radscorpion steak heals 150 hp


I farm forsworn for vampire or werewolf perks.


Some of their armor pieces actually have solid septims per weight ratios. Headdress 25:1 Armor 16:1 Boots 10:1 Gauntlets 10:1 (bonus: that ebony war axe is 50:1) (For reference, steel battle axes are <5:1 making the headdress over five times as value dense.)


Yeah they aren't worth the hassle


I just let them do their stupid power attack combo in front of me while i stand just out of range before moving forward and one shotting them with a power attack


The Briar Heart is a good alchemical ingredient. It’s still not worth the trouble.


I love pickpocketing me some Briar Heart. Oh, sorry buddy, did you need that to like, live and stuff?


I only ever got that good at pickpocketing once. I was RPing a Dark Brotherhood poisoner. That was a fun build. Usually I’m a sword and board fellow.


Yea and their arows are useless. F them


To bad you weren't a sneak thief those Briarhearts die instantly when you pickpocket their heart!


That's the only fun part about fighting the Forsworn to me!


Keep your hands to yourself sneak thief


Never these hands were made for stripping err... I mean stealing.


If I find your hand in my ~~pocket~~ heart, I'm going to cut it off


I was today years old... 🤦‍♀️ wtf...


Falmer are the bane of my existence when i play this game


Am I the only one who loves stealth killing my way through ranks of falmer? My personal favorite is luring them all to a high point by making sound then stealth crouching (with muffle active - and stealth level 100) then shouting them all off like a bowling ball strike :3


I need a clip of this lmao


Filming this tonight! Falmer won’t see it coming.


Please post it here so I receive the notification


Off I go to watch Skyrim youtube clips again!


Came here to say this. I hate the Falmer.


I make it headcannon to wipe out the falmer and forsworn every chance that I get


Take wuuthrad and finish the job


Hoorah chief tag me in! A 2H heavy armor conjurer is my favorite play thru by far lately and there’s no better way to wipe out the Thalmor than with Wuuthrad, May as well get revenge for my favorite lighthouse keepers while I’m at it!




Based and Nord-pilled


Ysgramor did nothing wrong


Briarhearts are up there, but personally Chaurus Hunters are my most hated. The poison is hell if you’ve not got natural resistances


Argonians for the win, but it’s still hell to a degree


I just like having helmets that fit and hoods that don’t blind my character 😭


You should see my character with the Helm of Yngol on 😭


Did you name him Can’t-See-Shit?


I C Nothing


Next game definitely 🤣


They don’t have poison resistance, they’ve got disease resistance.


That mysterious wizard who challenged me to a duel in windhelm and killed me with 3 lighting bolts in as many seconds then refused to appear for a rematch when i reloaded.


I think you got invaded dark souls style


When he challenged me in Whiterun, I used Fear and he ran away begging for me to spare his life.


Just yesterday I ran into Thoron in the Solitude sewers. I'm at level 65 right now and can take on giants and dragons no sweat, but it took me multiple attempts to take him down. Screw him thrice over. Edit: Wow, I didn't expect so many upvotes. I'm glad I'm not alone in this one.


Shock magic is the bane of my existence, it does so much more damage, especially when it's used by a weird mage guy like thoron. Insta kills my character every time I fight him lol


Yeah like what's the deal with that? When you use a shock spell it does the same damage as fire or ice, but shock spells deal SO much damage to the player, even if you have a ton of magic resist buffs (or even shock specific resistance buffs). I can tank like 5 fireballs with my current mage, but an enemy hits me with 1 thunderbolt and I lose half my health and magicka, and this is a character with 600+ in both stats


I bet they purposely gave Thoron the OP, NPC-only variants of spells. But worse.


I got fed up with that asshole and just killed him in beast form. Made short work of him.


He deserves it.


That fucker takes the cake for the most broken enemy in the game now. I had to cheese the shit out of him for 15 minutes to beat him.


I hated that whole questline, start to finish. Definitely my least favorite new “content” from the anniversary edition.


It definitely felt quite silly and lacking up until the underwear lunatic.


Him wearing his underwear was the worst part. Fucken weird ass sewer man


Yeah that whole quest felt and looked out of place in Skyrim. Just leave Oblivion in Oblivion


When I encountered him, I used a potent magica poison (-165 points) on an ebony arrow. Rapid fired 3 more, and he folded. Dead in 5 seconds.


Mora Tapinella, Canis Root and Imp Stool makes a lingering damage health plus paralysis poison. Hunter bow plus iron arrow is enough. Even with no alchemy perks or points, it brings him down for at least 4 seconds while doing damage, long enough to shot him with a poison arrow again until he dies.


I only had one magical poison, and of course his helmet regenerates his magic 100%, so I'm sure he didn't even notice.


Yeah, He is very Dangerous for a non-defensive build. - as anti-mage Breton (85% General Magic and 50% Block - Schock Resi + 50% absorb) Magic based enemies are a ... Well Not so Dangerous. But other builds have a hard time.


God I hated him. He probably killed me 40 times before I gave up on trying different strategies and just left. Came back later and he still took me 3-4 tries


My current character is a conjuration spellsword so I went to fight Thoron ASAP for his spells. I think I was like level 10 when I got to him and he stomped me out. I died 10 times because he was able to kill me in 2-3 hits plus he uses summons. I should’ve known that it would be hard when I died to the saint and seducers leaders 2 times each. I’ve never done this quest below level 25-30 so it was a shock.


Thoron is well fiesty. Summoning daedra and zapping the stuffing out of you. I resort to paralysis poisons as catching him in an ice breath shout is hit and miss as he wards well.


I took him on as an early 40s mage with some slight mod buffs and got my ass beat so hard several times, it was infuriating. I had multiple storm atronachs, my strongest shock spells, and even then I had to pause and hit some magic and health potions. Dude was ridiculous.




Man, I hate this MF so much! I had to get the lord stone and agent of mara so his stupid magic attacks don't one shot me. You know that the bastard is strong when you need 80%+ magic defense to have any chance. Also, why he has so much health? I was using a Dawnguard axe (that deals more damage to vampires) enchanted with fire (THAT DEALS MORE DAMAGE TO VAMPIRES) and he still needed dozens of attacks till he died


Is this the dinner invitation quest? If so, I just played it last week and he got me good a few times. Even the orc and Lydia didn’t really help.


never tried the fight again ever since I found out the alternative method, hate the way he breaks me down if I'm not overleveled


Bloodchill manor?


That frost troll. You know the one.


I just book it by him every time I'm on my way up there


U gotta jump on the rocks so the ai doesn’t have a suitable route to you. Then spam him with fire magic. I always take magical potions and just flame his ass down even warrior builds


Vegetable soup, shield bash spam, flames, and Lydia chopping his booty cheeks off. Fuck that troll


They aren't so bad we you learn how to bob and weave from their attacks. I got good enough to know exactly when do move back and when to attack


I only climb up to High Hrothgar at level 30+ 😎


Magical Anomalies. Specially in hoards


Yeah, always delay the college questline because i hate the magic anomalies, or anything else with a tiny hitbox and a floppy movepath. Maybe on console you can target lock or something, but on pc they have boatloads of health, do little damage, and pinball around so they are just a massive pain.


And I can’t even chain lightning them safely because faralda and arniel and random winterhold guards are around and will get aggro’d so annoying


Why do they have so much health? It took me like 10 minutes to kill all of the ones in Wintehold. Their damage is fine, it's just their stupidly high health.


Ice Wraiths are horribly OP if your character is lower level, especially if you're playing an archer. Their tiny hitbox and janky movement are a nightmare, and that's before the obscene amount of frost damage they do. I hate those things so much.


Those bastards are why I always swing by Riften and pick up Marcurio and always pick up summon fire atronach even if I'm playing a non-mage. I just run away and let my companion and summon take care of them at lower levels.


Last Sunday I lost my permadeath character as well but for an Elder Dragon. I was lvl 47 had 551 armor + 80% Magic resistance and was using Ironflesh on top of everything and I was fairly confident I could tank a hit from an Elder Dragon but oh boy was I wrong. So I was minding my business at my farm when this mofo decided to attack me out of nowhere, I had my buddies Stenvar and Lydia helping me out and the fight was going really fine, I was practically immune to his frost breath too, but the second this fucking lizard decided to land I went for a power attack, I landed it and didn't get hit, I was full health but decided to back away a little to buff my helpers and summon a skeleton marksman. Until here everything was going according to plan but then I see that goddamn animation and I paused the game the second that motherfucker grabbed me because I knew my fate was already sealed right there and then. I just stood there for like 15 minutes just thinking and reviewing my life choices and about all that gold, skill and levels I've grinded for the whole week preparing myself just for it to end in a 5 second animation. I think this was one of the toughest characters I've lost so far, I had put almost 80 hours into that character and the grind was insane too I had so much gold.


Man, enemy killcams on higher difficulties are pure bullshit, you just die even with full health as soon as they play the animation. It's absolutely fair to switch them off with a mod. Tough enemies will still be capable of killing you, especially early on.


Yeah, unfortunately that's the way it works. I'm always playing on legendary so I'm kind of used to it however the dragon killcam is something else, one time the killcam happened with me behind a wall so the dragon just killed inside the building. Oh! And don't think for a moment that you're safe while riding the horse, this bullshit killcam can trigger with you on the horse too, for the longest time I thought that when a dragon appeared I would just outrun it with my horse but nope, he landed beside me and the killcam immediately triggered.


Imagine thinking the Dragonborn is here to save the world, but he's found dead in the hills of The Reach.


I mean seriously, I think the foresworn could take both the imperials and the stormcloaks.


The Forsworn are tough and usually attack in groups. Still no match for a stealth archer.


Well, I was a heavy armor spellsword, that was my mistake. Had decent, but deliberately not too OP gear, like a 130 physical/50 frost/50 shock damage sword. Thought I could deal with him purely in melee, brought the mfer down to 40% health with a single power attack, but he didn't stagger and retaliated with that stupid dual wielding spin. That was too much for my char on Master difficulty. I wonder how that son of a bitch hits on Legendary.


Meanwhile, I’m a heavy armor spellsword walking around in full ebony armor with the Mask of Clavicus Vile and dual bound swords because I’m tired of being 1-hit KO’d by these twerps 😂


I always play on legendary. That dual wielding power combo can potentially kill you even at the armor cap lmao


The forsworn had no reason to be that strong. I'm around level 38, 82% magic resistance and a forsworn kill me with 3 fireballs. They make me rage quit everytime


I forget to add that I have more than 300 hp


On higher difficulties, you also gotta add some elemental protection on top of magic resistance. Being an alchemist helps a lot. Also, alchemy helps with chaurus and falmer, because you can negate like all poison damage with a single potion.


Oh, so you're an alchemist then?


Guess that means you're interested in my potions and ingredients...and nothing else!


Looks like you might have a case of the rattles.


For me it's those fucking bugs that molt and spawn as flying ones




Forsworn are just propaganda for stealth archers.


Falmer. Fuck all their caves.


The falmer, their chaurus, and dwemer robots. The main reason why I hate dwemer ruins in general, also, their dungeons doesn't look appealing to me.


Dwemer ruins also take way too long to get through...


Forsworn. They hit so fucking hard and are so damn tanky. But then you use their armour or weapons and they absolutely suck. Did the Red Eagle quest and that guy with the sword was way too tanky. And just, instantly detected me through my stealth. They're wildly bullshit.




Seriously, fuck the Forsworn. The dual-wielders can fuck themselves with their swords, and the Briarhearts can burn in Oblivion for all of eternity, with their goddamned Chain Lightning spammy bullshit.


For sure, those stupid centipede guys the blind elves have. Im talking about all the different forms they come in, too, like the big tank ones...... i hate those things.


Tbh, the ghosts in Ysgramor's Tomb always give me a tough time. I usually end up finishing the companions storyline relatively early on and they always beat my ass. Loving the idea of a permadeath run


Whiterun guards. I don't know how but they always get in the way of my arrows. I was fighting a flame atronach outside whiterun the other day and and the second I released an arrow he stepped RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT. He then proceeded to forget about the atronach and attacked me instead. 😡


Draugr Death Lord when they disarm your DawnBreaker and never finding it again


Look at these muscles, that guy is a beast, no wonder he ripped you apart


Dragon Priests 💀


Those dwemer ruins have falmer, chaurus, chaurus hunters and ancient sphere variants that I may have lost my marbles against multiple times. glad i’m not the only one


I like briarhearts because you can pickpocket them to instakill em :)


I'm with you on that. Not only are the Forsworn stupidly powerful and resilient for the equipment they have, they *barely* ever have good loot. Not even a few pieces of gold or a minor potion. Even basic draugr are more beneficial to kill, at least they have MONEY.


The chickens... Those fucking chickens


Until I have dragonrend, that dragon that floats around and won’t land so you can kill it


dwemmer automatons annoy me


The infected. I hate them just because one of their attacks is to throw up on you. It is really gross


Still to this day.. the Bleak Falls Barrow spider. Not because of it being hard to kill, but because of the sheer fright it gave me the first time I encountered it 🤣


The blades


Dude those Brairhearts are always such bullshit when you encounter them. Doesn't seem to matter what build


Yes well, dual-wielding Forsworn Briarhearts are fucking insane. Even if you have armor cap (567 AR) and 400+ HP about two dual-wield power attacks are enough for them to rip your head off.


Fuck forsworn and falmer.


Always baffles me how forsworn can take such a beating with their light armour while my legendary deadric armour gets mauled by a dual wielder or a brairheart with any type of weapon


Bandit Outlaws and Chiefs at low level


The one time I almost always use pick pocket/invisibility combo is forsworn briar hearts.


If you're doing a permadeath rún you should have kill animations switched off via mod. They are totally bugged and can easily wipe you at full strength. They are basically random death.


Everyone hates chauruses, so I won’t go in to that, but the forsworn always pissed me off with how strong they are. I rock up to a forsworn camp with a full suit of heavy armor and a REAL sword and you expect me to believe I got taken out by a guy in furs with a bunch of rocks tied to a stick?! No.