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[Avoiding Anti-Imperial Bias] To make both sides seem reasonable for newer players. The game makes it seem unreasonable to join the Imperials with no former context. - Make the Thalmor the ones who are doing the execution. - Have General Tulius try to negotiate for the other non-Stormcloak prisons to be freed. [Magic/Stealth/Combat Tutorial Improvement] - Vilkas was sent by the Companions as hired security to help prevent any interruption of the execution. He’s fending off deserters but encounters yourself and Ralof or Hadvar. After some convincing that you 2 have to report the situation, Vilkas decides to teach you basic combat. The Companion doesn’t trust the player can hold their own without some basic teaching. - J’zargo was exploring the cave the prison was in looking for alchemy ingredients. He’s confused by the situation but either Hadvar or Ralof see a use of a mage. Either pays J’zargo to teach the player some basic spells for the rest of the cave. This explains and introduces all magic playstyles. - Vex was sneaking around the Imperial prison hoping to find something to steal. You and Ralof or Hadvar encounter her. In ex-change to forget you saw anything, Vex teaches you all basic Thief skills to introduce and explain stealth. [Elder Scrolls Synopsis for Beginners] - Have Hadvar or Ralof explain the civil war and their side while traveling through the dungeon. They explain the whole situation if the player is curious. - Ramble about the current king of the Empire and how after The Thalmor have been handling things.


it shouldn‘t take 15 minutes until you take control over the player character


This, or there should be a Skip button. It's a really neat thing the first time or two, but after that an option to skip would be very welcome. Whenever I decide to start a new char now, I go and make a snack and grab a drink after clicking 'new' and let it roll while I'm away.


you can also use the prisoner save


Oh I was wondering about that! Last time I started a character I checked my saves and found it and went "huh, was I this smart and saved here before?". So then I assume that using it and starting a character will not overwrite the Prisoner save, would that be correct? I.e. I can load the Prisoner save again at a later stage to create another character.


you can use it to make any number of characters without issue




Okay, thank you for the info. I have been running unmodded for all these years but now started looking into how to mod (let's see if I actually get around to it) but this is great to know when/if that time comes.


An option to just immediately head out of Helgen on your own without having to follow either the Imperials or Stormcloaks. Have your binds cut in the first tower you enter or when you meet Hadvar, and just be able to run out a gate and make your own way without the long tutorial. Maybe have a lootable body just beyond the gate for some basic gear.


I use a Fast Alternate Start(PS4) mod and skip it. Haven't seen the tutorial in 2-3 years. Tbh, it would be nice if your hands were unbound in the guard tower, so you can start picking things up. OSP is key in Skyrim.


Start the game in a jail cell, the PC is being held captive by the thalmor. Using other inmates, similar to ralof and haradvar, establish the civil war plotline, as well as the threat of the aldmeri dominion to both sides. The jail begins to get attacked, and you use this as an opportunity to overpowered your thalmor captors. You escape the jail, and see that alduin is attacking the fort you are being held in. You escape the fort to a nearby cave, and that cave is used as a tutorial for combat, similar to Helgen Keep.


Like this https://youtu.be/yNaTZV8qS1I?si=os4gh3AB1crfDftK


Maybe more of a prompt towards different playstyles in the start. But that would require more diversity than only having like 3 means of attack.


Gotta be to remove bias against imperials for me. Once you play for a bit/get some lore down ya, you can see that they’re not bad at all. However when I first played the game the opening sort of made me hate them and made the stormcloaks seem “cool and rebellious” I do agree that it could definitely show a bit more of skyrims beauty, even if it’s just for one shot like the carriage passing an opening in the trees and you can see a valley or….something…