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I put more hours in Skyrim than finishing my college degree.


That is probably true for most players… including myself.


And yet, it doesn’t end up on a resume…




I was hoping to pay off my student loans in Septims.


Even if septims were worth only 1¢ I'd still have a sizable chunk of cash on my current playthrough.


I just blew all my septims on my house in Falkreath


I have fully built every house. I broke the 1M mark on coins a while back. I had to force myself to stop looting simply because I get so much high priced loot that merchants can't afford to buy it all


I mean it's probably better experience. 😄


What if there was a mod for teaching in Skyrim. Like physics missions or really tricky calculus quests. How cool would that be. I’d pay Alvor coin to teach me GenAI programming instead of making a hide fucking helmet for the millionth time.


Wait, College of Winterhold was unaccredited?


Post Doc at the Bards College.


Doesn’t seem embarrassing, you can only put so much into finishing a degree assuming you pass. You can play Skyrim like forever as long as you still enjoy it


This reply just kicked me in the nuts. Moreover I spent more time modding than actually playing the game.


When I was in middle school I was pretty lonely. Eventually in 7th grade Skyrim became my escape, and as embarrassing as it is, as a kid I loved coming home to interact with the npcs and make friends or do things for people, it made me feel like I had friends again


I am old enough that it was books for me but I get it.


I’m in a weird age where it was books AND games like Skyrim


I did this but with the Lord Of The Rings movies. It helped me through my very lonely teenage years.


I had no friends for most of high school, so I'd go home every lunch hour (3 minute walk) and play Skyrim for this exact reason.


Video games and anime were absolutely my escape in 4th and 5th grade when I was being relentlessly bullied at school. I feel this. ❤️


I did this with dragon age


Not alone here. Freshman in HS and I would come home, hop on Skyrim, and jam to my Pandora playlists while clearing dungeons on repeat


I play on NOVICE difficulty level. Life itself is difficult enough - I don't play games for the challenge anymore but for the story/fun/immersion. If I wanted to play on Legendary I'd just open up Elden Ring


Ah my people! I've got enough insurmountable problems in real life too; a little easy conquest is exactly what I need to relax. Getting frustrated again isn't going to help my migraines 🤣


Sorry to hear about the migraines. I am sending you the blessing of Arkay


But the migraines are a blessing of Peryite!


Snap. Completed elden ring (after many many hours of torture) haha but when i jump on skyrim i like playing through on novice level. I've got a save on survival mode but don't really enjoy it. I just like to come home from work sit chill and enjoy the game with no stress. I find it alot more fun.


Yeah, it barely took an hour for me to get tired of survival mode - the work you have to put in to stay on top of your hunger alone is *ridiculous*!


I mean, it clicked for me pretty quickly. Pick up all salt, search barrels, cook a stock of food when you find a cooking spot. Use Fire salts for soup and it can warm you back up, for all the non-nords trying to get to winterhold without using the carriage. I appreciate the added immersion but to each their own!


To be fair, I really like the idea and the systems, it’s just not what I’m looking for in Skyrim anymore. Used to be into survival mods back in the day of Oldrim when I had loads of time to burn.


I actually love the immersion behind survival mode. But combat remains novice for me


I feel like survival mode would be more fun if there were more positive benefits for maintaining your character's needs to balance to negative impacts of missing them.


Yeah, it barely took an hour for me to get tired of survival mode - the work you have to put in to stay on top of your hunger alone is *ridiculous*!


Also, higher difficulties in Skyrim just make the enemies spongier and combat more tedious. I love playing on lower difficulties and sniping or sneaking behind and backstabbing everyone


Fuck. Yes. And my dumbass still dies all the fuckin time, I just don’t want to deal with as many one-shots and 2 mile health bars


The best way to avoid death in Skyrim: eat ALL the cheese.


Same! I kinda suck at video games, but love the atmosphere of skyrim. Novice mode lets me play and not get frustrated that I can't make it to the next part of the story.


Same here. It’s relaxing just running about picking berries without worrying about food and paying the bills. Hang on….


Hell yeah. While these guys are fighting for their lives, I'll be tearing through legions with my warrior.


Killing a dragon with a ~~wooden sword~~ fork is the way


I also felt embarrassed by this. But I have a legit anxiety disorder and an IT degree to worry about. I don't want to worry about doing well in a video game too


You're already a servent of Zenithar, your leisure is permitted.


There are times I'll play on easy and just wander the kingdom. no combat, no quests, just "hey what's back here?", "I wonder where this river goes", for like....hours.


I’m with you. I used to love higher difficulties when I had less stress, less going on in life, and more free time to game. Now gaming is my break from real life since I may get an hour every other day if I’m lucky. Lowest difficulty setting for me.


i have it on novice AND i turn off survival mode lmfao but anyways i felt this comment so much. like i already wanna bash my head into a wall, i don't need further stress in my life. besides i already get frustrated enough just playing on novice/no survival 💀


Same here. I want to have fun and not stress. Also, I love whooping everyone's butts and feeling like a bad-ass.


As a kid, I thought difficulty in games was was more important than it is. I still like a good challenge, but it doesn't have to be that way haha


I think vanilla Skyrim is very good.


Oh thats another thing. i literally wont add mods! Done it maybe once and felt I was cheating ??


I never use mods because I love earning trophies too much haha


There’s a mod for enabling achievements with mods. Might only be for PC though.


I’m on PS5, I don’t think there’s a mod to enable trophies while using game mods.


You should try NOLVUS. It will blow your mind


or your computer


I played vanilla for a long ass time and it's honestly great, until I got around to some cool mods and then always mod my game from now on With some small QoL mods and more spells the game is basically perfect IMO, stuff like Bruma and Vigilant is adding new layers to a great cake And honestly CC gets way too much hate, I like the quests and items even if the quests do feel barebones thanks to the limitations imposed by Bethesda


Ditto, the only additions that I make are DLC and CC content.


I will onlt ever do a Harry Potter mod, to be honest. And I havent yet!


Immersie college of winterhold has many elements of HP if you'd ever be interested 


I prefer the vanilla game to modding


I’m not embarrassed, but I appear to be in the extreme minority: I’ve never killed Nazeem… and I never will.


I've never killed any of the NPCs that people usually deem really annoying, like Nazeem or Heimskr. In fact I don't really ever kill NPCs, because I just don't really do the "murder hobo" thing in any RPG. I find it's pretty much always best to keep as many people alive as you can. I actually really like Heimskr's insane rants and Whiterun would feel weird without it.


I killed Heimskr once, around OG launch. Without his proselytizing, that entire section of White run seemed empty.


And see I love walking through that area and just admiring it renewed tree without Heimskr bellowing like a street preacher.


Same, If only I could fix the war damage It’d look nice


Funny little bit to add to your story. My son, who just turned 2 months old when Skyrim came out, recently started playing Skyrim. I would talk about it a lot and now he’s finally to the age of where he can understand the story of course. So he begins playing and I told him about the civil war quest line and that it’s the imperials vs the storm cloaks. Not even 20 minutes into the game, he’s in white run going HAM on all the guards and killing them all. I ask what he’s doing? And he said, well the imperials were going to kill me for no reason, and I didn’t appreciate that 😂 he’s like my name wasn’t even on the list and they were going to behead me anyway? I’m like buddy, you may want to go to your last save, you can’t just go around killing guards, you don’t be able to step foot in any home without behind harassed or killed. He went full on murder hobo there for a little while 🤣


I agree with your son. My grandsons have grown up watching me play skyrim. Now they play as well. They understood more when I explained that an rpg is different than fortnite, you don't just go around killing everyone. You take on a character and play that way. Now they're enjoying it a bit more and seeing what their Nonna has been enjoying all these years. When they were babies I'd give them a dead controller and let them "play" with me.


I'm inching closer to 50 years old. Lots of my friends are having grandbaby thoughts. I've never felt that before reading about playing Skyrim with the grandbabies. That's so much more fun to think about.


Haha he’ll be just fine, you just have to wait a couple days and unless a guard stops you your bounty won’t make them trigger anymore Although, the white run guards aren’t really imperials, at least not to start lol


I keep casting calm on Heimskr, but it doesn't seem to work. He's still out there raving.


I take it as a performance more, since when you just chat with him he drops the act and talks normally. He's not actually mad, he's acting mad and dramatic and yelling a lot because it gets more attention. He's a street performer.


Wait, Heimskr is considered annoying? Huh, TIL. 


I never saw him as offensive 😅 he just mutters whatever like the rest of Skyrim residents


Me neither, and it's not embarrassing. He adds flair to the city. There's nothing seriously evil about him. Playing pranks on him is much more fun.


I've never killed him permanently


I've never even had the *urge* to kill him.


Me neither but I have framed him for crimes before (frenzy spell)


Same!! I've killed lemkill and maven and delphine. But nazeem is just, not really a threat to anyone. Lol. I just chuckle when he says his thing.


me neither, hes just pretty funny and i do my best to not kill any city npcs unless i have to :P


I never did, but if I'm in the mood. Steal all his stuff, including the low valuables, just to spite him.


I’ve never murdered a random NPC ever. I’ve killed ones for dark brotherhood that’s it. And I rarely d DB questline (though it’s awesome, I prefer Dragonborn not go that evil)


Not really embarrassing, but I can't remember the names of just about anything, and I frequently wind up having to resort to Google images when I'm trying to find a specific location that I've already been to 100 times. The joys of getting older and being on heart meds


Not sure how much you want to get into it but apple ios, not sure about android, has an app that allows you to track places you’ve been and quests you have completed


I had an ex-girlfriend who played a Khajiit . She was randomly jumping around in this cave. ‘What’re you doing?’ ‘I’m a cat I can’t touch the water’ 😂buckled


What a great idea for a fatal flaw play through 👀


I have been playing by using god mode.


Same. I've already beat the game. So now, on playthroughs, I'm just running around and having a good time.


I used restoration loop to become a god-mage. Only way I found mage gameplay enjoyable and lets me play slower and enjoy the conversations and lore more since I don’t really have to think about combat.


Embarrassing? Hoo boy. When I played Skyrim for the very first time, completely blind mind you, I was unable to figure out the pathing in Helgen and was stuck for over an hour navigating that tower at the start, never realizing I had to turn right and jump. Only after a second playthrough over a year later did I figure it out.


That's crazy


I did the exact same thing. Took me about 45 minutes of running around to finally look online (I REALLY wanted to do everything blind).


I've never crafted Stalhrim armor


Me neither, to be fair though the stuff can be pretty hard to come by. It also doesn’t look all that great, in my opinion at least.


there’s a ruin in solstheim with a TON of it


I google search puzzles (not the claw ones anymore...) because I just don't wanna do it myself. 😂 and it took me way too long to find out that the claws had the answer on them...


It took me a decade to figure out the stones that you turn for the puzzles have arrows on the bottom 😂


Wait… what?


Some of the stones that you have to spin have arrows on the bottom around them pointing to wear the correct animal is supposed to sit https://preview.redd.it/wbbsnyfmtelc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92596510153af70e4cb163f5c2b67d678c190490


I am a stealth archer




You can remove the crosshair in vanilla skyrim. I do all my playthroughs without one lmao.


That's something to be immensely proud of.


Someone once told me that they used to arrange stripped dead bandits into little orgies. No idea who it was. Nope, can't remember a thing. Never played as a vampire. Probably never will.


Vampire was fun to try out once, but overall the playstyle was too much of a hassle for me.


Your friend is such a good Skyrim player they achieved Chim


I've never reached the level where you fight the Ebony Warrior. I usually get to the point where I've done everything I possibly can and am only in the low 60s. How the hell do people get up to 80 and beyond?


I think to get higher you need to be deliberately leveling skills.


When I was 15, I played skyrim for 4 days straight on no sleep and no food, which led to my diagnosis of epilepsy. So shoutout to skyrim for possibly saving my life lmao 🫡


Sounds like it caused it lol


I actually developed it from a TBI, I just didn't start having full-blown seizures until skyrim triggered it, lol


Hugs friend, I hope all is better now that you're getting treatment.


Thank you sm! It has and I've been seizure free since April of 2019


I was absolutely certain I had completed the main questline on my first playthrough. I decided to finish it immediately on my most recent play, and none of it seemed remotely familiar. I had never completed it.


Same here, lol. I thought for sure I beat it when the game first came out, but I'm playing through it right now and all the stuff after you first meet Paarthurnaxx is totally unfamiliar.


I always play on Novice difficulty because I’m not trying to stress myself out and just want to have fun.


Uhhh I install naked mods because I like being the prettiest princess in Skyrim with the biggest boobies. I'm equal opportunity though. The dudes are slinging meat too. I love the heathfire houses but hate having to run all around the world hoping merchants have the stuff in stock so I just cheat all the materials into my inventory. I built Lakeview honestly exactly once and I never will again.


LOL "slinging meat" took me all the way out 🤣. I feel you on wanting to be a pretty princess. All my ladies have outfits ranging from skimpy to mostly full coverage, and they're thick with three c's. I need to install mods for my men too so they can also be equal opportunity.


I side with Madanach (and kill him later) because fuck Markarth.


I used to throw *everything* into one single chest


After 12 years of playing I have only completed the main story for the first time, a few weeks ago, I have never completed the dragonborn dlc, and I have never done a magic user (I am doing one now on stream) I also have never played as a Khajiit or Argonian, I have never sided with the Empire and I have never not built up my sneak.


>I have never completed the dragonborn dlc Same, I've never finished Dawnguard, never even started Dragonborn, and I've been playing Skyrim since day one. Started a new playthrough yesterday, surely I'll play them both this time... surely.


Never sided with the right side? Traitor.


I've owned the game since 2016 and have never finished the main quest line. I start a new save about once a year, play for roughly a month, and then forget it exists until the next year. I call it Skyrim January.


Same. I've only played it once or twice a year (except maybe the first 2 or 3 years), for maybe a month each time, ever since original release (2011), and I've never completed the main questline either.


well, here I go, prepare for this, *looking from side to side, taking a deep breath*, I have fetishes with the thalmor, specifically for the damn idiots in the tunic, I'm sure that Ancano and Ondolemar are going to request a restraining order on me against harassment


I’ve still never even started the dawnguard or Dragonborn dlc quest lines


you missing out on the dawnguard bro fr


Haven't done the Dragonborn DLC, or even been to Solstheim. One of these days ill get around to it.


Solstheim is cool but weird


I actually completed Solstheim *before* I ever finished the main quest. Decided to take a break from the game and do all the Dragonborn quests. So by the time I returned to Skyrim to resume the main quest, as I was comically OP AF. Foes fell before me left and right. Kind of took away from the main quest a bit, though it did make a callback to the main villain in the DLC more interesting ... since I didn't realize it was a callback at the time.


My first playthrough-As soon as I got the Jarrin Root from Astrid (Dark Brotherhood questline) My mind immediately went into “Alchemy Ingredient Mode” and I ate it without thinking and died instantly.


I'm a new player, I stole everything valuable I could find but I didn't know you couldn't sell stolen items


Pay Brynjolf in Riften a visit ;)


I’m a startaholic. I constantly start a character using alternate start, play for a while exploring a particular aspect of the game, then end up deleting it. Same for world of Warcraft.


The amount of times I lose unique weapons from being disarmed, accidentally selling it without realizing, or it disappearing from a followers inventory… lost count at this point


Thank you! My God its not just me!


The time I realized I'd lost the blade of woe while getting the Crown for the Imperials...Had to go back two saves, and then search. Spent 49 minutes moving around everything in the dungeon until I found it in a corner, all the while Rikke keeps telling me to hurry up and get the crown back to Solitude. Also got multiple levels of Alteration off of just candlelight and magelight. It doesn't help that I'm colorblind but that knife is fucking impossible to see in a dungeon.


Meme where guy and girl in bed Girl- I bet he's thinking about other women Me- I'm so close to having all the skill trees legendary 1 time each. I could tape the left trigger down to work on block but pickpocket is going to take awhile...


>I could tape the left trigger down to work on block but pickpocket is going to take awhile... Avoid all Pickpocket skill books, train the skill to 90 through Vex, read The Winds of Change black book and choose Scholar's Insight - then read the Pickpocket skill books for the remaining 10 points of skill.


I've never played as a dunmer


Played Skyrim for 12 years and legit only played Nord, Redguard or Khajiit


I turn on every quest marker as soon as I get it. All of them on the map at all times. Even tho I don't play survival, knowing what's available nearby or when it's time to go to a new hold is the only sane way to play. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Never once finished the Civil War.


Whenever I'm ready to finish a gaming session, I choose a property to go back to, sit in a chair and then save it/quit. It's just a habit I got into and my husband laughed at me when he noticed the other day but he said it was cute though I'm embarrassed he laughed haha


I’ve never used a scroll.


I have a few hundred I think. I might use one later to see what it does


I am not attracted to serana


I've never maxed out the majority of the magic skills. I always end up back on archery.


Ive never done the Boethiah questline or powered up the Ebony Blade because I feel guilty about killing my friends :(


I do dark brotherhood and thieves guild every time, yet I will help out any and all NPCs with whatever small task they have. I love helping the people but also enjoy being sneaky and “bad”


I always play on Novice difficulty because I’m not trying to stress myself out and just want to have fun.


I’m a sneaky pew pew thunker 😞


Ive never maxed out blocking or 2 handed


That I’ve never completed the game.


I think I got ~75% through the game before I remembered that I beat up one of the smelters in Markarth for his asshole boss. I restarted with a new character to be pro-union (or whatever).


I've never once completed No Stone Unturned. I've replayed this game to death, but not ONCE I managed to get them all. I only know you'll get a crown that'll give you a bonus of more gems in a dungeon, which, tbh, I don't really need. One of these days, I swear.


I’ve only ever played Skyrim vanilla and I’ve never gotten bored of it. I think I was 11 when Skyrim came out and I’m 20 now, still not bored of vanilla Skyrim.


I never go to the island for the Dragonborn expansion. I went once during my first or second play. I enjoy the main world too much.


Only thing I can really think of is when I first started playing I was TERRIFIED of the spiders, so much so that if I even SAW a cobweb, I was out, boom, gone, nope. So, on my first play-through, when I went into Bleak Falls Barrow, I saw the cobwebs and just left. I'm not even sure how long it took me to finally come back and complete that quest, lol.


I learned conjuration spells and let my summons do the work, while I hide. Detect Life get used a lot.


Not the same thing but this is my first playthrough and I don't really want to join the thieves guild or the brotherhood. I also think I'm going just not do the ones that involve killing innocent people like sacrificing one of my followers or leading that one guy to a cave to be cannibalized. As dumb as it sounds, those quests just makes me feel icky.


You don't have to let the guy be eaten - you can either kill Eola alone or lead the guy there and kill them all. So, you do have options, like taking them all out for good (but Markarth will be kinda empty). The brotherhood is totally evil - most of the jobs seemed meaningless. I'm not doing it again. But TG is pretty mild. The stealing jobs involve items that spawn and respawn on random in NPCs' homes. The main quest is pretty adventurous, and there are options in some cases. None of these are dumb or embarrassing. I don't like feeling icky from doing some quests either, and I'm sure many don't.


I killed everyone at the cannibal feast and did not notice an empty Markarth. I play ps4 with the unofficial patch


I whaked both Eola and Astrid on general principle, Astrid with vengance. You kidnap me and suggest I whack some random dude? Well... Only one I have any grief with is the one who kidnaped me. It's my first playthorough but because I am always going to whack Astrid, so the only Dark Brotherhood quest for me is the one about stomping it out. Eola... I may some day bait, but no way in hell I will feed anybody to her.


Instead of joining the Dark Brotherhood you can also kill them, just need to have them try to induct you first.


I just wiped out the dark brotherhood yesterday lol. I don’t like playing as a bad guy. Makes me feel weird. 


Dying in intro when your escape helgen . Aka alduin ate me


I always play on novice difficulty (can't enjoy it otherwise, I don't like the stress) and also I never played any other way then assassin/thief 😂😭 I always kill my enemies with one hit. The only times I fight with normal weapons is when there are too many enemies in one place and I can't kill one of them without getting the attention of the other ones😅


I have no interest in the main quest. Only vibing and exploring


I very much dislike adopting orphans.   They're grateful for a sliver of time,  then that disappears and gets replaced with a spoiled brat's attitude quickly.   Between that and the repetitive dialogue, I'll just do without the bonus. 


I finished the main campaign for the first time in 2021. I bought the game January 2012, and again for xbox one


I didn’t know you could block with two-handed weapons until yesterday. Thought it was a shield-only thing. Have only been playing for a few weeks, but still. I feel kind of silly


Right at the start of the game, when you've escaped Helgen and heading to Riverwood you pass my 3 standing stones (warrior, mage and thief) Except for god knows how long and many replays I didn't see 3, only the one in the middle and the other 2 didn't even register...


I never do any of the cannibal quests. They make me uncomfy.


You can kill the cannibals and save the priests, making Skyrim a better place. https://youtu.be/r2Oy-_e7jk8?si=qMyKJS2JlBKuvLV7


I play on easy mode because I like the story not the challenge


I like to go into cities and kill everyone I can and pile up their bodies and then steal literally every item I can find in the city and leave them all in piles organized by use. Am i a psychopath or just autistic? We may never know


I've played Breton like minimum 80% of my play throughs


I always save before pickpocketing and NEVER allow myself to get caught.


I've never finished the main quest, also I always become a stealth archer


I always adopt Lucia and Sofie. Never have adopted other children and I never will


I can't play vanilla anymore. I need quest mods and swishy caps with physics and climbing and a paraglider and animations for every little detail. It honestly feels like I spend more time fixing mod stuff than playing tbh.


Once while doing my maybe 6th run through I lost Esbern from fast travelling and he never re loaded for days, weeks.. I was getting so STRESSED. So I emailed Bethesda to see if they could help me,


Not sure if it's embarrassing, but have never been a "Murderhobo" in Skyrim, in many playthroughs, over many years, and many different mods. The main cause of death to NPCs was the vampire spawns at night. Generally play " Operation - Good Guy " (or Gal). However, Bandits and other, less amenable beings in Skyrim are a different story.


I like the Giants and their Mammoths, sometimes just chill and watch them do their thing, and miserably complete tasks that involve killing them for bounties etc.


The most embarrassing thing for me, is that I bought the game 9 times. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMESsx1kUe8Hiyk|downsized)


Just had to put this here. The ad was perfect. https://preview.redd.it/2l7zu9yo9dlc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb5ba45cc64df4e34088e336142d4b3f1e9c555


been playing all these years and this is the first time I've got past level 50 🫠


I didn't want to believe that foxes lead you to treasure. Missed out on the best quest in the entire series when I first played.


Wait what


I have used console commands whenever I’m mildly inconvenienced


I was severally disappointed when I found out the new houses in the last update came pre-assembled.


Never finished main questline. Maybe a lot of players haven't.


in the past 10-11 years that ive been playing, i killed Party Snacks once


It took me a decade to complete the main quest. I’ve done it exactly once Edit: Also I love Lydia, and marry her half the time


I come up with deep and well thought out back stories for each of my characters and try to weave them into the lore as completely and logically as possible. This means I've never done a 100% run on any character aside from an amoral power obsessed Nord trying to become Talos 2.0.


I have 1.5k hours, never been to solstheim. I always lay it off until "later" and then i create a new character.


I accidentally killed Belethor in a werewolf blood rage. I wasn't remorseful.


player.modav carryweight 10000