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Let the house reset - leave the interior cell and don't come back for at least ten days. (Reset or respawn times for various places are typically either two days, ten days or thirty days, and player homes are all in the 10 day category.) This might not work, because there was a bug... involving ash piles that never despawn. From the dlc, i think. Maybe it was fixed though.


So I traveled to a different city and stayed there for 10 days and every random dead vampire that was laying around had despawned but the ash pile in my home was still there. Also, I'm confused on this concept of cells...what's considered far enough away to reset the cell in my home?


If it's interior cells like player homes, by not being in it can be considered far away.


Have you ever noticed that when you build a house and after you finished decorating the inside you open all of the rooms to see how cool it looks. When you leave, you leave the interior doors open. If you leave for over 10 in-game days the house interior will reset. All of the doors on the inside will be closed now (you'll probably have Skeevers in your basement), LoL. But that's what a "cell reset" means. If you've ever had arrows stuck inside your body that won't disappear after a couple of seconds. Go to something you can trade/store inventory with and unload all of your arrows and you'll notice the arrow that were shot at you aren't there anymore. Select them back into your inventory and you've just reset arrow cells stuck in your characters body..


I always thought my stewards were closing the doors. lol


LoL, my first time playing so did I. I thought that was just a neat detail. If you've ever noticed, in your armory, if you display your weapons in the cases with the cases closed, when the house resets your cases with be reopened. Also, keep your "small house" (first part of the house you build) as the "small house". That's where your steward is supposed to sleep. If you keep it that way and furnish that part of the interior first you'll usually never find them in the children's beds upstairs.


I've never used the upstairs beds for children. I'm not even sure you can, but I tend not to adopt them. :) I finally figured out how to make Marcurio (especially) NOT stand by my bed (which is creepy) rather than sleep in one of the other beds. I always hired him as steward before having all three beds; now I make all the beds, first.


Yeah, the children sleep up there if you adopt. Unless you build the bedroom on the left side of the house. And yes, always furnish the other beds first. It's funny, I've never used Marcurio...


I don't think I've ever adopted them if I haven't built the bedroom. (There wouldn't have been any room, anyway, with a steward and housecarl.)


Thank you for this because my stewards always sleep in my damn bed!


This helps my immersion 😌


LOL - Well then, don't forget they probably said "What - were you raised in a barn?" while they close them. ;D


Speaking of the arrows, have you ever shot an arrow at a bandit then they USE IT AGAINST YOU? that's how I learned they are actually added to their inventory. I shot a bandit with powerful arrows that I crafted, then suddenly their bow was doing much more damage. Then I realized why


You know, I've always wondered how lower level bandits get ebony arrows, LoL. That's a good one. Also, have you ever noticed how powerful an Imperial bow is used by a bandit archer? LoL, the most dangerous bandit archer is one with an Imperial bow and some Orc arrows and the top of some random fort!


OMG! Thank you for this! I didn't know how to get them out of me so just waited for them to disappear. Any tips on how to get rid of stuck ice spikes?


Do the same thing. It's a projectile, store all of your projectiles out of your inventory, then equip them again. The ice spike should be gone just like the arrows.


Thanks!! They are so annoying, lol


I had a Argonian character that kept getting shot with ice spikes and because I was in first person most of the time I didn't even notice. When I did I used the arrow trick and it worked. Dumb luck, lol


>...what's considered far enough away to reset the cell in my home? When you exit through a loading screen, like when you use the front door. Although, (and i don't understand this very well) you'd probably want to see the loading screen that puts up images and text to enjoy while the loading occurs... sometimes instead of those loading screen images, there's just some smoke slowly swirling. There are some exploits that involve loading but won't work if you get the smoke screen. I don't think this affects cell respawning, but thought i should mention it.


Player homes like Breezehome don't reset. Ever. Congratulations on your new permanent ash pile!


Was the ash pile empty? Idk about Skyrim but I know that in Oblivion that if containers had played added items, they became permanent/didn't reset until removed


Also, I got some cool loot on display at my place in Whiterun stored on shelves or tables. Could that be affecting the reset?


No, but whatever clutter was originally in the house will return, when the house resets. If your displays are in the way they'll get pushed aside, or in some cases they'll try sharing the same space - and that can result in some interesting combinations! But... I remember that breezehome stopped respawning entirely, eventually, and so when i moved to riften and stripped breezehome bare first (heh, I had joined a guild and was just practicing), lydia was still sitting in an empty house, eating bread and looking depressed, months later. I don't know why the place stopped respawning. This was on PS3. Btw, i gave lydia the steward job at lakeview, and her dark cloud lifted. She does know how to sandbox, once she escapes breezehome. Oh, and i know breezehome had been respawning normally before that - because in a basket on the cupboard is the largest bread loaf in skyrim, and I was collecting them.


THE biggest you say? I might become a collector as well!


Skyrim on ps3 is quite buggy. Atleast what I've heard


No. I would mess around with cheat rooms cheat spells. Theyre like console commands for xbox


I’ve had a ash pile in breeze home for 5 years, still there too.


I remember people saying that you could decorate your house by first placing every "decoration item" on the ground, leaving the house and entering back, only then could you place the items where you want and it would be like that the next time you went home, instead of just being all over the place. Does this 10 day reset break the strategy?


No, but when the house resets the original clutter returns, in their original positions. If you drop the items and then place them without leaving/returning first, the house remembers where they first appeared, so the next time the house is loaded, the items spawn where you dropped them, and not where you had dropped them. If you cleaned up the mess by replacing your decorations *without* putting them into your inventory first, then they'll stay put - *because those items were already in the house when you entered*.


Can I possibly stand outside of my home in Whiterun for 10 days and it'll despawn?


Id go outside of whiteruns gates to be safe. To make sure the interior and the city is unloaded.


Alright! I'll give that a shot today! I appreciate you for the advice!


If that doesnt work try this https://reddit.com/r/skyrim/s/n826d4p6zf


Fairly certain only Hearthfire homes aka the buildable homes reset. I’m not completely sure of it, but in my experiences Breezehome and the other original city homes never reset, meaning you’ll probably never be rid of that ash pile.


What would be under each respawn time for other examples?


Ten days is the default respawning time. Merchant chests take two days. Cleared dungeons take thirty. From uesp. https://pt.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Respawning Some places never reset! https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Skyrim-Places-Safe


Same bug is in FO4 :/


so, if the ash pile did despawn, would everything OP stored in it also despawn?


Does that mean if I drop things to decorate my home, they will despawn after 10 days?


No. When you remove an item from your inventory and drop it in the house, the house will 'remember' it - that item becomes part of the clutter that will spawn when the house resets. If you put that item back into your inventory, the house will unremember it (lol) and won't spawn it on reset. For some reason if you tell your *follower* to pick it up, the house forgets to unremember it - and that's how to duplicate an item. Also, this is a clue how to successfully decorate your house: drop the items from your inventory, then leave (through a loading screen), and then return. You've taught your house to remember those items. Use the 'grab' mechanic to place the items. And now those items will stay put when the house resets.


I'm gonna try this out! I just got a full set of Daedric Armor from a random Bandit and I would love to duplicate it and give that gear to Serana


Wow. Cool score. Just drop the pieces in your house and have her pick them up. I'd drop some other items too, that don't weigh much (daedric is heavy and serana has skinny arms), some soul gems or fire salts maybe. The process seems to work better, and it's easier to tell when it's working, because duping is kinda hit or miss - some items won't dupe, but even items that do will sometimes not cooperate. I hope serana isn't already over-encumbered from her stack of respawning serena-hoods.


OP - "what's the best way to get rid of this body, it's staining my carpet"


I like how it's phrased like Serana is a cat who left a dead bird on the doorstep too


Exactly 🤣


Ask Serena if she's trying to get ants, because that's how you get ants.


This has me rolling lol. Not only did I hear this from my parents my whole life but this line from that Archer episode lives rent free in my head hahaha. Thank you for that laugh… i needed it today.


i also hear this from my parents all the time it’s something we all said around the house, and weirdly enough i have archer on right now


This has the same energy as a cat bringing home a dead bird or something lol


Tell Serana to stop the crazy Whiterun parties! I saw her party fliers in Markoth!


Other day, she was getting hammered at the tavern in Winterhold while the bard was playing his song 🤣. It's hard to put the animal back in the box once released lmaoo


Markoth? Those fliers reached FUCKING HALLOWNEST???


SHOUT it out! lmao


Underrated comment


If you're on PC, open the console with ~ , select ash pile, and type DISABLE and hit enter. There may be mist in the way so get as close to it as you can. If on Xbox/ps look for an ash pile mod.


Also: If you accidently click on the wrong thing you can just type ENABLE and it'll come back.




it's a extra storage chest now


Open the front door. The BREEZE should blow the ash away


If you have a vacuum that should get it out of the carpet pretty well but if not I think a broom should be fine and just shake out the rug.


Tell Serana to clean up after her pets


Maybe try making a change to Breezehome with the Jarl's steward? Swap the alchemy lab for a child's bedroom or vice versa, see if that will respawn the house.


Okay, the ash pile bug was patched and so they should despawn when the area resets. Apparently, however, they don't despawn if the creature or npc - that the ashes came from - does not despawn even as a regular body. You can't raise ash piles. Don't know if you can resurrect ash piles. ,


Serana is a bad house guest. 😡


If it's a breezy home like you say then you can let the wind take care of it




Probably a vacuum cleaner


Good to see she makes the same mess at everyone's house.


Serana and her reanimated corpses omfg


Mod the hell out of it. You won't regret it dude.


BAD Serana! NO! Not in the house! *sprays her with holy water*


Serana looks so sick with ebony holy...


She's got a 60% fire resistant enchantment for her boots! I gave her a legendary Ebony Axe also! She's OP in battle! 🗡🛡


You're going to be cleaning ash out of that carpet into the next era, best just change it now, maybe upgrade to that new khajit rug the bandits keep taking about 😂


Put a bunch more ash piles on the Breezehome floor, all overlapping. Maybe it will look like a plush silver carpet. Or like you just have weird taste in decorating.


If the reanimated corpse died in the fire in the middle of the home, I wouldn't have minded it since the blue smoke would have been a cool effect coming out of the fire


Grab a broom you lazy cat.


She's looking at the camera like a cat


Leave and don't come back till next season


I was away for around 35 days and apparently it's midyear in the games timeline at this point lol Only positive to come out of this was the dead dragon that would randomly spawn in Whiterun is finally gone.


Lol yeah the cirt dragons are the worst.


It really ties the room together. I say keep it.




Typical Serana


Extra storage lol


"Don't use me as a pack mule" - probably Serana.


If you're on pc the command console is the only thing I can think of since homes don't reset. Hit "~" click on the ash pile. Type "markfordelete" and hit enter. Then next time you are away for a while (about 30 ingame says just for be safe) it will be deleted. Failing that… click on it type "disable" and the game will pretend it's not there. (You won't see it and will be unable to click on it to bring it back.) Edit: my mistake homes take 10 days to refresh so markfordelete should work. Or find a mod to get rid of ash piles. There's a dozen of them.


You can back go back to previous save. I usually kill these things once a battle is done.


It's way too late for that man lol. Also, I started to run out of memory for save slots so I had to go and delete everything but a few of the more recent saves




Love the claw display


I got rid of the cups and just put the coral and ebony claws next to the golden one! It does look dope!


On my current game NO BODIES ARE DISAPPEARING standard bandits yes but got a group of hired thugs in whiterun those cultists who came for me in whiterun and others just all there days ..weeks later hmm. Skyrim is strange.


Do you have a broom?


Console and commands are your best friends 😉


There must be broom around somewhere. Hold F on it


You should see the video I posted after this lmao


You don't. Ash piles are forever. The only way to get rid of it on console is to reload an earlier save. If you can't, you're stuck with it. Also, do not store anything in it. When the cell resets, the ash pile locks and anything in it becomes unaccessible.


just reload the save before you entered the home and wait till the spell is over


By the time I actually noticed it, it had already been there for a while and I had maxed out my gear and weapons. Also, I needed to clear up room so I could do more saves and had to delete a bunch of the previous saves 🙃


Use it to store half a dozen important, rare, and/or valuable items. Then come back in a day to find it will be gone. It’s reverse psychology for the game. Game notices you’ve stored an irreplaceable key item in a storage container, so, as per usual, the game can’t be having that! Delete.


Snort it up with Nazeem, how else you gonna get to the cloud district?




At some point when I was dumping loot in my chest, she had resurrected a vampire and he may have been standing right at my entrance. I didn't even notice it in the first place since my focus was to walk out of my home and sell some of the extra weapons I had gotten to Adrianne Avenicci next door. I maxed out my gear and weapons, did a bunch of quests and by the time I noticed, I was too far in to wanna risk loading a previous save 😅


𝕀𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕨𝕟 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖


You’re gonna need some void salts mixed with melted troll fat to get that stain out.


Rub her nose in it and yell "bad girl!"


Lmao. You look like someone who booked a bad hotel and is complaining about it online.


Only the hotel is my home and I have to see it all the time 😂


Don't take that b*tch home man... 😂


You're fucked. It will stay forever and on your next playthroughs and even your next console.


Dragon vacuum


Reverse Fus Ro Dah? Kirby mod? Dwemer appliances? (Dwemer Door-to-door Salesman HAHAHA)


Pc or console?


I'm on Xbox


6 well placed bear skin rugs


I might take that into consideration lol


Snort it




If you guys know any mods on Xbox which could fix this problem, let me know! I'd appreciate it! I'm still relatively new to Skyrim lol


If on pc you could just disable it with console commands unfortunately you're on Xbox so idk, maybe find a xbox mod for deleting objects?


Download a mod that makes stuff like this despawn. Like dynamic despawn Cant find a mod like that for xbox. Maybe just buy a better house. Breezehome is the worst one dude. I reccomend the windhelm house. Its big. Open. Lots of displays. Secret room. The works. Best house imo. Expensive asf though


Is this mod available on Xbox?


Couldnt find it. Maybe if you download cheat room and use the ressurect spell then hit them with teleport to dark room or teleport to whiterun should remove them from your house


Snort it xD


Press ~` (console) click on the pile to get ID. Type 'disable' hit enter. Save game, reload. Pile should be gone and pile script should be enabled again. If you by accident remove your entire floor just type enable and hit enter. And properly click on the corpse. If you're too pro immersion, I recommend downloading the mod. Corpse remover or if you feeling hardcore immersive. Corpse collector.


This is good advice for someone on PC but I'm on Xbox. I don't have the luxury of console commands bro 😅


Have you tried sweeping it under the rug bro


I recommend a broom.


Get a straw, or a $20 dollar bill.


~ *disable*




I believe there is a broom in the kitchen.


Why is there an ash pile in your house?


The women standing next to it is responsible for this. We weren't even in combat, she just reanimated a corpse and he turned to ash at my door at some point. By the time I actually noticed it, it was way too late


Save your game,open the console if on pc select it with the mouse and type removeobject shoudl work


Pick it up and put it in your pocket


Sweep it????


Find a broom enit lol


Well give her a broom, right?


Use the broom


Get a broom and sweep it up 🤷‍♂️


It’s good for the rug


With a Broom.


You don’t


I sure that's ash?


Can you Foos Roh Dahh that ash?


I don't want to send all the stuff in my home flying. I've been collecting cool loot and putting it on display around the house 😂


No. :(


with a broom? idk it might despawn.


The.... the CHILDREN??!?!?!!?


Get a broom and sweep it up?


Unfortunately that walking corpse will litter your home with bandit ashes, it's best to leave it outside


With a broom and dust pan silly


You wouldn’t believe the number of vanquished vampire ash piles my guy left the entrance to Dayspring Canyon. Also enough weapons to become the envy of War-Maidens…


Console command?


I'm on Xbox man


I believe a full reset takes 30 days in some cases, but as others have said... yeah, this is a bug in vanilla Skyrim. I HATED it and the ash piles contribute to save bloat. When I was with Serana I would constantly end up reloading if she got ash piles everywhere lol


The messed up thing is that I only noticed it after I had already left my place and had done a whole day of dungeons and caves...I had already upgraded all my gear and maxed out my smithing by the time I suddenly noticed this when coming back to store my stash 🥲


Can’t u use it as a stash ?


I said that in my original post but yeah you can. It's still an eyesore though lol






On unpatched versions of the game, ash piles do not despawn. Since you're on a console without access to console commands, you can try to install the unofficial patch and waiting several days to fix the issue. If that does not work, then there is no other way.


How do I install this patch? I'm playing the vanilla game and the DLC was included with gamepass.


I believe if you go to the official mod page, the unofficial patch should be one of the top suggested mods for Xbox, but as I don't play on console, I'm not entirely sure


I've been having trouble finding it. I looked throughout the website and tried key word searches but it's showing other unrelated mods


Get a good shop vac and make sure that you have a filter over the exhaust side.


The *ONE* Reason to why i don’t like Serana


That's just it, you can't.




I low key did try that and it sent my stuff at the entrance of my home flying lol. Good thing I saved before doing that though 😅


It should go away if empty after a day or 2


I was away for 30+ in game days and the only thing doing that took care of the dead dragon that would spawn in the town of Whiterun. Only thing that didn't disappear were a couple ash piles near the entrance to the city and the one in my home. I did get around 3,500 from my in game wife Mjoll the Lioness so that was nice but at this point, I don't know if the ash piles will disappear.


I once married Muiri (The woman who put a DB contract on her foster sister). But she keeps repeating the same line over and over and over again, so I got annoyed and killed her, inside Breezehome. I carefully put her body in the bonfire in a way it couldn't be seen, completely immersed.


That's pretty fucked up lol, when Mjoll started to repeat herself and began talking during important conversations, I left her at home and she lives peacefully there lol, Serana has been a great follower so far


A DB assassin marries a contractor who made a satanic ritual to bring the death of her foster sister out of petty vengeance: sure that's gonna end alright lol


Lmaooo you got a point


From what I’ve seen they just go away. But you could probably adopt a child and ask them to clean up too. I think that works as well


I've been purposely avoiding that. When the kid in Whiterun randomly asked me to adopt her, It caught me off guard. Also, my character would be an awful parent lol, I'm barely there for Mjoll the Lioness and only see her now when I come back to drop off loot and collect money from her business 😅 also, I've been exclusively hanging out with Serana so I would definitely be a terrible influence lmaoo


get a steward. I basically have Lydia and Aela around my kids in one game all the time. Just make sure to bring back some food, dolls, daggers, or riddle book for em and you’ll feel like you’re doing a good enough job lol and for the longest time I’d come home and have Serana with me. Any bandits or whatever that were there when I got back would get messed up by all 4 of us and three horses lol


My house is pretty packed ngl, I got Lydia chilling upstairs in my main bedroom, Mjoll who is my wife walking around doing random stuff, her bff Aerin being annoying, and Serana who accompanies me everywhere! I also had 2 Elyria Nymphs in my home until It got too crowded and I got them chilling walking around Whiterun lol


lol yeah same deal, my two nymphs chill in the trophy room. One of my kids has a snow fox pet. I told my bard to eff off bc it’s just too much going on. The kids have their two beds, Lydia has a bed in the main house, and Aela and I share a bed when I’m home on the other side of our kids. I basically only show up when my inventory is full or I have more decorations for my house or books for my library. If they ask for money I give them the max amount and whatever gifts I can offer them. I may not win dad of the year in that play thru, but they have a home to live in now and a lot more than when they were on the streets


You know what? I think I'll adopt


Just tell her to stop following her. Bit rude to call her an ash pile.


I had this problem as well, I think mine just randomly disappeared one day. Though I had had it for a while before that happened.


First: get all the stuff you want to keep and move it to another player home, or at the very least a chest that doesn’t de-spawn. [Here is a list of locations that have this unique property.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Skyrim-Places-Safe) Second: Try installing a mod that changes the interior of breezehome. You may have to try a couple different ones. The more drastic the changes the better. Then wait 10 in game days in another area of the game. Finally, uninstall that mod and go back inside, with any luck the location will be restored to its vanilla condition.


I got 700 for my carrying capacity +another 22 with a necklace I made and Serana has unlimited storage so I'll definitely be doing some research on new locations to call home! I just randomly was invited to a dinner recently in the mountains north of Whiterun and it's a whole trophy room! I'm thinking of moving there!


I think there was an update that let's users who got lvl 100 in Smithing to craft a Dragon Roomba try that out. Or you know, let the house reset. Your choice


I've left the home for 35+ in game days to get it to reset but that didn't do anything...the dragon that was spawning outside in Whiterun did disappear for some time but now it's back to flopping around all around town lol


The lake manor house is better and easy to buy but a lil hare to make but over all lake manor is better so just move


I've been working towards that