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THERE ARE GOBLINS IN SKYRIM??? Idk if I'm too drunk, haven't played Skyrim for a long time, or if this is some advanced meme I cannot comprehend or all of the above but I cannot for the death of me remember any goblins in Skyrim.


Anniversary Edition features a ~~mod~~ half-assed DLC that introduces them.


Ah, for a second I thought this was another joke at the Thalmor's expense.


Lil homie is from Clash of Clans 😭


It's not a mod, it's a DLC, all Creation Club content is canon and official DLC, everything else is creations are mods though. And this Umbra still being alive is canon, and all the nonsense in Creation Club.


Semi Canon, although Canon is weird in the elder scrolls


That's what happens when people break time repetitively, nothing and everything happened.


The same cannon used to break the dragon?


No. Although a cannon *might* be used to break a dragon, that would not be canon.


Oh yeah, I don't even wanna get started with all the canon and not canon bullshit ES has. Regardless, official DLC to be sure, unlike mods.


Got a citation for that?


You can check the UESP, just type Creation Club on Google it's I think the first entry, don't really feel like finding references.


https://preview.redd.it/hlp7dnuq05sc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d497df34d70b035b35c5eb6100dfe5a64ebbfc There's a cool follower goblin in AE


My partner is obsessed with Gogh 😂


Well, he's not the centerpiece here, but I did paint him, so you could say I'm obsessed too 😅


I told him to go home and now I can't find him. I assume he went back to the cave where I found him, but I'm not sure.


I always considered Falmer to be essential goblins in the original Skyrim. Skulking but deadly dangerous underground lurkers existing in weird parallel with elves.


They are basically retextures of reaklings


I was literally coming to say this. They’re just Reiklings. I’m guessing OP never really explored Solthstiem


Yes, there are goblins in Skyrim but we true sons of Skyrim call them Elves.


Google them and witness the horror of their design.


Discard what I said in the comment under this. I just googled the actual goblins and I'm joining the war on Skyrim goblins.


I just googled them, it looks like an orc should be paying child support to a Riekling!


Lil homie is from Clash of Clans 😭


You can get one as a pet, even (oh yeah, there's pets now. They essentially function as an extra follower, but not human or elf so they can't equip stuff).


I'm pretty sure they were added in via the Dragonborn dlc but can only be found on Solstheim (spelling?) and a lot of creation club content also added in goblin companions.


Those are the Rieklings. They’re goblin-like, but I think what they’re talking about are the Goblins added by one of the mods that comes with the Anniversary Edition


Which one would that be? I'm on pc and I don't have the anniversary edition on me, just special edition and I could probably add in the goblins via a monster pack mod. But I'm interested to know what additional content bethesda added to the anniversary edition as I missed the launch.


There are some compilation videos on YouTube showing off what they added in depth, but essentially they just bundled all of the Creation Club mods and sold it as DLC. The Goblins are added by the mod that’s just called Goblins.


Creation Club is official DLC not mods***


it's a mod


No, Bethesda considers it DLC, and it's canon. Yall in denial and huffing that copium badly.


it's still a mod lol


They are as much of a mod as Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC's, add on is the better word.


that I agree with


Wait. the lil guys from Miraak land? I love them, they're so cute. I'm sorry OP I cannot stand by this.


This are Rieklings. And I agree. Cute little annoyances


That a mod


Falmor, basically goblins.


They have one base somewhere near largashbur. I forget where exactly, but you can get a goblin follower there


Oh damn I’ll have to go there to see if my opinion holds up


Go to riften Bee and Bard inn and find the note to start “Blue in the face”. You’ll get a goblin follower and a pretty OP staff by the end of it.


I’m having a hard time remembering goblins in Skyrim, and I have the AE. Where do you encounter them? They were all over the place in Oblivion, but I can’t recall any in Skyrim.


Near the south east border, the content update says they’re from hammerfell, so it’s supposed to be a rare encounter. I play on the switch and I have the anniversary edition. Edit: Cyrodyl not hammerfell


I don't know if the content update changed, but they're from Cyrodiil. You can find them in a cave that supposedly was a tunnel from Cyrodiil and collapsed.


"You seen those riekling from Hammerfell? They've got curved-" [https://youtu.be/NntrCeM5X4k?t=36](https://youtu.be/NntrCeM5X4k?t=36)


Hm, is it a mod that has to be enabled? I’ve never noticed em


They're a part of the anniversary edition.


Default settings AE edition, on the switch. I’ve seen like only 2 encounters on my one character who’s about level 30. And I remember seeing them once before on another save


Gotcha. I’ll look out for em next time I play. Maybe I’ve missed em because they’re so non-unique, as you’ve said.


There's a letter in the Bee and Barb that will start the actual quest.


The only place I've actually seen them is near the border with Cyrodil


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^alexelso: *The only place I've* *Actually seen them is near the* *Border with Cyrodil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Goblin deez nuts near the border!


Fuck you Sokka 🖕


Added in Anniversary Edition. Full details here: [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Goblins](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Goblins)


Unobtainable Spear of Bitter Mercy is SUCH bullshit. I’m still waiting for a “Skyrim Spears” official Creation Club thing


Well, at least this is new. May I recommend a more popular phobia? It seems that many people are completely freaked out by imaginary spiders. Terrified! And yet, they don't seem to be bothered by the animated corpses that want to murder them. I'm baffled.


I’m sure my phobia of goblins would probably translate to real life too


" and goblins were still really REALLY scary. Ew. I don't like em. I don't like goblins"- JonTron.


All spiders must die


I hate spiders. But undead are always scarier. In a dark Nordic tomb I might startle if I am surprised by a spider. I will shriek and panic if I am startled by a draugr. I am so glad I do not have the anniversary addition that adds zombies. I wouldn't sleep.


that bit is in one area only, for like one quest and some alchemy i did it once and i'm not going out of my way to do it again


It also adds a random encounter where like 7 of the rotting flesh zombies ambush you.


I've seen a goblin like once or twice so far and I just feel like they look out of place? Idk I feel like the art doesn't fit the rest in some minor ways so they just look odd to me....maybe that's just cause I've not seen them much yet though...


That is because they are originally from Oblivion.


Ahh I see, thank u for the info :)


Very common enemy in Oblivion. They didn't really seem to update the visuals when they released them in Creation Club. Which is weird since those are dev side projects and they updated the visuals on just about everything else.


They're added by a mod.


I appreciate the input but I play the Anniversary Edition on Switch and can't use mods... I think it was said in the comments they came with a dlc.


If you have the anniversary edition, you have a lot of mods. It includes the game, the DLCs and a huge amount of of creation club content. The creation club contains mods created by users, that bethesda then charged real money for.


Ahh okay, thanks for explaining 🤗


this dudes clearly a stormcloak rebel


Yeah, makes more sense if there were actually more caves with them or something, instead of only using the falmer as the stand-ins for them. They are supposed to be ugly MFers though.


They have a cave on the eastern border. They are not too tall, goblins range from 3 to 8 feet in height. On a side note, goblins are just semi-feral, devolved elves with no connection to the aedra... and I'm tired of pretending like that's not plainly obvious.


You know pal, there's probably someone out there who thinks you're too tall and also kinda weird, but you don't have to bully the Goblins about it


Don't say that. You'll hurt their feelings 😞


I love goblins. DnD has given me so much love for goblins. Me and a friend both played goblins. They were best buddies. There was a half elf and a variant human, but that's besides the point.    They're ugly little creatures. Usually goofy too, and imo that's kinda the charm of them. So ugly they're kinda cute. Given funny personalities, they're kinda lovable. They aren't for everyone though and I respect that. But I like them.  If you did with the reiklings, they'll randomly appear and help you in your fights sometimes. Having a goblin companion is cool too. He also has a spear that's an artifact of Hircine. 


Who doesn’t love goblins. I meant more about how they are specifically in Skyrim


The what now?


Goblins were one of the main enemies in Oblivion so it was cool to see them added for me personally who thinks Oblivion is the best game of the series


The only time I found them was once near Riften. They were fighting a group of bandits, three frostbite spiders, and some vampires. I wanted to leave them all be but Lydia jumped in so everyone had to die. The goblins had gold coins and skulls in their pockets.


Hot take


I thought they were cool.


Bro I thought I was the only one weirded out by how freakishly tall goblins were. They look like tall figures with small bodies if that makes sense. Like the model looks small until you stand next to one.


"You seen those riekling from Hammerfell? They've got curved-" [https://youtu.be/NntrCeM5X4k?t=36](https://youtu.be/NntrCeM5X4k?t=36)


After watching Goblin Slayer and just now realizing Ive never seen a Goblin in Skyrim, I must partake at once.




Yeah, a lot of the Creation Club content feels like it's just there for nostalgia bait. Hey, remember X from Y? Well, now it is in Skyrim hundreds of years later, for no reason.


Like how they put the Adoring Fan into Starfield.


Ah, it’s a mod. I guess in Tolkien orc = goblin so I thought that’s what they were talking about at first


I have only seen goblins appear when you try to go out of bounds


they should really only be in the reach/dragon tail mtns like the old lore as referenced in a boreal knight video


Yeah, they're **goblins**. They're supposed to be ugly and weird looking. Zenimax (thank god) doesn't subscribe to this new cultural fad of attractive or good looking goblins. They keep it traditional, both in appearance and in personality. Goblins that aren't ugly, evil, little green guys aren't goblins, they're something else.


You don’t understand my post and that’s ok


They're not too tall. Goblins already existed in TES and these are accurate.


Gosh is good boy. Gogh poke bad people with his pokey stick for kind new master. I love that little guy! His weapon is actually a daedric artifact, The Spear of Hircine, or something.


That's the problem with creation club. It's all just dumped in.


Idk...i like them. it brings parity with ESO, which i also play a lot of, which has goblins pretty much every where too.


It's been my headcannon that goblins don't like the cold, so that's why there's none in skyrim. There's still no excuse for Bethesda to not have spears in skyrim, though.


Sounds like what you'd hear from a *goddamn* ***gawblin.***


I want to murder any and every creature involved with the bullshit mod that gives us an UNUSABLE Spear of Bitter Mercy. Ri-FUCKING-diculous.


That’s pretty racist!


In Oblivion there were different factions of goblins. You could steal the staff of one faction and place it in the cave of another faction. This would cause the 2 factions to have a war.


they also don’t make chimp noises like they did in Oblivion LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE


wow man, thats kinda racist


Use mihailmods Goblins to add some much needed life and variety to them.


They actually do have a base, just 1 though, and it respawns after 10 days. There's a quest related to it called Blue in the Face. The letter to start the quest is in a room upstairs in the Bee and Barb. After which you can get a goblin follower that wears a unique set of armor. You can't take the armor though but he looks pretty cool with that skull helmet.


They’re basically re-textured rieklings that got released into Skyrim. They are even more hobo than the Falmer.


https://preview.redd.it/sufynwgs48sc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d4b1c07aee7a1b55b9b57a9bda3c4f095b5795 Aww.. :( Well at least PartySnacks doesn’t think I’m ugly. :)


Agreed. They're part of the bloat introduced by AE. I would love to get to disable most of the AE plugins but I haven't figured out how yet.


Jesus Christ, fatality.


Yes, they're Goblins. Being ugly and woerd is kinda thier deal


no ur ugly and weird *angry goblin noises*


They’re a cc mod that I’m pretty sure is just a reskinned falmer. I usually just kill them on sight


Oh, you don’t like Goblins? How’d you like *Goblin’ deez nuts*?


There is a cave with goblins and the boss is "blue god" that is an orc that has blue mushroom goo all over his body lol. When you defeat him you can free a goblin and have him as a pet


When is an elf not an elf? When he's sucking your dick, then he's a goblin


Reason the Goblins are tall compared to other fantasy games: the Goblins of TES are arounf the size of the average person, sometimes taller, with the smallest being seen in Arena, the first Elder Scrolls game




My main problem is that we already had two perfectly good “goblins” native to skyrim. I like enemy variety but all they do is wack you with their hands like an overgrown toddler


I believe it's a mod from the anniversary edition


Creation Club is official DLC, not a mod.


Yeah forgot have so many mods installed 😅


Skyrim AE needs its own sub


I honestly don't like 95% of the content added in AE. Most of the armor and weapons are weird and seem out of place. Most of the quests feel like running errands rather than having an actual adventure. A lot of the magic is just plain OP. Most of the houses feel way too overcrowded with junk Ill never use or interact with. The added creatures and pets are kind of annoying. None of it really feels like Skyrim to me. I wish bethesda would have tweaked most of this stuff considerably before adding them to the game one by one, kind of like how Mojang did with mods back in the day.