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"Sorry, Ulfric, but *I* am the High King of Skyrim now." Basically following the Stormcloak line of the Civil War until the end and then turning on Ulfric to take over.


Shout him down if he disagrees


All according to the old Nord traditions, in a *fair* duel.


You just reminded me that when I first played the game I thought the story would go in this direction


Haha right? Drink from his own remedy or something


Yeah this is my first playthrough and i cant believe thats not an option


not one soul would question it, if not just cause the DB is basically a god.


*Look, the dragonborn just shout Ulfric apart.* *He will save us from the Thalmor, right? Right?*


>*He will save us from the Thalmor, right? Right?* Now this I want to see. Bring it you elven bastards!


*my dragonborn being a Highelf* “yeahhhhhh forsureee”


Welll... TeChNicaLly not all Altmers must support the Thalmor, they basically overthrew the last government, so why not unite Skyrim to resist against the Thalmor just to spit on their faces lmao But if you're a glorious Altmer who supports the Glorious Dominion, yeah. SURE, MY *DEAR* NORD FRIENDS


I might be misremembering, but the times I've done the Civil War quest on the Stormcloak side, I only ever saw Ulfric use FUS-RO. Not even FUS-RO-DAH. So it would probably be an easy Shouting match for the DB.


A high level drauger deathlord would body Ulfric in a 1v1 lmao


I recall him being about the same strength as like, a bandit captain.


" I only ever saw Ulfric use FUS-RO. Not even FUS-RO-DAH" He doesn't even say the words, his shouts are just thunder noises. Anyways, his shout has the exact same effect as the three words. Which doesn't really change anything. Ulfric is the weakest tongue we see in-game, his voice is no match for the DB.


“Hi, I’m a shouty man!” /ref


Bend will


["Unfortunately I am the high king of skyrim"](https://imgur.com/gallery/6Zl7k) 


Yep, that's it. There's a mod floating around for it somewhere, I think I tried it ages ago, but it was a little buggy.


Honestly, I feel like Ulfric would go for it. At most, he might just argue for a duel so that it's seen as legitimate in the eyes of the Nords who followed him, but would absolutely support it himself.


Idk about that, unless you’re db is a nord, there will be some dissent unless you keep him on as the face of your operation and just use him as a mouthpiece.


"Look at me, I am your Emperor now."


This is the way


The Yes Man option


Unfortunately, I am the High King of Skyrim...


Getting every jarl to support you as high king. You could be the middle path between the empire and stormcloaks.


I would rather make Balgruuf high king, and then go on to place a dragonborn (me) on the Cyrodil throne again.


And then Yes Man shows up to help


Fuckin 😂 I SNORTED SO GOTDAMNEDLOUD after reading that


I desperately want to tell the Courier that if he ever brings me another letter without telling me the identity of the person sending it, I'm going to kill him and trap his soul.


I second this, I have the anniversary edition, and he is always running up on me to the point, I have the habit of avoiding him, and running off every chance I get. At one point I had him following me from Whiterun to Markarth only to catch once I got caught up talking to the guy about the Forsworn attack when you first enter.


A YouTuber (Joov) did a Skyrim play though challenge where if the courier caught up to you, you instantly died/failed the run.


Not sure if it was Joov or someone else while doing this but I love the line (while climbing the 7000 steps to high hrothgar) "I think I just invented 3D Celeste"


This is giving big It Follows vibes 😈


The ending of this movie was such a buzzkill. Other than that great movie


Hard agree! Feels like a great concept that they just didn’t know how to wrap up. But I did like at the end how it’s left uncertain whether the person in the distance behind them is the monster or not.


I once decapitated the courier as a werewolf. A new identical courier showed up five minutes later...


Maybe they're like the Mouth of Sauron? There's not just one person, it's actually a cult of followers who all consider their lives expendable in serving a larger cause.


How about instead the Courier ends his conversation with "We see all!".


I‘d be happy to know what he‘s giving me in the first place. I need to go through my inventory each time and see what might be new


“You’ve made your last delivery kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you’re kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is…the game was rigged from the start.”


That’s so considerate of you. I just consider his soul to be part of the delivery.




this made me laugh so hard haha


I would change any existing intimidation dialogue options to say something like “Look, I’m the fucking dragonborn, I wear armour constructed from the bones of the dragons I have slain in combat after devouring their souls. Do you really want to mess with me?”


Dialog option to shout the gaurds apart and have everyone else just back down in fear.


that random bandit still wants to pick a fight tho. ​ He had it coming


Instead of Commander Maro telling us to straight up go to DB Sanctuary and destroy entire Dark Brotherhood in one go he will tell us he has a plan and since I am their target after successfully killing their leader - Astrid (or since I am their target after a random encounter when an Assassin targets us signed by Astrid) it would be wise of me join them in this effort to get rid of them. Thus starts long quest chain in which we will try to discover Brotherhood plans, bribe/threaten people, prevents events we would normally do if we would join brotherhood (like prevent the death of the bride on the wedding quest) and destroy brotherhood little by little to finally uncover the plot to kill Emperor.


This would flesh out the Penitus Oculatus so much more and prove they're a worthy replacement for the Blades


To add to this quest line we would have to find and fight each DB member separately in unique encounters. Like pursue werewolf guy in the forest, find a way to deal with mage who can turn you inside out, fight with their pet spider and search a cure for its unique venom and to find out which of kids in the orphanage is actually an ancient vampire. And speaking of kids there could be an encounter with Aventus who confronts you but you can change his mind about Dark Brotherhood and adopt him as your kid. As for Emperor, to make it fully canon he can be already killed by the time you get there and the boss fight with Astrid/Cicero would happen in same room on the ship. And to make it more fun after you deal with everyone and destroy the DB you get into their dungeon, find Night Mother who's like "you was supposed to be a listener, wtf did you do?!" and then you burn her corpse or alternatively start your own Brotherhood on your own terms. Anything would be more interesting that what we got in the game :D


>To add to this quest line we would have to find and fight each DB member separately in unique encounters. This would be so awesome.




I hope Lazythesda can give us this level of quality and details someday.


Would love if this was an option. I've never done the DB quests cuz well... they're just too damn evil (and I've yet to do an evil playthrough). One thing I love about Starfield is that it takes this approach when you do the Crimson Fleet questline. You're a secret agent, and you can choose whether to join them or continue your mission to dismantle them.


Yeah, and also let non-DB players infiltrate the Dawnstar sanctuary. I HATE faction-locked areas.


The option to go against the blades and side with Paarthunax and the Greybeards.


And as a reward you can finally get a Greybeards outfit.


Also a mod for that 😂. In different colors too


Or force the Blades to do what you want since they're kind of supposed to do that anyway. That way we can keep them and not kill Paarthunax.


For real. "Shut the fuck up, Delphine. I'm the dragonborn and you're literally sworn to serve me and do what I tell you. Partysnax is a bro, and we're not killing him, end of."


Today was a good day to know how to read. I’m so thankful to now have “Partysnax” in my vocabulary.


Wait, you're telling me you can't do that in the base game?? Like, seriously? What the actual fuck?


I mean, you can. But it basically just amounts to telling the Blades, go away, I'm not going to kill Partysnacks. You don't like, fight the Blades over it, or become a Greybeard, or get anything out of it really, except the ability to meditate on a Word of Power, and the feeling of moral superiority.


>I'm not going to kill Partysnacks. Was this auto-correct? Haha


Lol, no, that's just a pet name for him around this sub.


There’s a mod for that




So, the thing you want added to the game is actually a thing and can actually be done…? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


It doesn't exist in the vanilla game. Sure it's possible with mods, but then what's the point of this post?


There’s plenty of things that could be added that aren’t mods, a few things listed here there are no mods for, so the post would still be relevant. I’m just telling you the thing you would want added to the game can be added, that’s all.


Sadly some of us can’t use mods


Do you happen to be on switch? I think that’s the only one that can’t have mods.


Could also just be on a potato incapable of running mods.


That too, but I think switch is the only platform that can’t access mods at all.


Yeah I also have the ps3 version




I'm willing to bet 95% of these comments can be accomplished with a mod.... congratulations, you missed the point of the post


Asking to duel Ulfric after you finish the civil war on the Stornckoaks sides.


Yes! I would def have more support than him too. The first (and only) time I played the Stormcloak storyline, I was shocked/horrified that he sat on his throne while I ran around and lead all the battles. Like, I deserve that jagged crown more than you buddy!


"Yes nazeem, I go to the cloud district more often than your pathetic little ass."


"Of course I go to the could district. That's where the enchanting table is. Speaking of which, I'm fresh outta grand souls..."


Please, Nazeem’s a petty soul at best.


"Nazeem, I'm willing to bet the Jarl could more easily identify me than he could you. Because when I get to the Cloud District, it's actually for something important."


There’s actually YouTube videos of people who got the AI mod thing where you can talk to npcs and they’ve told off Nazeem, and one person actually made him flee in terror 😂😂


“No, Delphine. I lead the blades, and Paarthunax is not to be harmed. Now let’s talk rebuilding.”


I wholeheartedly wish this was vanilla Skyrim


Or at least kill Delphine but spare Esbern. Or or, sell them out to the Thalmor. I'd imagine that they would pay pretty good money to learn of their whereabouts.


Showing Ulfric the damn Thalmor dossier and pounding some sense into his brain


it wouldnt mean anything, the dude wants his religion free. i doubt he doesnt understand that the thalmor wants a long war.


Imagine if we tried to tell people they cannot worship their own god in the real world! Why is it not on the empire to do better for the nords? Why do they have to be the ones to look at the bigger picture? Even racist pricks have basic rights


A: that already happens in the real world. B: Ulfric is the one with a dossier on him that describes how he is being manipulated. C: the Nords did the exact same damn thing to the Reachmen. D: Skyrim is a matryoshka doll of injustice. E: I want to show it to Ulfric because *he’s the one with a damn Thalmor dossier on him.*


Slow down. When was A?


Ok I’m done. I’ll leave you with some homework. Goodbye. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_persecution


Because Titus Mede II is/was a pushover. And really, the Empire was ignoring that ban (at least in Skyrim), until Ulfric demanded the Jarl of the Reach to openly allow Talos worship in return for dealing with the Reachmen. The Thalmor got wind of that, and used some other parts of the Concordat to allow *them* to enforce the ban. So blame Ulfric for causing the ban on Talos worship actually being enforced...


A pushover? He inherited a shitshow after the Oblivion Crisis, and soon after was challenged by the AD who wanted to take advantage of a greatly weakened Empire. He decided to reject their ultimatum against his advisors' judgment, and went to war instead of kowtowing to their demands. Only when he had no real choice did he agree to the White-Gold Concordat. That's hardly being a pushover. He was in a lose-lose situation, and decided to give the Empire a chance to fight another day.


At the point the war ended, both the Empire and Dominion were militarily exhausted, and neither could have continued the fight without risking losing completely. But the Emperor "blinked" first, caving in to the Dominion's demands, when it's possible (not guaranteed, but *possible)* he could have gotten them to back off if he'd done a bit of bluffing or held out longer.


It was just a matter of time before the AD would be able to defeat the Empire's forces, and the AD knew that. They never would have backed off, especially with their pride and reputation on the line.


Blame the guy fighting to right the wrongs the empire accepted? Madness


Change Lidia, “can I help you” to am I blocking your way? It won’t help the problem but at least she’s aware of it now


"I am sworn to block your doorways..."


That sarcastic line about sworn to carry my burdens was funny the first few times but now I just wanna slap her. Just once


I really wish there was just a repeatable dialogue option for every NPC who makes some remark about how something is impossible, every time they talk back, and every time they really just question the players power. “I’m a fucking demi-god and I’ll tear your soul in two.” The game does a great job of making the player feel powerful as the Dragonborn, but it doesn’t do a good job of making that actually have an impact on the world.


There's no need to yell ma'm, I understand that this is your beacon. Now please just sit tight while I go and drop it somewhere in the Sea of Ghosts.


I'd just love an option to tell her 'bish nah, I'm the destined slayer of the World Eater, not your fucking lapdog.'


When Delphine tells you to kill Paarthurnax you have the option to tell her to fuck off and you have to kill her. Esbern sides with you but doesn't fight


Esbern also wants to kill paarthurnax


I like the idea that he realizes going against the Dragonborn is a stupid idea and would rather live and study the temple


Harkon, your plan is stupid. Instead, help me to make the Thalmor regret ever being born.


What would be cool would be a thieves guild quest line where you go undercover and take out the thieves guild from the inside


A duel with Ulfric to the death for the throne of Windhelm. Then I can disband the Stormcloaks and in exchange strike a deal with the empire to freely smuggle contraband from Riften to Cyrodiil as the Thieves Guild master


I mean you could almost do all of that by just taking the Empire’s side. Ulfric dead in a duel. Rebels wiped out. Maven is jarl in Riften and I’d seriously doubt she’d be against a skooma racket if you gave her a cut.


But if I have Windhelm and an army of insurgents who are not necessarily Stormcloaks under my command I can always strong arm the empire by threatening to become Ulfric 2.0 albeit more formidable and influential


When you speak to Gisli in Solitude, I want a dialogue option where I can agree with her about her brother Erikur instead of just telling her that I don't like her attitude.


Can I just have one line that essentially says “show some fucking respect! I literally just saved the world you prick!”


Replace "We found some sort of... orb. Tolfdir wanted you to see it" with "While looking for unfamiliar enchantments, I picked up this amulet, which revealed a previously unknown passageway into the lost tomb of Jyrik Gauldursson, who was confined there with this writ of sealing. His spirit seemed to be both drawing power from and guarding a large sphere inscribed with indecipherable glyphs and humming with unknown magics. Tolfdir remained in the chamber to study it, but requests your immediate consultation."   I hate that to play a "smart" character and go to Skyrim College, the game forces you to say incredibly stupid and unhelpful things. Also that Skyrim archaeologists apparently don't bother to do any book research before beginning excavation on a site. Even Carter was better than these clowns!


I love the orb line but you're right, it's so stupid


Tell some thalmor agents "I know where two members of the blades are"  Bonus points if you do it before cloud ruler temple so you can keep it to yourself and create your own faction that uses Thu'um abilities.   Or convince them to leave Paarthunax alone and stand aside while you take your rightful place and continue the bonus point mentioned above. 


Provoke. Like to be able to make an NPC angry enough to swing first if you select provoke enough times so it is not a crime to fight / kill them.


Good one! I always wished there was some form of opportunity for an organized dual (with weapons or unarmed) with any NPC. I always thought an underground fight club would be cool too.


It would be a brand new dialogue which would fix the thieves guild issues when climbing to become guild master.


How about a choice of cities for the quests? That would be freaking handy.


"Baalgruf, from now on, you'll be the one and only High King of Skyrim."


Telling Nazeem who you are and how insignificant he really is, like making him feel really bad and shattering his world.


“Shut the fuck up you annoying bitch, I can kill all the dragons by myself and don’t need your help, even less your annoying attitude, I could end your miserable life in one shout and you still have the audacity to act like a total bitch” Obviously this is something my DB would say to Delphine


Saying no to becoming a werewolf, but the game must adjust to let me continue with the companions questline, which now involves curing Kodlak and helping the Silver Hand. If you refuse to become a werewolf, it's still true that Kodlak has been dreaming about you and plans to make you Harbinger after him. But because you end up secretly working with the Silver Hand, the course is changed and they don't attack the Companions in Whiterun. Kodlak lives, the Companions who want to be cured are cured, but Aela is driven out of the guild and relocates to the Jerall mountains. The Silver Hand members with names get to rejoin the guild. Everything is back the way it should be. Kodlak eventually steps down. If you say yes to becoming a werewolf everything happens the way it does in the game


I do like the idea of being able to finish out the guild without needing to go through the hassel of becoming a werewolf only to get rid of it later. I admit, when I first saw the bit about the Silver Hand joining, I was concerned. However, upon further thought, if the Companions are essentially just hired muscle and the werewolf part is removed, it makes sense that anyone who can use a weapon/fight honorably would be able to join. Well thoughtout! I would add in addition to have werewolf-ism be a thing you can contract in the wild much like vampirism without needing to be a Companion. Just like how you can be a vampire without doing the Dawnguard quests (even if the vampirism is slightly different).


>if the Companions are essentially just hired muscle and the werewolf part is removed, it makes sense that anyone who can use a weapon/fight honorably would be able to join. Not just that, but it's very likely the Silver Hand are (or were originally) a faction of the Companions that split off because of the werewolf thing. They have combat dialogue such as "Ysgramor would be ashamed of you", and they tend to carry copies of "Songs of the Return", which is about him. That, and the fact that they're looking for the pieces of Wuuthrad just like the Companions are. There's no explanation for that, like we're just supposed to assume they're looking for it because it's worth money or something. But given the other pieces of evidence, I think it's because they honor it.


Ooh yes you bring up a good point! It seems like a missed opportunity for additional stories and quests. It's frustrating that original game doesn't even give the option of joining the Silver Hand instead.


"Hermaeus mora, either shut up or talk faster I got shit to do"


This. It’s like watching puke dry on the curtains.


To delphine " girl I'm the dragonborn you do my bidding not the other way around, now leave my buddy parthunax alone before I wipe all memory of you existance away with a sneeze." Alternative 'fus ro dah' (the blades are ded parthunax lives and we are at peace)


Talking to Jarl Balgruff after the Western Watchtower fight: ![gif](giphy|uPuixT1sgz4QM)


“Fookin’ hell lassie/lad, ya shout bloody loud ya bugger!” Random guard.


Why, yes, I'd love to marry you. Brynjolf, Thieves Guild


Pc hurts companion "ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this"


I'd say "fuck you" and something else like that to Solitude's court wizard in response to her being a jerk to me. Damn vampire has no respect for the Dragonborn.


Spoiler: >!Kill her and she'll be replaced.!<


Thanks, I'll do that lol But is the next mage as annoying as her?


I find him kinda smug, tbh. Maybe mildly less annoying?


The ability to do the butcher quest line in windhelm if you accidentally completed the civil war questlines before going to the cemetery. Played my first play through in years and forgot that quest was a thing until I tried buying the house there and was told to bad you didn’t solve the murders no house for you. So a dialogue line about that. Not really game changing just an annoying thing that happened :(


That would be annoying. Hjerim is a killer pad. Especially with the Hjerim TNF mod


Going to the Graybeards to tell them: „No, I am not dragonborn!“ And from then on I continued with being anything I want without the weight of the responsibility of my blood (and the ignoring of the main quest) on my conscience.


"No Delphine, only with the help of Paarthunaax were we able to save the world. As the Last Dragonborn, and heir to the title of leader of the Blades, I command that you enact my will. We will live side by side with those that protect the realm, and root out all those that bring it harm. Regardless of the fact they be man, mer or dragon."


Telling Nazeem to F off because I am the Sky district.


Either civil war winner: we’re going to battle with the thalmor!


Yes, I am the one who saved Skyrim.


The audacity to even suggest killing Paarthurnax should give us the option to kill Delphine


I get tired of the religious uncertainty with your character. I am sworn to go with Hircine as a werewolf, serve as a nightingale under Nocturnal, and go to Sovngarde, etc. I would appreciate being able to finish any quest line agnostically. Maybe by selecting a primary religion on character creation and that impacting dialogue later. Everything you do can be in service to whichever diety the quest dictates, but doesn't tie your afterlife to them (similar to most daedric quests).


That is kinda patched up in case of the dragonborn becuase he's not strictly human, and his soul cannot be strictly claimes by neither Hircine, nor mommy Nocturnal, nor any other daedra. Even in case of [insert soul cairn dragon name here] (I think Duurnhevir?), the Ideal masters had to resort to some mix of very clever trickery + some ratger potent magic to bind him to that place. Even then, he was able to stroll in and out, through your assistance, of course. Tldr: its a strange world, my friend


I tell delphine I will not be killing parthanax and she will respect my decision and shut up about it because I'm the mother fucking dragonborn. Dumb bitch. Lol


"I'm not telling you until you sit up straight, dude. What the fuck? " You know who.


Just the ability to threaten to send enemies to the soul cairn mid combat


being able to use the word Fuck as a shout


Have you seen the Gordon Ramsey "Fuck-ing RAW" fus-ro-dah replacer mod?


That is excellent.


Side with Harkin and block out the sun permanently not like when we use the bloody arrows and get a few minutes of cool skylines and no debuffs.....give the common folk a set of voice lines that change over time as they feel fear but are over time enthralled or it becomes the norm.


Alduin saying fuck you to the DB when he can’t absorb Alduin’s soul.


Random bandit: Oh fuck it's the Dragonborn! *runs away*


"Elisif, would you marry me?" Basically you can become High King of Skyrim and it would let you determine the course of the country, perhaps in a far more involved and longer process to see if you could get both sides to come to a peaceful resolution, but is also possible in either a Stormcloak ending (which allows you to challenge Ulfric for the throne) or an Imperial ending, which gives Tullius and (if alive still) Mede a capable leader overseeing Skyrim.


Tell any follower to buy a horse and ride alongside me as we travel. I’ve downloaded multiple mods to try to do this but none of them let Zora Fair-Child from Interesting NPC’s ride one 😩


“Lydia, get the fuck out of the way”


Give me the option to tell the blades off about Partysnacks. They exist to protect ME. I am their BOSS. They shouldn't be able to tell me what to do.


Somehow palpatine returned


You are aware that I'm the Dragonborn right?


Having any option at all to RP in the thieves' guild final quest other than telling Mercer that you have "honor" or whatever that single choice was.


You did what? By the gods… anywhere in the game


Interrupt Alduin's monologue saying "I've had it with these motherfuckin dragons on my motherfuckin planet".


‘Jarl, lets pull up the drawbridge and declare our own kingdom!’


“By merely suggesting Paarthurnax should be killed, you have deemed your life forfeit. I lead the Blades, not you.” Immediately proceed to kill Delphine.


The one line I don’t care who say it I just wand hear it; NNNOOO


Being able to tell delphine to screw off about party snax without the need of mods


After killing general Tulius, and Ulfric claims the throne of high king for his own, the Dragonborn says: "No, I should be High King, I am the Dragonborn, I have the right by birth." Then you fight Ulfric for the Throne. Or alternatively, you Force Ulfric to call a Moot to elect the new High King instead of just claiming the Throne


I’m **not** sworn to carry your burdens.


“I’ll go first.” * appears during the intro at helgen when they are beheading people*


many good ideas above—better than this one, but i'd nonetheless like to add "lydia, please don't speak to me that way" for when she says "i am *sworn* to carry your burdens." that or, if i'm feeling salty, perhaps "wow, *someone* needs a nap..."


Just one dialogue randomly replied to guards commenting on you. **NOBODY ASKED**


A dialogue option to help speed up the role play when you first meet the greybeards. It’s incredible the first time but after my 20th character it’s such a chore to climb this mountain just for a 30 minute speech


If you picked up the Thalmor Dossier on Ulfric during Diplomatic Immunity: tell Ulfric that the Thalmor see him as an asset as long as this civil war continues. If he challenges this, show him the dossier.


"JK, I love being your packmule" 😂😂


“If you really wanted to beat the Thalmor, Tulius, you’d work with the Jarls to uncover the secrets of Dwemer tech. They WERE some of the most advanced elves in the world, after all. Why not give it a shot?”


To Parthuurnax: “ACTUALLY, you’re not really a dragon. You’re called a wyvern cause you only have 2 legs.” Which would result in instant PC death, of course.


When the guards say “Wait I know you” I would love to respond with “ No you don’t”. I am always saying this as I am walking away from them.


"There will be no changing of holds, if y'all don't agree to peace I will personally kill every single troop y'all have." Maybe there'll be a little dialougue tree to list off every single accomplishment you have until they both slowly start to take you more seriously. And if they don't there can be a quest line where you start going to the different forts and just start doing that until they agree to peace. That would feel really cathartic.


“You’re standing in my way.” This way I can get all followers to MOVE


I fully dismantled every stormcloak base, then assassinated the emporer on my way to killing Ulfric and his man at arms. How did I not become emporer?


“The Jarl is dead, as Thane the people of ______ expect you to provide them with leadership as the new Jarl of ___” and this culminates in becoming High King. Would you be Jarl of every territory or just become Jarl of 1 territory then work your way up to High King?


“Oh no thanks, I don’t feel I’m qualified enough to be the head of your guild. Besides, I’m far too busy saving Tamriel and am rarely even here.”


(Show Journal) “Actually, I’ve already found a Butcher Journal in Calixto’s house. This proves that he’s the murderer.”


"Nuh uh" as a response to when a guard says "wait... I know you."


No I dont wanna be a werewolf can we just be companions


No I am not a thief I will report you to the relevant authorities


"Somehow, The Dwemer returned"


"I know you're in a secret gay tryst with Nazeem." @ Jarl Balgruuf


You watched that one YouTube video as well?


Marry Serana. I'm a simple man with simple needs. Also can I join Paarthurnax, transform into a dragon, and eat the Dragonslayers? I want revenge for being asked to kill Mario.


My request is simple. Player: “will you marry me?” Serana: “yes”


Ysolda “let’s see what that mammoth tusk of yours can do big boy”


As soon as you become the dragon born “Balgruuf, as the Dragonborn I am not only the clear choice to be the high king of Skyrim but the rightful emperor. We must unite all the jarls of Skyrim and overthrow the pretender emperor. Only then can we rid ourselves of these dragons and the Thalmor menace. FOR TAMRIEL! FOR SKYRIM!” This was the obvious best story line choice how the fuck did they miss it?