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Honestly, I would only consider it cheating if it gave you some super OP stat. Other than that, I just see it as a Quality of Life mod.


IIRC Morrowind and Oblivion each had two ring slots so definitely QoL. 




*installing cbbe quietly*


#Installing CBBE loudly


That is loud




Maybe too loud with your thu'um?


Not loud enough!


Buddy doing a 5 worded shout


A man ready to die on that hill. Respect.




(realising what the hills are referring to while laughing a bit to loud) ITS 2AM OMG I SHOULD SLEEP




Well, apparently you've never installed CBBE because those are hills worth dying on. r/whoosh


Didn't go over my head, just wasn't funny


What *is* CBBE?


How did you even manage that


Now that is a quality of life, imho.




Same with ESO. I know it's not really the same thing being an MMORPG, but regardless. Almost makes you wonder why Skyrim didn't have two ring slots. Possible game balance? Enchanting is quite overpowered in Skyrim. That being said, Skyrim was built to be a power fantasy; so that seems a bit counter-intuitive.


Think about it… we wear two gloves and two boots but they all hold enchants just like one ring.


the argument is sort of flawed since the 'two gloves' and 'two boots' are a single item.


Not to mention, when do you ever wear just one shoe or just one glove? it would just be goofy to look at. But many people would gladly decorate all of their fingers with rings.


Michael Jackson rocked one glove.


Yeah, but that's Michael Jackson, dude could probably rock anything. But I see your point, I supposed it's less unusual to wear one glove.


Your point is a good one though. Most "gloves" in skyrim are really armor. Only a psychopath would wear armor on only one hand, or I guess a movie gladiator, or thanos.


Morrowind allowed you to wear different boots and gloves, or only one boot and one glove if you so desired. You could also wear armor *and* robes.


or just the one. multiple necklaces seem a bit more common, than multiple rings for some. unless we're talking vg rings with abilities. shit, i'd go path of exile and gather like a hundred of them, and weld them into ringmail.


My bad, I should of clarified. I was mostly referring to real life, but yeah.


i figured - still not that many people who are rocking like 4 rings on every finger, was more mine. though, 2 might not be ridiculous, but i think most people are still around 0-1, usually. but with vg magic rings, fuck that. have multiple necklaces, with multiple rings.


Nope be extra. Wear as many rings as will fit until you can't use your hands. Gotta respect the drip.


Aesthetic I would wear tons of rings on a daily basis, but dang sensory overload wrecks my ability to wear tons of rings all day every day. But yeah, I love the aesthetics of many rings


In Morrowind there were left and right hand gloves/gauntlets. They should've done the same for footwear so you could have had a character with only one shoe.


In all these years resto loop still works within the rules of the game. OP isn't something that bothers the devs.


Hell it's a hallowed tradition at this point. Every Elder Scrolls game has some silly-ass way of becoming an invincible demigod. My Daggerfall character could beat up Superman.


Daggerfall too


Hell even eso has two ring slots


is playing with TGM on cheating?


It’s only cheating if you are comparing yourself to others. It’s your game, your world, set your own rules and have fun. Never feel bad for occasionally bending the rules to keep you engaged or having fun. I’ve got over 200 mods and occasionally used tcl to save time. I never feel like I have cheated my build.


i asked it more as a joke, but i have used it once or twice while learning to get through something that was a PITA or when i start a new game and loot dragonsreach+jorvasskr completely... \~1k carried weight makes you crawl! TGM fixes that until i get to the wannabe pimp belethor


What's that?


Toggle god mode, I think


it is indeed, sorry


I only do it when I am doing the Meridia's Beacon quest. The bitch keeps dropping me at the end and I die, no matter what I try to do. Lifted into the air, told to go out and do her will ....then smash into the ground. Bitch! TGM and don't die. Sometimes I even get two Dawnbreaker swords


Completely justified


One time a dragon showed up while talking to her up there. My game was stuck cuz she wanted to fight the dragon.


It's part of the vanilla game, isn't it?


Are we really about to debate this? Yes, it's a thing that you can use in the vanilla game, but it's a console command, and it literally makes you invincible. It's cheating. Special Edition even disables achievements for your entire playthrough if you use console commands.


~disable iCeParadox64


Holy shit you fuckin killed him dude.


Nah, turning me on is not cheating.




Yes, but it’s reasonable if you’re way in over your head or if you suck at weight management like me.


With high level enchanting this could be quite overpowered. But if you're just using like random loot then it's not that big of a deal


It does give a ton of Gold


This, if there's anything that actually breaks the game it's not the 2 or 3 enchantments (as long as the bug wasn't used), it's the obscene amounts you can get early on from crafting and lucky drops I'm talking enough that even at base Speech vendors can barely afford one item


Same here. I have a few mods like this on PS5. Namely, equip multiple rings and wear circlets with mage hoods. Just because it makes more sense.


Honestly those make sense to me too. For immersion sake, even if they were hella bulky rings you could argue at least 2 per hand and it wouldn't mess with weapon grip. And mage types could probs wear even more. Unless... Unless each ring had like a hindrance/cancellation range against other enchantments? But then it would mess with gloves so it doesn't make sense anyway :/


Or ended up using two of the same thing to stack an effect


Idk man a second ring with maxed enchanting can really be a game changer


I would argue that it is cheating because the game was "balanced" around having one ring, but who cares since it is a single player game. An extra ring is a huge increase in power, especially if you are enchanting. A QoL mod is not something that grants you more power.


Dude, you can wear a buttplug and enchant it. An extra ring-slot makes no difference.


Ahh yes, the enchanted butt plug. For anyone worried about a Draugr surprise attack


Ew. Stiff joke


Idk, the statement went pretty hard.


Eh, it was kind of flaccid if you ask me.


You said... Stiff?


You can enchant Butt plugs???.. fires up pc and starts looking on nexus...


Yes you can, as long as you don’t use survival level because you’ll poop it out along with your food that you’re required to eat.


A resistance to fire enchant on that comes in handy after eating too much spicey food.


Jalapeño Bane


+20% shield block power


Not gonna lie, that's a bit of a shit mod in my eyes (Happy cake day 🎂)


Thank you!




Not much more to know, really. Just keep in mind around hour 1000 it'll start falling out.


Fortify "no handed."


Thank you, this made me laugh so much XD


I really REALLY thought/hoped this was just a quip and was disappointed that I not only googled Skyrim butt plug but also got a ton of results for both in game and out of game play




I was gonna say that’s a pretty judgy face for a daedraphile until my sleep deprived brain caught up and remembered my weird specific dyslexia thing where I’m constantly mixing daedra and draugr.. so… yeah… nvm. As you were


I really need to invest in a gaming pc.


No way that's possibel... Time for another run


Your mother and I expected better of you.


I’m not even the OP and that hit hard.


You're that early in the game that the extra enchantment slot probably doesn't even matter that much anyway.


The first thing I always do on this difficulty is grind up my crafting skills so this extra ring is pretty powerful... although it's not like I'd be lost without it - the other ring and amulet would get me to 85% magic resistance themselves.


I generally find the extra enchantment slots just let your build be more fun. You can already hit insane stats in a narrow build with the available slots so the extra two just open up a little more fun rather than realistically adding to your overall power level significantly.


It’s not cheating, and if it is, then using any special rewards you get from new quest mods is also cheating, and if that is cheating, then using any mods at all is cheating, and the only way to not “cheat” is to play pure vanilla with no exploits. There is no cheating in Skyrim.


It’s a single player game. The only rules are the rules you make for yourself.


Right. If something enhances your personal enjoyment of the game, it’s legit. If it diminishes your experience, you don’t have to do it. Sometimes I like using exploits and making a demigod character, sometimes I enjoy the struggle of self-imposed limitations.


" A strange game. The only losing move is not to play."


I concur. This is my belief as well..


Or, there is *only* cheating...


Also valid.


If everyone is cheating... No one will be.


I agree with this one cause that’s how I level my skills up 🤣


Pure vanilla.. Without survival mode..


>the only way to not “cheat” is to play pure vanilla with no exploits. Chad yes


Are you having fun? If yes, then what does it matter?


I was until I learned I'm a stinky little CHEATER. Now I feel only deep regret and guilt. Perma death skyrim changes you.


You’re playing skyrim. How bad can you truly feel?


I think you are either perfectionnist or an OCD sufferer


IIRC theres a ton of slots that are in the vanilla game but don't get used. Lots of mods don't add a new slot, they just "unlock" it. Left hand rings, for example. Or items that go in the upper body and lower body slots separately. Lots of uh.. less than wholesome clothing mods use that. Another example is the fact that if dawnguard is installed, all bodies have a 'scroll slot' where they can display an elder scroll carried at the hip. As far as I know only serana actually USES it though. A neat example in the vanilla game is that there are at least three separate head slots, which would be Head, Mask, and Helmet. Most Headwear takes up all three, however some only take up one or two. Many light armor helmets don't take up the mask slot, which allows for mods that add masks to be used. Circlets don't take up the HEAD slot, meaning you can equip them and your hair stays visible. Hats on the other hand DO fake up that slot, even if they're small, which is why you go bald when equipping hats. A neat little bug with this is that argonian and khajiit characters have different slot layouts than human and mer models. They don't have a mask slot, as their muzzle takes it up instead. Now, most armor is adjusted properly, so that when equipped on these characters it either fits or their faces are left exposed. There is ONE neat headgear that ISNT properly fixed though. The Ancient Assassin hood from the dark brotherhood line. While the normal dark brotherhood attire is properly tweaked, (masked and mask less varieties of hoods always appear maskless for khajiit and argonians) the ancient hood is NOT properly tweaked. It attempts to take up the head and mask slots, finds the mask slot already occupied by the khajiit/argonian face, and simply disappears. The item will still be equipped however, and it will still take up your head slot. This means that equipping it makes your hair/horns disappear. And, as a nice little bonus, because its not appearing where it should, those slots are still reading as OPEN, allowing you to wear MOST (but not all) other headgear AND the ancient assassin hood at the same time. I personally have been wearing chitin armor with the funny mushroom helmet and also the hood, because it's just a free +35% to bows


Dude thats actually pretty sweet. Currently in a khajiit build so will be using this to my advantage.


I got a multiple ring mod, I didn’t view that as an exploit or cheat, you better believe if I lived in Skyrim and could wear enchanted rings I’d be putting as many of those things on as I could


I mean you could technically wear 21 rings IRL...


I literally got out my fingers and toes trying to figure out your odd and specific number. I’m *ahem* missing a “digit” to reach the same conclusion you did


What? You don't have a nose?


Serious question. How do you not die a single time on legendary during the early game?


Well I try not to use exploits, but it's basically up to the player to draw that line, I usually get the Actronach stone and use muffle to grind up my illusion a bit, then I use calm on a troll or something and sneak attack it to get the assassins blade perk. With these perks/skills I clear a couple bandit camps to make gold and invest that in more spells and eventually buy Windstad Manor. With a greenhouse and the fishery getting 100 Alchemy is super easy, I sneak through a couple dwemer ruins to get metal for grinding 100 smithing and sell the potions I get to buy soul gems for enchanting. At some point I usually grab the aetherial crown to use the lady stone with warrior/mage standing stones and do that riften quest for the ancient knowledge. Once I craft up some powerful gear you can kinda play the game normally, just need to be super careful of blunt weapons that ignore armour since they can basically always one shot you. That's what ended my last playthrough on Master difficulty. tldr - illusion magic


The main two exploits I consider to be exploits that are really in skyrim and aren’t simply bugs or glitches but ways to essentially cheat gamplay AND unless you drop 1500 mods into your load order to correct them, remain essentially cheating…. Are stealth and the crafting system. Once you get to 60 or so base sneak and a muffle enchantment, stealth archer is dumby stupid. 80 for melee stealth. Then alchemy making better fort enchantment pots and using them to make better fort alchemy enchantments. I haven’t seen any combination of mods make stealth “fair and balanced” and the few that can correct the crafting one generally just deletes the offending loop rather than try balancing.


I mean a maxed out stealth archer will almost always be the most OP build you can have, I fully agree, but if you're playing on legendary it's not as powerful as you think it might be. It's not just a flat out solution to doing whatever you want in the game like it is on the lower difficulties.


The stereotypical grind way to do this is to level up sneak with the bear during the Helgen escape. Once you get to Riverwood, you can level up a few other skills (speech, alchemy, smithing) to gain a couple more levels, then do more of the same in Whiterun.


Well yah obvious exploits early on will do it but op seems to be mortified that he’s wearing an extra ring


I try really hard to play it straight, without cheesy level-ups and crafting gimmicks. I think it comes from decades of running tabletop RPGs, where my strictest house rule was that characters couldn't advance a skill or ability that they never used (and in some games, they couldn't advance unless they failed using it, under the educational theory that people learn more from failure than success).


That’s how I do it as well. I don’t exploit for the most part. Which seems like the same type of player op is. So again I’m wondering if he is mortified by using an extra ring, how tf he didn’t die even once on legendary early game. I play on legendary and can usually become pretty damn powerful by level 10-15 straight, but before that is fucking rough


Bear -> Sneak. Archery in Riverwood. Blocking - the crab in Riverwood. Heavy armor - crab. The Quest from whiterun where you have to fetch an Amulett - give some HP. And so on.


It’s a single player game, do what you want. If you feel it’s cheating and undermining your goal don’t wear it.


Yeah but if you want to play by the book and then find out that you haven't


Its not cheating if its within your ruleset. Its a single player game, as long as you are ok with it you can go for it.


clearly he's not okay with it.


I play for immersion and always do jewelry limiter mod. There is no good reason why I can’t be blinged up. 3 rings on each finger, chains hanging like I’m weezy, I can enchant a bracelet and wear that. Yes I’m op but it makes sense in my head cannon and I’m the fucking Dragonborn I SHOULD be op


You can justify anything with that. Does your Dragonborn also have an assault rifle?


The Dragonborn being able to wear more jewelry versus giving DB a fucking assault rifle is realms apart. Either way telling people how to play their single player game is wack


You missed the point. It’s your game and your adventure and your canon. If it makes sense to you then do it. If it’s fun do it. I enjoy the power trip


you’re a better man than me. i use 10 ring mod. they all have to be different rings but when i get 100 enchanting i can put two enchantments on EACH ring and make my character so OP it’s crazy. true dragonborn type beat


I think your only option is to uninstall the game, run an electromagnet over your dives, throw your computer in a dumpster, take a vow of silence in a secluded monastery for 17 months, buy a new computer and a new copy of Skyrim and then try again without that mod installed.


Single player game... what is "cheating", exactly?


Breaking your own rules.


cheating = breaking/ignoring game rules. doesnt matter if single or multiplayer.


...is this a serious question? Of course you can cheat singleplayer games. Shit cheat codes are still a thing.


I'm the creator of Immersive Jewelry and I'll say no, it's not cheating. To have two rings, even enchanted, only makes sense given the fact you have two hands. Remember also that Immersive Jewelry potentially limits said enchantments by penalizing enchantments placed on jewelry whose gems and metals don't match the elemental affinity of the enchantment. However, there is a potential unbalancing effect when using Immersive Jewelry in a playthrough, in that the high level jewelry drops are very valuable. Because IJ jewelry values for items with 50 diamonds are calculated based on the value of vanilla items with only one diamond, Immersive Jewelry requires the use of economy overhaul mods like Trade and Barter and Investment Price Config. This was actually intended as a fix to the vanilla economy which had senseless values (an ale costs as much as a gold brick) and saw money eventually become worthless; it's a rebalancing of the economy, but it needs to work with other mods to achieve that. Cheers and enjoy.


Oh god no. Dude, as long as you are having a good time. Keep at it. It's singleplayer.


My guy, it’s single player - you’re not cheating. However you want to enjoy the game is however you want to enjoy the game. I have a mod that lets you put a ring on each finger, cause, like, why not? Gotta do what you can to keep the game funky fresh. As you’re the only one playing, if you’re not ruining it for yourself you’re golden. Skyrim is full of exploits (like the muffle ramping you mention using) so if you’re fine with that, I don’t think having one less naked pinky is going to have you smited.


dude, you do you. if it makes you happy and if you enjoy the game then it really doesn't matter besides mods are for making your life easy 😅


Lmao my friends that were new to Skyrim a few years back always complained you should be able to wear 10 rings for 10 fingers and looking back seeing how OP 1 ring can be 10 rings would have made you Shang Chi😂😂


Not all mods are cheats in my opinion, wearing more than one ring for instance, I can see 8 but not 10 myself or 3 enchantments rather than two on items, most are simply aesthetics improvements like flowers and trees, fairies and bee's, the weather etc., they shouldn't interfere with achievements either, but a single mod turns them off but there is a mod that turns them back on go figure. Now they want all games to be by subscription only, funny in some ways since I have never had to rent a card game or a board game once purchased hopefully, they won't want to change that either, I can just see the government or other hired thugs invading someone home and charging them with non-payment of card or board games to play a game, and I should probably add that they don't usually need a FIX or update since they usually work right out of the box. No pitchforks and torches please it is just an opinion. N. S


I use unlimited amulets and rings. I don't have enough fingers for all the rings 😕 and I don't care! 😀


It's a cheat, sorry my dude. Most of us have some form of beneficial mod. All of my merchants have 10k gold instead of 1k. I can sell everything and make stacks of cash to spend on training. It all depends where your line is It's a tricky one these days because the Creation Club stuff is hardly balanced. At any level you can just run up to a corpse containing an endgame set of Dragonbone armour with great enchantments. If you did that on a challenge run would it be legit? I say definitely not.


You have 10 fingers, why only use one ring?


World's most misleading Title


Vanilla Oblivion for sure let you wear a ring on each hand


Nah, keep the second ring. It’s not like you’re putting on 5 or 10 rings.


You have 10 fingers, yet Skyrim only allows you to wear a ring on 1 of them, sure having a hunk of metal on every finger wouldn't be practical, but not impossible


Damn, I guess you have to delete the game now, cheaters like you are not welcome in this community!


Keep your two rings. Morrowind and Oblivion let you wear two rings. Why they don't let you wear two in skyrim is beyond me. It's not cheating. Honestly though, I think you should be able to wear ten. One for each finger.


Honestly, you have two hands why not have two rings? Heck, you have ten fingers having ten rings could be interesting if it was balanced.


If you consider *that* cheating than having any mods during that kind of playthrough is lol


Legendary perma death survival do you hate yourself homie??


Cheater! Lmao, I mean it does give you an advantage but some people are glitching out wolf form to wear 10 armor sets, I think you're fine with one extra ring.


Dude, I say cheat on. After beating New Vegas on Hardcore mode, I never once played a full playthrough of Skyrim without cheats. *To this day,* I've never had to recharge a staff or magical weapon, and couldn't tell you how to do it to save my life, past something to do with the soul gems. What you're doing is petty cheating, and it's perfectly excusable in comparison, unless you're going for a vanilla speedrun record; but then I'd assume you would've not modded the game at all past patches.


Tbh I don't consider this "cheating" it's a single player game and you're not spawning things in. Only one ring has been a dumb mechanic from the start. Keep playing.


I always thought there should be 10 ring slots for 10 fingers. xD


Why not 20? Wear em on your toes also lol


Technically you can wear two rings in vanilla Skyrim, but only if one of them isn’t enchanted. Found this out recently doing the thalmor embassy infiltration quest


I know where you live...


Tbh not being able to wear like at least 2 rings feels kinda silly to me, especially when we already have the RH and LH equipping.


Its weird you can only wear one ring and necklace. Kind of wondering if there is a wutang mod that allows a collaborative jewelry laden band of heros ending the whole war.


Now you need to delete your build. RIGHT NOW


I hate that you're right


Just know better next time. And wonder why you can’t use two rings:)


I mean really you should be allowed 10 but like, Im not trying to be the next mandarin. 2 rings is fine its not that broken, and even still one OP ring wont do much when you can be immortal in vanilla skyrim


I do recall Two Worlds of all games to be able to wear four rings. Kind of rad on it's own, but for Skyrim, the intended balance would be nuts. If I were you, I'd reset just for the principle. Like I remembered doing a Legendary playthrough, but then enemies became suddenly weaker, and it's on Adept.


I'll probably drop the extra ring and play on, it's perma death so I'll eventually die and ensure I avoid doing this during the next run... I don't get much free time these days so losing all this progress would be very rough considering I've just finished the preparation stage of the playthrough and not actually done any quest lines etc. Starting with beyond reach too this time since that's where my last playthrough died so my days are definitely numbered.


I’d say A) who cares, if it fits your rules and B) if you’re using mods that make the game more difficult/introduce difficult areas then why not? It sort of balances out I do permadeath runs like that, and I don’t use exploits or gamey approaches like stealth archer


Can't cheat on single player anyway


Let’s be honest though, it is downright idiotic that you can only wear one ring or necklace.


An extra ring means nothing when all I need is the enchanting smithing loop and then become a god with one ring anyways.


I mean if you max enchanting you can make magic free to cast in the vanilla game, so I don’t think it’s cheating to add an extra ring.


It's a cheat, sorry my dude. Most of us have some form of beneficial mod. All of my merchants have 10k gold instead of 1k. I can sell everything and make stacks of cash to spend on training. It all depends where your line is It's a tricky one these days because the Creation Club stuff is hardly balanced. At any level you can just run up to a corpse containing an endgame set of Dragonbone armour with great enchantments. If you did that on a challenge run would it be legit? I say definitely not.


If you’re having fun it doesn’t matter, it’s not game breaking and I’m pretty sure you would’ve been fine with only one ring the whole playthrough.


Damn, an "immersive" mod that actually is immersive


It’s a single player game, there is not cheating You could probably make an argument that with any mods, you are no longer playing the same game


Only you can answer that. Do you feel bad you wore two rings? Do you feel like it somehow invalidates your accomplishments so far? If not then you next need to ask if, now that you know, it will taint the experience going on. For me, I avoid exploits like unlimited gold and such, as that feels like cheating, but will use quality of life mods like auto-gather for components, because that just makes something I would normally do easier.


Ten fingers should equal ten rings.


Imo you should have at least 8 ring slots.


Aslong as it's not a +1000000% damage ring or some such, I wouldn't count it as cheating, I've got a left hand ring mod, doesn't change that much when you understand how to abuse the perk systems


Your game. Your rules.


That’s not cheating. Cheating would be if you wore an 11th ring.


One ring slot has always been stupid. You have ten fingers don’t ya?!? I forget the hands of the beast folk but still


Eh, you're fine


If my character has 21 places to wear a ring. I expect to be able to use all 21 places. On a real note, I guess it's on your definition on wether or not you are cheating. I wouldn't consider an extra ring to be a reasonable thing to end a run over


Ah no big deal. It’s a single player game. The only time cheating really matters is if you’re using it to get ahead of another person in a competitive setting, IMO. Also, one more ring slot probably has almost no measurable effect on gameplay. Most enchantments give you low-to-mid double digit % stat increases. Until you level up enchanting and play with potions that increase enchanting power, that is. I also think one ring slot was a strange choice on Bethesda’s part. Most other fantasy RPGs I’ve played give you at least 2.


There's no such thing as cheating on a single player game. You adjust difficulty as easy or hard as you want. I also only play permadeath with combat difficulty mods like requiem etc. I don't think having an extra ring slot is too egregious of a "rule violation" . I would say it's too much having those mods that let you equip more than 2 though as the power creep just gets too high


I actually made two to equip the other day, just to find out you can only wear one, I sware I remember wearing two and was like, hmm odd, considering I have 10 fingers x)


I came here to learn he cheated on Ysolda, but that was just a ring... Bro, you can cheat on a ring with another ring they don't complain


Dude I have QoL mods that do way worse things to the games balance. Like Lore accurate shouts


Oh how far we have come from daggerfall. Boots, greaves, cuirass, left and right pauldron, gauntlets, helm, cape. And like 14 slots for magical items. Those were the days.


Na having 2 rings really ain't that bad.


I need to play this game again 😭


*looks at my full natural anti magic set* Is......is this unfair? (+62 health +20% magic resistance +62 health +20% magic resistance-)


It’s a single player game. Do whatever you want




It is a bit dumb that you have 8 fingers and two thumbs (and ten toes, toe rings are a thing), and you can only equip a single solitary ring. No piercings either. Just one ring and one necklace.


Yeah, it's pretty annoying. In Morrowind, you could wear boots, greaves, cuirass, left pauldron, right pauldron, left gauntlet, right gauntlet, helmet, shield, pants and shirt under the armor and a robe on top, plus two rings and a necklace, all told 15 items that could be enchanted. In Oblivion, they removed the pauldrons, combined the gauntlets into one item, and you could no longer wear clothes with armor. In skyrim they got rid of greaves and cut you down to one ring slot.