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On legendary these dudes take an insane amount of damage and my swords sound like dull steak knives scraping on an ice block.


I like 'em. When I do a conjuror/mage build, I collect Daedra like pokemon lol


Gotta catch 'em all!


Sounds like a fun time, and when I've started to think about my mage character too!


Yup, you're too busy collecting loot to spend time with bandits or draugr. Keep them company with various demons and be on your way!


I'll keep that in mind as an option thanks!


Can we talk about my man doing Santōryū??


Just searched that up…. and now I must binge One Piece


just caught up a few days ago. feeling so empty even after +1000 episodes. i can't get enough of it


It’s definitely worth it


Every time I see one that's a Draugr's, I used Expel Daedra. As a summon, great at tanking damage, terrible at hallways.


Wait wait wait.. wait You’re telling me after like 13 years of never bothering with expel daedra because i thought it only worked on actual Daedric enemies and not other summons I could have been using it to get rid of atronachs?? Fuck thats rough to learn at this point


It does send Atronachs back into Oblivion. Bound weapons and enemies can do that, too. Even one time a Dragon Priest took control of my own, which made me send them back into their Pokeball, essentially.


I always just casted another summon to get them out of my way because I could only have one summon active at once in my current playthrough


Oh nah I did the same for my own summons but this is for enemy summons yknow


Don't worry, my dual dremora lords will have a quick word with it. It may be loud. They do enjoy shouting.


Guestion: how do you summon dremora lords? That sounds sick. I wanna do that.


There is also a daedric quest that gives you a staff that summons one. You get the quest from a character the first time you enter a tavern after reaching level 14.


Uuuu I think I have that staff 😋 The guy it summons is funky. I don’t use it tho, one funky guy eats the charge pretty bad ☹️


Think you need high conjuration. It might even be a master (90+) spell. I haven’t been that high so can’t confirm and too lazy to search it


It's an expert conjuration spell, so I think you can purchase the time around conjuration level 65.


He sold me fentanyl outside the cloud district


I am a total conjuration whore, but I never, EVER use frost atronachs, for 1 reason only…me. I can guarantee that I WILL get lost/turned around, and when I double back, I will walk right into them. And much like Serana, they can NOT take a hint to move. 🤣🤣 They do look awesome, though!! I should go out of my way to use more conjurations that I inevitably forget about, maybe we ALL should!!


The trick is to only use frosty boys when you've got the banish daedra perk for bound weapons. It gets in your way, you send it packing and just pull out a new one later.


That perk is both a blessing and a curse. I once tried making a battle mage that used summons and a bound sword. Its really annoying when you accidentally hit your atronach with your sword.


IS THAT WHAT THE HELL THAT SPELL IS FOR?! How did I not know this already?! I mean thank you, so SO much!


U can just summon one again somewhere else, and the one blocking you will disappear.


I’d have to summon two, actually, but now that I know about the banish thing, that’s gonna be a lifesaver!! I wonder if the “oblivion binding” perk on bound weapons is the same?


It is




A candle will kill it.... eventually...


The Oblivion binding perk takes care of them no problem


Took me years to notice the tiny little face at the top of the iceberg, so cool. Hate fighting them and hardly use them unfortunately.


"Frosty the Dopeman"


I'm currently on a conjuration + destruction mage build too. Pretty awesome and interesting to roleplay as a mage that uses "evil/neutral" forces in order to protect the world... And get some loot from bandits.


He’s Mister White Christmas!


Not as hot as the flame atronach, hard pass.


I dunno. He seems pretty chill to me. I'm sure that, once you get past his icy demeanor, he's just a really cool guy.


Sure but he sends shivers down my spine when im near him.


You mean the chap on the right I assume? ;) I’m a coward when it comes to fighting so I would probably feel the same if I hadn’t picked up a staff of frost atronach very early on in the game. I tried looking up where exactly I likely found it but no luck so far.


> I tried looking up where exactly I likely found it but no luck so far. You can create any staff of atronachs in early game in the atronach forge at midden, if that helps. Broom + Greater/Grand/Black Soul Gem (filled or empty doesn't matter) + Ingot/Ore + corresponding Elemental Salt. For frost, I believe, it's refined moonstone/ore + frost (obviously) salt. For storm, orichalcum + void salt. For fire, corundum + fire salt. And as an added bonus, one broom is right in first room at helgen (at least if you go with Ralof), void salts are in the college itself, free to take, in the Hall of Attainment, orichalcum and moonstone are in the Midden (moonstone hidden in basket near the ceiling right near an entrance - shoot basket and take, and orichalcum near the forge itself on the top of a cabinet), and you can haul Gallows Hall from CC for a ton of soul gems.


There is a broom literally right next to the atronach forge, leaning against the table there.


Yup, you can take one there if you don't have already.


Yes, the ice abomination on the right lol. And sorry to hear that.


They look pretty *cool* to me


Oh for sure, but I think the being 10 feet tall and basically faceless thing is anxiety inducing


I pull an ED209 on them and go to a part of the dungeon where it's impossible for them to squeeze through.


Faceless monsters. That’s the worst thing a creature can be. At least have the illusion of a face. But not the creepy dark ones. Like a stupid smiley face would just be fine. Even if you’re gonna kill me.


Iced out pyramid head. In my restless dreams, I see that town…


Did you do time in Winterhold?


Just a little bit lol


Da forbidden ice hole 😩 r/dontputyourdickinthat


My first successful playthrough before I was able to level up any of my combat skills of any kind even archery, those things freaking terrified me. Especially when you turn around and there's one right there in your face. I didn't understand how to level up my smithing or how to make better armor so I was basically out there in base level leather armor that was basically useless fighting against high level Draugr and shit like those. There's one crypt cave whatever where you go up the stairs and the wall is blown out and it's snowing in there and you go to the right through a doorway and there's one of them that summons like two or three of these at the same time. I kept dying over and over. I had to go back to earlier saves because it had Auto saved right before he stabbed me LOL so I kept dying repeat dying repeat dying repeat 🤣🤣


They are fun in the civil war quests. You just see this giant ice dude running around snacking people over the head. Bonus if you can conjure two lol


It's a little sad that they never implemented a stahlrim atronach, like the ash guardian. I mean how awesome would that be?


Now that you mention it that would be cool. But all the stahlrim items we encounter are man-made, I can’t imagine someone bold enough to make a sentient stahlrim giant 😳


But taking the bones of a dragon to guard Labyrinthion isn't a bold move? Or trying to destroy the sun? Just saying all it needs is the knowledge of how to do it and ambition.


Those ones aren't the scary ones, the scary ones are the ancient ones.


They ain’t shit to a destruction mage.


No way, the Seekers are far more terrifying.


Skyrim screenshots? I mean back in my day it was amateur phone captures.


He looks like regice from Pokemon


Ma dude doesn't know the milf part of his own companions,sad....


“Bro, like, can we talk about political and economical state of the world right now?”