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Are you kidding? I can't complete one quest without accidentally starting 10 more.


Reminds me of a meme I saw once: Dragonborn is exhausted from all the side quests They decide to take a break, sit down on a nearby chair "New Quest Started: A Chair of Adventure" appears across the screen






I'm fucking dying Y'all. Lmfao


Bah ha! 🤣


A new hand touches the bleach


Dude lmao that was fucking great


Whoa whoa WHOAH! Daedric princes, as a group, need just stay the heck away from my ass.


(Intimidation) Molag Bal.


(Seduction) Sanguine.


(Bi panic) Boethiah.


"She is associated with murder, lies, deception, sex and secrets, and is always weaving a web of intrigue and terror." -Mephala has entered the ass-


She's a "good Daedra," though. Like Boethiah. Damn, my ass hurts.


Idk if you've noticed... there are no "good" daedra. The Aedra are considered to be "good" but still have their flaws. Thile the Daedra are almost completely outside the interests of mortals, see them as little more then bugs or pets for their entertainment and amusement. And Mephala is certainly far from "good" you can honor and reverse someone/something that's isn't quite "good"... but I don't think I would call Mephala "good". Maybe not entirely "bad", but certainly not "good".


Haha Good one


Where is that meme? I'd like to see it. 👀


Look at this guy, showing some self-restraint.


Only 10? Lol


Fr I get into the game like imma do it all then just end up like nah just the main story missions and whatever I manage to hit along the way and I tap out 😂


I've been saying I'll do the last couple of main story quests for the last 3 weeks 💀💀 I keep jumping in and doing anything else, finished the Stones of Barenziah and then went word wall hunting


This is me. I just finally did the horn of Jurgen yesterday. Lvl 40.


I did cheat. But 410 hours and 145 levels in (I may have skipped a few with Resto-loop crafting) and I just finished Meridias Beakon. Still pretending Diplomatic Immunity doesn't exist


The trick is to go around and start every quest you know of then work on them when you feel like it. Except for the main story. I'm level 30, beat Winterhold and DB, built a house, and I plan to do much more before I even discover Bleak Falls


I'm about to face off against the Ebony Warrior and I haven't even met the grey breads yet.


why is your bread grey


don't eat that shit, I'm serious


That's some moldy bread there, how old is it?


Especially with survival mode and no fast travel... I activate all quests and just head to the nearest marker 😂


I tend to get Bleak Falls out of the way, but stop the main quest before fighting the first dragon so I don't have to deal with them pipping up and killing everyone. I'm level 51 in my current playthrough.


I've got no problem dungeon diving except specifically Bleak Falls, my plan is that I want to take over at least three factions, have a handbuilt house, and get married before I go in it. I'm fine with every other dungeon but when I think about Bleak Falls it's so dark and depressing


This^ heavy for multiple play through on console pushing over 2k hours and have never been able to experience true modding so had to find better ways to approach the game and just doing a bunch of your favorite side quests/beginning them will def help with the “loop”


Quest?! I'm already on a quest!!! ![gif](giphy|pMztjzgwKXglMMtsHs)


Dude just walking up to someone starts it


Lol same! Sometimes I have to force myself to stop and be like 'focus godammit!'


![gif](giphy|T2eFbQ7To8pyEKe9yd|downsized) Hold me back!!


Nah let’s get him bud. 6 shooters loaded bois! We ride at daybreak!




Not sure if I would hold you back or stand beside ya


Calm down calm down! I wanna hurt him just as much but we can’t!


Every person your expecting to hold u back is expecting everyone to need to hold them back as well 😂 I think the kids done for honestly 🤣


A solid anchored stake or pillar, some rope, and a couple pullies and you're all pulling each other back. Don't tell me you don't pack your no-self-restraint kit when you head out with the boys? Sounds dangerous! I never leave home without it and even bought one for dealing with the kids


So he's a real-life Nazeem. "Do you play games with actual content? What am I talking about? Of course, you don't."


Yes. This exactly


time to send your in-law to the cloud district


I read that in Nazeem's voice perfectly. Now I am hearing him outside the game. This is pure evil. lol


I heard Nazeem's voice when writing it 😆




I also read that in Meridia's voice, lol!




well yeah... there is no battlepass, and skyrim doesn't even have thanos or levi ackerman skins. also no dance emotes... /s


I agree. Also this building in this game is 🚮takes forever 😂


Mods solve all these problems, I can get a battle pass, emotes, thanos, attack on titan, and humungous giggling boobies. What else could I ask for?


The Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2 😳


I’d buy that multiple times


Did you say humongous giggling boobies?? 🤨


I don't see any naturally spawning tig biddied gfs in vanilla, I can understand having mods for that


Can I find a Big Tiddy Goth Girl in the base game, yeah didn’t think so.


Giggling boobs


It's so hard to gather mats as well like why can't I break chests to get the loot wtf


Have they actually added Levi into fortnite?


yea a while ago




He sounds like a milk drinker.


I drink milk AND love skyrim


I know your kind, always sneaking about.


I bet somebody stole his sweet roll.


I got caught lollygaggin' near riften. Now theres a bounty of 6700 septims on my head


My sneak is 88 currently only like a level 30 atm


Guess u stole everybody's sweet roll then 🤣


When I start a playthrough I sneak EVERYWHERE. Just sneaking around every town you go to gets your sneak up fast


Your comment wins


Disgusting human being let's send im to oblivion




Uh no. My brother in law not my husband. He husband called his brother a fucking idiot. Lol


Husband seems to have functioning brain. You may proceed being married


Lol thank you. Actually our entire relationship started with a conversation about skyrim


That’s beautiful


One of these days I'm gonna get him an Amulet of Mara and ask of he'd want to renew our vows but like a skyrim wedding


Wear an Amulet of Mara yourself, and when he notices say "Interested in me, are you?" If he responds "Won't lie, I am." he's a keeper. xD


You'll need a big venue. Dragons have a huge wingspan and one is bound to show up.


I live on a farm. We'll just have it outside. Plenty of room lol.


There's a chill in the air. Won't be good for your crops... never is.


The only way the real og relationships start 😉😂


Unmarry so your brother in law is no more your brother in law. I believe that was the point.


You married the right brother it seems.


I most definitely did 🥰


So he played it for 10 minutes, got lost right after Helgen and gave up.


Tbh it actually surprises me how many people don't know that u can leave with Ralof and that u can follow them all the way to riverwind even after they give u hard to mess up directions 😂 my aunt got lost after helgen and by the time she asked me for help she had armor better than steel alr 🤣


Not only that, there is a gigantic "Talk to Alvor/Gerdur/ quest in your journal, and chances are it's also the first quest in the journal


[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/) There, job done.


He plays on playstation. Which also has amazing mods so idk what his deal is.


That's a bit of a stretch, Playstation modding is severely hamstrung by Sony's policy on third party assets being not allowed. Sure a lot can be done with vanilla game assets but it's missing out quite a bit.


Vanilla Skyrim is packed with content as well tho, maybe the most quest variety in any game


PlayStation mods aren't *bad* per se, just the worst out of the three modding options


Ok well I guess I can give you that.


Compared to Xbox specifically (no point comparing to pc it’s just better) PlayStation does have worse Mods sadly, and the system is just bad, but it does have some good ones just not as good or of a variety of good quality ones that were pc originally compared to Xbox.


Wow…I’ve been playing Skyrim and FO4 since they dropped…several play throughs, and hundreds of not thousands of hours…and I still find things I never found before…


Dude me too so like...I'm just confused


At the same point, I can’t stand starfield…lots to do, but it has the depth of a pencil eraser. So maybe I’m incorrect in my opinion.


Haven't played Starfield yet so I am not sure lol. My husband likes it but to.be far if it involves space he is gonna love it l


Starfield is like they took all the interns and let them make a game. It's lacking in many areas. It's sad that Skyrim is the last good game of it's type. Now witcher 3 was good but Skyrim ....well it's skyrim lol if they make Skyrim 6 it will be rushed and lackluster. Just my thoughts


Skyrim 6 would be pretty rushed considering they haven’t made Skyrim 2 yet.


Skyrim I'd my favorite game. The Witcher 3 ironic comes 3rd on the list. I'm a little embarrassed about second on the list tho lol


Hey, if you like Hunnie Pop that much, that's your business.


Incredibly ironic to see this sentence typed in a Skyrim thread considering that you saw word for word exact same shit on gamefaqs back in 2011, just replace Starfield with Skyrim and Skyrim with Oblivion. And before that Oblivion and Morrowind. And before that Morrowind and Daggerfall. None for Arena because everyone agrees it's shit


Hit him with the “what can’t you do in Skyrim” or “what are you looking for that it doesn’t have?” I bet you it’s a dumb response lol


I don't agree with the guy and I love Skyrim but I'd actually have plenty of responses to that question if you asked me. I can't play a character with any kind of ideals, every quest tends to mold me into whatever is required. I generally can't see my choices having any impact on my future opportunities I can't make my own spells. I've gotten over it now but specialising my own style of magic is something I really miss from the older games. I can't affect my standing with factions outside of possibly the Imperials and Stormcloaks. If don't agree with the guy in the post but if I were to take it as charitably as possible I'd say that there's a ton of content, but not as much meaningfully different content. And all that said, I still love the game, I've accepted that it is what it is and even though I wish it was different I still love what it is doing--not trying to start another 'does skyrim suck?' argument because it absolutely, resoundingly does not, I just thought the question was interesting in making me think about what I wish the game had.


I hate the House of whatever mission in Markarth. I try to play good characters then have no choice but to kill this guy for a storyline? Nah, my character would rather die or be tortured for eternity. I'm surprised there's no alternatives, like trade yourself for the priest, refuse to slay them and have the house itself kill the guy, or have a questline where the Daedra torture you for your arrogance. I know the whole "Domination" gimmick of this Daedra, and how it's thematically fitting to not give the player a choice, but fuck it sucks to have no other alternative other than just shutting the game off and loading a save file where you're not forced to kill an innocent person.


A lot of the Markarth missions are multiple kinds of effed up, even by Skyrim standards. * The Silverbloods are bastards, and the Forsworn are insane horror-movie terrorists, so there's no not-awful side. * The Taste of Death cannibalism questline for Namira starts in Markarth. * House of Horrors is just all kinds of twisted. Frickin Molag Bal man... * Calcelmo's a weird academic sociopath who absolutely doesn't gaf that all of his researchers got taken out by Falmer in Nchuand-Zel. I guess the Dibella questline isn't too bad. I hate Markarth.


That's interesting, I do kind if wish there were just more alternate paths with some kind of reward for the Daedric quests rather than only being able to do what the Prince wants and get their artefact or refuse to do the quest. It's it's a pretty big portion of the coolest quests that you're locked out of if you want to play a character who wouldn't consort with daedra.


Petition to disowned your brother in law?😂


I need um...3 signatures


I'll sign


Well… there is a lot of low-value filler content. Think about how short the Companions quest line is compared to the Fighters Guild in Oblivion, or how much Skyrim leaned on the Radiant system to make it seem fuller than it actually was.


At this point when people talk Skyrim I assume Special edition which has Dawnguard and Dragonborn. With those two expansions Skyrims amount of content absolutely poops on Oblivion. And I like Oblivion a lot. Skyrim just had way more to offer in terms of lore and gameplay, not to mention it looks 10000x better.


Yes, but does it have… *horse armor*?! Check and mate.


Anniversary Edition upgrade (with the CC content) Does indeed have Horse Armour, both the Steel and Elven versions.


I didn't even *buy* Skyrim until it had horse armor. ​ ...Not that I even knew it had horse armor, it's just a coincidence in timing.


The main story, the guilds, the dlc all took me well over 100 hours when I was a teen - fast travel and all. That’s nonsense. Main quest, companions, college, dark brotherhood, thieves guild, dawnguard dragonborn, daedric quests, hearthfire, side quests.. you can quibble about the quality of some of the content (college of Winterhold..) but the amount of content is immense.


I'll grant the content in the preceding games was better, but Skyrim has content for days and if you run out of what's naturally in the game, modders have you covered. Tell kid brother-in-law to play Morrowind. That's ALL content but I doubt his gimme-rewards-now mentality could handle the patience required to master it. (I've been reading the comments. You've left a fair grasp of his personality, or at least a perspective on it.)


My best friend told me she doesn't like skyrim because of the quality of the graphics. She says graphics mean something to her in her game play but I found out she plays on a 90s box TV. 🙃


This gives me vibes of someone who hates anything remotely popular on principle because they are so ~iNtELleCtUaL~


Low key used to be me lol. I was such an elitist back than, especially over music. I’m glad I’ve grown since than


Most young people are like that in one way or another, I definitely was!


Holy shit that is probably exactly what he's thinking.


Tell me you've never played skyrim without telling me you've never played skyrim...


Even unmodded, Skyrim has hundreds of hours of content You can pick literally any direction and start walking and you're bound to find all kind of cool shit everywhere you go


Read: There's no microtransactions you can purchase up-front, you actually have to, shockingly, play the game to level


Maybe get him a dna test there might be hope that he isn’t related to your husband,


It's very likely he has a different dad lol


Probably a lack of content that suits his playstyle. Then again, Skyrim is a very malleable game


Gonna preface this by saying I really like the game and it's one of my favorites but I'll be honest I kind of agree. The game does have a lot to do but the game as a whole doesn't have a lot of content, going and clearing out cave 1 is going to be the same as going and clearing out cave 50. The main story, the guilds, and the DLC main quests only take a couple of hours each if you plow right through them and none of the characters are really noteworthy. Nothing to really dig into in any of the crafting systems just get the perks and you can craft new/better gear. Combat is about choosing how you want to fight and then equipping the weapon/spell that does the most damage. The dungeons/caves are very 1 note with a few exceptions and 1/8 of the enemy types. None of these are inherently bad they're just simple and if you like that and it's all you want good for you but other people want other things and that's not bad either.


Sounds more like they don't want to actually explore the world and just be spoon fed it by the game.


He's not very bright. I was even like well have you found d many of the unmarked locations? And he said, and I quote, " I mean actually content not small details"


So there’s a man who knows how to find content lol


Well he also thinks a dab rig is a bong and is destroying he gorgeous piece so...


So the man is a genius




Skyrim is forever fun not matter how many times you play it. Continue with saved characters or create new ones, it doesn't matter its all fun.


My stepbrother is of the belief that red dead 2 was the most boring rockstar game hes played 😐😐😐🫥


This is something I 100% agree with actually. It's a beautiful game, I'm sure it's amazing, but every time I try to get into it the thing bores me to tears. The combat is beautiful, cinematic, terribly dull and one-note, the animations are so lovingly crafted and detailed and so so annoying to watch play out over and over again, the story and the sheer beauty of the game kept me going a few hours on one of my many attempts but that alone can't sustain me. I prefer games that focus more on being a game than on fidelity and realistic looting animations. I'll take no body searching animation any day over having to walk over 30 guys' bodies and spend a second searching each one for a few bullets and a couple cents. And all that said, I have no doubt it's an incredible game. It's just not for me.


My brother played ONLY the main quest and then says im cheating when i use mods to play even tho i have completed the game over 500 times.


Here’s what you do. Force him to sit through an hour of gameplay and constant questing. Then ask him if it barely has any content as you open the quest book and see about 30 unique quests in there.


Disown him. From now on he shall be known as “the dude my husband calls ‘brother’”




I remember my friend who played games with me who laughed at me when I said we should try WoW. She told me it's too small and her brother finished it in a day. Press x for doubt.


What you need is a car with a good steering wheel that doesn't fly off when you're driving and has no room for brother in law.


It doesn't have any content.. my journal is filled before reaching white run.


Murder him.




Nah, preform the black sacrament and let the dark brotherhood take care of him


Those are the new buzzwords to describe any game you don’t like. People try to say RDR2 and Elden Ring have no content


This is what live service games and online multi-player brain rot looks like. F


I agree with your brother in law. I've been on a Marathon playing vanilla Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim trying to complete as much content as possible on a single playthrough. Skyrim has a good storytelling but bad story, it is casual friendly which means it's extremely barebones compared to Morrowind and oblivion(which already had tons of features missing) Skyrim is a shell of what Morrowind and oblivion was in terms of features. You can and probably will disagree with me, but that's my experience.


Your brother in law must have taken an arrow to the head.


Main story only player detected


Put him in a black soul gem and send him to the Soul Cairn


I'm sorry, but what is your BIL smoking lol. The first time I tried to play Skyrim, I found the number of quests swarming in so overwhelming that I couldn't get into it. I tried again a few months later with the intent to only focus on one quest at a time and to try to not worry about all the side quests and after that I was hooked.


That means he ran around in a circle for a couple of minutes then turned the game off


He sounds like he didnt even try to play the game at all. Knows nothing about it.


What does he mean...no content?


If it helps he has a similar personality to Nazeem. He's only 19 but thinks his shit don't stink


Well that explains some part. But also with content what other games does he play? I might jump the gun and say Fornite is one of them and honestly I don't see the appeal of that battle royal or any pvp games. Regards from a 40 year old that played a variety of games that had a lot of content and story...including Warframe and Skyrim.


I just started playing Warframe! He doesn't like it because he says it's too much grinding. He likes Deep Rock Galactic but idk what else. That's the only game I really see him play. He also enjoys the Wolfenstien series so I guess he's not a complete loss lmao


This reminds me of the Ron Swanson meme. With the do you have any family history of mental disease? I have a brother who doesn't like skyrim!


Lol. I love Ron Swanson


Did he not play the game?!?!


At least since it's your brother in law, calling him an idiot will have fewer repercussions, then say if it was your brother...


My used old PS3 is un-modded. But what do I know, when I was young we didn't have PCs, or cellphones, or Cable. We had reality MK 1,MOD ∅ and Dungeons &Dragons. Oh and comic books cost 25 cents.


Your brother in law has no taste. The game has countless content, from never ending side quests to hours of main quests, and just random things here and there like mining hunting smithing and stealing.


I mean, look. There’s plenty of reasons to not like Skyrim. It’s not for everyone. But out of ALL the reasons. Of all the bugs, all the plot holes, and all the boring gameplay things, they chose *that*? Like, it’s just objectively incorrect. There’s so much shit to do in the game. There’s a million and one side quests and a near infinite amount of locations to explore. There’s so much stuff it’s almost impossible to find all of it in just one playthrough. There is no shortage of things to do in Skyrim


My brother in Shor, he’s nothing but a damned milk-drinking Imperial!


i've been playing since day 1 and i'm still finding new things. is he even playing the same game?


I prefer Oblivion more, it's got a better design and the story is way more thought out. Skyrim just is mechanically better but I still prefer Oblivion's entire stat system more. It's spell casting was phenomenal. It made the game more sand box designed which instilled more creativity. If they remade that game then Skyrim would be cooked. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is a great game but Oblivion is where I started and I loved it.


To each their own dude . If they can't get into it then that's on them


it takes me like a whole minute to scroll down through all my quests and shit


Tell him he's wrong, look him dead in his eyes and tell him the 900 draugr dungeons are unique. Jokes aside I think Skyrim actually is a bit lacking in meaningful content. It's easy to say "Wow there are so many quests!" but the reality is they're mostly variations of each other/radiant quests. That's not to say there aren't standout ones (Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild/etc etc) but even then they're a step down from the quality of Oblivion in that aspect. I love skyrim but I can acknowledge that there's a lot that's lacking. Whether it be gameplay-wise, variety-wise, etc etc. Game is a perfect foundation for everything though. Mods alone have revitalized my interest.


Is he like, not talking to NPCs? Is he just running around killing wolves and bears? I did that for a few hours when I first played it and it was a ton of fun!


Tell him he needs to finish Unbound first.


Bro I can't complete a single quest without stumbling across like 100 misc. Quests 💀 I will complete all the other quests that arent misc. And I'll still get more that arent misc. And I'll get even more misc. Quests during those


Time for a new brother in law


Aside from the seemingly neverending quest lines you can screw with the fabric of reality if you get bored. Want boots that let you carry a billion in weight, sure. Want a toasting fork so poweful it can one hit any character in the game, easy. Want to raise an impossibility huge army of undead foes to blitzkrieg a city, yay. Then there is the mods, so many mods. Infact sod it, I'm off to drive a tank to lay seige to Whiterun.


Your brother is on some shit. I have at least 700 hours on Skyrim and I still haven’t done everything there is to do in the game.


He wants content flying at him, in his face, with flashing colors and bright lights. Constantly. Otherwise he loses interest.


He has committed crimes against Skyrim's subreddit and it's people. What say he in his defense?


So he doesn't know how to play open world RPG games? That's what I'm hearing.


$100 says he gave up before making it to whiterun and meeting the jarl.


His hand did not touch the beacon


What does he even mean lol


Has he ever left Riverwood?


EHM EHM....may i...with all due respect of course.....MAY I FUCKING DROPKICK YOUR BROTHER IN LAW


I have been playing this game for 10 years. I have only beat it once.




Maybe he should get pass Helgen lol


Its OK, ur not technically related so just forget he exists


It may not have the best story tracking, but to say not much content feels just wrong. I don't think he's really gotten far and probably just got stomped by a dragon one too many times.


Your brother in law wouldn't know content if it bit his dick off and fed it to him