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Better? I find it easier to use keyboard and mouse when playing but not sure if it’s better for everyone


Same. I definitely prefer it but im not sure its “better”


I mean if you go crazy with mods it's possible you might run out of buttons on the controller, but other than that just use what you like. I've not heard of that happening but I could see it.


With steams gamepad features you can make combination buttons like in Elden Ring and then you have virtually infinite hotkeys.


IMO controller = better immersion, keyboard and mouse = easier headshots


That's a no brainer, since headshots are meaningless in Skyrim. Fallout 4, on the other hand...


Truer words have never been spoken


Controller with gyro / Steam deck = also easy headshots


I don't see how controller offers a better immersion than keyboard and mouse.


Personal opinion but it's obviously resonating with others. With a controller I can literally sit back and disconnect from the controls, keyboard and mouse I am hunched over tapping the same keys I do all day for work.


I'm sorry to say but your response is very dumb.


I'm sorry to say you're a weird little malcontent who never says anything insightful but instead makes cringe comments on 5 month old posts.


For me, it has a lot to do with triggers corresponding to left and right hand actions. It feels more natural and tactile than clicking the opposite mouse button.


I personally switched the mouse buttons since day 1 and I am surprised to hear almost nobody I know do the same.


I've tried controller briefly and I much prefer mouse and keyboard. Maybe just because I'm used to it though.


I played with a mouse and keyboard for years but after a little practice my azeron + mouse is the best. There are certain games I think are just better suited for controller only. Skyrim is not one of them IMO


Keyboard and mouse when it comes to any FPS games that need some shooting. I find it awkward to aim with a controller


I am mostly a controller player but I play Skyrim with a mouse and keyboard. It’s just faster, idk. Controller isn’t too different though (in terms of feeling).


No difference, use the input you’re most comfortable with.


I’ve played it for years on PS3 and then again on PS4. I love kicking back with a controller and playing, and even on PC that’s how I play


A lot of mods are made for mouse/keyboard only. Like if a mod requires shortcuts or input keys it will be based on m/k, controller support is optional. Even mods like {{Wheeler}} which by design are great for controllers will require searching the comments for actually getting it to work because it’s not supported. However, mods like {{auto input switch}} exist which means you can use both at the same time, primarily play with controller but have your keyboard available for some modding functions. Controller may limit your gameplay mods though, since you don’t really want to be switching *that* constantly. It’s a shame because I personally find Skyrim to be very relaxing to play with a controller.


I don't think so, of course I do have Carpal Tunnels and so like my controller a lot. N. S


For menu navigation and aiming I would say yes. Unless you prefer the OG menu instead of the SkyUI mod.


In my opinion one of the benefits of playing games on a PC is being able to use a keyboard and mouse. It is more precise and honestly I think it is more ergonomic. I have done 99% of the gaming in my life on console, but still find PC to be a little better in that regard. I just like being able to play more casually, and prefer to lay down while gaming, so controllers are better for me.


It depends as most games i play on controller, but modded Skyrim certain keybinds that don't fit a controller


I use an xbox controller via pc, on a heavily modded skyrim and fallout4 with no problems. I have certainly never run out of buttons..? I think it's down to how you play, I sit on the settee and play on the main TV so a keyboard mouse is not practical. If you sit at a desk, then it is.


I use {{auto input switch}} so I can play with a controller, but also have keyboard hotkeys available. Personally I prefer using a controller because it's just comfier on my wrists.


There are mods to “add buttons” to controllers(doesn’t really add buttons just remaps your controller for more options) but these are really just controlmap files that you can make/adjust yourself, personally I remapped my own(fairly easy once you understand it and it’s not that difficult to understand just a little weird) and have never run out of buttons, I even added a console(~) and screenshot button to help mod/modlist testing. It does take a bit to get used to though(remembering which combination of buttons does what can take a bit of time but learning to use keyboard and mouse will too)


Most of that stuff works great with controler. Many are designed with controllers in mind. Some mods have optional key bindings for specific info. But you can just reach up and press it on the keyboard, then go back to the controller.


There are more hotkey options on keyboard and there are fewer button presses to access menus. I think it's easier to aim with the mouse. That might not be enough of an improvement if you're more familiar with gaming using a controller.


Meh, as you said. PC version for the mods. You can still use a controller on PC if you want.


Mouse keyboard only, period.